
سلقين - يا محلا أيامك بشار الأسد - 28/12/2012
Syrians haven't lost their sense of humor even as the country descended into a heartbreaki...
published: 30 Dec 2012
author: Mohammed Sergie
سلقين - يا محلا أيامك بشار الأسد - 28/12/2012
سلقين - يا محلا أيامك بشار الأسد - 28/12/2012
Syrians haven't lost their sense of humor even as the country descended into a heartbreaking cycle of death and destruction. An activist in Salqin, a town in...- published: 30 Dec 2012
- views: 226
- author: Mohammed Sergie

Salqin, Idlib
FSA/Tawhid Brigade battle with the Syrian Army. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=36.14&lon;=36.45&...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: curse thee
Salqin, Idlib
Salqin, Idlib
FSA/Tawhid Brigade battle with the Syrian Army. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=36.14&lon;=36.45&z;=15&l;=0&m;=b.- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 636
- author: curse thee

Sirija: Zračni napadi na grad Salqin - Al Jazeera Balkans
Najmanje 12 osoba je poginulo, uključujući petoro djece, dok ih je više povrijeđeno u zrač...
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: AJBalkans
Sirija: Zračni napadi na grad Salqin - Al Jazeera Balkans
Sirija: Zračni napadi na grad Salqin - Al Jazeera Balkans
Najmanje 12 osoba je poginulo, uključujući petoro djece, dok ih je više povrijeđeno u zračnom napadu na grad Salqin u provinciji Idlib. U provinciji Homs u n...- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 193
- author: AJBalkans

Children Massacred in Salqin City, Syria
This footage, uploaded by Syrian democracy activists on October 1, 2012, depicts the after...
published: 02 Oct 2012
Children Massacred in Salqin City, Syria
Children Massacred in Salqin City, Syria
This footage, uploaded by Syrian democracy activists on October 1, 2012, depicts the aftermath of the Syrian Air Force's bombing of civilians in Salqin City in the Idlib province. Three children, all from the same family, have been killed.- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 513

Massacre and Chaos in Syrian Field Hospital - Salqin City, Idlib.
After 18 months of continuous agony, the nightmare Syrians are living in still persists an...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: Syrian4all World
Massacre and Chaos in Syrian Field Hospital - Salqin City, Idlib.
Massacre and Chaos in Syrian Field Hospital - Salqin City, Idlib.
After 18 months of continuous agony, the nightmare Syrians are living in still persists and everyone is turning a blind eye to the massacres against humanity...- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 242
- author: Syrian4all World

ادلب - سلقين || اسعاف جرحى القصف من الطيران 26-2-2013
شبكة أخبار حلب وإدلب ◄◄◄ https://www.facebook.com/A.E.N.N.Freedom...
published: 26 Feb 2013
ادلب - سلقين || اسعاف جرحى القصف من الطيران 26-2-2013
ادلب - سلقين || اسعاف جرحى القصف من الطيران 26-2-2013
شبكة أخبار حلب وإدلب ◄◄◄ https://www.facebook.com/A.E.N.N.Freedom- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 59

Coalition Salqin Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
9/2/2013. قام ائتلاف شباب سلقين بتوزيع البطانيات الشتوية القادمة من الحملة الانسانية السور...
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: maher Syria
Coalition Salqin Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
Coalition Salqin Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
9/2/2013. قام ائتلاف شباب سلقين بتوزيع البطانيات الشتوية القادمة من الحملة الانسانية السورية البريطانية على اللاجئين في مدينة سلقين حيث يعانون من البرد القار...- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 134
- author: maher Syria

مدينة سلقين في محافظة إدلب في سورية
رغم الحصار الخانق الذي تفرضه القوات السورية على مدينة سلقين التابعة لمحافظة إدلب و المحاذي...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: alhurra
مدينة سلقين في محافظة إدلب في سورية
مدينة سلقين في محافظة إدلب في سورية
رغم الحصار الخانق الذي تفرضه القوات السورية على مدينة سلقين التابعة لمحافظة إدلب و المحاذية للحدود مع تركيا، تمكنت كاميرا الحرة من الدخول اليها وأطلعت على او...- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 1303
- author: alhurra

Coalition (Salqin - idleb ) Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
published: 09 Feb 2013
author: maher Syria
Coalition (Salqin - idleb ) Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
Coalition (Salqin - idleb ) Youth distributing aid to refugees 9/2/2013
- published: 09 Feb 2013
- views: 53
- author: maher Syria

Idleb - Salqin // Une tentative terroriste de suicide ratée
Idleb - Salqin // Une tentative terroriste de suicide ratée
ادلب - سلقين : عملية انتحارية ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
Idleb - Salqin // Une tentative terroriste de suicide ratée
Idleb - Salqin // Une tentative terroriste de suicide ratée
Idleb - Salqin // Une tentative terroriste de suicide ratée ادلب - سلقين : عملية انتحارية فاشلة / Syria Tube Soutenez-nous sur Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Medias.Francais.STOP.AUX.MENSONGES http://www.facebook.com/Tous.avec.BACHAR.AL.ASSAD- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 1387

Syria- Salqin- distruzione dell'edificio in cui si trovano i paramedici 18
تم رفع المقطع بتاريخ : 26-05-2013
Warning: This video contains horrif...
published: 20 Jun 2013
Syria- Salqin- distruzione dell'edificio in cui si trovano i paramedici 18
Syria- Salqin- distruzione dell'edificio in cui si trovano i paramedici 18
تم رفع المقطع بتاريخ : 26-05-2013 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning: This video contains horrifying scenes and we don't recommend it for weak hearted people.This scene is just to document the crimes that are being committed by Bashar al-Assad and his regime. It is not to shock our viewers or to encourage violence; we just want to document what is happening in Syria. محتوى الفيديو قاسي جداً و فيه مشاهد مؤلمة و لا ينصح لأصحاب القلوب الضعيفة بمشاهدته , هذا المقطع فقط لتوثيق الجرائم التي اقترفتها القوات الأسدية التابعة لنظام بشار الأسد , والمقطع ليس لصدم المشاهدين هذا المقطع هو مقطع لتوثيق الأحداث التي تحدث في سوريا , وليس للتشجيع على العنف. ================================ Dopo essere state prese di mira da un raid aereo , le abitazioni di Salqin sono state distrutte enormemente e gli abitanti cercano di salvare i feriti ed estrarre i morti. Ma, mentre le famiglie e i paramedici stavano cercando i feriti, l'edificio è crollato a causa dei bombardamenti che ha subito che ne hanno minato le fondamenta. I paramedici e le famiglie sono così rimasti intrappolati sotto le macerie. Translated and subtitled by Syrian Translators Union (STU) : Up-to-date and verified videos from Syria uploaded everyday with subtitles ..Please rate comment and share to support the Syrian revolution.Our pages on Facebook Syrian Revolution in the languages of the world : http://www.facebook.com/LanguegesOfTheWorlds Eyes On Syria : http://www.facebook.com/Eye.on.Syria Syrian4allWorld Team : http://www.facebook.com/Syrian4allWorldTeam Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel : || SRLW2 || ✔ http://www.youtube.com/user/SRLW2 || Translator Syrian || ✔ http://www.youtube.com/user/SRVLW11 Join our team on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/S_R_L_W on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/LanguegesOfTheWorlds Thank You- published: 20 Jun 2013
- views: 16

Salqin bahor faslida, shamollashdan asraning!
Xozirda havo harorati past bo`lib, salqanligi sabab shamollashdan aziyat chekayotgan odaml...
published: 16 Mar 2011
author: migrantworkers1004
Salqin bahor faslida, shamollashdan asraning!
Salqin bahor faslida, shamollashdan asraning!
Xozirda havo harorati past bo`lib, salqanligi sabab shamollashdan aziyat chekayotgan odamlar talayginadir. Issiq mamlakatlardan Koreyaga kelib, mehnat faoliy...- published: 16 Mar 2011
- views: 143
- author: migrantworkers1004
Youtube results:

طفل يتحدى البرد بدون ثياب تحت المطر SALQIN
published: 06 Feb 2013
طفل يتحدى البرد بدون ثياب تحت المطر SALQIN
طفل يتحدى البرد بدون ثياب تحت المطر SALQIN
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR REFUGES IN SALQIN - EDLEB TO PERSENT ANY HELP : FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Youth.Caucus.Salqin?ref=tn_tnmn SKYPE : MAHER WETTi (SYR4ALL.2012 )- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 62

شهداء مدينه سلقين ادلب Salqin Idleb Martyrs
شهداء مدينه سلقين ادلب ,الشهيد صالح محمد استانبولي ,محمودحاج أمين استنبولي , لشهيدين البطل...
published: 10 Jun 2012
شهداء مدينه سلقين ادلب Salqin Idleb Martyrs
شهداء مدينه سلقين ادلب Salqin Idleb Martyrs
شهداء مدينه سلقين ادلب ,الشهيد صالح محمد استانبولي ,محمودحاج أمين استنبولي , لشهيدين البطلين عرفان نوفل و مصطفى حاج أمين استنبولي, البطل الشهيد عرفان نوفل, لشهي البطل , الشهيد, الشهيد البطل صالح محمد استانبولي- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 1998

FNN Idlib Salqin heroes of Idlib Martyrs Brigade and Kafartakharim Battalion
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: fnnsyrianews
FNN Idlib Salqin heroes of Idlib Martyrs Brigade and Kafartakharim Battalion
FNN Idlib Salqin heroes of Idlib Martyrs Brigade and Kafartakharim Battalion
- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 302
- author: fnnsyrianews

Salqin, Idlib
Weapons cache at a captured air defense site. SA-7 portable surface-to-air missiles found....
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: curse thee
Salqin, Idlib
Salqin, Idlib
Weapons cache at a captured air defense site. SA-7 portable surface-to-air missiles found. http://wikimapia.org/#lat=36.0939873&lon;=36.4610829&z;=14&l;=0&m;=b&t...;- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 586
- author: curse thee