
The Boer War 1899 - 1902: Part 1 of 4
Apologies for the poor sound quality. First broadcast in 1999 to mark the centenary of Boe...
published: 14 Apr 2013
author: Basicallybenign
The Boer War 1899 - 1902: Part 1 of 4
The Boer War 1899 - 1902: Part 1 of 4
Apologies for the poor sound quality. First broadcast in 1999 to mark the centenary of Boer War in South Africa, and never broadcast since as far as I am awa...- published: 14 Apr 2013
- views: 6622
- author: Basicallybenign

When Louis met the Boer leader - BBC
A chance to see this disturbing interview between the Boer Leader in South Africa and Loui...
published: 03 Mar 2008
author: BBCWorldwide
When Louis met the Boer leader - BBC
When Louis met the Boer leader - BBC
A chance to see this disturbing interview between the Boer Leader in South Africa and Louis Theroux. Free BBC video clip from Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends.- published: 03 Mar 2008
- views: 301120
- author: BBCWorldwide

Boer Battle Song (Bach Choir)
During the set-piece battle stage of the Boer War (1899-1902), the Boers always gathered f...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: Adrian Snyman
Boer Battle Song (Bach Choir)
Boer Battle Song (Bach Choir)
During the set-piece battle stage of the Boer War (1899-1902), the Boers always gathered for a short sermon before entering into battle. They prayed and sang...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 2650
- author: Adrian Snyman

Boer War Documentary
A short documentary film of the Boer War (1899-1902). This documentary is dedicated to Col...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: Adrian Snyman
Boer War Documentary
Boer War Documentary
A short documentary film of the Boer War (1899-1902). This documentary is dedicated to Colonel John Blake, an Irish American who fought bravely on Boer side ...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 4860
- author: Adrian Snyman

Silent cry of the Boer
"Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will breach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of...
published: 28 Oct 2011
author: validric
Silent cry of the Boer
Silent cry of the Boer
"Give me 20 divisions American soldiers and I will breach Europe. Give me 15 consisting of Englishmen, and I will advance to the borders of Berlin. Give me t...- published: 28 Oct 2011
- views: 80524
- author: validric

Britain and the Boer War
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: mrgreen1066
Britain and the Boer War

Jambers - Boer Joël (deel 1)
Jambers, 10 jaar later
Boer Joël had lang geleden al een relatie met een Vlaamse en een F...
published: 29 Aug 2013
Jambers - Boer Joël (deel 1)
Jambers - Boer Joël (deel 1)
Jambers, 10 jaar later Boer Joël had lang geleden al een relatie met een Vlaamse en een Filippijnse vrouw. Zijn Filippijnse ex nam hun kind mee en liet niets meer van zich horen. Enkel de ondertussen volwassen zoon Mark uit zijn huwelijk met de Vlaamse vrouw bleef achter bij boer Joël. In het voorjaar van 2003 ging Jambers nog eens kijken hoe het leven er aan toe ging op de West-Vlaamse hoeve. Boer Joël vertelt dat zoon Mark al sinds december van het jaar daarvoor naar de Filippijnen is getrokken, op zoek naar een vrouw. Als Mark terugkomt uit de Filippijnen vertelt hij trots dat hij de vrouw van zijn leven heeft gevonden. Hij is ter plekke meteen getrouwd met Lisa. Binnenkort komt ook zij definitief naar België.- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 181

Een dag op de boerderij van boer Martin
Een documentaire over een werkdag van boer Martin....
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: Lars van der meij
Een dag op de boerderij van boer Martin
Een dag op de boerderij van boer Martin
Een documentaire over een werkdag van boer Martin.- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 7546
- author: Lars van der meij

Boer zoekt Vrouw (Internationaal) 2013 - Aflevering 1 - De boeren stellen zich voor
Vijf geëmigreerde Nederlandse boeren stellen zich in Boer zoekt Vrouw Internationaal voor ...
published: 08 Sep 2013
Boer zoekt Vrouw (Internationaal) 2013 - Aflevering 1 - De boeren stellen zich voor
Boer zoekt Vrouw (Internationaal) 2013 - Aflevering 1 - De boeren stellen zich voor
Vijf geëmigreerde Nederlandse boeren stellen zich in Boer zoekt Vrouw Internationaal voor aan de kijker. Hiermee hopen ze dat een lang gekoesterde wens in vervulling gaat: het vinden van een vrouw.- published: 08 Sep 2013
- views: 1511

Raising Boer Goats
Evelyn Simon, of Hagerman, raises boer goats at the family farm. Read the story on Sunday ...
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: timesnews
Raising Boer Goats
Raising Boer Goats
Evelyn Simon, of Hagerman, raises boer goats at the family farm. Read the story on Sunday at Magicvalley.com.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 4664
- author: timesnews

Stop the Boer Genocide
Stop the Boer Genocide - There are a Reported Ninety Murders a Day Against White farmers i...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: TheRankenfile
Stop the Boer Genocide
Stop the Boer Genocide
Stop the Boer Genocide - There are a Reported Ninety Murders a Day Against White farmers in South Africa.This genocide has been taking Place since 1994 and n...- published: 10 Aug 2011
- views: 13477
- author: TheRankenfile
Vimeo results:

Numb – Max Cooper Feat. Kathrin deBoer
iTunes: http://bit.ly/ZXCC3C
Beatport: http://btprt.dj/10UNGF0
Audio /// Max Cooper & K...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Henning M. Lederer
Numb – Max Cooper Feat. Kathrin deBoer
iTunes: http://bit.ly/ZXCC3C
Beatport: http://btprt.dj/10UNGF0
Audio /// Max Cooper & Kathrin deBoer / http://www.maxcooper.net
http://www.facebook.com/maxcoopermax / http://www.twitter.com/maxcoopermax
More Max Cooper videos /// http://www.youtube.com/user/maxbcooper
Video /// Henning M. Lederer / http://www.led-r-r.net
FILE 2013 – Electronic Language International Festival /// http://file.org.br
Seoul international Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival (SESIFF 2013) /// http://sesiff.org
shnit 2013 – International Short Film Festival /// http://shnit.org
XXIII International Film Festival Message To Man, Saint-Petersburg /// http://message2man.com
What Max says:
"This was a really fun project to work on right the way through. It started with some glitchy beats and a couple of big basslines I was messing around with, with a general idea of a deep but almost overpowering feeling. Kathrin came to my little studio in London and we talked a little about the idea, before she just let go and free-style sang over the loops, using my crappy little test mic I bought for 12 pounds in 2002.
The plan was to lay down some melodic ideas for the vocals, which I could then select, and send back to Kathrin to write lyrics with and re-record properly. But when I ran through everything after I released she'd just nailed it right then and there! All I had to do was layer up some of the multiple instances of her voice, and add my reverbs and widening with some subtle EQing and compression, and it was there - she captured the pure feeling of the music and enhanced it a million times, and I love the free-flowing feeling of it, with it's imperfections and half words, and of course, he subconscious vocal of not feeling any more lead to the title and concise concept for the music.
We knew that we had to get a video made to match Kathrin's work, and I was really excited to find out that Henning M. Lederer, who I had been a big fan of for some time, could do the project. We discussed options together and decided to try a "numbed by the capitalist machine" theme, which he has developed into an amazing, detailed story with a twist. I love the result, I hope it works for you too!"

[Anthem]- Fireworks time-lapse
Happy 4th of July!
A special time-lapse compilation for the 4th of July. These were shot ...
published: 04 Jul 2009
author: Jon DeBoer
[Anthem]- Fireworks time-lapse
Happy 4th of July!
A special time-lapse compilation for the 4th of July. These were shot at 3 different locations over the past week in Port Huron, MI and Lexington, MI.
I used my Nikon d80 with an external intervalometer.

Blind Spot
Steven couldn't see how his day could get any worse, but that's because he's is looking th...
published: 01 Feb 2011
author: Matthew K. Nayman
Blind Spot
Steven couldn't see how his day could get any worse, but that's because he's is looking the wrong way.
Official Selection:
Austin International Film Festival, 2011
Toronto After Dark Film Festival, 2011 (Audience Choice Award)
Leeds International Film Festival, 2011
Miami International Film Festival, 2012
Boston Sci Fi Film Festival, 2012
London Sci Fi Film Festival, 2012
On Story, 2012
Mississauga Indie Film Fest, 2012 (Audience Choice Award)
Toronto Independent Film Festival, 2012
Interfilm Berlin, 2013
Dead By Dawn ,Scotland, 2013

Helvetica-Kinetic Typography
Kinetic Typography animation using quotes from the movie Helvetica. This was for a history...
published: 19 Apr 2009
author: Jon DeBoer
Helvetica-Kinetic Typography
Kinetic Typography animation using quotes from the movie Helvetica. This was for a history-based project for class
Youtube results:

Boer Zoekt Vrouw Internationaal 2013: De boeren stellen zich voor (aflevering 1)
In het programma Boer zoekt Vrouw Internationaal voor aan de kijker. Hiermee hopen ze dat ...
published: 15 Dec 2013
Boer Zoekt Vrouw Internationaal 2013: De boeren stellen zich voor (aflevering 1)
Boer Zoekt Vrouw Internationaal 2013: De boeren stellen zich voor (aflevering 1)
In het programma Boer zoekt Vrouw Internationaal voor aan de kijker. Hiermee hopen ze dat een lang gekoesterde wens in vervulling gaat: het vinden van van een vrouw.- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 152

Terre'Blanche: to be Boer
The Boer nation, the only white nation of Africa. "You have a place where Brit can be Brit...
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: Boerestaat
Terre'Blanche: to be Boer
Terre'Blanche: to be Boer
The Boer nation, the only white nation of Africa. "You have a place where Brit can be British. I must have land where the Afrikaner and the Boer can be Boer".- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 6586
- author: Boerestaat

BBC: The Boer War - Part 1
Watch all 5 in order of succession (1 to 5) The Boer War was by modern terms a genocide wi...
published: 23 Jan 2007
author: ousauk
BBC: The Boer War - Part 1
BBC: The Boer War - Part 1
Watch all 5 in order of succession (1 to 5) The Boer War was by modern terms a genocide with some of the most horrific acts of barbarism against the Boer Peo...- published: 23 Jan 2007
- views: 255793
- author: ousauk

The Boer War 1899- 1902: Part 2 of 4
Apologies for the poor sound quality. First broadcast in 1999 to mark the centenary of Boe...
published: 14 Apr 2013
author: Basicallybenign
The Boer War 1899- 1902: Part 2 of 4
The Boer War 1899- 1902: Part 2 of 4
Apologies for the poor sound quality. First broadcast in 1999 to mark the centenary of Boer War in South Africa, and never broadcast since as far as I am awa...- published: 14 Apr 2013
- views: 1989
- author: Basicallybenign