On September 12th, 13th, and 14th of 2014, South Side Chicago ARA will be hosting the 1st Annual Torch Network Conference. Torch is a North American antifascist Network that evolved out of the Anti-Racist Action network. This conference has 2 parts; A private portion reserved for vouched antifascist chapters within the network (get vouched in now!) and a public portion for any and all antifascists interested in either the network or simply meeting other antifascists and having a good time. There will be workshops, tables, and more. 

If you have any questions or want to become a vouched chapter before the conference, email us a

We will post a detailed schedule in the coming months!


Hey everyone, We would like to encourage all our readers to donate to one or both of these brave individuals who were imprisoned for taking a stand against Racism and Fascism.

Cece McDonald is a trans woman who was attacked in 2011, along with several friends, by a group of Transphobic Racists.  In the ensuing melee, one of the attackers was stabbed and killed.  Cece is scheduled to be released this month and her supporters are fundraising to give her some help when she get out. Click here to donate to Cece McDonald.

John Tucker is one of the Tinley Park 5, 5 Antifascists imprisoned on trumped-up charges stemming from a disruption of a meeting of representatives of several Neo-Nazi/White Power groups. John is also slated for release this month.  His supporters have also started a prison release fund.  Click here to donate to John Tucker.

Please give all you can to support these two Antifascists.


Taken from pastebin:

The Traditionalist Youth Movement (TYN) is a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana. The groups mission is to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students about the “traditional” school of thought. They have attended several white nationalist events this year. The Leif Erickson day parade, an NSM rally, and the American Freedom Party conference, to name a few. Private details on their core membership and others can be found below.

Thomas C Buhls
Age: 30 – 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151

Matthew W Heimbach
Age:22 – 04/08/1991
19616 Selby Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837 (allegedly moved in with Buhls in Indiana)
cell: 301 525 1474

David M Parrott “Matthew Parrott”
Age:31 -  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032
Recently divorced Connie Adams Parrott after 2 years
Lives at his moms house and is unemployed

On October 9th, TYN protested against Tim Wise at Indiana University in Terre Haute, IN. Here is private information on three white nationalist attendees/supporters:

James Berry
213 West Wheeler Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Drivers license: 903690571 AR

Brian L Bryant
617 Teresa St
Harrison, AR 72601
home: 870 416 4687

Daniel Wilson
Lowell, AR


The TORCH network is proud to announce that we are adding a chapter to our ranks. A very active chapter at that. Welcome to the team, Philly Antifa!

“Philly Antifa are anti-authoritarians. We do not work with the state or any groups/individuals who seek to “reign us in” or otherwise control us. We do seek meaningful partnerships and alliances with groups and individuals we feel are working towards similar aims.”

We can be reached at


It is with both great excitement and some sadness that we introduce TORCH, an anti-fa network. Out of the old Anti-Racist Action Network rises a new, militant anti-fascist network. This isn’t a fracture or schism coming from internal strife but the result of the realization that the blueprint laid out in a time before the internet no longer serves as a sufficient model for combating fascism. We acknowledge that many of our comrades have lost much, some their lives, under the banner of ARA. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten and their fight is still our fight. Because of changes in the current political climate as well as our own political development, our understanding of what fascism is and how it relates to other political entities such as the working class, capital, and the state has evolved. We wanted to build a new network that fit our needs and politics. One that is more relevant and appealing to a new generation of anti-fascists.
We are still on the prowl. We will still continue to expose, confront, and act. Fascist beware… we are TORCH

TORCH Points of Unity:

1. We disrupt fascist and far right organizing and activity.

2. We don’t rely on the cops or courts to do our work for us. This
doesn’t mean we never go to court, but the cops uphold white supremacy
and the status quo. They attack us and everyone who resists oppression.
We must rely on ourselves to protect ourselves and stop the fascists.

3. We oppose all forms of oppression and exploitation. We intend to do
the hard work necessary to build a broad, strong movement of oppressed
people centered on the working class against racism, sexism, nativism,
anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination
against the disabled, the oldest, the youngest, and the most oppressed
people. We support abortion rights and reproductive freedom. We want a
classless, free society. We intend to win!

4. We hold ourselves accountable personally and collectively to live up to our ideals and values.

5. We not only support each other within the network, but we also
support people outside the network who we believe have similar aims or
An attack against one is an attack against all.


After posting our initial call to action for a phone jam, It gives us great pleasure to announce that David Irving was once again shut down in Chicago by antifascists. After receiving the email attached below and calling Dine restaurant it has been confirmed that the venue has decided to cancel his speech. Thank you to all who participated in the phone jam, thank you to Dine for shutting this event down, and shout out to those who sent us this…Sent from an email:

In the wee hours of December 7th 2013, antifascists smashed the windows of Dine restaurant, the hosting space for David Irvings Chicago stop on his tour, successfully bringing the event to an end!

From David Irving:

Saturday, 7 December 2013 11:28AM

Unhappy news: I must postpone this evening’s dinner function at Chicago’s Dine, the restaurant we had chosen, out of concern for the safety of my guests. This morning the establishment came under attack from the traditional enemies of free speech, and the management notified me at ten a.m. today that they cancel the booking. (I have phoned our many guests coming from out of state to avoid their making an unnecessary journey before they get this email.) They will not have to look far to wonder why Jews are so unpopular.


for why the restaurant cancelled the booking. There is an unsavory element of hired thugs in Chicago, who seem not to have learned the lesson from what happened to their friends, the Edelweiss and Tinley Park thugs, who are now languishing in federal prison in consequence.

Unless you can suggest an alternative secure location, I do not think it will be possible to reorganise it securely in time today. The personal comfort of my bona fide guests is my prime concern.

I shall postpone the dinner to my forthcoming 2014 tour in a few weeks’ time. Your payment will be good for that function, and I will closely review the list of invited guests first. See:

for the reason why.

If you were a bona fide attendee, I will refund your payment if you wish, as that is our policy.

David Irving
on the road in Indiana, USA
Saturday, 7 December 2013


Dear friends and comrades,

Sorry it’s taken me so long to put this out.  I’ve been working on my transition back in to the world and so far everyone has been great with helping me out with everything. I kinda feel like a new born, HA. Anyway, I just wanted to write something and post it up for everyone to see that I’m out now and am doing ok. Most of all I want to say thank you to everyone for helping me with everything during my incarceration. It’s still so very surreal. Prison was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but people like all of you who exist with your endless love:  I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I would also like to thank you for all the help you’ve been giving my four friends during their stint in Dante’s Inferno. It’s really hard to put into words how much all of you mean to me. Because of you I’ve been able to survive and stay strong. Your solidarity continues to leave me speechless. I want to thank you for all the books and amazing letters that I received. I hope my letters made it to you. I did my best to personally write everyone back and if you didn’t here back from me it’s prolly because the gestopo was withholding my mail. I want to personally thank the whole A.R.A. network, Denver, New York, and south side ABC, and every other chapter in between; Kieran (your mom’s books are great), Philly antifa, Kat from Oak Roots Press, all the kids in Germany, Allina Dollot in France, and especially my home crew in Lafayette and Bloomington (you guys are the best!), my big brothers NOMAD and TELLY; oh and my homie Petey from Sacramento Prisoner Support. Last but not least I wanna thank two very special people that I hold very dear to my heart:  Stephanie from the Bloomington ABC and Sara Garber, my amazing lawyer. If I believed in guardian angels I would be convinced that you two were the real deal… I love you both soooooo fucking much! Thank you to anyone who wrote a letter; went to a fundraiser; made a visit; told some one about our case; and kept me, John, Jason, Cody, and Dylan in your hearts.  All of you mean so much to me; without you all of this would have been a nightmare. Thank you so, so much!

H.A.R.M. SKIN for life!


Love and Rage,
Alex Stuck