Roderick Slater is an American artist born in Goodrich, Michigan in 1937. Slater studied art at the National Academy of Design School of Art in New York City. His works include paintings, etchings, drypoints, and colographs and collages. He is best known for mixed media works combining painting and collage. Slater’s collages, composed on rectilinear grids, often include three-dimensional components and fragments of antique paper.
Galleries which have exhibited works by Roderick Slater include the Ann Jacobs Gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, Dryden Galleries, Providence, Rhode Island, Plum Gallery in Kensington, Maryland, and Frost Gully Gallery in Maine. Slater's works have also been sold by auction houses such as Christie's in New York (August 9, 2005),Skinner Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts (May 15, 2009), Luper Auctions, Richmond, Virginia, and Julia Auctions in Fairfield, Maine. Slater's work Mnemonic Device was included in Paste and Pixels, a 2001 exhibition at Core Gallery in New Paltz, NY.