Economy Car Rentals Malta
Best Price Car Rental. Economy Car Rentals Offers the best Deal in online Car Rental. Book...
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: EconomyCarRentals
Economy Car Rentals Malta
Economy Car Rentals Malta
Best Price Car Rental. Economy Car Rentals Offers the best Deal in online Car Rental. Book your Car Rental Today!- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 63
- author: EconomyCarRentals
Malta: The Mediterranean's best kept secret
Malta is a small island state, with a population of around 400000. The country's official ...
published: 18 Feb 2012
author: Master Mind
Malta: The Mediterranean's best kept secret
Malta: The Mediterranean's best kept secret
Malta is a small island state, with a population of around 400000. The country's official languages are Maltese and also English, which is a language most M...- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 16334
- author: Master Mind
Charles Borg on Malta | Bank of Valletta | World Finance Videos
World Finance interviews Charles Borg, CEO of Bank of Valletta, on the Maltese economy and...
published: 05 Aug 2013
author: World Finance
Charles Borg on Malta | Bank of Valletta | World Finance Videos
Charles Borg on Malta | Bank of Valletta | World Finance Videos
World Finance interviews Charles Borg, CEO of Bank of Valletta, on the Maltese economy and whether it will escape the trouble that affected Cyprus. We have j...- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 233
- author: World Finance
Libya unrest hits Malta's economy
The aftershocks from the violence in Libya are being felt in the Maltese economy. The isla...
published: 01 Mar 2011
author: Euronews
Libya unrest hits Malta's economy
Libya unrest hits Malta's economy
The aftershocks from the violence in Libya are being felt in the Maltese economy. The island's exports to the North African nation totalled 85 million euros ...- published: 01 Mar 2011
- views: 610
- author: Euronews
Malta Economy and Business 942-P2
http://www.OnlineVenture.ws http://www.OnlineAutopilot.ws Malta Economy and Business 942-P...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: gdibenefit8
Malta Economy and Business 942-P2
Malta Economy and Business 942-P2
http://www.OnlineVenture.ws http://www.OnlineAutopilot.ws Malta Economy and Business 942-P2 APS Program In Step 1, you will get affiliatize with Clickbank, H...- published: 20 Sep 2010
- views: 92
- author: gdibenefit8
Dr Tonio Fenech, Minister for Finance, the Economy, and Investment, Malta
Filmed, September 2010. This video is one of a series of videos filmed by Mark Kobayashi-H...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: Mark Hillary
Dr Tonio Fenech, Minister for Finance, the Economy, and Investment, Malta
Dr Tonio Fenech, Minister for Finance, the Economy, and Investment, Malta
Filmed, September 2010. This video is one of a series of videos filmed by Mark Kobayashi-Hillary during a research project in Malta with eCode and Ovum. The ...- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 83
- author: Mark Hillary
Residence Economy Malta
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Stefano De Angelis
Residence Economy Malta
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: Stefano De Angelis
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Maltese economy growing again
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Maltese economy growing again. More news at http://www.maltamedia.co...
published: 11 Mar 2010
author: maltamediafavourite2
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Maltese economy growing again
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Maltese economy growing again
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Maltese economy growing again. More news at http://www.maltamedia.com.- published: 11 Mar 2010
- views: 244
- author: maltamediafavourite2
Prof Josef Bonnici - Mediterranean Economic Forum
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: MIM Malta
Prof Josef Bonnici - Mediterranean Economic Forum
Prof Josef Bonnici - Mediterranean Economic Forum
MIM MEDITERRANEAN ECONOMIC FORUM - UNLEASHING MALTA'S POTENTIAL 14th & 15th November 2012 www.maltamanagement.com MALTA'S ECONOMY UNDER THE LENS - Interview ...- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 30
- author: MIM Malta
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected. More news at http:/...
published: 29 Nov 2010
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected
Favourite-MaltaMedia: Malta's economic rebound stronger than expected. More news at http://www.maltamedia.com- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 191
Mr Selim Cakir - Mediterranean Economic Forum
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: MIM Malta
Mr Selim Cakir - Mediterranean Economic Forum
Mr Selim Cakir - Mediterranean Economic Forum
MIM MEDITERRANEAN ECONOMIC FORUM - UNLEASHING MALTA'S POTENTIAL 14th & 15th November 2012 www.maltamanagement.com UNDER THE LENS -- ANALYSING TURKEY'S RECIPE...- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 33
- author: MIM Malta
Panel Discussion 2 - Mediterranean Economic Forum
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: MIM Malta
Panel Discussion 2 - Mediterranean Economic Forum
Panel Discussion 2 - Mediterranean Economic Forum
MIM MEDITERRANEAN ECONOMIC FORUM - UNLEASHING MALTA'S POTENTIAL 14th & 15th November 2012 www.maltamanagement.com Panel Discussion on THE FUTURE OF ISLAMIC F...- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 36
- author: MIM Malta
The Real Estate - Malta foreign property investment
(www.abndigital.com) Growing trade and investment between South Africa and Malta, has begu...
published: 15 Nov 2010
author: ABNDigital
The Real Estate - Malta foreign property investment
The Real Estate - Malta foreign property investment
(www.abndigital.com) Growing trade and investment between South Africa and Malta, has begun to open up more investment opportunities for individuals and comp...- published: 15 Nov 2010
- views: 474
- author: ABNDigital
Vimeo results:
Ex-topman Robeco verwacht volgende grote recessie
In een interview met 7 Ditches TV presentator Janneke Willemse laat oud topman Robeco Jaap...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: 7 ditches tv
Ex-topman Robeco verwacht volgende grote recessie
In een interview met 7 Ditches TV presentator Janneke Willemse laat oud topman Robeco Jaap van Duijn zich kritisch uit over de crisis.
Na zijn mening over de overname van Robeco door Orix, die wat hem betreft niet nodig was: ‘Over tien jaar zullen we bij Rabo zeggen, hadden we maar een vermogensbeheerder’ richt het gesprek zich op de gebeurtenissen in Cyprus en het Depositogarantiestelsel:
’€ 100.000 voor het Depositogarantiestelsel belachelijk hoog’
Twee grote banken leden vorig jaar al dik verlies en het is totaal niet raar dat dit gebeurde.
Van Duijn vindt het allemaal ‘vrij bar’ hoe dat gegaan is.
De oud topman hoort bij degene die het niet gek vonden dat ook onder de € 100.000 ook werd meebetaald. Hij zag die 6,75% als een soort uitgestelde vermogensheffing voor jaren profiteren van hoge rente zonder risico.
Sowieso vindt van Duijn € 100.000 belachelijk hoog: ‘Tot 2008 was het Depositogarantiestelstel € 40.000’.
De belegger wordt onderdrukt
Van Duijn gaat in op de fiscale repressie. Een van zijn bezwaren tegen Europa is die enorme hoeveelheid bangmakerij waar je voortdurend aan bloot wordt gesteld. De belegger wordt in feite onderdrukt.
‘De kapitaalmarkt bij ons zou een rente van 5% moeten hebben, hij is 1.8%. Dus iedereen die in Nederland belegt, die zit dagelijks mee te betalen aan de redding van andere broeders en zusters in Europa die er een potje van hebben gemaakt.’
We laten ons chanteren door landen als Cyprus, Malta is de volgende
Op de vraag of met Cyprus een einde komt aan de drama’s is het antwoord helder: Nee.
Cyprus is 0.14% van de Europese Economie, dus we laten ons chanteren door 0.14%, volgens van Duijn: ‘Dat beschouwen wij als een systeem risico.’
Het volgende probleem dat zich aandient is volgens van Duijn Malta, dat een nog grotere banksector kent.
Euro grootste splijtzwam voor de Europese Economie
De Euro heeft ons een totale verdeling binnen Europa gebracht en een diep onderling wantrouwen. Van Duijn vindt het buitengewoon treurig, maar het is gebeurd:
‘De Euro had ons moeten verbinden maar is de grootste splijtzwam geworden in Europese economische geschiedenis.’
De ex-topman stelt dat de Euro een doel op zichzelf geworden: ‘Hij moet gered worden. Punt.’
Rol van de ECB ondemocratisch
We zijn volgens van Duijn ver van een oplossing. De schuldenlasten zijn veel groter dan de Europese economie kan dragen. Hij is kritisch over de rol van de ECB:
‘Ze leent geld en drukt daarvoor geld. En de oorzaak van het probleem, de groeiende schuldenberg, is de schuldenberg.’
Over Draghi: ‘Draghi voert een beleid dat enorme vermogens consequenties heeft. We praten over de grootste vermogens herverdelingsoperatie van Noord naar Zuid en van privé persoon naar bank en we zitten erbij en we kijken ernaar. Het is heel ondemocratisch ook wat er gebeurt. Ik ben geen Draghi fan en vind het rampzalig wat er gebeurt.’
Europa gedreven door wensdenken
Ook over Europa is van Duijn helder:
‘Het verdien vermogen van de Europese economie is zo beperkt, die wordt dus nooit meer afbetaald. Ja, of in 100 jaar met en met genoeg inflatie waardoor het vanzelf verdampt. En in plaats van beginnen met saneren schuiven we maar door en trekken we de stekker niet uit Europa.’
Van Duijn ziet het voor zijn ogen fout gaan: ‘Ik verwacht ook een volgende grote recessie.
Het kan met chaos eindigen op de straten.’
Ze hadden volgens van Duijn bij Griekenland al moeten zeggen: Stop, reset, Griekenland uit de Euro. U kunt opnieuw beginnen met uw eigen dragme. Pech, maar we stoppen met de verliezen.
Van Duijn zou het control statement van de accountant willen:
‘Maar Europa is niet in control, Europa laat zich leiden door gebeurtenissen en heeft niet meer in de hand wat de volgende stap zal zijn. Politici in Europa weten niet genoeg om dit het hoofd te bieden.’
‘Europa is gedreven door politiek wensdenken en niet door kennis van economische verbanden, is vanaf 2000 al een probleem.
Geen econoom had de Euro bedacht. De Euro is een uitvinding van politici.’
Kadhafi’s Africa: The Untold Story
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: UN_ilateral
Kadhafi’s Africa: The Untold Story
1- The first African satellite RASCOM 1
It was Libya’s Kadhafi who gave all of Africa its first real revolution in modern times: by ensuring universal coverage of
the continent via telephone, television, radio-broadcast and the many other applications such as telemedicine and
long-distance learning; for the first time in history, a low-cost connection became available across the continent, and
even into rural areas thanks to a bridging WMAX system.
The story begins in 1992 when 45 African countries created the RASCOM organization to acquire an African satellite in
order to bring down the cost of communications across the continent.
At that time, calling from or to Africa had the most expensive call rates in the world, since there was a surcharge of
500 million dollars which Europeans collected annually on telephone conversations even within some African countries,
just to transmit voice messages via European satellites like Intelsat. An African satellite would barely cost 400 millions
dollars payable once and thus avoiding the 500 million annual rental fees. Which banker wouldn’t finance such a
But the difficult part of the equation remained unsettled: how does a beggar gain their freedom from exploitation by
their master by borrowing money from this same master to achieve this?
And so, the World Bank, the IMF, USA, the European Union had needlessly been bilking these countries for over 14
It was in 2006 that Kadhafi put an end to the agony of senseless begging from those supposed benefactors in the West
who only grant loans at predatory rates; the Libyan leaders put 300 million dollars on the table, the African
Development Bank put 50 million, the West African Development Bank contributed 27 million and it is thus, Africa has
owned its very own communications satellite since December 26th 2000;
The very first communications satellite in its history. In the meantime, China and Russia have jumped in, this time by
donating their own technology which allowed the launching of more new satellites; South-Africa, Nigeria, Angola,
Algerian and even a second African satellite was launched in July of 2010.
And by 2020, we are expecting the very first satellite which would be 100% African and built on African soil,
specifically in Algeria. This satellite is expected to be amongst the best in the world, but would cost ten times
cheaper, a true achievement.
This is how a simple gesture worth 300 millions dollars can change the lives on an entire continent.
Kadhafi’s Libya had cost the West not only the 500 million dollars annually but billions of dollars from debt and interest
which this debt would have generated ad infinitum and exponentially, and contributed towards sustaining the obscure
system which continues to rob Africa blind.
2- African Monetary Fund, African Central Bank, African Investment Bank
The 30 billion dollars which M. Obama confiscated belongs to the Libyan Central Bank and was earmarked as the Libyan
contribution toward the finalization of the African Federation in its three keystone phases:
The African Investment Bank to be based in Sitre-Libya, The creation in 2011 of the African Monetary Fund with a
startup capital of 42 billion dollars with Yaoundé as its headquarters, the African Central Bank with its headquarters in
Abuja-Nigeria from which, the first issuance of legal tender would signal the end of the CFA Franc through which Paris
has been able to pillage some African countries for over 50 years. From this we can understand France’s grudge against
The African Monetary Fund would supplant in each and every way the activities of the International Monetary Fund on
African soil – a role which, using barely 25 billion dollars in capital, the IMF had been able to bring an entire continent
to its knees through questionable privatization policies, as witnessed by the reality of forcing African countries to
trade-in one public monopoly for a private monopoly.
It was these same Western countries which came knocking at the door trying to become members of the African
Monetary Fund (AMF) and its was via a unanimous vote of 16-17 in December 2010 in Yaoundé that Africans rejected
this proposition, enshrining that only African countries would be members of the AMF.
It therefore seems obvious that after Libya, the Western coalition will declare its next war against Algeria, since, in
addition to its enormous energy resources, that country has financial reserves exceeding 150 Billion Euros.
This is much coveted by all the countries which are now bombing Libya all of whom have the same things in common,
they are all practically bankrupt, the USA alone has 14.000 billion dollars in debt, France, Great Britain and Italy each
have 2.000 Billion in public debt while all the 46 countries of Sub
What is unique about the 240-day war/aggresion against Libya
Before you even start watching and/or reading this article, read th...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: UN_ilateral
What is unique about the 240-day war/aggresion against Libya
Before you even start watching and/or reading this article, read this:
The analysis of this “Unique 240-day of War Aggression Over Libya” - the genocide against the Libyan people is not completely correct!
This is more like the text of Wikipedia on the so-called - "civil war" in Libya ...
...or a magazine article on geo-politics, that is - to paint a picture of political events...
BUT - no human suffering and the scale of one of the most monstrous crimes of the 21st century, that any are missing or displayed in a few sentences, but as - indirect victims of any war!
Here is what is missing and must be added (If there should be consistency):
1) Devil run between Britain and France (I think it was one year before the invasion of Libya) which is planned destabilization of Libya, Libyan and download Gaddafi and in extreme cases - a joint occupation!
2) There is no role of the World Jewish Mafia (and the involvement of parasite - Bernard Levy)!
Who is Bernard Levy and what did he do in this so-called "revolution" is entirely omitted !?
Not to be missed Zionist demon operating plan, nearly 30 years, invented by the Zionist criminal brain ... plan to change the map and the political situation in the Middle East and North Africa !
Typical in this plan of Satan is that the Middle East and North Africa should be broken into small, weak and puppet states in favor of - "Great Israel"!
The means of achieving this goal is The Destabilization Of The Countries which was still not under the control of the Zionist mafia and was not allowed criminal financial ‘institutions’ and oil ‘corporations’ to plunder their country!
Destabilization of these countries methods are mainly to be sparked religious, tribal and ethnic tensions to destabilize the government and break the country!
To help benefit under false flag operations, terrorism, political assassinations ... all possible measures (characteristic of the criminal Zionist marrow) !
This is exactly the reason to use “the methods of the *Clash of Civilizations*” in the first days of events in Benghazi to be sparked as ethnic (mostly in Libya), tribal and political tensions!
In Benghazi were muted television, radio and internet emanated propaganda and demonization, the main lie was that "Gaddafi's regime" has sent thousands of black African mercenaries + ‘Viagra’ will kill and rape ... because many blacks liked Gaddafi!
That was enough crowd to start lynching of blacks by this - is not accidental, but planned major destabilization tactics!
We must never forget the role of criminal organizations and fake "human rights" (associated with Soros) who preached hysteria against blacks, all documented and broadcast in the criminal Zionist media !
//*NOTE: "Why Is Gaddafi Being Demonized ?" https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=125708630838908 //
3) In this analysis, paying too little attention to the "mysterious" snipers in Benghazi, are mercenaries and special forces of Britain and France (all is explained very briefly in two sentences?)!
Right here should be paid much more attention!
This is an old tactic of terrorist destabilization in which specially trained mercenary terrorists and special forces working for Western intelligence agencies began a coordinated and deliberate terror - killings of civilians (including women and children)!
In these operations under a "false flag" is specific - especially direct (kill) people whose death can cause the most stress and dissatisfaction with the angry crowd, which caused a chain reaction in people who turn to turn people against Government aid in pouring oil on the fire using agitators and hysteria among the crowd + of criminal corporate media, politicians, fake "activist" organizations and fake "human rights"!
At the beginning of operations under false flag held in Benghazi is clearly demonstrated and documented the presence of special forces of France and Britain which signals have begun to attack the barracks and police stations and carrying out assassinations of policemen and soldiers (some of it may act war?
But the truth is - pure Terrorism and crime against peace and humanity)!
Along with attacks on barracks and police stations are carried out and murder of civilians (including women and children) and of course - assassinations of political leaders and supporters of the legitimate Libyan government, the criminal corporate media teach these perversions as - "mode" Gaddafi kills "peaceful protesters" and "peaceful protesters" are infuriated and "self" begins to kill - "loyal to the regime" (ie police and soldiers) and then goes to take revenge on supporters and political leaders Gaddafi .. . who "was responsible" for the "massacre"!
Yet the killings of civilians, killing policemen and soldiers (attack the barracks and police stations), the killings of supporters, intellectuals and political leade
Measuring and coping with economic vulnerability of SIDS
Regional Briefing, Mauritius. Small Island Economies (2012). Lino Briguglio, Director, Isl...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: CTA
Measuring and coping with economic vulnerability of SIDS
Regional Briefing, Mauritius. Small Island Economies (2012). Lino Briguglio, Director, Islands and Small States Institute, Foundation for International Studies, University of Malta
Youtube results:
Economic financial collapse Economic Collapse Martial Law Alex Jones
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Economic financial collapse Economic Collapse Martial Law Alex Jones
Economic financial collapse Economic Collapse Martial Law Alex Jones
Click Here: Economic Collapse Coast to coast george noory this month Economic Collapse Bob chapman gold Economic Collapse . Click Here: Economic Collapse Bob chapman channel today Economic Collapse Alex jones movies full length 2012 Economic Coll. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones knights of malta Economic Collapse Alex jones protest Economic Collapse Alex jone. Click Here: Economic Collapse Demcad oct 2012 Economic Collapse Bob chapman long Economic Collapse Collapse by rise agains. Click Here: Economic Collapse Collapse long Economic Collapse Black prophecy gameplay Economic Collapse Alex jones katy pe. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones joker Economic Collapse Alex jones knights of malta Economic Collapse Alex jones . Click Here: Economic Collapse Collapse society Economic Collapse Collapse long Economic Collapse Black prophecy gameplay E. Click Here: Economic Collapse Bob chapman june 2012 Economic Collapse Collapse society Economic Collapse Collapse long Eco. Click Here: Economic Collapse Black prophecy gameplay Economic Collapse Alex jones katy perry Economic Collapse Collapse i. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones zombie apocalypse Economic Collapse Alex jones bohemian grove exposed Economic Co. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones zombies Economic Collapse Collapse how the towers fell Economic Collapse Collapse. Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the lat. Click Here: Economic Collapse Collapse of history atari teenage riot Economic Collapse Alex jones vaccines Economic Collap. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones zombie apocalypse Economic Collapse Alex jones bohemian grove exposed Economic Co. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones with gerald celente Economic Collapse Alex jones bill hicks Economic Collapse Col. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones protest Economic Collapse Alex jones zombies Economic Collapse Collapse how the t. Click Here: Economic Collapse Bob chapman june 2012 Economic Collapse Collapse society Economic Collapse Collapse long Eco. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones election 2012 Endlessmountain | Economic Collapse | Martial Law | Alex Jones Econ. Click Here: Economic Collapse Demcad marriage Economic Collapse Bob chapman channel today Economic Collapse Alex jones mov. ALEX JONES The Longer Obama stays the more chance of MARTIAL LAW videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial cris. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones election 2012 Endlessmountain | Economic Collapse | Martial Law | Alex Jones Econ. Click Here: Us economy Economic Collapse Martial Law Alex Jones Economic Collapse Collapse molotov solution Economic Colla. Click Here: Economic Collapse Alex jones update Economic Collapse Collapse at finish line Economic Collapse Collapse into . Click Here: Economic Collapse Collapse into now Economic Collapse Bob chapman june 2012 Economic Collapse Collapse society. Click Here: Economic Collapse Bob chapman june 2012 Economic Collapse Collapse society Economic Collapse Collapse long Eco.- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 40
The Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment the Hon. Tonio Fenech (Part 1)
The Hon. Tonio Fenech talks about Malta's resilience to the global turmoil. He also descri...
published: 09 May 2011
author: FinanceMaltaYT
The Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment the Hon. Tonio Fenech (Part 1)
The Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment the Hon. Tonio Fenech (Part 1)
The Hon. Tonio Fenech talks about Malta's resilience to the global turmoil. He also describes the main factors that attribute to the growth of the Malta fina...- published: 09 May 2011
- views: 289
- author: FinanceMaltaYT
Draft national creative economy launched
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: Dive Malta
Draft national creative economy launched
Draft national creative economy launched
http://di-ve.com/news/draft-national-creative-economy-strategy-launched.- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 14
- author: Dive Malta
Standard and Poor's Decision to Affirm Malta's Stable Credit Rating - Videoblog 10
Credit agency Standard & Poor's notes that the new Government is progressing with a wide-r...
published: 19 Jul 2013
author: Edward Scicluna
Standard and Poor's Decision to Affirm Malta's Stable Credit Rating - Videoblog 10
Standard and Poor's Decision to Affirm Malta's Stable Credit Rating - Videoblog 10
Credit agency Standard & Poor's notes that the new Government is progressing with a wide-ranging reform programme to tackle issues - some of which have been ...- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 40
- author: Edward Scicluna