Ely Kim


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follow me! twitter.com/elykimwelikehim

Hello, I am a graduate student at Yale studying graphic design. I LOVE to dance and I enjoy clouds, mangoes, smiling, and puppies.

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  1. Yanis Marshall
  2. Shi-Queeta-Lee
  3. Andrew Beedle
  4. Thalia Fry
  5. Jess Iglehart
  6. Nik Dimopoulos
  7. Andrew Ahn
  8. Beatrice Barth
  9. Katherine Sheehan
  10. Matthew Nauser - Cinematographer
  11. caroline chandler
  12. Rick Mereki
  13. Wouter Kapteijn
  14. Angelo de Vries / Robert Jeffrey
  15. Yale University
  16. alfredo Lugano
  17. Mindy Lu
  18. Dangerkat

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