
Introduction to Civil Liberties
Civil liberties are your protections from the Government. What does that even mean? This v...
published: 13 Sep 2008
author: mrplough07
Introduction to Civil Liberties
Introduction to Civil Liberties
Civil liberties are your protections from the Government. What does that even mean? This video takes a look at your basic civil liberties as established by t...- published: 13 Sep 2008
- views: 2035
- author: mrplough07

AP US Government Chapter 5 - Civil Liberties
This video goes over the basic concepts of the 5th chapter of "The American Government Ins...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: csm10495
AP US Government Chapter 5 - Civil Liberties
AP US Government Chapter 5 - Civil Liberties
This video goes over the basic concepts of the 5th chapter of "The American Government Institutions and Policies" 11, 12e Notes Download: https://docs.google...- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 1221
- author: csm10495

Boston Bombing and Civil Liberties Violations
My thoughts on the Boston Marathon bombing and the house searches in Watertown. All I'm as...
published: 21 Apr 2013
author: Julie Borowski
Boston Bombing and Civil Liberties Violations
Boston Bombing and Civil Liberties Violations
My thoughts on the Boston Marathon bombing and the house searches in Watertown. All I'm asking is to respect people's constitutional rights. Everyone has the...- published: 21 Apr 2013
- views: 48923
- author: Julie Borowski

Glenn Greenwald Speaking about the consititution, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror
Speaking about the consititution, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror....
published: 31 May 2012
author: TheEthanwashere
Glenn Greenwald Speaking about the consititution, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror
Glenn Greenwald Speaking about the consititution, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror
Speaking about the consititution, Civil Liberties, and The War on Terror.- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 2401
- author: TheEthanwashere

Greenwald - What are Civil Liberties?
Glen Greenwald on Civil Liberties See his full remarks here: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
published: 07 Mar 2013
author: LibertyShorts
Greenwald - What are Civil Liberties?
Greenwald - What are Civil Liberties?
Glen Greenwald on Civil Liberties See his full remarks here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHzGrkx8W7c.- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 520
- author: LibertyShorts

2008: Obama defends civil liberties
At a town hall In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke about the importance of ...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: CNN
2008: Obama defends civil liberties
2008: Obama defends civil liberties
At a town hall In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama spoke about the importance of protecting civil liberties. For more CNN videos, visit our site at ...- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 2385
- author: CNN

Civil Liberties?
The Bill of Rights and Constitution talk about how they are being destroyed. US Dollar, Ec...
published: 09 Jun 2011
author: SOStheUSA
Civil Liberties?
Civil Liberties?
The Bill of Rights and Constitution talk about how they are being destroyed. US Dollar, Economic collapse, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Martial Law, Governement...- published: 09 Jun 2011
- views: 1987
- author: SOStheUSA

Who is Ron Paul? Educate yourself, this is RON PAUL 101. One Video - One Issue Just the fa...
published: 28 Aug 2008
author: notmarcofilms
Who is Ron Paul? Educate yourself, this is RON PAUL 101. One Video - One Issue Just the facts. www.campaignforliberty.com MORE RON PAUL 101 LESSONS COMING SOON!- published: 28 Aug 2008
- views: 15204
- author: notmarcofilms

Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties because of the LIES of 9/11! 2004
Douglas Bickford 360-773-1318....
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: DougandDonna Bickford
Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties because of the LIES of 9/11! 2004
Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties because of the LIES of 9/11! 2004
Douglas Bickford 360-773-1318.- published: 04 Jan 2011
- views: 7093
- author: DougandDonna Bickford

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
published: 07 Feb 2013
author: Chera LaForge
Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Economic Vs. Civil Liberties
Which are more important, economic liberties or civil liberties? The conventional view por...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: Learn Liberty
Economic Vs. Civil Liberties
Economic Vs. Civil Liberties
Which are more important, economic liberties or civil liberties? The conventional view portrays conservatives as caring more about economic liberties than ci...- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 37584
- author: Learn Liberty

Will the NSA Be Reformed? Spying, Privacy, Civil Liberties and U.S. Intelligence Programs (2014)
The global surveillance disclosure released to media by Edward Snowden has caused tension ...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Will the NSA Be Reformed? Spying, Privacy, Civil Liberties and U.S. Intelligence Programs (2014)
Will the NSA Be Reformed? Spying, Privacy, Civil Liberties and U.S. Intelligence Programs (2014)
The global surveillance disclosure released to media by Edward Snowden has caused tension in the bilateral relations of the United States with several of its allies and economic partners as well as in its relationship with the European Union. On August 12, 2013, President Obama announced the creation of an "independent" panel of "outside experts" to review the NSA's surveillance programs. The panel is due to be established by the Director of National Intelligence, James R. Clapper, who will consult and provide assistance to them. Keith B. Alexander, the director of the NSA, asserted that these media leaks had caused "significant" and "irreversible" damage to the national security of the United States and this "irresponsible" release of classified information will have a "long-term detrimental" impact on the intelligence community's ability to detect future attacks. According to a survey undertaken by the human rights group PEN International, these disclosures have had a chilling effect on American writers. Fearing the risk of being targeted by government surveillance, 28% of PEN's American members have curbed their usage of social media, and 16% have self-censored themselves by avoiding controversial topics in their writings. In September 2013, Senators Mark Udall, Richard Blumenthal, Rand Paul and Ron Wyden introduced a "sweeping surveillance reform" proposal. Called the most comprehensive proposal to date, the "Intelligence Oversight and Surveillance Reform Act" seeks to end the bulk collection of communication records made legal in section 215 of the Patriot Act and to reign in other "electronic eavesdropping programs". Wyden told the Guardian the Snowden disclosures have "caused a sea change in the way the public views the surveillance system". The draft bill is a blend of 12 similar proposals as well as other legislative proposals. At the end of October 2013 U.S. Senators introduced two different reform proposals. One, the USA Freedom Act (H.R. 3361/ S. 1599), would effectively halt "bulk" records collection under the USA Patriot Act, while it also would require a warrant to deliberately search for the e-mail and phone call content of Americans that is collected as part of a surveillance program targeting foreigners located overseas. Another would preserve the program while strengthening privacy protections. It would also codifying the requirement that analysts have a "reasonable articulable suspicion" that a phone number is associated with terrorism to query the NSA phone records database; requiring that the FISA court promptly review each such determination; and limiting the retention period for phone records. Both proposals share the introduction of a special advocate to promote privacy interests before the FISA court. According to the Guardian The Obama administration has yet to take a formal position on the USA Freedom Act, which supporters claim has 120 congressional co-sponsors but has yet to pass. American political commentators and public figures such as Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Michael Moore, Cornel West, Glenn Beck, Matt Drudge, Alex Jones, Andrew Napolitano, Oliver Stone, Michael Savage, and Stephen Walt praised Snowden for exposing secret government surveillance. Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower and leaker of the top-secret Pentagon Papers in 1971, stated in an interview with CNN that he thought Snowden had done an "incalculable" service to his country and that his leaks might prevent the United States from becoming a surveillance state. He said Snowden had acted with the same sort of courage and patriotism as a soldier in battle. In an op-ed the following morning, Ellsberg added that "there has not been in American history a more important leak than Edward Snowden's release of NSA material ... including the Pentagon Papers." Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer turned political activist, agreed with Ellsberg and added, "This time today I'm feeling much more hopeful for our democracy than I was feeling this time yesterday." Thomas Drake, former senior executive of NSA and whistleblower, said that he feels "extraordinary kinship" with Snowden. "What he did was a magnificent act of civil disobedience. He's exposing the inner workings of the surveillance state. And it's in the public interest. It truly is." WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hailed Snowden as a "hero" who has exposed "one of the most serious events of the decade -- the creeping formulation of a mass surveillance state." After charges against Snowden were revealed, Assange released a statement asking people to "step forward and stand with" Snowden. Following President Obama's assurances that changes are planned for the NSA surveillance program, Assange said in a written statement that Obama had "validated Edward Snowden's role as a whistle-blower". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aftermath_of_the_global_surveillance_disclosure- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 2

Are your civil liberties being taken away? LIVE Debate
How much of our liberties are we willing to give up in the name of security? Or are our ci...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Truthloader
Are your civil liberties being taken away? LIVE Debate
Are your civil liberties being taken away? LIVE Debate
How much of our liberties are we willing to give up in the name of security? Or are our civil liberties simply being taken away? • YouTuber Myles Dyer - www....- published: 02 May 2013
- author: Truthloader

VLAD LAWS- Civil Liberties under attack in Qld
Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013
Green Left Weekly hosted this publi...
published: 27 Jan 2014
VLAD LAWS- Civil Liberties under attack in Qld
VLAD LAWS- Civil Liberties under attack in Qld
Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013 Green Left Weekly hosted this public forum in Brisbane in response to the Newman state LNP government passing a raft of anti-democratic legislation recently under the guise of a "crackdown on bikies and paedophiles". Featuring: Dr Mark Lauchs - Senior Lecturer, QUT School of Justice - Bikie expert" (1:15). Michael Cope - Queensland Council for Civil Liberties - on the legislation (17:20) Peter Ong - Assistant Secretary, Electrical Trades Union, Queensland - on the impact on union (31:00) Margaret Gleeson - Green Left Weekly (44:00) Credit Green Left TV- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 70
Vimeo results:

Human Rights & Civil Liberties Distinguished
Understand the difference between human rights and civil liberties and the historical cont...
published: 20 Jan 2009
author: iriss
Human Rights & Civil Liberties Distinguished
Understand the difference between human rights and civil liberties and the historical context of the UK Human Rights Act 1998.
Transcript: http://www.iriss.org.uk/humanrights/transcripts.html#anchor2
Full Learning Object: http://www.iriss.org.uk/humanrights/

Civil liberties under Obama - Glenn Greenwald
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: International Socialist
Civil liberties under Obama - Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama
Speaking to a University of Wisconsin audience of more than 200 people Wednesday night, on...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: The Badger Herald
Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama
Speaking to a University of Wisconsin audience of more than 200 people Wednesday night, one journalist argued terrorism is a veil the United States government hides behind to successfully encroach on the civil liberties of its citizens.
Salon.com journalist Glenn Greenwald said the terms civil liberties and terrorism constitute a paradox in that people believe civil liberties are vague but in reality are absolutely clear, whereas terrorism is just the opposite.
“We all agree it’s this horrible menace…we don’t seem to have much difficulty figuring out who the terrorists are…the reality though is exactly the opposite,” he said. “I think it’s a term that lacks meaning at the point, or mechanism.”
He went on to detail a history of terrorism and how the United States considers people who hurt their country to be terrorists, while it does not consider itself a terrorist when it hurts others.
Read the full story and find more videos at badgerherald.com/news/2010/11/03/does_us_use_terroris.php
Filmed Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010, by Charlie Gorichanaz for The Badger Herald.

Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama, full question and answer portion
Speaking to a University of Wisconsin audience of more than 200 people Wednesday night, on...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: The Badger Herald
Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties and terrorism after Obama, full question and answer portion
Speaking to a University of Wisconsin audience of more than 200 people Wednesday night, one journalist argued terrorism is a veil the United States government hides behind to successfully encroach on the civil liberties of its citizens.
Salon.com journalist Glenn Greenwald said the terms civil liberties and terrorism constitute a paradox in that people believe civil liberties are vague but in reality are absolutely clear, whereas terrorism is just the opposite.
“We all agree it’s this horrible menace…we don’t seem to have much difficulty figuring out who the terrorists are…the reality though is exactly the opposite,” he said. “I think it’s a term that lacks meaning at the point, or mechanism.”
He went on to detail a history of terrorism and how the United States considers people who hurt their country to be terrorists, while it does not consider itself a terrorist when it hurts others.
Read the full story and find more videos at badgerherald.com/news/2010/11/03/does_us_use_terroris.php
Filmed Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010, by Charlie Gorichanaz for The Badger Herald.
Youtube results:

Glenn Greenwald testifies to the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties — Min
published: 01 Jan 2014
Glenn Greenwald testifies to the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties — Min
Glenn Greenwald testifies to the European Parliament, Committee on Civil Liberties — Min
December 23, 2013 C-SPAN News DONATE NOW TO KEEP MOX NEWS GOING STRONG! ONE TIME ONLY DONATION 18/12/2013 European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Inquiry on Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens Exchange of view. CNN's Christiane Amanpour speaks with Columnist Glenn Greenwald, who made public Edward Snowden's leaks. Please: Like, Share and Subscribe.Thank YOU !!! Revealed NSA, GCHQ 'planted agents' into World of Warcraft to spy on gamers. M/S Glenn Greenwald and German Aranda SOT Glenn Greenwald: There are a lot of countries, and journalists in a lot of different countries, who have been aski. GAP client & NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe testifying before the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs September 30, 2. Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom hits journalist Michael Crick on the head with a Ukip conference brochure on Friday after the Channel 4 News political correspondent a. Speech by Kristiina Ojuland [MEP / Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe / European Parliament] on : New EU-Russia agreement [on behalf of the Group]. A top secret document retrieved by American whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals Canada has set up covert spying posts around the world and conducted espiona. Speech by Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE-ADLE) on : Sustainable European transport policy, taking into account European energy and environment policies [on behalf. Journalist and campaigner Glenn Greenwald spoke on Monday in Rio de Janeiro about the latest revelations in the ongoing NSA spy operation scandal, confirming. W/S Auditorium SOT, Glenn Greenwald, Journalist (English): It's no joke, throughout the NSA documents, there appears continuously all sorts of references to. Great words from Glenn Greenwald in an interview from DemocracyNow.org from Monday, July 8th, 2013 Please spread this wake up call! Please check out democrac. W/S Speakers SOT, Glenn Greenwald, Journalist (English): I hope that everyone understands how extreme and radical the UK government is when it comes to pres. European Parliament, LIBE Committee Inquiry on Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU Citizens, 18 December 2013. Part 1: IT Means of protecting privacy - Mr Bar. NSA's Secret Toolbox: Unit Offers Spy Gadgets for Every Need New revelations that the US is spying on international bank transfers has angered European lawmakers. Now some of them are calling for the suspension of the . Do not use bad words insults swearing please subscribe channel. COURTESY: RT's RUPTLY video agency, NO RE-UPLOAD, NO REUSE - FOR LICENSING, PLEASE, CONTACT NSA's ultimate goal is to destroy individual . Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist who first published the documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden tells an EU inquiry that the NSA's . Glenn Greenwald appeared on MSNBC Thursday, one day after Edward Snowden delivered a Christmas address to television viewers in the UK and around the world f. Please click for other break news: Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO. Aired May 10, 2013. BBC Ne. Members from both political parties came to us and showed us all kinds of letters and emails they've been exchanging, in which they're trying to get the mos.- published: 01 Jan 2014
- views: 6

Saylor.org POLSC231: Patrick Scott's "Civil Liberties II"
This video is a lecture used in POLSC231 as part of our Political Science area of study on...
published: 11 Mar 2011
author: saylorfoundation
Saylor.org POLSC231: Patrick Scott's "Civil Liberties II"
Saylor.org POLSC231: Patrick Scott's "Civil Liberties II"
This video is a lecture used in POLSC231 as part of our Political Science area of study on http://www.saylor.org The material above has been reposted by the ...- published: 11 Mar 2011
- views: 189
- author: saylorfoundation

Howard Schweber on Civil Liberties (complete interview)
Howard Schweber (University of Wisconsin, Madison) discusses current debates around civil ...
published: 15 Jul 2010
author: WWNorton
Howard Schweber on Civil Liberties (complete interview)
Howard Schweber on Civil Liberties (complete interview)
Howard Schweber (University of Wisconsin, Madison) discusses current debates around civil liberties, especially the tension between liberty and national secu...- published: 15 Jul 2010
- views: 995
- author: WWNorton

Obama in 2008 & 2013: Executive Orders, Secrecy, Terrorists & Civil Liberties
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: thejimmyzshow
Obama in 2008 & 2013: Executive Orders, Secrecy, Terrorists & Civil Liberties
Obama in 2008 & 2013: Executive Orders, Secrecy, Terrorists & Civil Liberties
http://TheJimmyZShow.com.- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 978
- author: thejimmyzshow