
Mehmed IV - 19th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi'; also known as ...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Mehmed IV - 19th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
Mehmed IV - 19th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
Mehmed IV Modern Turkish Mehmet (Ottoman Turkish: محمد رابع Meḥmed-i rābi'; also known as Avcı Mehmed, Mehmed the Hunter; January 2, 1642 -- January 6, 1693) was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1648 to 1687. Taking the throne at age six, his reign was significant as he changed the nature of the Sultan's position forever by giving up most of his executive power to his Grand Vizier. Born at Topkapı Palace, Constantinople, in 1642, he was the son of Sultan Ibrahim (1615--48) by Valide Sultan Turhan Hatice, a Ruthenian (Ukrainian) concubine, and the grandson of Kösem Sultan of Greek origin. Soon after his birth, his father and mother quarreled, and Ibrahim was so enraged that he tore Mehmed from his mother's arms and flung the infant into a cistern. Fortunately, Mehmed was rescued by the harem servants. His father's actions resulted in Mehmed cutting his head, which left him with a lifelong scar. Reign Mehmed ascended to the throne in 1648 at the age of only six. His ascension marked the end of a very volatile time for the Ottoman Dynasty; there had been a Mustafa I deposed twice and two Sultans killed, including Mehmed's father and predecessor, Ibrahim. Sultan Mehmed IV was known as Avcı, "the hunter", as this outdoor exercise took up much of his time. His reign is notable for a brief revival of Ottoman fortunes led by the Grand Vizier Mehmed Köprülü and his son Fazıl Ahmet. They regained the Aegean islands from Venice, and Crete, during the Cretan War (1645--1669). They also fought successful campaigns against Transylvania (1664) and Poland (1670--1674). At one point, when Mehmed IV allied himself with Petro Doroshenko, Ottoman rule was close to extending into Podolia and Ukraine. See Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks for his correspondence with the Cossacks. A later vizier, Kara Mustafa was less able. Supporting the 1683 Hungarian uprising of Imre Thököly against Austrian rule, Kara Mustafa marched a vast army through Hungary and besieged Vienna at the Battle of Vienna. On the Kahlenberg Heights, the Ottomans suffered a catastrophic rout by Polish forces famously led by their King, John III Sobieski (1674--96), and his Holy League allies, notably the Imperial army. But on September 12, 1683, the Austrians and their Polish allies under King Jan Sobieski took advantage of dissent within the Turkish military command and poor disposition of his troops, winning the Battle of Vienna with a devastating flank attack led by Sobieski's Polish cavalry. The Turks retreated into Hungary, however this was only the beginning of the Great Ottoman War as the armies of the Holy League began their long, but successful campaign to push back the ottomans to the Balkans. Later life and death In 1687 he was deposed by the combined forces of Yeğen Osman and the janissaries. Mehmed then was imprisoned in Topkapı Palace. However, he was permitted to leave the Palace from time to time, as he died in Edirne Palace in 1693. He was buried in Turhan Hadice Sultan's tomb, near his mother's mosque in Constantinople. Just before he died in 1691, a plot was discovered in which the senior clerics of the empire planned to reinstate Mehmed on the throne in response to the ill health of his successor, Suleiman II. His favourite harem girl was Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş Sultan, who was a slave girl and his later wife taken prisoner at Rethymnon (Turkish Resmo) in the island of Crete. Their two sons, Mustafa II and Ahmed III, became Ottoman Sultans during (1695--1703) and (1703--1730) respectively. Purported exchange with Cossacks An incident during Mehmed IV's reign is remembered mainly in Ukraine and Russia. The Zaporozhian Cossacks defeated Ottoman forces in the field and refused the Sultan's demand to submit, answering him with a letter full of insults and profanities. This response is commemorated in the famous late 19th-century painting Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks by the Russian painter Ilya Repin. In 1658 Mehmed IV received and patiently listened to the English Quaker preacher Mary Fisher, who believed she was sent by God to speak to him. The meeting is known mainly from Fisher's own very favorable account (see Mary Fisher) rather than from Ottoman sources- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 3

Civilization IV Themes - OTTOMAN EMPIRE - Mehmed II/Suleiman
This is the theme of Mehmed II in Civilization IV: Warlords. This is also the theme of Sul...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: dasmysteryman12
Civilization IV Themes - OTTOMAN EMPIRE - Mehmed II/Suleiman
Civilization IV Themes - OTTOMAN EMPIRE - Mehmed II/Suleiman
This is the theme of Mehmed II in Civilization IV: Warlords. This is also the theme of Suleiman in Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword. No copyright infringeme...- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 10471
- author: dasmysteryman12

Sultan IV.Mehmed Han- Eminönü Yeni Camii'nin Açılışı
Selamun aleykum Arkadaşlar Yuotubede kanalımız yenidir. ancak kanalımızın Ayakta Dura bilm...
published: 18 Dec 2013
Sultan IV.Mehmed Han- Eminönü Yeni Camii'nin Açılışı
Sultan IV.Mehmed Han- Eminönü Yeni Camii'nin Açılışı
Selamun aleykum Arkadaşlar Yuotubede kanalımız yenidir. ancak kanalımızın Ayakta Dura bilmesi İçin Sizden ricamız bize abone olun... Kuran.fıkıh, Sünnet, vb. Videolar ile sizlerin yararlanmasını sağlıyoruz... Lütfen altta verdiğimiz Linke tıklayarak kanalımıza abone olun.. Unutmayalım ki: Hayra vesile olan hayrı yapan gibidir.. http://www.youtube.com/user/KuranTV2 twitter: https://twitter.com/c_ahmethoca1453 Sohbetler Dini Sohbetler İslami Sohbetler Nihat Hatip Oğlu Sohbetler Hicret Sohbetleri İslamın Doğuşu Mekke Medine Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hocaefendi Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Dini Sohbet Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Mescid Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca 1988 Mescid Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca 13 yaşındaki Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca kuran Tv Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Hicret Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca İslam Nedir? Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Din nedir? Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca lalegül Fm Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Soru cevap Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Cevaplar Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Reddiyeler Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Dini Bilgiler Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Vaazlar Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca zina Sohbeti Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Hakikat sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Komik Sohbetleri Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca komedi- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 0

Sultan IV. Mehmed - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı
published: 18 May 2013
author: Ceddimiz Osmanlı
Sultan IV. Mehmed - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı
Sultan IV. Mehmed - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı
- published: 18 May 2013
- views: 326
- author: Ceddimiz Osmanlı

Civ IV Mehmed II Soundtrack
Soundtrack to Mehmed II, the Ottoman leader in Sid Meier's Civilization IV. Includes Early...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: Mazu Py
Civ IV Mehmed II Soundtrack
Civ IV Mehmed II Soundtrack
Soundtrack to Mehmed II, the Ottoman leader in Sid Meier's Civilization IV. Includes Early, Middle and Late Soundtracks.- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 233
- author: Mazu Py

Mehmed II's Theme - Civilization IV: Warlords
This is the theme of Mehmed II and Suleiman the Magnificent in Civilization IV: Warlords. ...
published: 13 Dec 2008
author: GigaNerd17
Mehmed II's Theme - Civilization IV: Warlords
Mehmed II's Theme - Civilization IV: Warlords
This is the theme of Mehmed II and Suleiman the Magnificent in Civilization IV: Warlords. It's a great song, and was requested by Ekulyen. I have included al...- published: 13 Dec 2008
- views: 10013
- author: GigaNerd17

La biographie du Prophète Mohammed en Francais part 2
Autres Mohammed IXe siècle--XVIIe siècle
Muhammad Ier sultan seldjoukide d'Irak (1105...
published: 14 Nov 2013
La biographie du Prophète Mohammed en Francais part 2
La biographie du Prophète Mohammed en Francais part 2
Autres Mohammed IXe siècle--XVIIe siècle Muhammad Ier sultan seldjoukide d'Irak (1105-1118) Muhammad II sultan seldjoukide d'Irak (1153-1160) Muhammad Ghûrî conquérant persan et sultan en 1171, (1162--1206) Sultan Muhammad du Khwarezm, portant le titre de Khwarizm-Shah dernier maître de Khwarezm, qui mourut d'une pneumonie après avoir été vaincu par Gengis Khan, (???--1220) Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi poète persan et mystique sufi de Balkh, Perse dans l'actuel Afghanistan, (1207--1273) Muhammad Ier deuxième roi de l'Empire Bahmanide (1358-1375) Muhammad II cinquième roi de l'Empire Bahmanide (1378- 1397) Muhammad Taragay plus connu sous le nom d'Oulough Beg, petit-fils de Tamerlan, prince et astronome à Samarcande, (1394-1449) Zahiruddin Muhammad plus connu sous le nom de Bâbur, descendant de Tamerlan et de Gengis Khan, fondateur de la dynastie des Moghols d'Inde, (1483-1530) Mohammed ech-Cheikh sultan saadien du Maroc, (1540-1557) Mohamed ech Cheikh II el Mamoun sultan saadien du Maroc, (1608-1613) Mohammed ech-Cheikh es sghir (Mohammed Saadi III) sultan saadien du Maroc, (1636-1654) Les souverains Songhai Askia Mohammed Ier alias Mohammed Touré le Grand (vers 1442-1538), souverain de l'Empire Songhai (1493-1528). Askia Mohammed II Benkan dirigea l'Empire Songhai de 1531 à 1537. Askia Mohammed III el Hadj régna de 1582 à 1586. Askia Mohammed IV Bano lui succéda de 1586 à 1588. Askia Mohammed V Gao régna quelques mois en 1591, après la bataille de Tondibi qui provoqua l'effondrement de l'Empire Songhai. Les sultans ottomans Mehmed Ier Çelebi (1402-1421), surnommé Kirisci "l'Exécuteur", Mehmed II Fatih (1451-1481), surnommé el-Fatih "le Conquérant" sultan de l'Empire ottoman de 1444 à 1447, et plus tard de 1451 à 1481, (1432--1481. Mehmed III (1595-1603), célèbre pour la strangulation de ses seize frères lors de sa succession, (1566--1603). Mehmed IV (1648-1687), surnommé Avci ("le chasseur") (1642--1693). Mehmed V (1909-1918), Mehmed VI (1918-1922). Mehmed VI dernier sultan de l'Empire ottoman, de 1919 à 1925, (1861--1928). Autres Mehmet comme nom de personne Mehmed Pasha Sokollu Grand vizir de Soliman le Magnifique et de Selim II, (1505--1579) Mehmet Effendi, ambassadeur turc à Paris sous Louis XV, il a inspiré à Montesquieu les Lettres Persanes (1721) ; Mehmet Ali ou Mohamed Ali (1769-1849), vice-roi d'Égypte, considéré comme le fondateur de l'Égypte moderne ; Mehmed Ali, homme d'État turc (1815-1871) ; Mehmet Akif Ersoy (?-1936), poète turc. Les sultans et rois du Maroc Moulay Mohammed, Mohammed Ier, sultan du Maroc (1659-1664) Mohammed II, sultan du Maroc (1736-1738) Mohammed III, sultan du Maroc (1757-1790) Mohammed IV sultan du Maroc (1859-1873). Mohammed V, Mohammed ben Youssef, sultan puis roi alaouite du Maroc, père de l'indépendance (1909--1961). Mohammed VI né en 1963 Mohammed Ben Al-Hassan, roi alaouite du Maroc, (depuis 1999). Autres Mohammed XVIIIe siècle-XIXe siècle Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab fondateur du mouvement du wahhabisme, (1703--1792) Muhammad Ali Pasha vice-roi d'Égypte, parfois considéré comme le fondateur de l'Égypte moderne, (1769--1849) Mohamed Abduh juriste et mufti égyptien, fondateur avec Jamal al-Din al-Afghani du modernisme islamique, (Delta du Nil 1849 - Alexandrie 11 juillet 1905) Muhammad Ali Jinnah musulman nationaliste indien, et premier gouverneur-général du Pakistan, (1876--1948) Muhammad Iqbal poète musulman indien de l'époque coloniale, considéré comme l'un des pères fondateurs du Pakistan, (1877--1938) Mohammad Mossadegh premier ministre d'Iran de 1951 à 1953, (1882--1967) Mohammad Taghi Bahar également appelé Malek osh-Sho'ara, "poète lauréat", poète, politicien, mathématicien, logicien, journaliste, essayiste, et historien iranien, (1886--1951) Wallace Fard Muhammad prédicateur et fondateur de Nation of Islam, mouvement des nationalistes noirs, (1891?--après 1934) Mohammed bin Laden immigrant yémenite en Arabie séoudite, investisseur couronné de succès, homme d'affaires et patriarche de la famille bin Laden, (1895?--1968) Elijah Muhammad fondateur de Nation of Islam, (1897--1975)- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 2

HEM ÖĞREN HEM ÇOCUĞUNA ÖĞRET Aykut İlter Aykut Öğretmen IV. Mehmet ya da Avcı Mehmet adıyl...
published: 06 Aug 2013
author: Aykut ilter
HEM ÖĞREN HEM ÇOCUĞUNA ÖĞRET Aykut İlter Aykut Öğretmen IV. Mehmet ya da Avcı Mehmet adıyla da bilinir (2 Ocak 1642, İstanbul -- 6 Ocak 1693, Edirne), 19. Os...- published: 06 Aug 2013
- views: 5
- author: Aykut ilter

Islamic Ottoman Music by Ali Ufki *1600 - Teşbh i 'Arabbî Esselâmü aleyke
Wojciech Bobowski or Ali Ufki (also Albertus Bobovius, Ali Bey, Santurî Ali Ufki; 1610[1]-...
published: 18 Dec 2013
Islamic Ottoman Music by Ali Ufki *1600 - Teşbh i 'Arabbî Esselâmü aleyke
Islamic Ottoman Music by Ali Ufki *1600 - Teşbh i 'Arabbî Esselâmü aleyke
Wojciech Bobowski or Ali Ufki (also Albertus Bobovius, Ali Bey, Santurî Ali Ufki; 1610[1]--1675) was a Polish musician and dragoman in the Ottoman Empire. He translated the Bible into Ottoman Turkish, composed an Ottoman Psalter, based on the Genevan metrical psalter, and wrote a grammar of the Ottoman Turkish language. His musical works are considered among the most important in 17th-century Ottoman music. Bobowski was born as a Pole in Bobowa near Gorlice He was raised in a Protestant family[1] and started a career as a church musician. At some point[2], he was taken as a worker by a Turkish Prince as his sister was married by an Ottoman king. Because he had enjoyed musical training and was capable of reading and notating music [3], he was sold to the court of sultan Murad IV (and later Ibrahim I and Mehmed IV), where he converted to Islam and became known as 'Alī Ufqī.[2] At the court he served as an interpreter, treasurer and musician in the sultan's seraglio. He was also known to master sixteen languages, next to Polish and Turkish also Arabic, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, and Latin. Around 1657, approximately 19--20 years after he was captured[4], when on a voyage to Egypt, he regained his liberty, after which he lived in Egypt for some time. It is also likely he travelled on a pilgrimage to Mecca. After he gained his freedom he became one of the most important dragomans in the Ottoman Empire.[5] Bible translation Bobowski, or now Ufki, having been raised as a Christian and now being a convert to Islam, became deeply interested in religious issues. He translated the Anglican catechism into Ottoman Turkish, and wrote an explanation of Islam in Latin, in an attempt to increase the mutual understandings of both cultures. Bobowski's translation of the Bible into Turkish, known as the Kitabı Mukaddes ("Holy Book") has for long been the only complete Turkish Bible, and is considered one of his greatest achievements. In 2002, a new translation was published, but the 17th century translation, now written in the Latin alphabet, is still used by some. Psalter Having been raised in a Protestant family, Bobowski was familiar with the singing of the Genevan Psalms. This experience has been a great influence on his composition of fourteen Turkish psalms. In this small collection of psalms, known as Mezmurlar and released in 1665, Ali Ufki used original melodies from the Genevan Psalter, an early Calvinist hymnbook. He classified them using the Turkish modal system and translated the texts into the Ottoman Turkish. Because of certain features of French prosody, the Genevan melodies tend to be in asymmetrical meters, which makes them more similar to Middle Eastern music than much of other European music. Rhythmical intensity is likely one of the most important shared features, and their modal character facilitates their transformation into Turkish modes, as this can be done with only light changes in intonation. Ali Ufki's versions of the psalms are relatively simple; with careful attention paid to ensuring words are easy to understand and music is only the background. In 2005, the King's Singers together with Sarband released a CD titled Sacred Bridges which includes recordings of Psalms 5, 6, and 9 from Ali Ufki's psalter. Musical anthologies Among his achievements was the release of two manuscript anthologies of Ottoman music, known as Mecmûa-i Sâz ü Söz ("Collection of Instrumental and Vocal Works"). These anthologies contained both sacred and secular pieces, instrumental and vocal music, art music as well as traditional Turkish songs. Only two manuscript copies survive: in the British Library and the Bibliothèque Nationale [6]. This work preserved for modern times several hundred classical Ottoman songs and instrumental pieces and is the first instance in which western staff notation was applied to Turkish music. Other works In 1666 Bobowski also wrote a grammar of the Ottoman Turkish language. He also translated works of Hugo Grotius and Comenius into that language.[7]- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 53
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Beşiktaş Maritime Museum
Once the heart of Ottoman navigation, Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district today harbors within it...
published: 01 Apr 2012
author: Joel Leang
Beşiktaş Maritime Museum
Once the heart of Ottoman navigation, Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district today harbors within it key monuments of the city’s maritime history.
Beşiktaş Maritime Museum
Every year from the 16th to the mid-19th century, the Ottoman fleet set sail in spring from Istanbul’s Beşiktaş harbor. Prior to setting out on these campaigns, the enormous galleys and galleons were launched with ceremony after lying at anchor for a few days just off shore. These ceremonies, which would become a venerable tradition in Ottoman navigation, ensured Beşiktaş a privileged place in the empire’s maritime history. In the 16th century, Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha had a mosque and medrese built at the mouth of the Beşiktaş river. And following his death, he was buried in a türbe (mausoluem) built on Beşiktaş Square in the classical Ottoman style by the architect Mimar Sinan. The reverence felt for this great Turkish navigator thus ensured the forging of a heartfelt bond between seamen and Beşiktaş, with the result that Turkey’s first and only Maritime Museum, which has stood at Beşiktaş since 1961, is of great significance for Ottoman maritime history.
The Maritime Museum was founded in 1897 at the behest of then Naval Minister Grand Admiral Hasan Hüsnü Pasha of Bozcaada by Lieutenant Commander Süleyman Nutki at the Tersane-i Amire (Imperial Dockyard). Originally called the Naval Museum and Library, a name that was changed to the Maritime Museum in 1934, it has the distinction of being Turkey’s first military museum as well. Original objects that had been removed from Istanbul to various locations in Anatolia during the war were put on public exhibition beginning in 1948 in the Dolmabahçe Mosque and adjoining buildings. Finally in 1961 the museum was moved to its present location on İskele Meydan in Beşiktaş next to the monument and tomb of Grand Admiral Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha. The section known as the Gallery of Caiques was opened to visitors in 1970. Exhibited here are matchless historic caiques brought from the Dolmabahçe, Topkapı, Beylerbeyi, Çırağan and Üsküdar Palaces and the Bosphorus pavilions.
This collection of historic caiques consists entirely of original pieces. Boasting 24 pairs of oars, these boats, which were used in the nearby waters by the Ottoman sultans starting from the period of Sultan Mehmed IV, were 5 meters and 70 cm in width and 40 meters long. The captain’s cabin of each galley was decorated in ivory, tortoise shell and mother-of-pearl and adorned with panels of silver and precious stones. As we are examining the caiques, we encounter Denise and Ray Marmion from Australia, and strike up a conversation with Ray, who is awed by the sheer splendor of the galleys. He sums up what he has seen here in a single word: “Magnificent!” The Australian couple explain that they have visited many cities in Turkey but that Istanbul has a special magic. Visualizing these historic caiques actually gliding over the water is a particular thrill for Denise. I immediately point out that several exact replicas have been made of one of them and are used today for touristic excursions on the Bosphorus.
Exhibited in the museum, which gives visitors a feel for maritime history and culture through the instruments used in navigation, are ships’ models, flags, paintings by such renowned artists as Aivazovsky and Hüsnü Tenküz, original items from Atatürk’s yachts the Savarona and the Ertuğrul, as well as items from the Yavuz, one of the most important ships of the Republican period. And among the objects on display in the museum garden are one of the cannons used by Sultan Selim I in his conquest of Egypt, a dredged up section of a German UB-46 submarine, and busts of the great Ottoman seafarers. In another part of the garden is a glass enclosure made specially for the yacht ‘Uzaklar’ in which Osman and Zuhal Atasoy set sail to circumnavigate the world. Weighing anchor from Sığacık Harbor on the Aegean on 24 August 1992, the Atasoys sailed westwards. The couple, whose daughter Deniz was born on the voyage, visited over 30 countries during their four years, ten months and six days on the water. Currently on display at the museum, the ‘Uzaklar’, in its pristine state, awaits visitors to whom it can tell its story.
One thing that makes this museum so moving is that all the objects on display are authentic. And the restoration experts employed by the museum subject the collection to continuous inspection. Specially trained in museology and the restoration of historical objects, these experts not only repair missing sections of maps but even touch up worn paint on the historic caiques without compromising their authenticity in any way. Due to the continuous addition of new pieces, the Maritime Museum’s current buildings are rapidly becoming inadequate, and the museum

Sultan IV.Mehmed Han- Eminönü Yeni Camii'nin Açılışı
Semerkand Tv - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı...
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: Dini Sohbetler
Sultan IV.Mehmed Han- Eminönü Yeni Camii'nin Açılışı
Semerkand Tv - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı

Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi_2
Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi (Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Kimdir? - Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Hakkında)
Osmanlı devr...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: aziz83
Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi_2
Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi (Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Kimdir? - Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Hakkında)
Osmanlı devri İstanbul velîlerinin büyüklerindendir. Asıl adı Mahmûd'dur. "Hüdâyî" ismi ve "Azîz" sıfatı kendisine sonradan verilmiştir. Cüneyd-i Bağdâdî Hazretleri'nin neslinden olup, "seyyid"dir. Bunu ilâhîlerinin birinde:
Ceddim ü pîrim sultan
Sensin yâ Resûlallâh
diyerek kendisi de ifâde eder.
Koçhisar'da doğmuş, çocukluğu Sivrihisar'da geçmiştir.
O, bir asra yakın ömür sürmüş ve sekiz pâdişâh devrini idrâk etmiş bir gönül sultanıdır. Asrında, gerek eserleri, gerekse sohbet, irşâd, vaaz ve nasîhatleri ile ümmet için bir feyiz kaynağı olmuştur.
İlim, tasavvuf ve edebiyat sahalarında parlak bir hüviyete sahip bulunan Hüdâyî Hazretleri, mâneviyat rehberleri arasında müstesnâ bir mevkii hâizdir. O, kuruluş yıllarında Şeyh Edebali Hazretleri'nin yapmış olduğu kıymetli irşâd, hizmet ve faâliyeti, aynı aşk, vecd ve heyecanla yürütebilen nâdir bir mânevî şahsiyettir. Allâh rızâsı istikâmetinde ihlâs, samîmiyyet ve gayret üzere hareket eden Hüdâyî Hazretleri, sahip olduğu zâhirî ve bâtınî liyâkat sebebiyle de hem pâdişâhların hem de bütün teb'anın sevdiği bir Hakk dostu olarak tebârüz etmiştir.
Osmanlı'nın yükselişten yavaş yavaş duraklamaya doğru seyir takip eden bir devrinde yaşayan Hüdâyî Hazretleri, bir yandan sultanlarını âdil, gayretli ve mâneviyat bakımından zinde olmaları için büyük himmetler sarfetmiş, bir yandan da birtakım kargaşadan bunalan devlet ricâlinin ve halkın gönül yaralarını âdetâ hâzık bir hekim gibi sarmasını bilmiştir. Bundan dolayı hemen herkes, onun sohbet, irşâd ve hizmet sofrasına koşarak ferahlamış; dergâhı, bir seâdet ve gönül mekânı olmuştur.
Gerçekten onun devri, seâdetle felâketin birbirini takip ettiği çileli bir zamana rastlamaktadır. Zîrâ siyâsî bakımdan gittikçe artan ve ictimâî bünyeyi de son derece sarsan çalkantılar, bu devirde görülmeye başlamıştır. Askerdeki disiplin ve nizamın sarsılıp bozulmasının fecî bir surette II. Genç Osman'ı katletme derecesine ulaştığı ve IV. Murâd'ın tahtının önünde sadrazamı Hâfızlarının tahta bile bulaşmış olduğu düşünülürse, o günlerin siyâsî ahvâli daha iyi anlaşılır.
İşte böyle çalkantılı bir devirde İslâm tasavvufunun tesellî edici nefhasıyla Hakk'ın ve hakîkatin sesine çağıran Hüdâyî Hazretleri, dergâhına diğerlerine nazaran çok farklı bir hüviyet kazandırmıştır. Öyle ki, devlet idâresinde azl ve nefyedilen kimselerin ve cemiyette zuhûr eden anarşinin önünden kaçanların yegâne sığındıkları yer, onun dergâh-ı şerîfi olmuştur. Nitekim Halil Paşa, Dilâver Paşa ve Ali Paşa gibi zevât, başları her dara düştükçe bu dergâha sığınmışlardır. Bu yönüyle Hüdâyî Hazretleri'nin dergâh-ı şerîfi, kimsenin zarar ve ziyânının erişemeyeceği, günümüz tâbiriyle bir nevî dokunulmazlığı olan emîn bir mekân hüviyetine bürünmüştür. Denilebilir ki, o zamanlar Osmanlı mülkünde bu mekândan başka hiçbir dergâh, bu kadar nâil-i hürmet ve ihtirâm değildi.
Burada Azîz Mahmûd Hüdâyî Hazretleri'nin böyle bir makama hâiz oluşu ve sahip bulunduğu müstesnâ liyâkati elde edişinin nasıl tahakkuk ettiği üzerinde hâssaten ve dikkatle durmak gerekir. Zîrâ onu bu kemâle ulaştıran metod, aynı yolda yürüyenlere müstesnâ bir nümûne-i imtisâldir.
Hüdâyî Hazretleri, talebelik yıllarında ciddî bir ilim tahsîli yanında tasavvufî bir alâka ile gönül âlemini de az-çok yoğurmuştu. Gayret ve çalışkanlığı sebebiyle de medresede kendisiyle husûsî bir şekilde ilgilenen hocası Nâzırzâde'nin muîdi olmuştu. Sonraki yıllarda hocası Nâzırzâde ile birlikte muhtelif kadılık vazîfelerinde bulundu. Son olarak da Bursa'ya tâyin edildiler. Hocası başkadı, kendisi de Ferhâdiye medresesinde müderrisliğin yanında Câmi-i Atîk mahkemesinde kadı nâibi oldu.
Onun kâmil mânâda tasavvufa sülûk edip mârifetullâha nâil olması da işte bu zamana rastlar. Şöyle ki:
Her türlü ilmî liyâkat ve makamına rağmen Hüdâyî Hazretleri, o zamanlar Bursa kadılığı vazîfesini yürüten Kadı Mahmûd Efendi adında sayısız kadıdan sadece biriydi. Birgün karşısına o güne kadar hiç rastlamadığı türden pek farklı bir dâvâ çıktı. İki gözünden sel gibi yaşlar akıtan bir kadıncağız, kocasından şikâyetle mahkemeye mürâcaat etmişti. Kendisini dinleyen Kadı Mahmûd'a şunları söyledi:
"-Kadı Efendi! Kocam her sene hacca gitmeye niyet eder, fakat bir türlü fakirlikten dolayı gidemez. Bu sene de hacca gideceğim diye tutturdu. Hattâ: "-Eğer bu sene hacca gidemezsem seni boşayacağım!" dedi. Daha sonra kurban bayramına yakın ortalı

Bodrum Castle (Bodrum Kalesi), located in southwest Turkey in the city of Bodrum (37°1′54″...
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: istanbulcityguide.com
Bodrum Castle (Bodrum Kalesi), located in southwest Turkey in the city of Bodrum (37°1′54″N 27°25′46″ECoordinates: 37°1′54″N 27°25′46″E), was built by the Knights Hospitaller starting in 1402 as the Castle of St. Peter or Petronium.
Confronted with the invasion of Seljuk Turks, the Knights Hospitaller, with their headquarters on the island of Rhodes, needed another stronghold on the mainland. Grand Master Philibert de Naillac (1396-1421) found a suitable site across the island of Kos, where there was already a castle of the Order. This location had been already the site of a fortification in Doric times (1110 BC) and of a small Seljuk castle in the 11th century. The same promontory was also the probable site of the palace of Mausolos, the famous king of Caria.
The construction of the castle started in 1402 under the German knight-architect Heinrich Schlegelholt. Construction workers were guaranteed a reservation in Heaven by a papal decree of 1409. They used squared green volcanic stone, marble columns and reliefs from the nearby Mausoleum of Maussollos to fortify the castle. The first walls were completed in 1437. The chapel was among the first completed inner structures (probably 1406). It consists of a vaulted nave and an apse. The chapel was reconstructed in Gothic style by Spanish Knights in 1519-1520. Their names can be found on two cornerstones of the façade.
Fourteen cisterns for collecting rainwater were excavated in the rocks under the castle.
Each tongue of the Order had its own tower, each in his own style and the French tower being the tallest. Each tongue, each headed by a bailli, was responsible for the maintenance and defence of a specific portion of the fortress and responsible for manning it with sufficient numbers of knights and soldiers. There were seven gates leading to the inner part of the fortress. The architect had applied the latest in castle design : the passages leading to these gates were full of twists and turns. Eventual assailants could not find cover against the arrows, stones or heated projectiles they had to confront. The Knights had placed above the gates and on the walls hundreds of painted coats of arms and carved reliefs. There remain now 249 separate designs : those of grand masters, castle commandants, countries, personal coat of arms of knights and religious figures.
The construction of the three-storied English tower was finished in 1413. One door opens to the north, to the inner part of the castle; The other door leads to the western rampart. One could only access this tower via a drawbridge. The western façade shows an antique carved relief of a lion. Because of this relief, the tower was also called "the Lion Tower". Above this lion, one can see the coat of arms of king Henry IV of England.
For over a century St. Peter's Castle remained the second most important castle of the Order. It served as a refuge for all Christians in Asia Minor.
The castle came under attack with the rise of the Ottoman Empire, first after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and again in 1480 by sultan Mehmed II. The attacks were repelled by the Knights.
In 1482, Prince Cem, son of sultan Mehmed II and brother of sultan Bayezid II, sought refuge in the castle, after a failure in raising a revolt against his brother.
When the Knights decided to fortify the castle in 1494, they used again stones of the Mausoleum. The walls facing the mainland were thickened as to withstand the increasing destructive power of cannons. The walls facing the sea were less thick, since the Order had little to fear from a sea attack due to their powerful naval fleet. Grand Master Fabrizio Del Carretto (1513-21) built a round bastion to strengthen the land side of the fortress.
Sir Thomas Docwra was captain of the castle in 1499.
[edit]16th century
Between 1505 and 1507 the few sculptures from the mausoleum, that hadn't been smashed and burnt for lime, were integrated into the castle for decoration. These included twelve slabs of the Amazonomachy (combat between Amazons and Greeks) and a single block of the Centauromachy, a few standing lions and one running leopard.
A cannon
When faced by attack from Sultan Suleiman, Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers ordered the Castle to be strengthened again. Much of the remaining portions of the mausoleum were broken up and used as building material to fortify the castle. By 1522 almost every block of the mausoleum had been removed.
In June 1522 the sultan attacked the Order's headquarters in Rhodes from the Bay of Marmaris with 200,000 soldiers. The castle of Rhodes fell in December 1522. The terms of surrender included the handing over of the Knights' fortresses in Kos and St Peter's Castle in Bodrum.
After the surrender, the chapel was turned into a mosque and a minaret was added. This mosque was called the Süleymaniye Camii, as attested by a traveler Evliya Chelebi, who visited Bodrum in 1671. The
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Siege and Battle of Vienna - War with Ottoman Empire - Decisive Holy League victory
Song: "My words will not pass away!" by Rafael Brom on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/...
published: 31 Jul 2009
author: cosmotonerecords
Siege and Battle of Vienna - War with Ottoman Empire - Decisive Holy League victory
Siege and Battle of Vienna - War with Ottoman Empire - Decisive Holy League victory
Song: "My words will not pass away!" by Rafael Brom on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/life-is-good-enjoy-it-while/id261310562 Cosmotone Records / C...- published: 31 Jul 2009
- views: 11687
- author: cosmotonerecords

Europa Universalis IV - My Ottoman Empire
Europa Universalis IV - My Ottoman Empire
Hayallerimde ki Osmanlı İmparatorluğu.
Gameplay ...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Europa Universalis IV - My Ottoman Empire
Europa Universalis IV - My Ottoman Empire
Europa Universalis IV - My Ottoman Empire Hayallerimde ki Osmanlı İmparatorluğu. Gameplay video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrrI9wlHEys- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 72

1683 The King who saved Europe
Revised version (song) of my video "1683 The King who saved Europe".
Very soon a vocal ver...
published: 05 Jan 2014
1683 The King who saved Europe
1683 The King who saved Europe
Revised version (song) of my video "1683 The King who saved Europe". Very soon a vocal version. Jan Matejko (1838 -- 1893) one of the most famous Polish painter Battle of Vienna (1883, Vatican Museums) My adaptation of "Prelude n° 17 op. 28" F. Chopin With my lyrics "The King who saved Europe" "In the summer of sixteen eighty three The hearts of Europeans stopped Our culture and religion Ottoman Empire wants to conquer Europe To fight or be decapitated Pillage et destruction Atrocious tortures, extermination Our future by Mehmed IV On the hills of Vienna The most historic battle Christian Patriots King of Poland And his Cavalry Saved the World For our Freedom For all time In the summer of sixteen eighty three Poland stopped the Chaos « I came, I saw, God conquered » Faith that makes the marvels We should never forget The King who Saved Europe Our Savior, Polish Victory 12 September Sobieski Day"- published: 05 Jan 2014
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The Jewish Role in the Armenian Genocide
Presentation by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, August 8, 2007 in Glendale, California. On the m...
published: 13 May 2013
author: TheRapeOfJustice
The Jewish Role in the Armenian Genocide
The Jewish Role in the Armenian Genocide
Presentation by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, August 8, 2007 in Glendale, California. On the motives and background of the crypto-Jewish murderers, the Young Tur...- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 1760
- author: TheRapeOfJustice