Mar 24

March 24, 2014

Three reasons to go to our prison abolition talk

“On Wednesday 26th March a hearing will take place to decide whether Stacey Hyde has permission to appeal against her murder conviction.” (link to Justice for Stacy Hyde) “Jeremy also writes that he is working his way through all the books people have been sending him from his wishlist and thoroughly enjoying all of them. Of course, he shares them with other inmates, and says that there are often lines at his cell to borrow books” (link to “The general presumption…

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Mar 13

March 13, 2014

Protest the Edinburgh Tory Party Conference this Sat 15th

Edinburgh Anarchist Federation will be participating in Saturday’s march to demonstrate against the Scottish Tory Party Conference. Look for our banner and red and black flags to join us on the march. More details below; Assemble 11.00am at THE MOUND PRECINCT Set off at 11.30am March past the Scottish Tory Party Conference Rally in FESTIVAL SQUARE

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Mar 4

March 4, 2014

ECAP shutdown workfare exploiters on Monday

Fun news from ECAP Note the “UK-wide week of action from 29 March — 6 April“: Anti workfare campaigners swooped on four Salvation Army shops in Edinburgh on 3rd March, blockading them all and turning away customers and a delivery lorry.  Salvation Army managers were visibly rattled as agiant banner proclaiming IF YOU EXPLOIT US WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN blocked the entrance to their shops.

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Feb 19

February 19, 2014

Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training

There will be a Solidarity Federation Workplace Organiser Training Day on Saturday, 22nd March in Edinburgh, it’s open to all workers, apart from managers, you do not have to be a SolFed member or an anarcho-syndicalist to attend. If you would like to attend, please email training[AT] The Solidarity Federation workplace organiser training programme is designed to give workers the tools and confidence to organise in their workplaces, whether or not there’s an existing union. Even if you’ve had training…

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Feb 17

February 17, 2014

Talk: Sex Work and Organisation

This month, as the first of a series of public talks we’ll be holding once a month this year, Edinburgh Anarchist Federation invite you all to a discussion of the situation of sex work in Scotland today, workplace organising and police raids. We’ll be hosting hopefully a number of current sex workers who are part of the Sex Worker Open University to talk about what is happening at the moment (like the atrocious decision to revoke licences for saunas just…

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