How to Pronounce Stadtholder
Learn how to say Stadtholder correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutor...
published: 11 Jan 2014
How to Pronounce Stadtholder
How to Pronounce Stadtholder
Learn how to say Stadtholder correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of stadtholder (oxford dictionary): noun (from the 15th century to the late 18th century) the chief magistrate of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Derivatives stadtholdership noun Origin: mid 16th century: from Dutch stadhouder 'deputy', from stad 'place' + houder 'holder', translating medieval Latin locum tenens http://www.emmasaying.com/ Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1 Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 5
Christian Ernst Graf - Laat ons juichen, Batavieren! (1766) (by Nico van der Meel)
Christian Ernst Graf or Graaf (Rudolstadt, June 30, 1723 - The Hague, July 17, 1804 (by Ni...
published: 17 Nov 2010
author: BogaertVanderauderaa
Christian Ernst Graf - Laat ons juichen, Batavieren! (1766) (by Nico van der Meel)
Christian Ernst Graf - Laat ons juichen, Batavieren! (1766) (by Nico van der Meel)
Christian Ernst Graf or Graaf (Rudolstadt, June 30, 1723 - The Hague, July 17, 1804 (by Nico van der Meel - http://www.nicovandermeel.nl) Succeeding his fath...- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 2281
- author: BogaertVanderauderaa
HERR - Fügefeuer
A track from Vondel's Lucifer - First Movement Lyrics: The Stadtholder now hears the meani...
published: 28 Feb 2011
author: majnundecker
HERR - Fügefeuer
HERR - Fügefeuer
A track from Vondel's Lucifer - First Movement Lyrics: The Stadtholder now hears the meaning of This proclamation grave so proudly blown By Gabriel's trumpet...- published: 28 Feb 2011
- views: 1621
- author: majnundecker
William of Orange
Willem III, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Netherlands came to power in 1667 ...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: Mad Monarchist
William of Orange
William of Orange
Willem III, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Netherlands came to power in 1667 and faced a number of problems. An expanding France was a threat to...- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 8626
- author: Mad Monarchist
Personeelsreis Ameland & 27 september 2013
Personeelsreis Ameland & 27 september 2013
De Waddeneilanden vormen de grens tussen de Noo...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Personeelsreis Ameland & 27 september 2013
Personeelsreis Ameland & 27 september 2013
Personeelsreis Ameland & 27 september 2013 De Waddeneilanden vormen de grens tussen de Noordzee en de Waddenzee die aan de zuidkant van de eilandenrij ligt. Ten westen van Ameland ligt het Borndiep met aan de overkant Terschelling, en in het oosten is bij helder weer nog net het nabijgelegen eiland Schiermonnikoog te zien. Ameland bestaat voornamelijk uit zandduinen. Ten oosten van Buren ligt het Oerd, een drassig natuurgebied waar veel vogels leven en waar zeewater via een aantal geulen vrijelijk in- en uitstroomt. De totale strandlengte is 27 km en de totale lengte van de fietspaden is 100 km. Op het eiland bevinden zich vier dorpen: Hollum, Nes, Buren en Ballum. Daarnaast bevinden zich er de buurtschappen Kooiplaats en Ballumerbocht. Vroeger was er nog een ander dorp, Sier genaamd, maar dat is bij stormen "verdronken" en ligt nu in de zee.[1] Hollum is het dorp met het oudste huis van Ameland, gebouwd in 1516. Geologisch gezien is Ameland een vrij jong eiland. Net zoals een groot deel van Nederland is het pas droog land geworden in het laatste tijdvak van het Holoceen. Ameland maakte eerst deel uit van het vasteland en werd pas aan het begin van onze jaartelling een eiland doordat de zee een deel van de strandwal en het veengebied daarachter wegsloeg. De eerste vermelding van Ameland heeft men gevonden in kloostergeschriften uit de 8ste eeuw. Het eiland werd daarin genoemd als het 'Insula que dictur Ambla'. Wanneer zich de eerste mensen op Ameland begaven is onduidelijk maar het eiland moet in ieder geval vanaf het jaar 850 bewoond zijn geweest. De eerste gedateerde menselijke activiteit is namelijk de stichting van het klooster Foswert in 866-899 door de Van Cammingha's. Dit klooster had in de vroege middeleeuwen het bestuur over heel Ameland in handen. Omstreeks 1109 werd het klooster verplaatst naar Ferwerd, op het Friese vasteland, maar ook toen bleef Ameland daarmee verbonden. Zodoende was Ameland vervolgens drie eeuwen onderdeel van Ferwerderadeel. Pas in 1287 werd Ameland door de Sint-Luciavloed (1287) een echt eiland toen de Waddenzee werd gevormd. Op Ameland wordt geen Fries, maar Amelands gesproken, een mengdialect dat verwant is aan het Stadsfries. In tegenstelling tot alle andere waddendialecten is het Amelands nog zeer vitaal. De bewoners worden Amelanders genoemd. Ameland is door zijn bijzondere lichtval en landschap reeds lang een geliefde verblijfplaats voor kunstenaars. Sinds 1996 wordt er in november de Ameland kunstmaand georganiseerd. Over het hele eiland exposeren dan kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland op dertig locaties hun schilderijen, keramiek, foto's, beelden en installaties. Ameland (About this sound pronunciation (help·info), West Frisian: It Amelân) is a municipality and one of the West Frisian Islands off the north coast of the Netherlands. It consists mostly of sand dunes. It is the third major island of the West Frisians. It neighbours islands Terschelling to the West and Schiermonnikoog to the East. This includes the small Engelsmanplaat and Rif islands to the East. Ameland is, counted from the west, the fourth inhabited Dutch Wadden island and belongs to the Friesland/Fryslan province. The whole island falls under one municipality, which carries the same name. The Wadden islands form the border between the North sea and the Wadden sea which lies on the south side of the island file. The municipality of Ameland had a population of 3,569 in 2013. The inhabitants are called Amelanders. First mentioned as Ambla in the 8th century, it paid tribute to the county of Holland until in 1424 its lord Ritske Jelmera declared it a 'free lordship' (vrijheerschap). Although Holland, Friesland and the Holy Roman Emperor contested this quasi-independent status, it remained a free lordship until the ruling family, Cammingha, died out in 1708. After that, the Frisian stadtholder Johan Willem Friso of Orange-Nassau became lord of Ameland and after him, his son the stadtholder of all the Netherlands William IV of Orange and his grandson William V of Orange. Only in the constitution of 1813 was the island finally integrated into the Netherlands (into the province of Friesland). The kings and queens of the Netherlands still maintain the title Vrijheer van Ameland today. In 1871 and 1872, a dike was built between Ameland and the mainland by a society for the reclamation of Frisian land from the sea. The dike ran from Holwerd to Bueren and was 8.7 km (5 mi). long. The province and the Dutch realm each paid 200,000 guilders. In the end, it was unsuccessful; the dike did not prove to be durable and in 1882, after heavy storms in the winter, repair and maintenance of the dam were stopped. The dike can still be partially seen at low tide. The dam at Holwerd is the beginning of this dike.- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 44
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 2, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
https://www.youtube.com/myworldvisit Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, The Netherl...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: MyWorldvisit
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 2, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 2, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
https://www.youtube.com/myworldvisit Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands Het Loo Palace is a palace in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. The symm...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 8
- author: MyWorldvisit
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 2), Slag om Grolle (Battle of Grolle)
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern N...
published: 04 Nov 2012
author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 2), Slag om Grolle (Battle of Grolle)
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 2), Slag om Grolle (Battle of Grolle)
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern Netherlands in order to commemorate the Battle of Grolle which took ...- published: 04 Nov 2012
- views: 303
- author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 3), Going Home
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern N...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 3), Going Home
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 3), Going Home
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern Netherlands in order to commemorate the Battle of Grolle which took ...- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 31
- author: Mike Price
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
https://www.youtube.com/myworldvisit Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, Netherlands...
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: MyWorldvisit
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
https://www.youtube.com/myworldvisit Palace Het loo(Museum) Part 1, Apeldoorn, Netherlands Het Loo Palace is a palace in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. The symmetri...- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 10
- author: MyWorldvisit
King William III
King William III William III & II (Dutch: Willem III; 4 November 1650 -- 8 March 1702) was...
published: 01 Aug 2013
author: Beraldo Valera
King William III
King William III
King William III William III & II (Dutch: Willem III; 4 November 1650 -- 8 March 1702) was a sovereign Prince of Orange of the House of Orange-Nassau by birt...- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 26
- author: Beraldo Valera
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 15-19
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas B...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: rt20bg
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 15-19
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 15-19
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) This is chapter 9 of Thomas Babington...- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 101
- author: rt20bg
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 1), from Cheshire to Grenlo
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern N...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 1), from Cheshire to Grenlo
The Sealed Knot (The Corbet Diaries II, part 1), from Cheshire to Grenlo
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern Netherlands in order to commemorate the Battle of Grolle which took ...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 104
- author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbert Diaries II) and the music of Slag om Grolle
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern N...
published: 28 Oct 2012
author: Mike Price
The Sealed Knot (The Corbert Diaries II) and the music of Slag om Grolle
The Sealed Knot (The Corbert Diaries II) and the music of Slag om Grolle
From the 19th to the 21st October 2012 Slag om Grolle was held at Groenlo in the eastern Netherlands in order to commemorate the Battle of Grolle which took ...- published: 28 Oct 2012
- views: 66
- author: Mike Price
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 12-15
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas B...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: rt20bg
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 12-15
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 12-15
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) This is chapter 9 of Thomas Babington...- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 29
- author: rt20bg
Youtube results:
Rock A Bye Baby Poem
Rock a Bye Baby always seemed a little dark to me, particularly the end where the cradle f...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: KidsBoxOffice
Rock A Bye Baby Poem
Rock A Bye Baby Poem
Rock a Bye Baby always seemed a little dark to me, particularly the end where the cradle falls, and down comes baby, yikes! There are several theories as to ...- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 3539
- author: KidsBoxOffice
Curaçao on video 1 HD
A much-debated question is when and for whom the city of Willemstad was named. According t...
published: 03 Apr 2010
author: Robert Parisius
Curaçao on video 1 HD
Curaçao on video 1 HD
A much-debated question is when and for whom the city of Willemstad was named. According to one historian, Willemstad was named after Stadhouder (stadtholder...- published: 03 Apr 2010
- views: 12676
- author: Robert Parisius
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 1-7
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas B...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: rt20bg
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 1-7
History of England from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 parts 1-7
History of England (Audio Book) from the Accession of James II, vol2 chapter09 by Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859) This is chapter 9 of Thomas Babington...- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 35
- author: rt20bg
How to Pronounce Stadtholdership
Learn how to say Stadtholdership correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free t...
published: 11 Jan 2014
How to Pronounce Stadtholdership
How to Pronounce Stadtholdership
Learn how to say Stadtholdership correctly with EmmaSaying's "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of stadtholder (oxford dictionary): noun (from the 15th century to the late 18th century) the chief magistrate of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Derivatives stadtholdership noun Origin: mid 16th century: from Dutch stadhouder 'deputy', from stad 'place' + houder 'holder', translating medieval Latin locum tenens http://www.emmasaying.com/ Take a look at my comparison tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying/videos?view=1 Subscribe to my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaSaying- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 4