Things Not To Say On A Shidduch Date
Shidduch Roundtable - Oorahthon 2014
"The Shidduch Hits the Fan" - The Groggers
The Hotel is Closed
How to Daven for Your Shidduch - Dating Do's & Don'ts E3 - Rabbi Manis Friedman
What Not To Do On A Shidduch Date
Shidduch Date Gone Bad
What Truly Counts In a Shidduch
Shidduch Music Video - Landers Purim Shpiel 2004 - Jewish Dating Shidduch Video Jewish Matchmaking
Ohr Naava 2012: The Shidduch Initiative
NASI - Shidduch Crisis 2009 Video.wmv
Call Me Maybe Parody - The Shidduch Crisis (Lyrics in description)
The Shidduch Games
How to handle a shidduch rejection
Things Not To Say On A Shidduch Date
Shidduch Roundtable - Oorahthon 2014
"The Shidduch Hits the Fan" - The Groggers
The Hotel is Closed
How to Daven for Your Shidduch - Dating Do's & Don'ts E3 - Rabbi Manis Friedman
What Not To Do On A Shidduch Date
Shidduch Date Gone Bad
What Truly Counts In a Shidduch
Shidduch Music Video - Landers Purim Shpiel 2004 - Jewish Dating Shidduch Video Jewish Matchmaking
Ohr Naava 2012: The Shidduch Initiative
NASI - Shidduch Crisis 2009 Video.wmv
Call Me Maybe Parody - The Shidduch Crisis (Lyrics in description)
The Shidduch Games
How to handle a shidduch rejection
Things Not To Say On A Shidduch Date - Bloopers
shidduch love match
Mendy Pellin: Solution to the Shidduch Crisis
Oy Vey (The Shidduch Crisis) Parody of Tik Tok by Ke$ha
Shidduch Vision Releases Video
Shidduch Date
Frum Satire makes a shidduch
Digital Shorts 2013: The Shidduch Bride
Is there a Shidduch crisis? - Dating Do's & Don'ts E4 - Rabbi Manis Friedman
The Shidduch (Hebrew: שִׁידּוּךְ, pl. shidduchim Hebrew: שִׁידּוּכִים, Aramaic שידוכין) is a system of matchmaking in which Jewish singles are introduced to one another in Orthodox Jewish communities for the purpose of marriage.
In Jewish Law, shidduch also refers to what is commonly called engagement; that is, an agreement to marry. Marrying without such an agreement is considered immoral.
In strictly Orthodox Jewish circles, dating is limited to the search for a marriage partner. Both sides (usually the singles themselves, parents, close relatives or friends of the persons involved) make inquiries about the prospective partner, e.g. on his/her character, intelligence, level of learning, financial status, family and health status, appearance and level of religious observance.
A shidduch often begins with a recommendation from family members, friends or others who see matchmaking as a mitzvah, or commandment. Some engage in it as a profession and charge a fee for their services. Usually a professional matchmaker is called a shadchan, but anyone who makes a shidduch is considered the shadchan for it.
Manis Friedman (full name: Menachem Manis haCohen Friedman; born 1946) is a Chabad Lubavitch Hassid. He is a Torah scholar, rabbi, author, counselor and speaker and is the dean of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies.
Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1946, Friedman immigrated with his family to the United States in 1950. He received his rabbinic ordination at the Rabbinical College of Canada in 1969. He currently hosts a cable television series, Torah Forum with Manis Friedman, syndicated within North America. Friedman's first book, Doesn't Anyone Blush Anymore?, was published in 1990. It is currently in its fourth printing. Since the 1970s more than 150,000 of Friedman's recorded classes and lectures have been sold.
Manis Friedman's brother is the renowned Jewish singer Avraham Fried.
In 1971, with Rabbi Schneerson's guidance, Friedman founded the Bais Chana Women International, an Institute for Jewish Studies in Minnesota, which became the world's first school of Jewish studies exclusively for women with little or no formal Jewish education{{}}. He has served as the school's dean since its inception.
Mendy Pellin is a Hassidic comic with a web-based satirical news show called The Mendy Report.
Pellin was born to a Hassidic family in Denver, CO. He spent most of his childhood growing up in Crown Heights, NY, home of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. At age 7, he was already learning the tricks of the trade at a local puppet theater, but quickly moved on to baffle crowds all around the globe.
With nothing like his show in the Jewish world and over 50,000 viewers per broadcast, Mendy blends Hassidic spirituality with out-of-the-box humor. He aims to overcome stereotypes commonly attributed to ultra-Orthodox Jews.
Mendy is also co-writer for a sitcom (release date unknown). Mendy and his wife, Shulamit, married at the end of March 2007.
Mendy also acts as a comedic Master of Ceremonies at a wide variety of events around the world.
He has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Mendy will be appearing in the upcoming film "Moneyball"(Columbia Pictures/Sony) starring Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Robin Wright and Philip Seymour Hoffman. He will also be appearing in the upcoming independent film "A Modest Suggestion (Film)".
Mutti und Vati ham Peggy adoptiert.
Die Jungs in ihrem Alter ham sie nie interessiert.
Mit sechzehn zog sie aus (sie war schon sehr früh fit)
und Mutti weinte, denn sie nahm Vati mit.
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man sein Herz an den Falschen verliert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.
Sabine liebte Uli, der war ja so charmant!
Sie wäre am liebsten zum Standesamt gerannt.
Sie hatte das Geld, er hatte die Idee.
Jetzt hat sie ihn schon über ein Jahr nicht mehr geseh'n.
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man sein Herz an den Falschen verliert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.
Ein Fußballtrainer wechselt einen Spieler ein.
Alle hoffen: Der macht vielleicht noch einen rein.
Er macht auch einen rein, leider das falsch Tor.
Da singt der Gegner laut im Chor:
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man es mit dem falsch probiert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.
Der Onkel hat 'nen Herzinfarkt, die Hilfe kommt zu spät.
Er hinterlässt der Familie ein Aktienpaket.
Sie freuen sich total, sie feierten auch schon,
doch der Onkel setzte auf die Telekommunikation.
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man sich verspekuliert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.
Paul und Erna war'n lange ein Paar.
Sie kriegten keine Kinder, weil Paul dagegen war.
Jetzt hat er eine jüngere und Paule wird Papa.
Erna ist achtundvierzig und steht doof da.
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man sein Herz an den Falschen verliert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.
Denn alle wollen glücklich sein,
denn dazu sind wir ja da (oder hier).
Aber oft kommt was dazwischen,
denn das Leben ist größer als wir...
Holger liebt Lisa, Lisa ist ein Aas:
Er meint es so ernst, sie will nur ihren Spaß!
Er ist so empfindlich, das weiß sie genau.
Er küsst sie, sie sagt: Fick mich doch gleich, du Sau!
Schade – Scheiße, kann schon mal passier'n,
dass man sein Herz an den Falschen verliert.
Schade – Scheiße, und vielleicht fatal...
Schade – Scheiße, aber normal.