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July 2012

The Urinals | I’m A Bug

The Urinals | I’m A Bug

Montaigne on Profit and Loss, Part 2

People keep saying this.

They should stop.

thou – prometeus

thou - prometeus

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The Picket Line — 1 August 2012

The latest issue of More Than a Paycheck, NWTRCC’s newsletter, is now on-line. Articles include:

  • Revolution, One by One — a summary of my “one man revolution” post and of some of the back-and-forth about it on the wtr-s email list.
  • Some updates on the prospects of passport restrictions for tax resisters, consequences of the laws implementing Obamacare for tax resisters, challenges in being a phone tax resister, and how non-filers can navigate the food stamp program.
  • International news about the upcoming international war tax resistance conference, and a quashed legal appeal by a German conscientious objectors’ group against mandatory military taxation.
  • Glimpses at the state of war tax redirection funds, an upcoming () New England war tax resisters’ gathering, some war tax resisters who got shout-outs in a Mennonite Women publication, and an update on the Cindy Sheehan case.
  • Organizational news including an announcement of the thirtieth anniversary of NWTRCC’s founding, a note about the national gathering coming up in Colorado Springs, and about NWTRCC’s presence at the School of the Americas Watch protests in .
  • A profile of Seth Berner, who has been resisting a token protest amount of his taxes for 20 years.

No vote, no tax

The opening ceremonies at the London Olympics included a sort of dramatized whirlwind tour of British history, and Sprigged Muslin pointed out that the Women’s Tax Resistance League was represented in the parade:

California Cops Clamp Down on Disneyland Dissent

Broad sections of the Anaheim working class are seething with anger at cops Disneyland in Anaheim is emblematic of 'the American dream' - a make-believe world where 'good' always triumphs over 'evil' in the end, and childhood innocence lasts forever. Yet at the gates of this fairytale paradise, torrents of anger are being directed at police for the huge amounts of state killings in the area,

Romney and Israel

Well now. Personally, if Israel wasn't oppressing the Palestinians and hurting other folks in the Middle East I would be content to put it out of my mind and ignore it, letting the people who live there be free in whatever illusions they want to live in, however, such is not the case. These folks have unfortunately linked one of the 20th century's biggest tragedies to their own fucked up behavior, justifying breaking every law in the book by the suffering of the Holocaust. Torture, murdering children? What about the holocaust, asshole, surely you can't be minimizing the suffering of the Jewish people? Huh, what, wait, I didn't say anything about Jewish people in Europe suffering I was talking about Arabs in the Middle East....

I think the people responsible for violence against the Palestinians will go down in history as folks who completely and crassly abused the good feelings and sympathy people gave them for the suffering they endured. "Schindler's List" has nothing to do with the Palestinian people. 

The Only Thing That Governments Have Done

Eingebettetes Video: 

Monash ALP ~versus~ Wholefoods

LOL. Labor students at Monash University have declared WAR! on the Wholefoods restaurant — and by most accounts they appear to be winning. For those of you coming in late, “Wholefoods is a non-profit, collective-run, vegetarian restaurant, café and grocery, … Continue reading

4. August: Umsonstflohmarkt und Open-Air-Kino am Gutenbergplatz

Am 4. August veranstalten die Initiative für einen Umsonstflohmarkt zusammen mit der Initiative „Bon lieu vivant“, die sich für unkommerzielle Kunst und Kultur in Karlsruhe einsetzt, ein Freiluft-Openair auf dem Gutenbergplatz in Karlsruhe (aktuelles Interview zu Bon lieu vivant bei Querfunk, ca. ab der 8. Min.). Ab 17 Uhr findet der Umsonstflohmarkt statt. Außerdem werden im Laufe des Abends Musiker_innen spielen. Sobald es dunkel wird werden verschiedene (Kurz-) Filme gezeigt. Wenn ihr weitere musikalische, künstlerische oder filmische Beiträge anbieten wollt, meldet euch bei Bon lieu vivant unter – sie würden sich freuen.

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My Speech At James Larkin Rally (21st July 2012)

I made my public speaking debut the other week after an anti-fascist rally in Liverpool. Here's the video of my speech (faces have been blurred to protect identities).

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