
Dynamic Semantic Publishing Demo: Linked RWW
A Dynamic Semantic Publishing demo using blog post data from readwriteweb.com with a combi...
published: 13 Aug 2010
author: paggr
Dynamic Semantic Publishing Demo: Linked RWW
Dynamic Semantic Publishing Demo: Linked RWW
A Dynamic Semantic Publishing demo using blog post data from readwriteweb.com with a combination of semsol.com products.- published: 13 Aug 2010
- views: 768
- author: paggr

Web Tools for Semantic Publishing
Constantin Jucovschi (KWARC research group) describes the tools for semantic annotations i...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: Yury Katkov
Web Tools for Semantic Publishing
Web Tools for Semantic Publishing
Constantin Jucovschi (KWARC research group) describes the tools for semantic annotations in the area of mathematical and scienfic publications,- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 30
- author: Yury Katkov

Dynamic Semantic Publishing with the Information Workbench
The Information Workbench supports the editorial process -- from authoring and curation to...
published: 13 Jun 2013
author: fluid Operations
Dynamic Semantic Publishing with the Information Workbench
Dynamic Semantic Publishing with the Information Workbench
The Information Workbench supports the editorial process -- from authoring and curation to publishing of ontology and instance data following an editorial wo...- published: 13 Jun 2013
- views: 64
- author: fluid Operations

Project Prospect, Semantic Publishing in Chemistry -- Linking through Standards
Richard Kidd Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge More videos from the APE 2010 conferenc...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: rivervalleytv
Project Prospect, Semantic Publishing in Chemistry -- Linking through Standards
Project Prospect, Semantic Publishing in Chemistry -- Linking through Standards
Richard Kidd Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge More videos from the APE 2010 conference are available here: http://river-valley.tv/conferences/ape-2010.- published: 31 Aug 2011
- views: 10
- author: rivervalleytv

PoolParty Semantic Suite - From Text Mining to Linked Data
This webinar (held on November 6, 2013) gives an overview over the latest release of PoolP...
published: 07 Nov 2013
PoolParty Semantic Suite - From Text Mining to Linked Data
PoolParty Semantic Suite - From Text Mining to Linked Data
This webinar (held on November 6, 2013) gives an overview over the latest release of PoolParty Semantic Suite. PoolParty 4 provides some ultimate features in order to create and maintain knowledge graphs at the lowest possible cost. Knowledge graphs like taxonomies, thesauri and ontologies build the basis for PoolParty's integrated high-quality text mining. PoolParty combines the best of three worlds: knowledge modeling, text mining and linked data. PoolParty is standards based: W3C's Semantic Web offers a large variety of linked data to be reused in enterprise systems. See PoolParty's Linked Data Harvester in action! This webinar offers insights into the huge potential semantic technologies are able to provide to enterprise applications. Attendees will see a variety of real-world applications based on PoolParty Semantic Suite: linked data integration, semantic matchmaking, dynamic semantic publishing, and semantic search. PoolParty has been integrated in to a list of Enterprise Content Management Systems like SharePoint 2013, Atlassian Confluence, Drupal, FirstSpirit or WordPress. See how users will benefit from semantic technologies when embedded into their accustomed environment. See how Linked Data Warehousing supports information integration of heterogeneous data sources. We will show how linked data graphs (like Geonames, DBpedia, ...), RDFized documents and interlinked thesauri can be pooled and used to execute complex queries.- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 39

Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 1
Louise Tutton, COO at Publishing Technology, talks about Semantic Web and its opportunitie...
published: 02 Dec 2010
author: publishingtech
Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 1
Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 1
Louise Tutton, COO at Publishing Technology, talks about Semantic Web and its opportunities at Online Information, London (30th November). The half hour pres...- published: 02 Dec 2010
- views: 774
- author: publishingtech

Anzo: Semantic Web Solutions in 5 Minutes
This is the lightning demo that Cambridge Semantics presented at the 2010 Semantic Technol...
published: 06 Jul 2010
author: TechnicaLeeSpeaking
Anzo: Semantic Web Solutions in 5 Minutes
Anzo: Semantic Web Solutions in 5 Minutes
This is the lightning demo that Cambridge Semantics presented at the 2010 Semantic Technology Conference in 2010. In this demo, I use our Anzo products to bu...- published: 06 Jul 2010
- views: 1630
- author: TechnicaLeeSpeaking

Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web
Google TechTalks January 25, 2006 Peter Patel-Schneider http://www-db.research.bell-labs.c...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: GoogleTalksArchive
Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web
Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web
Google TechTalks January 25, 2006 Peter Patel-Schneider http://www-db.research.bell-labs.com/user/pfps/ ABSTRACT The Semantic Web has been attracting conside...- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 333
- author: GoogleTalksArchive

Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 2
Louise Tutton, COO at Publishing Technology, talks about Semantic Web and its opportunitie...
published: 02 Dec 2010
author: publishingtech
Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 2
Semantic Web - Publishing Technology Presentation, Part 2
Louise Tutton, COO at Publishing Technology, talks about Semantic Web and its opportunities at Online Information, London (30th November). The half hour pres...- published: 02 Dec 2010
- views: 217
- author: publishingtech

Semiomantics XO 2010 - Web Design and Publishing for Excellence
Semiomantics XO 2010 is a semantic publishing framework based on WordPress Blog developed ...
published: 07 Dec 2009
author: Yorgo Nestoridis
Semiomantics XO 2010 - Web Design and Publishing for Excellence
Semiomantics XO 2010 - Web Design and Publishing for Excellence
Semiomantics XO 2010 is a semantic publishing framework based on WordPress Blog developed by Yorgo Nestoridis. Web Design, Blog Design.- published: 07 Dec 2009
- views: 180
- author: Yorgo Nestoridis

The Semantic Web: an introduction
The semantic web is all about improving search results, but how does it actually work? And...
published: 29 Jul 2011
author: publishingtech
The Semantic Web: an introduction
The Semantic Web: an introduction
The semantic web is all about improving search results, but how does it actually work? And why is it relevant to publishers? In this video, Publishing Techno...- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 1180
- author: publishingtech

Jeremy Tarling introduces Storyline and The Juicer for BBC News Labs #newsHACK
Jeremy introduces the News Storyline ontology, and also talks about how BBC News Labs hope...
published: 11 Oct 2013
Jeremy Tarling introduces Storyline and The Juicer for BBC News Labs #newsHACK
Jeremy Tarling introduces Storyline and The Juicer for BBC News Labs #newsHACK
Jeremy introduces the News Storyline ontology, and also talks about how BBC News Labs hopes to use The Juicer at the #newsHACK event in October 2013. Storyline : http://bbc.co.uk/ontologies/storyline/ The News Storyline Ontology is a generic model for describing and organising the stories news organisations tell. The ontology is intended to be flexible to support any given news or media publisher's approach to handling news stories. At the heart of the ontology, is the concept of Storyline. As a nuance of the English language the word 'story' has multiple meanings. In news organisations, a story can be an individual piece of content, such as an article or news report. It can also be the editorial view on events occurring in the world. The journalist pulls together information, facts, opinion, quotes, and data to explain the significance of world events and their context to create a narrative. The event is an award being received; the story is the triumph over adversity and personal tragedy of the victor leading up to receiving the reward (and the inevitable fall from grace due to drugs and sexual peccadillos). Or, the event is a bombing outside a building; the story is an escalating civil war or a gas mains fault due to cost cutting. To avoid this confusion, the term Storyline has been used to remove the ambiguity between the piece of creative work (the written article) and the editorial perspective on events. Here is an excerpt explaining the News Storyline Ontology by Jarred McGinnis: From http://semanticweb.com/read-all-about-it-news-storyline-ontology-goes-to-press_b37350 The News Storyline Ontology wants to make it easier for journalists to deal with the world as they understand it -- that is, in terms of stories and curated narrative arcs over world events. The ontology aims to be a generic model for describing and organizing the stories news organizations tell, while supporting whatever their approach is to handling those stories. It provides, in other words, a model for the news itself: how different stories relate to each other, how breaking news evolves and how the commonplace entities of people, places, organizations and events relate to news stories. "The first benefit is for the news organization itself to organize things, but it also lets them put together web pages more flexibly and closer to the way we access information as humans," says Jarred McGinnis, one of the authors of the ontology. Formerly head of research, semantic technologies at Press Association, he is now an independent consultant in semantics at his firm Logomachy Ltd. Fellow authors are Jeremy Tarling, BBC News data architect, and a former BBCer, Paul Wilton, previously technical lead, semantic publishing and now founder and technical architect at Ontoba, which specializes in semantic publishing. The core of the ontology is the Storyline class, encompassing Storyline components like Event, as well as Topics that could associate to Storylines with entities from external knowledge domains, and Attributions to indicate the owner of a piece's interpretation -- accounting for provenance and accommodating for the natural bias that occurs simply because a story is told by a human.- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 112
Youtube results:

Video_SMW+ 1-5-3 Semantic Data Integration.mp4
SMW+ is a semantic enterprise Wiki for teams that need a human-readable and agile knowledg...
published: 07 Jun 2011
author: 2010Halo2010
Video_SMW+ 1-5-3 Semantic Data Integration.mp4
Video_SMW+ 1-5-3 Semantic Data Integration.mp4
SMW+ is a semantic enterprise Wiki for teams that need a human-readable and agile knowledge base for collaborating on rich text and data in their day to day ...- published: 07 Jun 2011
- views: 552
- author: 2010Halo2010

Paggr CMS - Semantic Richtext Editor
Screencast of the structured RTE bundled with the Paggr CMS....
published: 01 May 2010
author: paggr
Paggr CMS - Semantic Richtext Editor
Paggr CMS - Semantic Richtext Editor
Screencast of the structured RTE bundled with the Paggr CMS.- published: 01 May 2010
- views: 918
- author: paggr

Definitions for common semantic web terminology
Publishing Technology's semantic web expert, Priya Parvatakir, takes us through some basic...
published: 20 Dec 2011
author: publishingtech
Definitions for common semantic web terminology
Definitions for common semantic web terminology
Publishing Technology's semantic web expert, Priya Parvatakir, takes us through some basic definitions for the semantic web's most commonly used terms, ontol...- published: 20 Dec 2011
- views: 254
- author: publishingtech

Cohere's Social Semantic Network
This short video presents a demo of Cohere (cohere.open.ac.uk) and in particular of the so...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: Anna De Liddo
Cohere's Social Semantic Network
Cohere's Social Semantic Network
This short video presents a demo of Cohere (cohere.open.ac.uk) and in particular of the social semantic network visualization as a result of a collaborative ...- published: 24 Jun 2010
- views: 879
- author: Anna De Liddo