Child sex abuse royal commission: Catholic Education boss admits policies failed to protect schoolgirls

Updated February 21, 2014 20:25:02

A director of Catholic Education has admitted a systemic failure of child safety policies allowed a paedophile teacher to abuse students at a Queensland school over a two-year period.

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is sitting in Brisbane this week to hear evidence about how teacher Gerard Vincent Byrnes continued to molest students at a Catholic school in Toowoomba for more than a year after the allegations were first made.

Byrnes, the school's child protection contact, molested 13 female students aged between nine and 10 at the school in 2007 and 2008.

Toowoomba's director of Catholic Education, John Borserio, today agreed with the assertion by counsel assisting Gail Furness that child safety policies in place at the time completely failed.

"Do you accept that the conduct of Byrnes and the resultant dealing with the allegations that were made indicates that there was a wholesale systemic failure within that school, which included a failure in respect of training. Do you accept that?" Ms Furness asked him.

Audio: Listen to Stephanie Smail's report (PM)

He replied: "Given that sad chapter in the school’s life, I can only accept that."

Catholic Education office conducted an internal review

Mr Borserio said child-safety processes were later improved as a result of research that was carried out internally.

"We would have based the work that we're doing on data or information from other sources," he said.

Ms Furness asked him why no independent advice on child safety was sought in the wake of the scandal.

"There is a deal of learning in that area because it is difficult," she said.

"We improve our practices by reviewing what we do," Mr Borserio said.

"We try to improve what we do all the time."

Ms Furness asked him: "You have sought to develop your processes, bearing in mind what happened in 2007, without having regard to an expert with that learning?"

I didn't explore to any great extent what the complaints were.

Catholic Education manager Margaret Hendriks

Mr Borserio replied: "Whilst it may not be totally external, the student protection officer that we currently have does not come from an educational background, does not come from a Catholic background.

"He comes from a juvenile justice background, an environment that's completely with a different set of eyes than ours."

The Brisbane hearing was earlier told many of the assaults could have been prevented if complaints had been handled properly in 2007.

Teacher rehired despite complaints

Byrnes resigned from the Toowoomba school in 2008, but was rehired as a relief teacher.

Catholic Education manager Margaret Hendriks approved his re-employment.

Ms Hendriks told today's hearing she knew parents had complained about Byrnes, but assumed their concerns were with his teaching.

"I didn't explore to any great extent what the complaints were," she said.

Ms Furness argued that Ms Hendriks was responsible for making those checks.

"Somebody listening to this, Mrs Hendriks, would be entitled to be alarmed at the sloppiness," Ms Furness said.

Byrnes pleaded guilty in 2010 to child sex offences, including rape.

He carried out all but two of his crimes in the classroom.

This afternoon, the royal commission extended its Brisbane hearings and will convene again on Monday.

Topics: royal-commissions, sexual-offences, catholic, schools, toowoomba-4350

First posted February 21, 2014 18:03:46