Dylan Thomas reads "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"
A reading of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.
The poem in full:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dyi...
published: 07 Jul 2011
Better Oblivion Community Center - Dylan Thomas
Directed by Michelle Zauner
Produced by Bennett Elliott
Director of Photography - Adam Kolodny
Edited by Robert Kolodny, House of Nod
Gaffer - David Williamson
Key Grip - Cassio Mairscotti
Assistant Camera - Joe McNairy
Production Designer - Evaline Huang
Prop Stylist - Lu Shin
Art Assistant - Javier del Rio
Wardrobe Designer - Abigail Keever
Hair & Makeup - Jenna Nelson
Production Assistants - Fernando Lopez, Dustin Liu, Brian Walsh
published: 29 Jan 2019
Dylan on Dylan (Dylan Thomas documentary)
Dylan Thomas documentary.
published: 21 Feb 2017
Dylan Thomas performs ‘Like A Rolling Stone’ - The Voice UK 2016: Blind Auditions 5
Programme website: http://bbc.in/1OO6ZSy 18-year-old Dylan, named after Bob, is hoping to live up to his heroes Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
Download The Voice UK App now and be a HomeCoach
Android: http://bit.ly/1BhBSw0
iOS: http://bit.ly/1DT9BeK
published: 06 Feb 2016
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas (read by Sir Anthony Hopkins)
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas
Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
The night above the dingle starry,
Time let me hail and climb
Golden in the heydays of his eyes,
And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Trail with daisies and barley
Down the rivers of the windfall light.
And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns
About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,
In the sun that is young once only,
Time let me play and be
Golden in the mercy of his means,
And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves
Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and col...
published: 12 Oct 2019
Better Oblivion Community Center - Dylan Thomas (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG presents Better Oblivion Community Center performing "Dylan Thomas" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded March 17, 2019.
Host: Cheryl Waters
Audio Engineers: Julian Martlew & Andy D. Park
Audio Mixer: Andy D. Park
Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Alaia D'Alessandro & Justin Wilmore
Editor: Jim Beckmann
published: 22 Jun 2019
Dylan Thomas reads "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"
A reading of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.
The poem in full:
Do not go gentle into that good...
A reading of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.
The poem in full:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
A reading of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas.
The poem in full:
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 2011181
Better Oblivion Community Center - Dylan Thomas
Directed by Michelle Zauner
Produced by Bennett Elliott
Director of Photography - Adam Kolodny
Edited by Robert Kolodny, House of Nod
Gaffer - David Williamson
Directed by Michelle Zauner
Produced by Bennett Elliott
Director of Photography - Adam Kolodny
Edited by Robert Kolodny, House of Nod
Gaffer - David Williamson
Key Grip - Cassio Mairscotti
Assistant Camera - Joe McNairy
Production Designer - Evaline Huang
Prop Stylist - Lu Shin
Art Assistant - Javier del Rio
Wardrobe Designer - Abigail Keever
Hair & Makeup - Jenna Nelson
Production Assistants - Fernando Lopez, Dustin Liu, Brian Walsh
Directed by Michelle Zauner
Produced by Bennett Elliott
Director of Photography - Adam Kolodny
Edited by Robert Kolodny, House of Nod
Gaffer - David Williamson
Key Grip - Cassio Mairscotti
Assistant Camera - Joe McNairy
Production Designer - Evaline Huang
Prop Stylist - Lu Shin
Art Assistant - Javier del Rio
Wardrobe Designer - Abigail Keever
Hair & Makeup - Jenna Nelson
Production Assistants - Fernando Lopez, Dustin Liu, Brian Walsh
- published: 29 Jan 2019
- views: 585314
Dylan Thomas performs ‘Like A Rolling Stone’ - The Voice UK 2016: Blind Auditions 5
Programme website: http://bbc.in/1OO6ZSy 18-year-old Dylan, named after Bob, is hoping to live up to his heroes Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
Download The Voice ...
Programme website: http://bbc.in/1OO6ZSy 18-year-old Dylan, named after Bob, is hoping to live up to his heroes Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
Download The Voice UK App now and be a HomeCoach
Android: http://bit.ly/1BhBSw0
iOS: http://bit.ly/1DT9BeK
Programme website: http://bbc.in/1OO6ZSy 18-year-old Dylan, named after Bob, is hoping to live up to his heroes Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
Download The Voice UK App now and be a HomeCoach
Android: http://bit.ly/1BhBSw0
iOS: http://bit.ly/1DT9BeK
- published: 06 Feb 2016
- views: 428552
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas (read by Sir Anthony Hopkins)
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas
Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
The night above t...
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas
Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
The night above the dingle starry,
Time let me hail and climb
Golden in the heydays of his eyes,
And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Trail with daisies and barley
Down the rivers of the windfall light.
And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns
About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,
In the sun that is young once only,
Time let me play and be
Golden in the mercy of his means,
And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves
Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,
And the sabbath rang slowly
In the pebbles of the holy streams.
All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air
And playing, lovely and watery
And fire green as grass.
And nightly under the simple stars
As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,
All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars
Flying with the ricks, and the horses
Flashing into the dark.
And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white
With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all
Shining, it was Adam and maiden,
The sky gathered again
And the sun grew round that very day.
So it must have been after the birth of the simple light
In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm
Out of the whinnying green stable
On to the fields of praise.
And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house
Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,
In the sun born over and over,
I ran my heedless ways,
My wishes raced through the house high hay
And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows
In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs
Before the children green and golden
Follow him out of grace,
Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me
Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,
In the moon that is always rising,
Nor that riding to sleep
I should hear him fly with the high fields
And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.
Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea.
Páfránydomb - Nagy László fordítása
Még ifjú voltam, könnyed szív az almafák tövén,
Daloló ház körül vidám, ha már zöldellt a fű,
S a völgybe lógtak csillag-éjek.
Fölhágnom aranylón
Hagyott az idő, a sugár-szemű,
Szekéren almavárosok hercege voltam én,
S mint hadvezér dicsőn vezényeltem egy szép napon
A lombot, árpát, százszorszépet
Tova a széllel-ömlő fény-folyón.
Még zöld vagyok, a gondtól száz, csűrök közt hírhedett,
Éneklek boldog udvaron, s major az otthonom.
Az egyetlenszer ifjú napban
A nagyirgalmú sors
Aranylón élni engedett.
Én zöld vadász, arany gulyás, tinóm riogatom,
Kürtömtől hegyi róka-had hidegen fölcsahol, s:
a szent folyón az ünnep lassan
Tovavonul csörgetve kövecset.
A nappal csupa futkosás s pozsgás derű, a rét
Boglyai mint a ház, a kémény-zene gyönyörű,
És játék, csupa lucskos harmat,
És tűz, zöld mint a fű,
És esténként jámbor csillagok,
S míg hazahajtok, a majort a bagoly hordja szét,
Látom a holdon át: lappantyú száll, az éj-sűrű
Kazal repül, s paripa hajzat
villámként felragyog.
Fehér az ébredés, a major harmat-ragyogó,
Vándorként megtér, hars kakast hoz válla tűzfalán,
Fénykertben Ádám s szűze trónol,
Az égbolt újra egy,
Épp most kerekült ki a napgolyó,
A fény hajdani születése így történt talán.
Forog a tér s meleg patásan fénymezőkre megy
Nyihogó smaragd istállóból
Megbűvölten a ló.
Boldog vagyok, fácánok, rókák pázsitán dicső
Vadonatúj felhők közén a szív tágul s virul,
A folyton megszülető napban
Futkosok oktalan,
Füvek fölött ábránd hajt magasan,
Azúr munkámnak élek, s nem fáj, hogy zeng az idő,
Fordul sokat s keveset ád s a gyermek majd kihull
Irgalmából, dalolva lassan,
Zölden, aranyosan.
Nem bántam én, hogy az idő, a báránykafehér
Napokból kezem árnyát fogva fecske-mennybe von,
A hatalmasra növő holdba,
s hogy míg hazafelé
Hajtok: hallom, a föld, s idő elrepül,
S rávirradok: örökre eltűnt gyermek és major.
Ó, ifjú voltam, áldott szív, s az idő végzetül
Megtartott zölden s haldokolva,
Mert láncban is tengerként zengtem én!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyHopkinsArt/
Twitter: @AnthonyHopkins
Instagram: @anthonyhopkins
"Fern Hill" by Dylan Thomas
Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
The night above the dingle starry,
Time let me hail and climb
Golden in the heydays of his eyes,
And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Trail with daisies and barley
Down the rivers of the windfall light.
And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns
About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,
In the sun that is young once only,
Time let me play and be
Golden in the mercy of his means,
And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves
Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,
And the sabbath rang slowly
In the pebbles of the holy streams.
All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay
Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air
And playing, lovely and watery
And fire green as grass.
And nightly under the simple stars
As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away,
All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars
Flying with the ricks, and the horses
Flashing into the dark.
And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white
With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all
Shining, it was Adam and maiden,
The sky gathered again
And the sun grew round that very day.
So it must have been after the birth of the simple light
In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm
Out of the whinnying green stable
On to the fields of praise.
And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house
Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,
In the sun born over and over,
I ran my heedless ways,
My wishes raced through the house high hay
And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows
In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs
Before the children green and golden
Follow him out of grace,
Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me
Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,
In the moon that is always rising,
Nor that riding to sleep
I should hear him fly with the high fields
And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.
Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea.
Páfránydomb - Nagy László fordítása
Még ifjú voltam, könnyed szív az almafák tövén,
Daloló ház körül vidám, ha már zöldellt a fű,
S a völgybe lógtak csillag-éjek.
Fölhágnom aranylón
Hagyott az idő, a sugár-szemű,
Szekéren almavárosok hercege voltam én,
S mint hadvezér dicsőn vezényeltem egy szép napon
A lombot, árpát, százszorszépet
Tova a széllel-ömlő fény-folyón.
Még zöld vagyok, a gondtól száz, csűrök közt hírhedett,
Éneklek boldog udvaron, s major az otthonom.
Az egyetlenszer ifjú napban
A nagyirgalmú sors
Aranylón élni engedett.
Én zöld vadász, arany gulyás, tinóm riogatom,
Kürtömtől hegyi róka-had hidegen fölcsahol, s:
a szent folyón az ünnep lassan
Tovavonul csörgetve kövecset.
A nappal csupa futkosás s pozsgás derű, a rét
Boglyai mint a ház, a kémény-zene gyönyörű,
És játék, csupa lucskos harmat,
És tűz, zöld mint a fű,
És esténként jámbor csillagok,
S míg hazahajtok, a majort a bagoly hordja szét,
Látom a holdon át: lappantyú száll, az éj-sűrű
Kazal repül, s paripa hajzat
villámként felragyog.
Fehér az ébredés, a major harmat-ragyogó,
Vándorként megtér, hars kakast hoz válla tűzfalán,
Fénykertben Ádám s szűze trónol,
Az égbolt újra egy,
Épp most kerekült ki a napgolyó,
A fény hajdani születése így történt talán.
Forog a tér s meleg patásan fénymezőkre megy
Nyihogó smaragd istállóból
Megbűvölten a ló.
Boldog vagyok, fácánok, rókák pázsitán dicső
Vadonatúj felhők közén a szív tágul s virul,
A folyton megszülető napban
Futkosok oktalan,
Füvek fölött ábránd hajt magasan,
Azúr munkámnak élek, s nem fáj, hogy zeng az idő,
Fordul sokat s keveset ád s a gyermek majd kihull
Irgalmából, dalolva lassan,
Zölden, aranyosan.
Nem bántam én, hogy az idő, a báránykafehér
Napokból kezem árnyát fogva fecske-mennybe von,
A hatalmasra növő holdba,
s hogy míg hazafelé
Hajtok: hallom, a föld, s idő elrepül,
S rávirradok: örökre eltűnt gyermek és major.
Ó, ifjú voltam, áldott szív, s az idő végzetül
Megtartott zölden s haldokolva,
Mert láncban is tengerként zengtem én!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnthonyHopkinsArt/
Twitter: @AnthonyHopkins
Instagram: @anthonyhopkins
- published: 12 Oct 2019
- views: 3644
Better Oblivion Community Center - Dylan Thomas (Live on KEXP)
http://KEXP.ORG presents Better Oblivion Community Center performing "Dylan Thomas" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded March 17, 2019.
Host: Cheryl Waters
http://KEXP.ORG presents Better Oblivion Community Center performing "Dylan Thomas" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded March 17, 2019.
Host: Cheryl Waters
Audio Engineers: Julian Martlew & Andy D. Park
Audio Mixer: Andy D. Park
Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Alaia D'Alessandro & Justin Wilmore
Editor: Jim Beckmann
http://KEXP.ORG presents Better Oblivion Community Center performing "Dylan Thomas" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded March 17, 2019.
Host: Cheryl Waters
Audio Engineers: Julian Martlew & Andy D. Park
Audio Mixer: Andy D. Park
Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Alaia D'Alessandro & Justin Wilmore
Editor: Jim Beckmann
- published: 22 Jun 2019
- views: 55559