【MV Full】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル feat.サイプレス上野,NORIKIYO『アトラクション 』
WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル
「アトラクション(Single Version) feat.サイプレス上野,NORIKIYO...
published: 11 Nov 2013
【MV Full】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル feat.サイプレス上野,NORIKIYO『アトラクション 』
【MV Full】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル feat.サイプレス上野,NORIKIYO『アトラクション 』
WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル iTunes配信シングル(※アルバム未収録曲) 「アトラクション(Single Version) feat.サイプレス上野,NORIKIYO」のMusic Video 制作:CUTTYSARK STUDIO Art Direction:ZEFartworks Lighting Support:A-gaill,Bee Merge - - - - - - - - - - - - ■WATT 1st.Album『Shikou品』リリース記念特別企画 【U-20・アトラクション試乗キャンペーン】12/25まで。 詳細はコチラ→ http://blog.sdp-228.com/?p=diary&di;=1019311 ■楽曲の購入はコチラから https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/atorakushon-attraction-feat./id731321317 - - - - - - - - - - - - ■2013年11月15日 YUKICHI RECORDSより全国発売 WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル 1st.Album『Shikou品』 【TRACK LIST】 01. 始行 02. アトラクション(Album Version) feat.A-gaill 03. Syuku,Syuku 04. BROTHER feat.LOOTH 05. 空洞のあまり鳴り響くメロディー feat.zom 06. 録音当日(盗聴SKIT) 07. すばらしいうた feat.KYN 08. 遊泳 09. WHAT I NEED 10. 無賃乗者 feat.YUNDE 11. I'LL BE SEEING YOU 12. RESTORE 13. はじめよう ※特典付き http://zakai.jp/?pid=65459755 極少量のみ販売された自主制作盤や、様々なアーティストへのプロデュース/REMIXワーク、客演等でその名を徐々に知られてきたMC/BEAT MAKERの「WATT」またの名を「ヨッテルブッテル」2013年11月、YUKICHI RECORDSより満を持して正規1stアルバムのリリースが決定。 独自のメロウなコード感を持った暖かみのあるサウンドプロダクションと、それに呼応するかのようなリリック。数年後のふとした瞬間にもCD棚から引っ張り出して聴きたくなるような、"今更"のない普遍性を(たぶん)帯びた楽曲群。WATTの様々な「Shikou」が詰まった全曲セルフプロデュースの(自称)至高音楽集。 【WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル】 東京生まれ長野育ち神奈川在住、MC/BEAT MAKER。 今や日本のHIP HOPシーンを代表するMCであるNORIKIYOに"そのTrack Makingにおけるサンプリングセンスと、ごく普通の日常を切り取り提示する歌詞"が認められ、 2013年にNORIKIYOも所属するレーベルである<YUKICHI RECORDS>と契約。 同レーベルより1stソロアルバム「Shikou品」のリリースが決定。 これまでにBES from SWANKY SWIPEへの楽曲提供や、サイプレス上野とロベルト吉野の1stアルバムを皮切りに3rdアルバムでは表題曲「MUSIC EXPRES$」をプロデュースするなどBeat Makerとしても数多くのアーティスト作品に参加。 そのBeatのセンスを買われ、2011年の年間最優秀HIP HOPアルバムとして軒並み賞賛されたNORIKIYOの3rdアルバム「メランコリック現代」を全曲オフィシャルREMIXするという大役をNORIKIYO本人より依頼され制作。 2014年に<YUKICHI RECORDS>よりその作品がリリースされることも決まっている。 自身のRap/Beat/DJ Playを全て詰め込んだ自主制作盤「自作自演集」と「自作自演集2」、7inch.Single「THINK OF...」を過去に発表(一部完売)。 MC KAMURIとのHIPHOPグループ<韻部>(現在休部中)としても2006年に1枚のミニアルバムを発表している。 多岐にわたる音楽収集とエロDVD収集家としてSag Down Posseからは"相模のエロDVD図書館の館長"として、そのDIG精神を買われている男である。 女性の方!嫌いにならないでね!エロを隠さないだけ爽やか!男性は皆こうデス♡ (text by YUKICHI RECORDS) ■INFO/WATT OFFICIAL BLOG http://yotterubutteru.blogspot.jp ■BOOKING/CONTACT wattni.nankayou@gmail.com- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 15004
What's a Watt?
A Watt Is A Measure Of Energy Flow - We Use Energy To Generate Power....
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: Robert Bryce
What's a Watt?
What's a Watt?
A Watt Is A Measure Of Energy Flow - We Use Energy To Generate Power.- published: 30 Nov 2011
- views: 3044
- author: Robert Bryce
【MV】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル『始行』
WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル
『始行』のMusic Video。
■WATT a.k...
published: 13 Nov 2013
【MV】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル『始行』
【MV】WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル『始行』
WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル 1st.Album『Shikou品』より 『始行』のMusic Video。 制作:CUTTYSARK STUDIO ■WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル 1st.Album【Shikou品】 レーベル:YUKICHI RECORDS フォーマット: CD 価格:2381円+税 品番:YRC-035 発売日:2013年11月15日 【TRACK LIST】 01. 始行 02. アトラクション(Album Version) feat.A-gaill 03. Syuku,Syuku 04. BROTHER feat.LOOTH 05. 空洞のあまり鳴り響くメロディー feat.zom 06. 録音当日(盗聴SKIT) 07. すばらしいうた feat.KYN 08. 遊泳 09. WHAT I NEED 10. 無賃乗者 feat.YUNDE 11. I'LL BE SEEING YOU 12. RESTORE 13. はじめよう ※特典付き http://zakai.jp/?pid=65459755 極少量のみ販売された自主制作盤や、様々なアーティストへのプロデュース/REMIXワーク、客演等でその名を徐々に知られてきたMC/BEAT MAKERの「WATT」またの名を「ヨッテルブッテル」2013年11月、YUKICHI RECORDSより満を持して正規1stアルバムのリリースが決定。 独自のメロウなコード感を持った暖かみのあるサウンドプロダクションと、それに呼応するかのようなリリック。数年後のふとした瞬間にもCD棚から引っ張り出して聴きたくなるような、"今更"のない普遍性を(たぶん)帯びた楽曲群。WATTの様々な「Shikou」が詰まった全曲セルフプロデュースの(自称)至高音楽集。 【WATT a.k.a.ヨッテルブッテル】 東京生まれ長野育ち神奈川在住、MC/BEAT MAKER。 今や日本のHIP HOPシーンを代表するMCであるNORIKIYOに"そのTrack Makingにおけるサンプリングセンスと、ごく普通の日常を切り取り提示する歌詞"が認められ、 2013年にNORIKIYOも所属するレーベルである<YUKICHI RECORDS>と契約。 同レーベルより1stソロアルバム「Shikou品」のリリースが決定。 これまでにBES from SWANKY SWIPEへの楽曲提供や、サイプレス上野とロベルト吉野の1stアルバムを皮切りに3rdアルバムでは表題曲「MUSIC EXPRES$」をプロデュースするなどBeat Makerとしても数多くのアーティスト作品に参加。 そのBeatのセンスを買われ、2011年の年間最優秀HIP HOPアルバムとして軒並み賞賛されたNORIKIYOの3rdアルバム「メランコリック現代」を全曲オフィシャルREMIXするという大役をNORIKIYO本人より依頼され制作。 2014年に<YUKICHI RECORDS>よりその作品がリリースされることも決まっている。 自身のRap/Beat/DJ Playを全て詰め込んだ自主制作盤「自作自演集」と「自作自演集2」、7inch.Single「THINK OF...」を過去に発表(一部完売)。 MC KAMURIとのHIPHOPグループ<韻部>(現在休部中)としても2006年に1枚のミニアルバムを発表している。 多岐にわたる音楽収集とエロDVD収集家としてSag Down Posseからは"相模のエロDVD図書館の館長"として、そのDIG精神を買われている男である。 女性の方!嫌いにならないでね!エロを隠さないだけ爽やか!男性は皆こうデス♡ (text by YUKICHI RECORDS) ■INFO/WATT OFFICIAL BLOG http://yotterubutteru.blogspot.jp ■BOOKING/CONTACT wattni.nankayou@gmail.com- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 4971
Volts Amps Watts
A clip for the Acme School of Stuff "Acme Shorts" with David Stringer on the relationship ...
published: 11 Jan 2008
author: acmeschool
Volts Amps Watts
Volts Amps Watts
A clip for the Acme School of Stuff "Acme Shorts" with David Stringer on the relationship between volts amps and watts.- published: 11 Jan 2008
- views: 63802
- author: acmeschool
Hannah Storm: Face to Face with JJ Watt
Leading up to kickoff of the 2013 NFL season, ESPN will present SportsCenter Special: NFL ...
published: 07 Aug 2013
author: ESPN
Hannah Storm: Face to Face with JJ Watt
Hannah Storm: Face to Face with JJ Watt
Leading up to kickoff of the 2013 NFL season, ESPN will present SportsCenter Special: NFL Face to Face with Hannah Storm (Monday at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN2) -- a ...- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 9317
- author: ESPN
Bryan Watt, with guitar in tow, stepped up to perform "So Small" by Carrie Underwood. When...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Bryan Watt, with guitar in tow, stepped up to perform "So Small" by Carrie Underwood. When it came time for a decision, did Jennifer, Keith and Harry say yes? Subscribe now for more American Idol clips: http://idol.ly/YT_Subscribe Tune in to AMERICAN IDOL Wednesday & Thursday 8/7c on FOX! See more of American Idol on our official site: http://idol.ly/Idol Like American Idol on Facebook: http://idol.ly/FB Follow American Idol on Twitter: http://idol.ly/TW Add American Idol on Google+: http://idol.ly/GPlus Add American Idol on Tumblr: http://idol.ly/tumblr Add American Idol on Pinterest: http://idol.ly/Pin Add American Idol on Instagram: http://idol.ly/Insta Like FOX on Facebook: http://fox.tv/FOXTV_FB Follow FOX on Twitter: http://fox.tv/FOXTV_Twitter Add FOX on Google+: http://fox.tv/FOXPlus As AMERICAN IDOL XIII enters a landmark season in January 2014, the search continues to find amazing talent from across the nation. Hosted by Ryan Seacrest, and featuring judges Harry Connick, Jr., Jennifer Lopez, and Keith Urban, along with in-house mentor Randy Jackson, the series empowers contestants and viewers to share their voices in deciding who will be America's next singing superstar. Every year, tens of thousands of hopefuls from across the nation audition for a shot at stardom. The show's judges will travel across the country including stops in Atlanta, GA; Austin, TX; Boston, MA; Detroit, MI; Omaha, NE, Salt Lake City, UT; and San Francisco, CA, in search of the next AMERICAN IDOL. They narrow down the competitors to a select group of semifinalists who sing their hearts out each week in front of a studio audience and television viewers. The judges have their say after every performance, but it's the viewing public that determines who will advance to become a finalist and who will go home. Telephone, text message and online voting begin immediately after each live performance show, and the results are announced during the following night's live broadcast. Eventually the competition is whittled down to two finalists who compete for a major recording contract with 19 Recordings and the AMERICAN IDOL title. Past winners Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Scotty McCreery Phillip Phillips, and Candice Glover, as well as fan-favorites Jennifer Hudson, Adam Lambert, Chris Daughtry, and Katharine McPhee, have all become household names and made their marks on the recording industry. Bryan Watt Auditions - AMERICAN IDOL SEASON XIII http://www.youtube.com/user/americanidol- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 1163
WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル on #RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN (2013/11/24)
毎月第4日曜日放送『RAPSTREAM』内のコーナー『RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN』でのWATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブ...
published: 21 Dec 2013
WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル on #RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN (2013/11/24)
WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル on #RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN (2013/11/24)
http://amebreak.ameba.jp 毎月第4日曜日放送『RAPSTREAM』内のコーナー『RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN』でのWATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテルのライヴ映像。 RAPSTREAM CO-SIGN VOL.13 feat. WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル http://amebreak.ameba.jp/column/2013/11/004388.html RELEASE INFO TITLE:Shikou品 ARTIST:WATT a.k.a. ヨッテルブッテル LABEL:YUKICHI RECORDS/YRC-035 RELEASE DATE:11月15日 TRACK LIST 01. 始行 02. アトラクション(Album Version) feat.A-gaill 03. Syuku,Syuku 04. BROTHER feat.LOOTH 05. 空洞のあまり鳴り響くメロディー feat.zom 06. 録音当日(盗聴SKIT) 07. すばらしいうた feat.KYN 08. 遊泳 09. WHAT I NEED 10. 無賃乗者 feat.YUNDE 11. I'LL BE SEEING YOU 12. RESTORE 13. はじめよう- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 2748
JJ Watt Box Jump 59.5 inches
published: 17 Jul 2013
author: Evan Conley
JJ Watt Box Jump 59.5 inches
Gefahr im Watt
Wie gefährlich es sein kann, im Watt die herannahende Flut zu unterschätzen, zeigte das ZD...
published: 29 Aug 2011
author: duhnenTV
Gefahr im Watt
Gefahr im Watt
Wie gefährlich es sein kann, im Watt die herannahende Flut zu unterschätzen, zeigte das ZDF in der Sendung TerraXpress am 28.08.2011. Gedreht wurde im Watt z...- published: 29 Aug 2011
- views: 16593
- author: duhnenTV
Mega Bass 40000 watt rms
Music : Bass I love you....
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: liliane2311570
Mega Bass 40000 watt rms
Mega Bass 40000 watt rms
Music : Bass I love you.- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 2645095
- author: liliane2311570
Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way
http://www.ted.com Reggie Watts' beats defy boxes. Unplug your logic board and watch as he...
published: 25 May 2012
author: TEDtalksDirector
Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way
Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way
http://www.ted.com Reggie Watts' beats defy boxes. Unplug your logic board and watch as he blends poetry and crosses musical genres in this larger-than-life ...- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 1507970
- author: TEDtalksDirector
Yahoo! Fantasy Football: J.J. Watt Entrance
Sign up for Yahoo! Fantasy Football: http://bit.ly/18mdHQR....
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: yahoo
Yahoo! Fantasy Football: J.J. Watt Entrance
Yahoo! Fantasy Football: J.J. Watt Entrance
Sign up for Yahoo! Fantasy Football: http://bit.ly/18mdHQR.- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 210805
- author: yahoo
J.J. Watt's Remarkable Friendship
After a tragic car accident orphaned the three Berry children, J.J. Watt entered their liv...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: ESPN
J.J. Watt's Remarkable Friendship
J.J. Watt's Remarkable Friendship
After a tragic car accident orphaned the three Berry children, J.J. Watt entered their lives. Rick Reilly looks at Watt's incredible friendship with the Berr...- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 205198
- author: ESPN
Vimeo results:
Morning Teleportation: Expanding Anyway Official Music Video
Official music video for Morning Teleportation's "Expanding Anyway"
Director: WATTS
published: 20 Aug 2010
author: WATTS
Morning Teleportation: Expanding Anyway Official Music Video
Official music video for Morning Teleportation's "Expanding Anyway"
Director: WATTS
Animation: Tripp Watt, Jenna Watt
Additional Illustration: Levi Watson
Label: Glacial Pace
Check out the making of here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTtZql-8xo4
Check out Morning Teleportation at facebook.com/morningteleportation
And grab their Isaac Brock-produced album Expanding Anyway HERE!: http://ow.ly/4bPqq
WATTS 2010
Bless You
An architect in the skies grows bored of his creation and decides to spice things up a bit...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: Philip Watts
Bless You
An architect in the skies grows bored of his creation and decides to spice things up a bit.
A bit of behind the scenes info at http://thenewdaily.com.au/news/2013/11/26/dinosaur-destroys-melbourne/
Winner: Best Animated Short, Portland (Oregon) Film Festival 2013
Nominated for Best Animation: Webcuts Berlin, 2013
Screened at Rotterdam International Film Festival 2014
Official Selection: Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival, Seattle 2014
Official Selection: Sommets du Cinéma d'Animation, Montreal 2013
Official Selection: Klik! Amsterdam Animation Festival 2013
Official Selection: Philadelphia Film and Animation Festival 2013
Official Selection: Dam Short Film Festival, Boulder City, Nevada, 2014
Official Selection: Glovebox Short Film and Animation Festival, Boston 2013
Official Selection: Atlanta Horror Film Festival 2013
Official Selection: SoDak Animation Festival, South Dakota 2013
Official Selection: Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2013
Official Selection: Surrey International Film Festival, British Columbia 2013
Official Selection: Heathcote Film Festival 2013
Live Visuals Reel 2012
VJ Reel :: Tripp Watt 2012
Original material shot or animated by Tripp and Jenna Watt.
published: 16 May 2012
author: WATTS
Live Visuals Reel 2012
VJ Reel :: Tripp Watt 2012
Original material shot or animated by Tripp and Jenna Watt.
Zomby : Witch Hunt
Feed Me : One Click Headshot
Sluggo : Synthetic Cocktail
Shameboy: Strobot (Netsky remix)
WATTS 2012
Second Weekly Video!
Mailing Lists and More Awesome:
published: 29 Apr 2011
author: Ronen V
Second Weekly Video!
Mailing Lists and More Awesome:
Camera+light by Noa Griffel (http://alphabettown.tumblr.com)
Produced by Winslow Turner Porter III
Last Week's video: How To Cook Beef Stroganoff and Fight Off A Ninja (http://all.ronenv.com/post/4858323843)
Youtube results:
Ten Years After-Watt (1970-Full Album)
Ten Years After's 1970 album "Watt".
Track listing:
1. I'm Coming On (0:00-3:53)
2. My Ba...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Ten Years After-Watt (1970-Full Album)
Ten Years After-Watt (1970-Full Album)
Ten Years After's 1970 album "Watt". Track listing: 1. I'm Coming On (0:00-3:53) 2. My Baby Left Me (3:54-9:19) 3. Think About The Times (9:20-14:05) 4. I Say Yeah (14:06-19:25) 5. The Band With No Name (19:26-21:02) 6. Gonna Run (21:03-27:09) 7. She Lies In The Morning (27:10-34:39) 8. Sweet Little Sixteen (34:40-38:52)- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 147
Ultimate J.J. Watt Highlights
JOIN THEVIKINGSWORLD ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/TheVik... CHECK OUT MY B...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: TheVikingsworld2
Ultimate J.J. Watt Highlights
Ultimate J.J. Watt Highlights
JOIN THEVIKINGSWORLD ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/TheVik... CHECK OUT MY BLOG BEFORE MAKING REQUESTS : http://thevikingsworld.blogspot.com/ (...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 16265
- author: TheVikingsworld2
How The Elite Run Society and Can't be Stopped, Alan Watt 25Oct2013
If you're reading this at http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz click "Original Article" on the ...
published: 26 Oct 2013
How The Elite Run Society and Can't be Stopped, Alan Watt 25Oct2013
How The Elite Run Society and Can't be Stopped, Alan Watt 25Oct2013
If you're reading this at http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz click "Original Article" on the bottom right for the video. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! Latest Episodes Archives at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013.html 25 October 2013, Bloodlines & Ruling Techniques Of The Elite Revealed Alan Watt, Vinny's NUTShell: Alan Watt http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/ Famed researcher who has been aware that things in this world were not quite right from a very young age. Amazing information on how the youth and women are manipulated by the mass media and elite bankers to undermine their own humanity! Breeding programs within elite families reveal how they can easily change the hands of power from one psychopath to another! Is there actually any hope for humanity to get free from the grip of these ruthless controllers? Not much. Vinny needs about 500 people to donate $5 a month so he can deliver quality news and information and even travel around New Zealand to cover important events and stories that neither the alternative media or mainstream media are able to cover. SUBSCRIBE NOW at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Watch this video and please share it around! Subscribe for A Few $ A Month for Ad Free Radio Archives! only at http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com Full Audio Archives here: http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/2013.html Listen to the show LIVE! http://www.americanfreedomradio.com Contact Vinny http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/contact.html Follow Vinny on FASCBOOK (Facebook) http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000352670116 on TWATTER (twitter) http://twitter.com/Guerillamedia & You Genics (youtube) http://www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia http://www.realguerillamedia.com http://www.americanfreedomradio.com http://www.youtube.com/mrnewsguerillamedia http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz- published: 26 Oct 2013
- views: 2242
Renogy: 100 Watt Complete Kit Solar Panel Installation Guide
Please Call us M-F 8:00am-5:00pm
This is our Renogy 100 Watt Complet...
published: 24 Jul 2013
Renogy: 100 Watt Complete Kit Solar Panel Installation Guide
Renogy: 100 Watt Complete Kit Solar Panel Installation Guide
www.renogy-store.com Please Call us M-F 8:00am-5:00pm This is our Renogy 100 Watt Complete Kit Solar Panel Installation Guide. In this video we will show you how to set up your complete kit you have purchased from Renogy. This video will go through a step-by-step process on how to set up your battery to your charge controller, as well as your panel to your charge controller. This video is perfect for customers or anyone interested in purchasing solar in the future. We encourage you to visit our website or give us a call. We look forward to meeting your solar needs in the future. Give us a call at 1-800-330-8678 Please Subscribe!- published: 24 Jul 2013
- views: 569