Welcome to Slovakia - S01E01 - End of Slovak Economy (Full HD)
End of Slovak Economy This is a town of Velky Krtis in Slovakia European Union... In our d...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: ozFreeChoice
Welcome to Slovakia - S01E01 - End of Slovak Economy (Full HD)
Welcome to Slovakia - S01E01 - End of Slovak Economy (Full HD)
End of Slovak Economy This is a town of Velky Krtis in Slovakia European Union... In our district the Unemployment rate is over 30% and the Sheep voted for a...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 211
- author: ozFreeChoice
Country Facts Slovakia 2011
Facts of Slovak economy dedicated to all investors in CEE countries presented by Erste Gro...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: ErsteGroupBankAG
Country Facts Slovakia 2011
Country Facts Slovakia 2011
Facts of Slovak economy dedicated to all investors in CEE countries presented by Erste Group on CNBC.- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 260
- author: ErsteGroupBankAG
Slovakia invests in Kenya
Slovakia's ambassador to Kenya Michal Mlynar says that his country will start a plastic re...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: KTN Kenya
Slovakia invests in Kenya
Slovakia invests in Kenya
Slovakia's ambassador to Kenya Michal Mlynar says that his country will start a plastic recycling plant in Kisumu County to help revive the Nyanza Regions ec...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 525
- author: KTN Kenya
Welcome to Slovakia S01E04 - End of Slovak Economy
End of Slovak Economy This is a town of Velky Krtis in Slovakia European Union... In our d...
published: 08 Mar 2013
author: ozFreeChoice
Welcome to Slovakia S01E04 - End of Slovak Economy
Welcome to Slovakia S01E04 - End of Slovak Economy
End of Slovak Economy This is a town of Velky Krtis in Slovakia European Union... In our district the Unemployment rate is over 30% and the Sheep voted for a...- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 350
- author: ozFreeChoice
International Economic Alliance: Slovakia Prime Minister Iveta Radičová
Global Investment Symposium is an annual forum hosted by the International Economic Allian...
published: 16 Aug 2012
author: iealliance
International Economic Alliance: Slovakia Prime Minister Iveta Radičová
International Economic Alliance: Slovakia Prime Minister Iveta Radičová
Global Investment Symposium is an annual forum hosted by the International Economic Alliance at the Harvard Club of NYC, during the United Nations General As...- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 131
- author: iealliance
What was Slovakia economy reaction to crisis?
published: 29 Jun 2010
author: italoblogvideo
What was Slovakia economy reaction to crisis?
What was Slovakia economy reaction to crisis?
- published: 29 Jun 2010
- views: 96
- author: italoblogvideo
Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovakia
Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovakia It would appear that this little country in Europe holds the ...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: marketclub
Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovakia
Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovakia
Slovakia, Slovakia, Slovakia It would appear that this little country in Europe holds the key to either economic disaster or economic enslavement. The entire...- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 92
- author: marketclub
Slovak Economy - A Seemingly Stable Island
An overview of the Slovakian economy and the nations recent transition to the Euro from Br...
published: 09 Apr 2009
author: Casey Jones
Slovak Economy - A Seemingly Stable Island
Slovak Economy - A Seemingly Stable Island
An overview of the Slovakian economy and the nations recent transition to the Euro from Bratislava.- published: 09 Apr 2009
- views: 299
- author: Casey Jones
Do you think that the political changes in Slovakia will have a positive effect on economy?
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: italoblogvideo
Do you think that the political changes in Slovakia will have a positive effect on economy?
Do you think that the political changes in Slovakia will have a positive effect on economy?
- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 81
- author: italoblogvideo
Roma of Slovakia: An Economic Situation Set to Explode
With the Roma population growing in size and dependence on social welfare what are the imp...
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: P3StrategiesInc
Roma of Slovakia: An Economic Situation Set to Explode
Roma of Slovakia: An Economic Situation Set to Explode
With the Roma population growing in size and dependence on social welfare what are the implications for Slovakia and the Roma? Kellee shares what she has lea...- published: 05 Jun 2011
- views: 76
- author: P3StrategiesInc
A selection of video scenes from my new home (I moved here from New Zealand in 2011). It's...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: bored1980
A selection of video scenes from my new home (I moved here from New Zealand in 2011). It's an interesting and fascinating place, with 5 million friendly peop...- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 2069
- author: bored1980
published: 12 Nov 2012
author: TNS.Slovakia Slovakia
COMMITMENT ECONOMY.- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 41
- author: TNS.Slovakia Slovakia
Real Estate, Politics, and the Michigan Economy
Ambassador Ronald Weiser, BBA '66, has achieved success in both business and politics. He ...
published: 16 May 2011
Real Estate, Politics, and the Michigan Economy
Real Estate, Politics, and the Michigan Economy
Ambassador Ronald Weiser, BBA '66, has achieved success in both business and politics. He founded real estate investment firm McKinley Associates, which now ...- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 109
- author: The Ross School of Business - University of Michigan
Vimeo results:
Dominik Nekolny - Rubena Promo
Rubena xDOMx plášť
Plášť je jednou z nejdůležitějších komponent kola. Již od mých raných p...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Dominik Nekolny
Dominik Nekolny - Rubena Promo
Rubena xDOMx plášť
Plášť je jednou z nejdůležitějších komponent kola. Již od mých raných počátků jsem si vždycky přál vyrobit plášť přesně dle mých představ a požadavků. Tento sen se mi splnil o 10 let později na počátku roku 2012, když mě kontaktovala společnost Rubena a.s. se zájmem o spolupráci na výrobě mého signature pláště. Při návrhu bylo pro mě důležité několik parametrů. Nejdůležitějších z nich byla samozřejmě adheze pláště, kterou se nám podařilo udělat naprosto skvělou a je přesně na hranici vynikající adheze a přitom dobré životnosti pláště, který se sjíždí stejnoměrně. Neméně důležitým parametrem byl design – chtěl jsem, aby plášť nenesl pouze mé jméno, ale i něco co mě vystihuje, což se myslím povedlo velice dobře. Pláště se budou vyrábět ve dvou provedeních: Elite s ohebnou kevlarovou konstrukcí a celkovou váhou pláště úchvatných 280g. A dále v provedení Economy s neohebnou ocelovou konstrukcí a celkovou váhou pláště 460g a nižší cenou. Všechny pláště jsou vyráběny v České republice!
Vzniklý plášť má velmi povedený design, skvělou adhezi a rozumnou cenu - vše co od TOP pláště očekáváte!
xDOMx Elite level
Barva: černá
Velikost: 20“
Šířka: 1.6 (44mm)
TPI: 127
Konstrukce: Racing Pro
Váha: 280g
Výroba: v České republice
xDOMx Economy level
Barva: černá
Velikost: 20“
Šířka: 1.6 (44mm)
TPI: 127
Konstrukce: Classic
Váha: 460g
Made: in Czech republic
K dostání:
DOMshop.dominiknekolny.com – Celosvětově, Česká republika, Slovensko, Evropa
Bloodyshins.com – Německo
Rubena xDOMx tire
Tire is one of the most important components of your bike. Since my early beginnings, I have always wanted to make tire exactly according to my wishes and requirements. This dream come true 10 years later in early 2012, when Rubena a.s. contacted me with offer of cooperation on producing my signature tire. When I was designing my tire, there were several parameters which were important for me. The most important parameter was of course the adhesion of tire, which we managed to do absolutely great and is exactly on the border of excellent adhesion, yet good lifetime. The tire is ridden down evenly. Equally important parameter was design – I wanted the tire did not carry my name only, but also something that describes me – I think we succeeded pretty well here. Tires will be produced in two versions: version “Elite” with foldable Kevlar construction and the overall weight of stunning 280g. A further version is “Economy” with non-foldable construction and overall weight 460g and lower price. All tires are made in Czech Republic.
In the end there is a tire with very nice design, with the best adhesion a very good price - all you need from the TOP tire!
xDOMx Elite level
Color: black
Size: 20“
Width: 1.6 (44mm)
TPI: 127
Construction: Racing Pro
Weight: 280g
xDOMx Economy level
Color: black
Size: 20“
Width: 1.6 (44mm)
TPI: 127
Construction: Classic
Weight: 460g
Rubena xDOMx tire will be available next weekend at BMX Worlds in Cologne! You will be able to buy it close to Flatland area at Bloodyshins shop!
Worldwide, Czech republic, Slovakia, Europe
Update 04.04.12 -Essensiell info om den nært forestående globale massearrestasjonen samt om rensen&restarten; av finanssystemet
På forespørsel har jeg spillt inn denne bloggen pga at folk ønsker informasjon om det som ...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: Roger Larsen
Update 04.04.12 -Essensiell info om den nært forestående globale massearrestasjonen samt om rensen&restarten; av finanssystemet
På forespørsel har jeg spillt inn denne bloggen pga at folk ønsker informasjon om det som nå skjer, på norsk.
Så her har du dettte og som er en oppsummering av "landskapet" pr. 4 april 2012.
Essensiell info om den nært forestående globale massearrestasjonen av bank/finans/politiske ledere samt ledere for diverse nasjonale & internasjonale selskaper.
Dette inkluderer diverse folk som man såkallt kaller for globalister. Du vil også finne ut at jurister og andre autoriteter vil også bli rammet av dette, pga hvordan
og på hvilken måte de har utøvd sin proffesjon.
UPDATE 23.04.12
Definitely something is going on now!!
Posted on April 23, 2012 by LT
This is not a drill – the Russian Stock Market has closed indefinitely, and reports are that the Russian Government has declared it an Emergency. In other news, the entire cabinet of The Netherlands resigned this morning because they could not come to an accord over budget and austerity issues…
4 timers intervju med Drake fra den 22. april hvor han svarer på mange spørsmål og informerer videre hva som er på trappene. Tidsperioden (gitt 8 april ) for når massearrestasjonen vil finne sted holdes fortsatt som korrekt ( altså innen 30 - 45 dager fra og med den
8nde april )
Det gjentas også at all gjeld vil strykes ut og settes i null.
Vi skal fra et gjeldsbasert system til et autentisk og reelt verdisystem. Island har allerede nullet ut sine boliglån for sine borgere og gjelden som skyldes bankene betales ikke, da dette er gjeld som er basert
på svindel.
2012-04-22 Drake on Wolf Spirit Radio more new info UNEDITED
Et viktig momentum og huske på.
Når friheten NÅ VIRKELIG blir en virkelig realitet,..så medfølger
også ansvaret. Er du som borger voksen nok til å håndtere ekte frihet, slik man nå har ønsket i lang lang tid??
Hør det nyeste intervjuet med Drake ( fra 22 april.. og varer 4 timer )
Jeg har har hørt borti 3 av dem nå.
Masse info om prosessen som foregår og som er på vei. Vi skal gå fra gjeldsbasert økonomi til verdibasert økonomi. Ingen boliglån og prisene vil bli nedjustert slik at det blir levelig for alle. Mye vil bli omfordelt og masse masse mer vil skje og er på vei.
Når vi går fra det ene finansystsmet til det andre,..så vil økonomien ligge brakk en kort kort periode. Med hva og hvordan handel og veksel etc vil foregå blir faktisk litt opp til folket selv.
Massearrestasjonen ligger fortsatt innen tidsperspektivet som ble gitt 8nde mai. Altså innen 30 - 45 dager.
For mange som ikke har våknet helt ordenlig opp.. og sikkert for en del andre også,..så vil et liv forankret i en helt annen frihet være ganske så uvant å kjenne på.
Men som Drake sier.
Mye vil bli infomert om via TV og nettet, når massearrestasjonene finner / har funnet sted...slik at ALLE skal få med seg alt som har skjedd, hvorfor det skjedd og hva som vil skje videre.
I tillegg vil de som leder denne prosessen i en kort periode være de som leder an, men dette vil så blir overlevert til folket selv,..og da kan jeg bare be dere om å se til ISLAND i forhold til hvordan de valgte å gjøre det.
Utdannelsessystemet,..også det som har med økonomi å gjøre vil endres. Dette fordi at mye av dagens økonomilæring og lederskap har forankring i gjeldsbasert og kabalbasert økonomitankementalitet.
Den skal helt fjernes bort.
Ny update fra Ben Fulford som forteller at den desperate kabalen nå forsøker stjele gull da deres luftpenger ikke lenger er mulig å benytte. De er desperate.
Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits”
Breaking News: Dutch PM and Government To Resign
Well, we’ve certainly been hearing that many of the leaders and governments we currently have will not necessarily be calling the shots for too much longer…
Dutch broadcaster RTL has just reported that the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, will offer his and his cabinet’s resignation to the country’s monarch, Queen Beatrix, today.
Several papers around the world are reporting this as well, although exact details are thin as the story is just breaking – and the Dutch PM is yet to make an official announcement.
The Netherlands was thrust into political crisis over the weekend when seven weeks of austerity negotiations collapsed.
From Mish: European Splintering Escalates: Dutch Government Falls; Slovakia Government Collapsed in March; Czech Governme
Sustainable Practice: Artists Defining a New Model, a panel discussion
Panelists: Jeff Hnilicka, FEAST; Caroll Taveras; Carol Taveras Studio; Francisca Caporali...
published: 22 May 2009
author: NYFA
Sustainable Practice: Artists Defining a New Model, a panel discussion
Panelists: Jeff Hnilicka, FEAST; Caroll Taveras; Carol Taveras Studio; Francisca Caporali, Artist
and curator; Joshua Smith and Denise Kupferschmidt, co-founders of Apartment Show with moderator Suzan Sherman, NYFA
Description: This panel discussion aims to identify ways in which artists can navigate, and possibly re-position themselves and their practice during this changing economy. The question of “what’s next?” looms on the horizon as the economic and social structure of the art world shifts beneath our feet. But what exactly are we standing upon, and is it worthwhile for artists to maintain?
Panelists Bios:
Francisca Caporali, Artist
Francisca Caporali is a Brazilian artist based in Brooklyn. She has a MA from MECAD – ESDI in Barcelona- Spain, and she is a MFA candidate at Hunter College - Integrated Media Arts in NYC. She has received the AAUW International Fellowship 2007/08, a 2008 LMCC Swing Space residency in NYC and the 1st OpenArt Residency in Greece during the summer of 2008. Francisca’s work has been shown in many festivals and exhibitions as: Goethe Institute, SCOPE, SmartSpace, The Anthology Film Archive and Orchard47 in NYC; UnionDoc in Brooklyn; Jeu de Paume in Paris; Gandy Gallery in Slovakia; Break 2.4 Festival in Slovenia; VideoBrasil, Wide World Film festival in Toronto and the Flaherty Seminar in Hamilton. Francisca's main interest is the collaborative process of art making, she has worked with many artists for different projects and since 2007 she is part of the Urban Homesteading Project – a collective that builds temporary living spaces in public areas out of discarded, donated and exchanged materials, as a means to create positive social interactions within a community. In the past years she has also explored the organizer role; having curated and produced shows, events, discussion panels and artist residencies.
Jeff Hnilicka, Artist and Co-founder, FEAST
Jeff Hnilicka is one of the founders of FEAST - Funding Emerging Art with Sustainable Tactics. He currently serves as Company Manager for J Mandle Performance, a Brooklyn-based non-profit performance art company. Before coming to New York, Jeff worked at the Walker Art Center and MASS MoCA. Jeff is a regular contributor to Culturebot and the Walker Art Center blog. He is a founding member of the Revolting Queers, and hosts REALLY? - a queer night in Bushwick.
Joshua Smith, Artist and Co-founder, Apartment Show
Born in Houston, Texas, Joshua Smith received his B.F.A. from The College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. His work has been featured in various group exhibitions in Berlin, London, New York, Paris, Vienna, and more, and his most recent solo show, “If By Whiskey,” appeared at John Connelly presents in 2007. He is co-organizer with Denise Kupferschmidt, of "Apartment Show" a series of roving group shows featuring young artists. Smith lives and works in Brooklyn.
Denise Kupferschmidt, Artist and Co-founder, Apartment Show
Denise Kupferschmidt was born in Princeton, NJ, received her BFA from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston and is now living in Brooklyn. She has participated in numerous exhibitions around the US between New York, Providence, Chicago, Miami, and has had solo exhibitions in Chicago and Boston. Her work was recently the focus of a guerilla performative project hosted by Cleopatra's a New York alternative space, to coincide with the Miami Beach Basel art fair in Miami. She also recently participated in "Cleopatra's: Trade Secrets" at John Connelly Presents. She is co-organizer, with Joshua Smith, of "Apartment Show", a series of roving group shows featuring young artists.
Caroll Taveras, Artist and Founder Caroll Taveras Studio
Caroll Taveras is a Brooklyn based artist, native New Yorker. She received her Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Purchase College and came to photography while studying theater at Purchase after a childhood spent acting and performing. She was featured as one of ten Photographers in the 2006 International photography festival in Hyères. She was also awarded first prize in the Px3 fine art competition in Paris. In addition to her own Photography projects and editorial work Caroll also has been making collages for 16 years now. She has accumulated her extensive body of collage work into a self published book entitled “Surrender”. Her work has been featured in the Guardian weekend magazine, The New York Times magazine and Wallpaper.
Suzan Sherman, Editor, NYFA Current
Suzan Sherman is Editor of NYFA Current, the New York Foundation for the Arts’ online arts magazine. She is also a former NYFA Fellow in Fiction (2004) and served on the NYFA Fiction Fellowship panel in 2008. She has written on art and culture for The New York Times, The New York Observer, BOOKFORUM, the Forward, and is a former editor at BOMB. Suzan has taught English at Parsons School of Design and creative writing at New York University. Her ficti
A closer look at Europe
A few years old but still hilarious.
On Thursday, Greek prime minister George Papandreou ...
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: Peter Konrad
A closer look at Europe
A few years old but still hilarious.
On Thursday, Greek prime minister George Papandreou reversed his decision to hold a referendum in which the Greek voters would have been allowed to decide between accepting the terms of a European aid package or leaving the Euro altogether. Austerity, referendums, economic crisis, it sounds complicated, but I'll explain in A Closer Look at Europe.
It's actually very simple. Europe said to Greece, we will give you the money you need, but you have to change your ways. But the Greeks are not good at changing their ways. They've had the same coffee cup design for 5,000 years. But it's too easy to just blame the Greeks. I also want to blame everyone who thought lending the Greeks money was a good idea.
You don't even have to go to Europe to see that Greeks are bad with money. Just go to a Greek diner here in New York. Two people eating, fourteen people working? And you can get a turkey sandwich the size of a dictionary for $3. It's not a solid business plan.
What did you expect from a country whose main export is doctor's office paintings? It's a yogurt-based economy. The only thing that works together in Greece is eyebrows.
With that said, I love following the Euro debt crisis, because with all due respect to Brangelina, the most interesting couple on Earth is these two, German chancellor Angela Merkel and French president Nicolas Sarkozy. How great is this pairing? They couldn't look more like a German woman and a French man if they were cartoons in a Tintin book.
It's up to these two to hold Europe together, and they're not getting any help at all. The leader of the next biggest country in the Eurozone is Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who is going on trial for having sex with hookers. So basically, Berlusconi's best economic plan is "the money's on the dresser".
Two weeks ago, Slovakia said, "Hey, we're not sure about the bailout." And Europe said, "Why would we care about what you think, Slovakia?" And Slovakia said, "Because we're in the Euro, and all the votes have to be unanimous."
Unanimous! Seventeen countries, and it has to be unanimous! I can't get three friends to agree on a restaurant. Can you imagine how hard it would be if none of us spoke the same language, and our grandparents killed each other in World War II?
Why did you ever think you could get on the same currency, Europe? You guys have shared a tiny continent for 2,000 years, and you still don't speak the same language. Belgium has two languages, and it's the size of a Midwestern college campus.
But I'm still pulling for these two crazy kids right here. Germany and France, Germance. If romance is two people in love, Germance is two people staying together for their kids. I don't think it's going to work out, but I like that they're trying.
This has been A Closer Look at Europe.
Youtube results:
AeroMobil FLYING CAR unveiled in Slovakia
An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting ...
published: 30 Nov 2013
AeroMobil FLYING CAR unveiled in Slovakia
AeroMobil FLYING CAR unveiled in Slovakia
An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.[3] The year 1886 is regarded the year of birth of the modern automobile - with the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, by German inventor Carl Benz. Motorized wagons soon replaced animal-drafted carriages, especially after automobiles became affordable for many people when the Ford Model T was introduced in 1908. The term motorcar has formerly also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems.[4] It was estimated in 2010 that the number of automobiles had risen to over 1 billion vehicles, up from the 500 million of 1986.[5] The numbers are increasing rapidly, especially in China, India and other NICs.[6] Aeromobil is a "flying car" that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes, and opens doors to real door-to-door travel. In terms of automobile configuration, it fits to a standard parking space, its engine enables it to tank at any gas station, it is fully accustomed to road traffic and as a plane it could both take off and land at any airport in the world. With its ambition to become a real "flying car", the current version -- Aeromobil 2.5 is a prototype of the third generation. Aeromobil 3 is stylish, comfortable for both the driver and passenger, and exceptionally combines the performance of a sports car with qualities of an „ultralight". Engine Rotax 912 Wings collapsible Top speed 200 km/h and more (124 mph and more) Min. speed 60 km/h (40 mph) Take-off speed 130 km/h (90 mph) Range 700 km (430 miles) Fuel consumption 15 l/h Construction steel framework and carbon coating Dimensions width: 8200 mm length: 6000 mm Empty weight 450 kg (992 lbs) Capacity 2 persons Rotax 912 Engine - Wings 160 km/h and more (100 mph and more) Top speed - Min. speed - Take-off speed 500 km (310 miles) Range 7.5 l/100 km Fuel consumption steel framework and carbon coating Construction width: 1600 mm length: 6000 mm Dimensions 450 kg (992 lbs) Empty weight 2 persons Capacity The Slovak Republic (or, in short form, Slovakia Listeni/sloʊˈvɑːkiə/ or /sləˈvækiə/; Slovak: Slovensko (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈslovɛnsko] ( listen)), long form Slovenská republika (Slovak pronunciation: [ˈslovɛnskaː ˈrɛpublɪka] ( listen))) is a landlocked state in Central Europe.[6][7] It has a population of over five million and an area of about 49,000 square kilometres (19,000 sq mi). Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. The largest city is the capital, Bratislava, and the second largest is Košice. Slovakia is a member state of the European Union, NATO, United Nations, OECD and WTO among others. The official language is Slovak, a member of the Slavic language family. The Slavs arrived in the territory of present-day Slovakia in the 5th and 6th centuries during the migration period. In the course of history, various parts of today's Slovakia belonged to Samo's Empire (the first known political unit of Slavs), Principality of Nitra (as independent polity, as part of Great Moravia and as part of Hungarian Kingdom), Great Moravia, Kingdom of Hungary,[8] the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Habsburg Empire, and Czechoslovakia. A separate Slovak state briefly existed during World War II, during which Slovakia was a dependency of Nazi Germany (from 1939 to 1944). From 1945 Slovakia once again became a part of Czechoslovakia. The present-day Slovakia became an independent state on 1 January 1993 after the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia. Slovakia is a high-income advanced economy[9][10] with one of the fastest growth rates in the European Union and the OECD.[11] The country joined the European Union in 2004 and the Eurozone on 1 January 2009.[12] Slovakia together with Slovenia and Estonia are the only former Communist states to be part of the European Union, Eurozone, Schengen Area and NATO simultaneously. Europe (Listeni/ˈjʊərəp/ EWR-əp or /ˈjɜrəp/ YUR-əp[1]) is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally divided from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting the Black and Aegean Seas.[2] Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west,- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 513
Communism in Slovakia | Robert Fico | Oxford Union
Robert Fico answers a student's question leftover communist ideals still present in Slovak...
published: 17 May 2013
author: OxfordUnion
Communism in Slovakia | Robert Fico | Oxford Union
Communism in Slovakia | Robert Fico | Oxford Union
Robert Fico answers a student's question leftover communist ideals still present in Slovakia. FULL ADDRESS @ http://youtu.be/ZwrMgJ0UKD0 Facebook @ http://fb...- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 2209
- author: OxfordUnion
Slovakia heart of Europe - Slovensko srdce Europy
Video obsahuje fotografie Slovenska v doprovode ludoveho suboru Muzicka . Hudbu vedie Tomá...
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: Slovensko1939n
Slovakia heart of Europe - Slovensko srdce Europy
Slovakia heart of Europe - Slovensko srdce Europy
Video obsahuje fotografie Slovenska v doprovode ludoveho suboru Muzicka . Hudbu vedie Tomáš Brunovský (prvé husle). Ďalší členovia: Ladislav Fekete (husle), ...- published: 24 Nov 2008
- views: 22622
- author: Slovensko1939n