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March 2009

Links for 2009-03-31 [Digg]

  • 'Kettled' anarchists increase worry for G20 demonstrators
    "...If I was a young person, fed up, no job on the horizon, watching my future implode thanks to a system I did not believe in, and I was being treated as a criminal by the police for simply wearing black, I too might feel stirring resentment. Is this really the best way to handle protesters?"
  • Police shootings of dogs may reveal attitudes toward public
    Officers in Buffalo, New York, stormed into a home during the course of a search for drugs, gunned the dogs down in front of the family, and then left without making any arrests. How do officers wield force when they think they can get away with it? These shootings may offer a disturbing answer to that question.

Warum brauchen Konservative die NPD?

Das läßt sich nicht so einfach beantworten, ist aber die folgerichtige Frage für die hartnäckige Weigerung der CDU / CSU die NPD zu verbieten. Es sind vor allem die konservativ regierten Länder, die Parteistrukturen durch den Verfassungsschutz aufbauten und den Bestand der Strukturen weiter subventionieren. Zwar schaumschlägern immer wieder auch konservative Innenminister medienwirksam gegen [...]

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[For Damian] Moar April Fools

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Molly’sBlog 2009-04-01 04:14:00

After protest against the upcoming NATO summit, what then ?
Here's a call for a "summer of resistance". The following comes from the English language section of the Polish anarchist news site Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej. the following has been slightly edited for English grammar and spelling.
Call for Summer of Resistance‭ ‬2009‭ ‬:
Collapse the security architectures‭!
Against NATO, G20, G8, Frontex and the “Stockholm Programme”!
Since the end of the last millennium a modification of the‭ “‬security architecture‭” ‬within the EU has taken place,‭ ‬which has been accelerated by the attacks of‭ ‬11‭ ‬September‭ ‬2001‭ ‬in the United States.‭ ‬Visible phenomena are, for example, the entanglement of internal and external security,‭ ‬a‭ “‬pooling‭” ‬of prosecution authorities and intelligence services and a simplified data exchange.‭‬ At the technical level we are confronted with new digital surveillance cameras,‭ ‬satellite surveillance,‭ ‬biometrics,‭ ‬drones,‭ ‬software for intelligent search in databases and new broadband networks to manage this huge flood of digital data.‭‬New institutions and authorities have been created,‭ ‬including the‭ “‬European Police Office Europol,‭ ‬the police academy CEPOL,‭ ‬the border agency Frontex and the‭” ‬Committee for the Management of Operational Cooperation‭ " ‬of all police agencies of the EU within its intelligence operation assessment center.‎
‏At the initiative of former French Defense Minister‎ (‏and current Interior Minister‭) ‬Michèle Alliot-Marie the‭ "‬European Gendarmerie Force‭ (‬EGF‭) ‬was founded and has been established in‭ ‬2004.‭ ‬The EGF shall ensure the‭ “‬public order‭”‬,‭ ‬combat insurgency,‭ ‬obtain intelligence information and protect property in conflict areas.

The security industry is likely one of the few branches that profits massive from the current crisis of capitalism and the resulting battles.‭

‬Europe’s police forces are preparing themselves for protest and resistance against the impact of the crisis.‭ ‬Even the chairman of the International Monetary Fund IMF admits that in future more riots are expected.‭‬
The institutions of the‭ “‬leading economic nations‭” ‬are forced to re-organize themselves.‭ ‬The‭ “‬summits‭” ‬of NATO,‭ ‬G8‭ ‬and G20‭ ‬are of central importance for this reorganization.‭ ‬Topics such as climate,‭ ‬migration and agriculture are considered as threats to the security of a‭ “‬western lifestyle‭”‬. ‭‬Within the European Union,‭ ‬domestic political changes are taking place,‭ ‬whose effects are currently difficult to predict.

Every five years,‭ ‬the interior and justice ministers of the new EU adopt new directives for a common domestic policy.‭ ‬The‭ “‬Tampere Program‭”‬,‭ ‬terminated in‭ ‬1999‭ ‬under the Finnish Presidency,‭ ‬was primarily a‭ “‬management of migration flows‭”‬:‭ ‬In addition to the appreciation of the police authority Europol was established a‭ “‬Task Force of EU Police Chiefs‭’” ‬which‭ ‬deals with‭ “‬international terrorism‭” ‬and‭ “‬violent political activism‭”‬.

With the‭ “‬Hague Program‭” ‬in‭ ‬2004,‭ ‬it has been agreed upon for the creation of an‭ “‬area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭”‬.‭ ‬Again it was decided on intensification of migration policy,‭ ‬including the construction of the Border Agency‭ “‬Frontex‭” ‬and the interception of refugees already in their home countries.‭ “‬The Hague Program‭” ‬puts the‭ “‬defense of terrorism‭” ‬in the center.‭ ‬At the level of information exchange and cooperation we can now count on the‭ “‬principle of availability‭”‬.
‭‬The guidelines of‭ ‬2004‭ ‬are already implemented by many EU member states:‭

Standardization of the‭ “‬terrorism‭” ‬legislation,‭ ‬data retention,‭ ‬expansion of existing databases and shared access,‭ ‬cross-border police cooperation , for example at sporting events or political mass protests,‭ “‬Border Management‭”‬,‭ ‬fingerprints when applying for an EU visa,; ‬from‭ ‬2009‭ ‬new biometric identifiers in identity documents,‭ ‬the development of security research,‭ ‬cooperation in criminal matters,‭ ‬police abroad etc.

‎"‏The Hague Program‭" ‬is running out and a new program should be decided on in the autumn of‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬in Stockholm under the Swedish EU Presidency. ‭‬During the 2007 German EU Presidency‭ ‬,‭ ‬the German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble created with the,‭ ‬then. European Commissioner for Internal Affairs‭ ( “‬Justice and Home Affairs‭”)‬,‭ ‬Franco Frattini,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Future Group‭”‬.‭ ‬This‭ “‬Future Group‭” ‬describes itself as‭ “‬informal body‭” ‬of European interior ministers,‭ ‬which drafted guidelines for European home affairs.‭
To adopt the new‭ “‬Stockholm program‭”‬,‭ ‬the‭ “‬Future Group‭” ‬submitted a wish-list for‭ "‬police cooperation,‭ ‬the fight against terrorism,‭ ‬management of missions in third countries,‭ ‬migration,‭ ‬asylum and border management,‭ ‬civil protection,‭ ‬new technologies and information networks‭ "‬.‭ ‬Priorities are the maintenance of the‭ “‬European model‭”‬,‭ “‬coping with the growing interdependence between internal and external security‭” ‬and ensuring of‭ an ‬Europe-wide best possible data network‭”‬.

The measures which shall be decided in Stockholm will be noticeable by the member states within its ratification in a few years.‭ ‬There are profound changes in the game:
Development and standardization of police databases,‭ ‬a central population register,‭ ‬"cross-border online search‭"‬, more control of the Internet,‭ ‬better satellite tracking,‭ ‬risk analysis‭ “‬software, ‭”‬e-borders‭" ‬and‭ “‬e-justice‭”‬,‭ common deportation planes and flights,‭ ‬new refugee camps in‭ “‬third countries‭”‬,‭ ‬the use of the military defense of migration,‭ ‬more police interventions outside the EU,‭ ‬the expansion of a paramilitary‭ “‬European Gendarmerie Force‭”‬,‭ ‬more cooperation between domestic and foreign secret services,‭ ‬etc.‭

The aim is a kind of domestic NATO,‎ ‏with the creation of a‭n “‬Euro-Atlantic cooperation in the area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭” ‬by‭ ‬2014.

Also NATO attaches value to the central role of European domestic politics.
On one hand,‭ ‬more and more police missions in‭ “‬third countries‭” ‬were launched,‭ ‬which perform there military tasks ,‭ ‬strike down local uprisings and train local police units.‭
On the other hand,‭ ‬NATO-strategists play the ball back to the European interior ministers and refer to the importance of European‭ “‬Homeland Security‭” ‬without which a‭ “‬strong defense‭” against the outside wouldn’t be possible.‭ ‬ NATO sees itself within member countries as the guarantor of security of‭ “‬critical infrastructure‭” (‬like energy,‭ ‬transportation,‭ ‬communication‭)‬.‭‬
The strategy document‭ “‬Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World‭” ‬authored by five ex-generals,‭ ‬who are anchored in the defense industry,‭ ‬calls for the expansion of‭ “‬civil-military cooperation‭”‬.‭ ‬Considered as a‭ “‬civilian elements‭” ‬are for example police,‭ ‬intelligence,‭ ‬research,‭ ‬academies,‭ ‬civil protection but also the private security industry.‭ ‬NATO wants to intensify the fall back on the‭ “‬European Gendarmerie Force‭”‬.‭‬
With the‭ “‬civil-military cooperation‭” ‬the militarization of social conflicts is increasing,‭ ‬underpinned by domestic political rearmament and new‭" ‬anti-terror‭ "‬laws.

The former EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs,‭ ‬Franco Frattini,‭ ‬has changed in Berlusconi’s Cabinet after the elections in Italy‭ ‬2008.‭ ‬As the new foreign minister,‭ ‬he is now responsible for the G8‭ ‬on the Sardinian island of La Maddalena.‭ ‬Frattini sees‭ “‬security‭” ‬as the central profile of the new G8‭ ‬structures:‭ “‬Europe can,‭ ‬rather than be just a consumer,‭ ‬be a producer of safety.‭ ‬But EU and NATO need to integrate,‭ ‬rather to interfere with each others.‭ ‬We back up these thoughts in the context of the G8‭”‬.‭‬
Italy adopted a‭ “‬security package‭” ‬in May‭ ‬2008‭ ‬with far-reaching tightenings for migrants.‭ ‬After the EU already equipped Libya with financial help for refugee defense,‭ ‬ Italy also signed a new cooperation agreement.‭
The Italian arms corporate group‭ “‬Finmeccanica‭” ‬delivers speedboats and the Interior Ministry is pleased that migration would now be diminished to‭ "‬zero‭"‬.

Frattini traveled early‭ ‬2009‭ ‬to Angola,‭ ‬Sierra Leone,‭ ‬Senegal and Nigeria to negotiate over‭ “‬readmission agreements‭” ‬for migrants,‭ ‬to equip the countries with refugee camps,‭ ‬and to introduce tamper-proof passports.‭ ‬It’s again all about the securing of raw material and police enforcement:‭ ‬In return Frattini acknowledges an audience with the G8‭ ‬summit for the countries,‭ ‬to‭ “‬promote the dialogue between oil producing and‭ ‬-‭ ‬consuming countries‭”‬.‭
In the delegation travelling with Frattini, was ‬the Italian police chief who immediately implemented new contracts for police training and cooperation procedure.‭

‬As the consequence of the collapse of global capitalism around the world,‭ ‬more uprisings are expected.‭ ‬With the recent riots in Greece,‭ ‬Iceland,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬Lithuania,‭ ‬Latvia,‭ ‬Bulgaria,‭ ‬France,‭ ‬Guadeloupe and Lampedusa,‭ ‬the EU became the venue of intense contradictions and militant struggles with, in the numerous directives,‭ ‬bilateral agreements and treaties,‭ ‬of the past few years concerted measures for‭ “‬Europe as an area of freedom,‭ ‬security and justice‭”‬,‭ ‬are
being brought into position against resistance and radical projects, and movements are covered with investigations and prosecutions for‭ "‬terrorism‭"‬.‭ “‬Joint investigation teams‭” ‬research‭ ‬-‭ ‬supported by Europol‭ ‬-‭ ‬international networks.‭ ‬Manuals and databases on‭ “‬Troublemakers‭” ‬will aim at bringing protests at major international events under control.

Resistance against the increase in surveillance and control,‭ ‬against repression and anti-riot is still stuck too much often on a national level.‭‬ Therefore we call to push for the development of a transnational struggle against the‭ “‬security architecture‭”‬,‭ ‬in‭ ‬2009‭ ‬at several cross-border mobilizations,‭ ‬whether they are promoted by NATO,‭ ‬the G8‭ ‬or the EU.‭

‬We see the action day at the NATO summit as the kick off of the campaign for a‭ “‬Summer of Resistance‭ ‬2009‭” ‬against the global‭ “‬security regime‭”‬:‭

‬¡No Pasarán! France Gipfelsoli Dissent! France NoLager Bremen Resistance des deux rives / Widerstand der zwei Ufer transact six hills Berlin kein mensch ist illegal Hanau
Collapse the security architectures‭!

Molly’sBlog 2009-04-01 03:09:00

The following news item comes from the International Trade Union Confederation via the online labour solidarity site Labour Start.
China: Yao Fuxin Released:
Brussels, 18 March 2009:
The ITUC, together with the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), welcomes the release of Mr. Yao Fuxin, a labour activist from Liaoning province, after serving his seven years’ prison term on conviction of “subversion of State power”.

On March 16, 2009, Mr. Yao Fuxin was released from Lingyuan n°2 Prison, Liaoning province, considered as one of the harshest prisons in China and where most detainees are political prisoners.

Before his detention, Mr. Yao was one of China’s most outspoken labour activists. In 1998, he joined others to petition the central government against corruption at the Liaoyang Ferro-Alloy Factory. In May 2001, the factory’s workers alleged that the robbery of 2,000 tons of iron ore at the factory had been led by local court officials and that the subsequent bankruptcy of the factory had been orchestrated by the factory’s leaders in collusion with the local government. Mr. Yao and other workers had demanded a full investigation that was never conducted.

In March 2002, Mr. Yao, then spokesperson of the newly founded All-Liaoyang Bankrupt and Unemployed Workers’ Provisional Union, was arrested along with Mr. Xiao Yunliang (who was released in February 2006, three weeks before completing his four-year prison sentence) for having led a peaceful demonstration against corruption and the non-payment of overdue wages and pensions – a demonstration that gathered at least 5,000 workers from six factories in Liaoyang (Liaoning province). According to Human Rights in China (HRIC), Mr. Yao was initially charged with “gathering a crowd to disrupt social order” and then sentenced in May 2003 to seven years in prison for “subversion of State power” for alleged involvement in the banned China Democracy Party.

“We welcome the release of Mr. Yao, but we regret that such release occurred following the completion of his seven years’ prison term, and came along with a period of three years of deprivation of political rights, including freedoms of speech, assembly, and association. We further urge the Chinese authorities to release immediately - and without conditions - all human rights defenders in the PRC currently deprived of liberty because of their human rights activities. Such detentions are arbitrary, and contrary to the 1998 United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders,” said Souhayr Belhassen, FIDH President.

“It is also important to point out that throughout Mr. Yao’s detention, the latter was held in precarious conditions, sustained serious acts of ill-treatment and witnessed a deterioration of his health status. We recall that torture and ill-treatment constitute a violation of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, to which China is a State party and which triggers individual criminal responsibility. Accordingly, we urge the Chinese authorities to take meaningful action to prevent and punish the use of torture so as to conform with China’s international human rights obligations,” added Eric Sottas, OMCT Secretary General.

Throughout his detention, Mr. Yao sustained two heart attacks and a stroke, and suffered from malnutrition and from cold in winter. Mr. Yao was also obliged to sleep with 19 other inmates on one bed, and was watched by a guard who ordered two death-row prisoners to step on him every time he was about to sleep.

“We welcome the release of Yao Fuxin,” said Guy Ryder, ITUC General Secretary, “but at the same time we have to bear in mind that many other labour rights activists remain in detention in China, often in appalling conditions. The fundamental rights of Chinese workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining are still being denied by the authorities, and we call upon them to respect these rights, enshrined in ILO Conventions, in full."

The ITUC and the Observatory urge the Chinese authorities to release all human rights defenders arbitrarily detained in the People’s Republic of China, to put an immediate end to any kind of harassment against them, and to investigate all cases of torture or ill-treatment so that those responsible can be brought to justice and sanctioned according to law.

For further information, please contact: FIDH: Gael Grilhot / Karine Appy, + 33 1 43 55 25 18 OMCT: Delphine Reculeau, + 41 22 809 49 39 ITUC: Mathieu Debroux, +32 2 224 02 04
Photo: Erutan
The ITUC represents 170 million workers in 312 affiliated national organisations from 157 countries.
For more information, please contact the ITUC Press Department on: +32 2 224 0204 or +32 476 621 018

You Can Feel It When You Go To Work, When You Go To Church, When You Pay Your Taxes.

On March 31, 1999, The Matrix was released upon the world. This amazing film blended the perfect combination of sci-fi, action, philosophy, and stunning imagery into a powerful and subversive thrill that nobody has been able to replicate.

I didn’t catch it while it was in the theater, but I VHS’d it like crazy in high school. It got my friends and me running on walls and ducking flying objects by bending backwards Neo-like.

The anti-authoritarian tone of the film is pretty obvious. Anyone who doesn’t get it needs to unplug.

The sequels were disappointing. But The Animatrix is definitely worth it for Matrix fans.

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The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel: Putin apologist and all-around idiot

Michael Moynihan at Reason's blog shares with us video of an appalling performance by The Nation's editor and publisher (as in, the most important person at the magazine) Katrina vanden Heuvel, who dismisses critics of Putin with regards to journalistic freedom by noting The Nation's ties with Novaya Gazeta, saying "they're thriving." Uh, I guess if you ignore the constant threats to their journalists' lives by the Kremlin.

She even has the gall to blame "the neo-Nazi groups" for the Novaya Gazeta lawyer and journalist killed recently in Moscow. Funny, because her dear friends at Novaya Gazeta have a distinctly different take on the murder:

In the opinion of the Novaya Gazeta staff, of which I am a member, the Russian security services or rogue elements within these services are the prime suspects in the murders of Baburova and Markelov. The boldness of the attack by a single gunman in broad daylight in the center of Moscow required professional preliminary planning and surveillance that would necessitate the security services, which closely control that particular neighborhood, turning a blind eye. The use of a gun with a silencer does not fit with the usual pattern of murders by nationalist neo-Nazi youth groups in Russia, which use homemade explosives, knifes, and group assaults to beat up and stab opponents to death.

Update: Here is an article from 2006 by Katrina vanden Heuvel, arguing that the American and British media were unfairly biased against Russia in their fairly unanimous opinion that Putin or his coterie were behind Alexander Litvinenko's radiation poisoning. Honestly – how dense can you be?

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de temps en temps, le vent effleura les rideaux

la nuit froid me touche, mes yeux, les doigts et les orteils

je me rappelle la nuit si loin, sous la table, sur le sol de la cuisine.

personne n’a pas vu la lune montante.

c’etait bon a ce moment-la, tout seul,

mais aujourd-hui, je ne sais pas ou je suis.






More on the second-generation biofuel scam

Counterpunch has more on what I think ought to be a bigger story: the ongoing failure of subsidized "green" energy sources. This one's about cellulosic ethanol, an "advanced" or "second-generation" biofuel, which promises all the energy independence and environmental cred that the first ethanol (corn ethanol) boasted (of course, it had neither), with the added benefit that it's not produced from food crops so it won't cause food prices to spiken across the world (also not entirely true). Anyway, here is the article, and here is an earlier article in Counterpunch about basically the same thing (though I think the more recent one is better).

Here's a pretty long excerpt about the eternal promise that commercially viable non-food biofuels are "just around the corner":

Of all the people on that list, Lovins has been the longest – and the most consistently wrong – cheerleader for cellulosic fuels. His boosterism began with his 1976 article in Foreign Affairs, a piece which arguably made his career in the energy field. In that article, called “Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?” Lovins argued that American energy policy was all wrong. What America needed was “soft” energy resources to replace the “hard” ones (namely fossil fuels and nuclear power plants.) Lovins argued that the U.S. should be working to replace those sources with other, “greener” energy sources that were decentralized, small, and renewable. Regarding biofuels, he wrote that there are “exciting developments in the conversion of agricultural, forestry and urban wastes to methanol and other liquid and gaseous fuels now offer practical, economically interesting technologies sufficient to run an efficient U.S. transport sector.”

Lovins went on “Some bacterial and enzymatic routes under study look even more promising, but presently proved processes already offer sizable contributions without the inevitable climatic constraints of fossil-fuel combustion.” He even claims that given enough efficiency in automobiles, and a large enough bank of cellulosic ethanol distilleries, “the whole of the transport needs could be met by organic conversion.”

In other words, Lovins was making the exact same claim that Midgley made 45 years earlier: Given enough money – that’s always the catch isn’t it? – cellulosic ethanol would provide all of America’s transportation fuel needs.

The funny thing about Lovins is that between 1976 and 2004 -- despite the fact that the U.S. still did not have a single commercial producer of cellulosic ethanol -- he lost none of his skepticism. In his 2004 book Winning the Oil Endgame, Lovins again declared that advances in biotechnology will make cellulosic ethanol viable and that it “will strengthen rural America, boost net farm income by tens of billions of dollars a year, and create more than 750,000 new jobs.”

Lovins continued his unquestioning boosterism in 2006, when during testimony before the U.S. Senate, he claimed that “advanced biofuels (chiefly cellulosic ethanol)” could be produced for an average cost of just $18 per barrel.
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to the barricades 2009-04-01 01:30:00

Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns

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