Posts tagged Henry Kissinger

There’s no such thing as an American war criminal

Hark! U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice issued a statement today. The laughably hypocritical parts are in bold:
Today, President Obama directed a thorough review to strengthen our national capacity to prevent mass atrocities. Crucially, the President will establish a new Atrocities Prevention Board with the authority and the policy tools to respond quickly to early warning signs and make recommendations before options narrow and the costs of both action and inaction rise precipitously. The President also expanded grounds to deny visas to serious human rights violators and war criminals and to isolate those who engage in or conspire to commit atrocities.

The United States is deeply committed to ensuring that no individual, now or in the future, sees a path to power in division and death. Moreover, in the enduring fight against mass atrocities, the United States will continue to enlist the contributions of all nations who know that in war, there must be rules; that, in the pursuit of power, there must be limits; that, even in a violent world, there must be rights; and that, when the embers of conflict threaten to ignite, we must be ready.
I'd say there's a 50/50 chance Henry Kissinger gets appointed to that there "Atrocities Prevention Board." And I'm 100 percent sure that irony has died.

What evil looks like

Henry Kissinger and his wife, Nancy, arrive at the White House to dine on aborted Cambodian fetuses.

Photo Credit: Reuters

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Ethics, Congress and War (Video)

Sooo, Congress is bothered by a little corruption? Hah! Also, will there be war with North Korea and/or Iran? (9:30):

Stefan Molyneux runs Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web. His books, podcasts, and videos are available free on the web. Mr. Molyneux accepts donations with the utmost gratitude.

Filed under: International Affairs, National News, Philosophy, Political Science Tagged: Af-Pak War, Afghanistan, anarchism, appeal to prejudice, bribery, Bush Administration, Cambodia, Charlie Rangel, economics, economy, ethics, Freedomain Radio, George Bush, Henry Kissinger, human rights, indoctrination, international law, Iran, Iraq War, Kosovo, libertarian, lobbying, morality, Nixon Administration, North Korea, parenting, Philosophy, Reagan Administration, Stefan Molyneux, US, US Congress, Vietnam War, virtue ethics, War, war crimes, War on Terror

Evening Briefing—7th July 2010

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:

Filed under: Daily Briefing Tagged: Abu Dhabi, Afghanistan, anarchism, blowback, BP, brainpolice2, Bushehr, China, CIA, corporatism, Costa Rica, Cuba, drug war, economic crisis, economics, espionage, Federal Reserve, Gaza blockade, Germany, Glenn Greenwald, gold, Guantanamo Bay, Gulf oil spill, Henry Kissinger, imperialism, India, Iran, Israel, Kashmir, Manuel Noriega, marijuana, Marjorie Cohn, marketing, NATO, Netanyahu, Nigeria, Nixon Administration, Noah Shachtman, Obama, Obama Administration, oil, political prisoners, politics, pot, PSYOPS, public opinion, RAND Corporation, renminbi, Russia, Spencer Ackerman, Stefan Molyneux, Stephen Walt, Tony Hayward, torture, UAE, US, USD

Report: Days Before ‘Forced’ Resignation, McChrystal Warned NATO ‘Not to Expect Progress’ This Year

The recently-resigned U.S. top commander in Afghanistan told ISAF allies the local insurgency was enhanced since the Obama-led surge. Karzai’s best option is negotiating with leaders of opposing militant factions.

Continue reading at Little Alex in Wonderland …