Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 1 of 4
More: http://gekos.no/workshop/video.html In the history of art, prehistoric art is all ar...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: kunstskole
Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 1 of 4
Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 1 of 4
More: http://gekos.no/workshop/video.html In the history of art, prehistoric art is all art produced in preliterate, prehistorical cultures beginning somewhe...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 2013
- author: kunstskole
Paleolithic Cave Arts in Northern Spain(1) El Castillo Cave, Cantabria
Is this the world's oldest cave painting ? Over the summer of 2004 from the autumn of 1997...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: TexnaiDigitalArchive
Paleolithic Cave Arts in Northern Spain(1) El Castillo Cave, Cantabria
Paleolithic Cave Arts in Northern Spain(1) El Castillo Cave, Cantabria
Is this the world's oldest cave painting ? Over the summer of 2004 from the autumn of 1997, we executed photoVR shooting at 23 major caves that are located i...- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 2360
- author: TexnaiDigitalArchive
JUNIPER FUSE: Upper Paleolithic Imagination & the Construction of the Underworld
Victor M. Bearg Science and Humanities Scholars Speaker Series Clayton Eshleman, American ...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: ULSeriesCMU
JUNIPER FUSE: Upper Paleolithic Imagination & the Construction of the Underworld
JUNIPER FUSE: Upper Paleolithic Imagination & the Construction of the Underworld
Victor M. Bearg Science and Humanities Scholars Speaker Series Clayton Eshleman, American poet, translator and editor, Professor Emeritus, Eastern Michigan U...- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 187
- author: ULSeriesCMU
Asturias Upper Paleolithic trailer 1
Trailer de un vídeo sobre el Paleolítico Superior, la glaciación Würm, el Arte Rupestre, y...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: AsturiasTravel
Asturias Upper Paleolithic trailer 1
Asturias Upper Paleolithic trailer 1
Trailer de un vídeo sobre el Paleolítico Superior, la glaciación Würm, el Arte Rupestre, y el yacimiento Neandertal de El Sidrón en Asturias. Forma parte de ...- published: 03 Jul 2012
- views: 262
- author: AsturiasTravel
Flodden 1513: Introduction to Archaeology - Lecture 2a. 'Palaeolithic Europe'
This is the second lecture in the series of 10 - 'Flodden 1513, an Introduction to Archaeo...
published: 02 Aug 2013
author: iflodden
Flodden 1513: Introduction to Archaeology - Lecture 2a. 'Palaeolithic Europe'
Flodden 1513: Introduction to Archaeology - Lecture 2a. 'Palaeolithic Europe'
This is the second lecture in the series of 10 - 'Flodden 1513, an Introduction to Archaeology.' Presented by Dr Kristian Pedersen on 22 May 2013 at Crookham...- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 10
- author: iflodden
History of Art 1. Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric age. Prehistoric art. History of fine art. Fine Arts and Art History. History ...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: poendrawing
History of Art 1. Prehistoric Art
History of Art 1. Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric age. Prehistoric art. History of fine art. Fine Arts and Art History. History of Art. History of painting. History of architecture. History of sc...- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 957
- author: poendrawing
A Felső Paleolitikum/Upper Paleolithic.
A Homo Sapiens 40 000 éve érkezett Afrikából Európába a film az életét mutatja be a jégkor...
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: Hung Aryan
A Felső Paleolitikum/Upper Paleolithic.
A Felső Paleolitikum/Upper Paleolithic.
A Homo Sapiens 40 000 éve érkezett Afrikából Európába a film az életét mutatja be a jégkorszak végéig. A modern ember megérkezésekor Neandervölgyi ember lakt...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 50
- author: Hung Aryan
UPDATED La grotta di Fumane - Upper Paleolithic Cave Art 2012
Neanderthal cave occupation started from 80,000 - 60,000 years ago transitioning to Homo S...
published: 19 Aug 2013
UPDATED La grotta di Fumane - Upper Paleolithic Cave Art 2012
UPDATED La grotta di Fumane - Upper Paleolithic Cave Art 2012
Neanderthal cave occupation started from 80,000 - 60,000 years ago transitioning to Homo Sapiens around 30,000 years ago with the cave roof collapsing at around 25,000 years ago. Known as one of the most important prehistoric settlements found because of several artifacts containing the oldest evidence of painting originating from the Neanderthals. The cave is located about 30 minutes outside of Verona. In the video, note the drive up from the canyon bottom to the cave. This is very rugged, steep terrain.- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 3
810 Radiocarbon Dates of the British Upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic
Animation visualising calibrated radiocarbon dates from the Council for British Archaeolog...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: TemporalMapping
810 Radiocarbon Dates of the British Upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic
810 Radiocarbon Dates of the British Upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic
Animation visualising calibrated radiocarbon dates from the Council for British Archaeology's Radiocarbon Database. Spatial Resolution/Extent: 30 arcseconds,...- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 523
- author: TemporalMapping
treasures of the upper paleolithic Display
published: 03 May 2012
author: robinrome1
treasures of the upper paleolithic Display
Stone Tool
Scene from Prehistoric Man : Human Evolution in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic Age. Just...
published: 16 Oct 2011
author: callisto8413
Stone Tool
Stone Tool
Scene from Prehistoric Man : Human Evolution in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic Age. Just The Facts Leaning Series - Goldhill Entertainment 2002.- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 103
- author: callisto8413
Youtube results:
Paleolithic Cave Art in Europe - Dr Jean Clottes
Paleolithic Cave Art in Europe - Dr Jean Clottes
Ice Age Europe
published: 19 Jan 2014
Paleolithic Cave Art in Europe - Dr Jean Clottes
Paleolithic Cave Art in Europe - Dr Jean Clottes
Paleolithic Cave Art in Europe - Dr Jean Clottes Ice Age Europe http://www.faculty.umb.edu/gary_zabel/Courses/Phil%20281/Philosophy%20of%20Magic/My%20Documents/Paleolithic%20Art.htm http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/sculpture/gallery.php http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/clottes/index.php Around 40,000 years ago, modern humans (Homo Sapiens) migrated to Europe. Biologically identical with contemporary humans, the migrants had the same physical and mental capacities that we possess, though they lacked the thousands of years of cultural development that are now behind us. They arrived in Europe around the height of the last glacial advance, and learned to survive in the extreme cold by sewing animal skins together into warm clothing, and hunting the migratory herds of reindeer, bison, and other big game animals that roamed Ice Age Europe. The earliest examples of European cave art that have been discovered date back approximately 32,000 years. They already include fine examples of realistic painting, and so must have been preceded by a long-term development of artistic style and technique. Their beauty still moves us more than 30 millennia after they were created. The most recent cave paintings, including some at Lascaux, date back to around 9,000 BCE. At first, the painters created their works at the cave entrances or in very shallow areas. As the millennia progressed, they ventured further, ending in the deepest parts of the caves. In order to get to such depths, they sometimes had to overcome dangerous cave-dwelling felines and bears, break through walls of stalagmites, and even cross underground lakes. Such excursions were made possible by the invention of fat-burning lamps capable of illuminating the total darkness. The incredible effort it took to penetrate into the depths of the earth suggests that the caves were not the equivalent of contemporary art galleries, and that the paintings had a sacred or ritual significance. European Ice Age Art Ice Age art can be naturalistic and figurative - it can also be geometric and non-representational. Some of the oldest works of art were found in the Schwäbische Alb, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The so-called Venus figurine known as the Venus of Hohle Fels, dates to some 40,000 years ago. Other fine examples of art from the Upper Palaeolithic (broadly 40,000 to 10,000 years ago) includes: cave painting (such as at Chauvet, Lascaux, Altamira, Cosquer, and Pech Merle), incised / engraved cave art such as at Creswell Crags,[7] portable art (such as animal carvings and sculptures like the Venus of Willendorf), and open air art (such as Côa Valley and Mazouco in Portugal, Domingo García and Siega Verde, in Spain, and Fornols-Haut in France). There are a large number of carved or engraved pieces of bone and ivory, such as the Swimming Reindeer found in France from the Magdalenian period. These include spear throwers, including one shaped like a mammoth, and many of the type of objects called a bâton de commandement. One of the most famous pieces of portable art from Britain is the Robin Hood Cave Horse from Derbyshire. Other examples include the Kendrick's Cave Decorated Horse Jaw. Dr Jean Clottes The eminent French prehistorian Jean Clottes, former director of prehistoric antiquities for the Midi-Pyrénées region of France, served as scientific advisor on prehistoric art to the French Ministry of Culture until his retirement five years ago. He is an internationally acclaimed expert on painted cave art whose research interests include not only matters of archaeological context and dating but also problems of epistemology and meaning. Born in the Pyrénées an area exceptionally rich in rock art of the early Stone Age, Dr. Clottes studied at the University of Toulouse and began his career as a language teacher, first in Britain and then for nearly fifteen years in Foix, where he also taught prehistory at the Ecole Normale d'Instituteurs. He was appointed director of prehistoric antiquities for the Midi-Pyrénées in 1971 and four years later received his Ph.D. in prehistory from Toulouse. For nearly thirty years, Dr. Clottes led excavations of Early Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age sites throughout southern France. In 1998, he headed the research team that appraised Grotte Chauvet, the extensive Paleolithic cave in the Ardèche Valley, which had been discovered just four years earlier and whose paintings, dating back some 30,000 years, rival those at Lascaux in terms of number, diversity, originality, beauty, and state of conservation. He also has evaluated the underwater cave, Cosquer, close to the mouth of the Rhone River off the coast of Marseilles, where the hands of the artists were stenciled on rock nearly 28,000 years ago.- published: 19 Jan 2014
- views: 18
the stone age, prehistory
The Stone Age is the period roughly between 2500000 and 3000 years before Christ., And its...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: Federico Lopez
the stone age, prehistory
the stone age, prehistory
The Stone Age is the period roughly between 2500000 and 3000 years before Christ., And its main feature is the human learning techniques for the developme...- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 8817
- author: Federico Lopez
Indo-European origins: "Aryan Invasion", "Out of India" or "Paleolithic Continuity" ?
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (or PCT, Italian La teoria della continuità), since 2010...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Indo-European origins: "Aryan Invasion", "Out of India" or "Paleolithic Continuity" ?
Indo-European origins: "Aryan Invasion", "Out of India" or "Paleolithic Continuity" ?
The Paleolithic Continuity Theory (or PCT, Italian La teoria della continuità), since 2010 relabelled as the Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm (or PCP), is a hypothesis suggesting that the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) can be traced back to the Upper Paleolithic, several millennia earlier than the Chalcolithic or at the most Neolithic estimates in other scenarios of Proto-Indo-European origins. Its main proponent are Marcel Otte, Alexander Häusler, Mario Alinei. Alinei advanced the theory in his Origini delle Lingue d'Europa (Origins of the Languages of Europe), published in two volumes in 1996 and 2000. The PCT posits that the advent of Indo-European languages should be linked to the arrival of Homo sapiens in Europe and Asia from Africa in the Upper Paleolithic. Employing "lexical periodization", Alinei arrives at a timeline deeper than even that of Colin Renfrew's Anatolian hypothesis. Since 2004, an informal workgroup of scholars who support the Paleolithic Continuity Theory has been held online. Apart from Alinei himself, its leading members (referred to as "Scientific Committee" in the website) are linguists Xaviero Ballester (University of Valencia) and Francesco Benozzo (University of Bologna). Also included are prehistorian Marcel Otte (Université de Liège) and anthropologist Henry Harpending (University of Utah). It is not listed by Mallory among the proposals for the origins of the Indo-European languages that are widely discussed and considered credible within academia. GENERAL LINES -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The framework of PCT is laid out by Alinei in four main assumptions: * Continuity is the basic pattern of European prehistory and the basic working hypothesis on the origins of IE languages. * Stability and antiquity are general features of languages. * The lexicon of natural languages, due to its antiquity, may be "periodized" along the entire course of human evolution. * Archaeological frontiers coincide with linguistic frontiers. The continuity theory draws on a Continuity Model (CM), positing the presence of IE and non-IE peoples and languages in Europe from Paleolithic times and allowing for minor invasions and infiltrations of local scope, mainly during the last three millennia. Arguing that continuity is "the archeologist's easiest pursuit," Alinei deems this "the easiest working hypothesis," putting the burden of proof on competing hypotheses as long as none provide irrefutable counter-evidence. Alinei also claims linguistic coherence, rigor and productivity in the pursuit of this approach. HISTORICAL RECONSTRUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Paleolithic Continuity hypothesis reverses the Kurgan hypothesis and largely identifies the Indo-Europeans with Gimbutas's "Old Europe." PCT reassigns the Kurgan culture (traditionally considered early Indo-European) to a people of predominantly mixed Uralic and Turkic stock. This hypothesis is supported by the tentative linguistic identification of Etruscans as a Uralic, proto-Hungarian people that had already undergone strong proto-Turkic influence in the third millennium BC, when Pontic invasions would have brought this people to the Carpathian Basin. A subsequent migration of Urnfield culture signature around 1250 BC caused this ethnic group to expand south in a general movement of people, attested by the upheaval of the Sea Peoples and the overthrow of an earlier Italic substrate at the onset of the "Etruscan" Villanovan culture. KURGAN HYPOTHESIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those scholars who follow Gimbutas identify a "Kurgan culture" as reflecting an early Indo-European ethnicity which existed in the steppes and southeastern Europe from the 5th to 3rd millennia BC. Marija Gimbutas' Kurgan hypothesis is opposed by Paleolithic Continuity Theory, which associates Pit Grave and Sredny Stog Kurgan cultures with Turkic peoples, and the Anatolian hypothesis, and is also opposed by the Black Sea deluge theory. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolithic_Continuity_Theory) (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurgan#Kurgan_hypothesis) The PCP Workgroup: http://www.continuitas.org/workgroup.html The Settlement of the Indo-European, Turkic, and Finno-Ugric tribes in Eastern Europe: http://www.v-stetsyuk.name/en/Alterling/SettlEastEur.html Ethnicity of the Neolithic and Eneolithic cultures of Eastern Europe. The Seredniy Stiğ and Yamna (Pit) Cultures: http://www.v-stetsyuk.name/en/Alterling/Archaelog.html http://alterling2.narod.ru/English/Maps/EneolitEn.PNG _________________ See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botai_culture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_worship https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Turkic_language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urheimat#Indo-European_homelands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urheimat#Turkic_homeland- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 3
Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 2 of 4
More: http://gekos.no/workshop/video.html In the history of art, prehistoric art is all ar...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: kunstskole
Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 2 of 4
Prehistoric Europeans People Who Invented Art 2 of 4
More: http://gekos.no/workshop/video.html In the history of art, prehistoric art is all art produced in preliterate, prehistorical cultures beginning somewhe...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 1266
- author: kunstskole