- published: 23 May 2023
- views: 14275
Võhma (German: Wöchma) is a town and municipality in central Estonia, in Viljandi County. It has a population of 1411 (as of 1 January 2010).
The settlement dates to the sixteenth century. It began to grow when a railway station was opened in 1899. Võhma was named a borough in 1945 and a town in 1993. In the period from 1928 to 1996 it was largely known for its slaughterhouse. The closure of the slaughterhouse caused a spike in unemployment, but the town has somewhat rebounded since then.
Võhma town hall
Võhma town hall
Võhma railway station
Võhma railway station
Former Võhma meat processing plant
Former Võhma meat processing plant
Coordinates: 58°37′59″N 25°33′00″E / 58.633°N 25.550°E / 58.633; 25.550
Võhma is a village in Mustjala Parish, Saare County, Estonia. It is located on the northern coast of Saaremaa, the largest island in Estonia. The village has a population of 148 (as of 1 January 2000).
Võhma is a site of an ancient Oeselian stronghold from the Viking Age.
Overgrown walls of ancient stronghold.
Overgrown walls of ancient stronghold.
Võhma may refer to several places in Estonia:
See on seitsmes linn Eestis, mille kõik tänavad ma läbi jooksen. Kui hästi ma sellega hakkama saan ja mis muud huvitavat juhtub näete juba selles videos. // This is 7th city of me running through every Estonian ciry streets. How well I can do it today and what else interesting happens you can see in this video. JÄLGI MIND: // FOLLOW ME: IG: https://www.instagram.com/impzs/ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@impzs See video on filmitud Sony ZV-1 // This video is filmed with Sony ZV-1 https://www.photopoint.ee/kaamerad/1669097-sony-zv-1
Ühel heal päeval tekkis Õhtulehe toimetuses vaidlus, millisesse Eesti linna inimesed kohe sugugi ei satu. Järgnes veebiküsitlus, millele vastas rohkem inimesi, kui nii mõneski väikelinnas elanikke – 1756. Nüüd ongi au esitleda: TOP 15 kõige tundmatumat Eesti väikelinna. Koht nr 6 – Võhma Seekord väisame Põhja-Viljandimaal laiuvat Võhmat, kus elanikud vastavad saatuselöökidele nalja ja armastusega. Võhma õitseng on seotud liikluse ja kaubandusega. Möödunud sajandil peeti seda oluliseks teepunktiks, mis Põhja-Eestit ühendas Lõuna-Eesti ja sealt edasi ka lõunanaabritega. Linna enda tähtsus seisnes lihakombinaadis, mis toitis nii kodulinlasi kui ka kaugemaid asukaid. Jälgi Õhtulehe ajakirjanike, video- ja fotograafide tegemisi ka sotsiaalmeedias: FB: https://www.facebook.com/Ohtuleht/ In...
Music: Party Favor & Dillon Francis - Shut It Down
Eesti liha.
Nagu alati visake LIKE ja Subscribege kui video meeldis! Minu isiklik veebipood http://www.digiplay.ee Eile sai reisitud tiba Tallinnast kaugemale otse Võhmasse kuhu mind oli kutsutud loengut andma noortele sotsiaalmeedia kohta :) Kuidas alustada oma kanaliga, mida teha ja mida mitte ning kuidas tegeleda nn küberkiusamisega. Lõpetuseks veel pelasin nata Agario-t ja jagasin tasuta nänni õpilastele :) igati tore üritus oli! Tänud kutsumast :) FÄNNISÄRGID MÜÜGIS - 15,90€ http://digiplay.ee/index.php?id_category=32&controller;=category http://www.youtube.com/HDTanel http://bit.ly/HDTanelSubscribe
Track: Infraction- Phonk Phonk Music provided by Infraction No Copyright Music Spotify: https://bit.ly/3EFn5lx
Praise Chapel took a road trip to join the local church in Vohma in a Baptism Service.
Võhma (German: Wöchma) is a town and municipality in central Estonia, in Viljandi County. It has a population of 1411 (as of 1 January 2010).
The settlement dates to the sixteenth century. It began to grow when a railway station was opened in 1899. Võhma was named a borough in 1945 and a town in 1993. In the period from 1928 to 1996 it was largely known for its slaughterhouse. The closure of the slaughterhouse caused a spike in unemployment, but the town has somewhat rebounded since then.
Võhma town hall
Võhma town hall
Võhma railway station
Võhma railway station
Former Võhma meat processing plant
Former Võhma meat processing plant
Coordinates: 58°37′59″N 25°33′00″E / 58.633°N 25.550°E / 58.633; 25.550
Non ho bisogno più di niente
Adesso che
Mi illumini dÂ’amore immenso fuori e dentro
Credimi se puoi
Credimi se vuoi
Credimi e vedrai non finirà mai
Ho desideri scritti in alto che volano
Ogni pensiero è indipendente dal mio corpo
Credimi se puoi
credimi perché
farei del male solo e ancora a me
Qui grandi spazi e poi noi
Cieli aperti che ormai
Non si chiudono più
C’è bisogno di vivere da qui
Vivimi senza paura
Che sia una vita o che sia unÂ’ora
Non lasciare libero o disperso
Questo mio spazio adesso aperto ti prego
Vivimi senza vergogna
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso
E Ascolta quello che ho qui dentro
Così diventi un grande quadro che dentro me
Ricopre una parete bianca un poÂ’ anche stanca
Credimi se puoi
Credimi perché
Farei del male solo e ancora a me
Qui tra le cose che ho
Ho qualcosa di più
Che non ho avuto mai
Hai bisogno di vivermi di più
Vivimi senza paura
Che sia una vita o che sia unÂ’ora
Non lasciare libero o disperso
Questo mio spazio adesso aperto, ti prego
Vivimi senza vergogna
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso
E ascolta quello che ho qui dentro
Hai aperto in me
La fantasia
Le attese i giorni di unÂ’illimitata gioia
Hai preso me
Sei la regia
Mi inquadri e poi mi sposti in base alla tua idea
Vivimi senza paura
Anche se hai tutto il mondo contro
Lascia lÂ’apparenza e prendi il senso