First Night Baseball Game? Celoron NY 1902
June 17, 1902 was the date for the first night game in the history of Jamestown NY area ba...
published: 24 May 2009
author: brampete
First Night Baseball Game? Celoron NY 1902
First Night Baseball Game? Celoron NY 1902
June 17, 1902 was the date for the first night game in the history of Jamestown NY area baseball. It is an amazing story of a night game which predated the f...- published: 24 May 2009
- views: 223
- author: brampete
2013 Indiana Athletics Hall of Fame: William Lowe Bryan
William Lowe Bryan (Indiana University President 1902-37, Baseball, 1884) - There would be...
published: 10 Oct 2013
2013 Indiana Athletics Hall of Fame: William Lowe Bryan
2013 Indiana Athletics Hall of Fame: William Lowe Bryan
William Lowe Bryan (Indiana University President 1902-37, Baseball, 1884) - There would be no Hoosier Big Ten champions without the effort and drive of William Lowe Bryan. Bryan served as the president of Indiana University from 1902-1937 after serving earlier as vice-president from 1893-1902. He is widely credited for pushing for IU's membership in the Big Ten conference, leading the university and athletic department through a period of tremendous growth. He was also a baseball letterman in 1884, the only I-Man to serve as IU's president.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 1
Sousa's Band - Indian War Dance 1902 Arthur Pryor (John Philip Sousa)
Victor 324 - Sousa's Band - Indian War Dance 1902 (Arthur Pryor as Conductor) Music writte...
published: 13 May 2014
Sousa's Band - Indian War Dance 1902 Arthur Pryor (John Philip Sousa)
Sousa's Band - Indian War Dance 1902 Arthur Pryor (John Philip Sousa)
Victor 324 - Sousa's Band - Indian War Dance 1902 (Arthur Pryor as Conductor) Music written by Herman Bellstedt. The Sousa Band (John Philip Sousa) In 1892, John Philip Sousa was 35 years old. He had been the leader of the U.S. Marine Band for 12 years and was ready to do something different. On July 30, 1892, he resigned from the Marine Corps to start his own band. But what kind of band would it be? Sousa thought about the kinds of bands that were popular at the time: brass bands, military bands, beer hall bands, and symphony orchestras. Then he combined all the things he liked about each type to form his new band, the Sousa Band. One newspaper called it "a military orchestra" because it had the instruments of a military band, but could sound like a symphony orchestra. It took a few months for the Sousa Band to get rolling, but once it did, the band stayed popular for almost 40 years. Year after year they played for sold-out crowds all over America, and, later, all over the world. As the leader of the Sousa Band, Sousa was very busy. He chose the music for each concert. Because the band was made up of a unique combination of instruments, Sousa had to adapt the written music for each song to the musicians in his band. Sousa also helped make managerial decisions, including the design of the band's uniform and which towns they would visit on tour. Most important, Sousa was the band's conductor. A band conductor, like a symphony conductor, is on stage with the musicians. The conductor interprets how the music will be played. During a performance, he tells the band how to play by moving his body and baton. Since it can be hard for the musicians to hear each other play, the conductor also sets the tempo (speed of playing)and makes sure all the musicians play together. Some conductors are very dramatic and emotional, but not Sousa. His movements were energetic, but controlled and efficient. When he moved, his band responded. With a small wave of his baton, Sousa could command a very loud roar or absolute silence. With its popular reputation and good wages, the Sousa Band was able to recruit some of the best musicians around. For 39 years, this large group toured the country by train. A Sousa Band tour would last for many months, often with several performances each day and only a few days off for travel between cities. The band traveled to every corner of the United States and did several European tours and one world tour. Together they traveled more than 1 million miles, and they still managed to find the time for other fun. The band had its own baseball team, and Sousa was the pitcher. They played against local baseball teams and those of rival bands. Sousa even wrote a march song about baseball called "The National Game." During his prime, Sousa was one of the best-known musicians in the world. Many consider him to be the first American superstar. He and his band had fans in every America town, as well as overseas. When the Sousa Band started touring, people didn't have radios or televisions. Some members of their audience had seen smaller bands or played music at home with their families, but a Sousa Band performance was their first exposure to classical music and professional musicians. It was also their chance to see a famous composer. Sousa's marches, from his dance hit The Washington Post to his patriotic march The Stars and Stripes Forever, were wildly popular. And people loved hearing them played by the actual composer and his band. Many towns declared it "Sousa Day" when the band came to town. The Sousa Band was an ideal band for their time. As a newspaper reviewer wrote, "A concert by Sousa's Band is more than a mere concert, it is a dramatic performance, a stirring lesson in patriotism, and a popular musical event, all on the same program."- published: 13 May 2014
- views: 9
Metal Detecting PA - 10KGold Ring & 1902 V-Nickle
Went back in two evening hunts to an area I've been before and found even more stuff. I'm ...
published: 09 May 2014
Metal Detecting PA - 10KGold Ring & 1902 V-Nickle
Metal Detecting PA - 10KGold Ring & 1902 V-Nickle
Went back in two evening hunts to an area I've been before and found even more stuff. I'm finding out the time of day, weather and ground conditions makes a difference. In the same area I can run wide open with no interference other days I have to run at lower sensitivity and do not get the deeper targets.- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 114
Billy Murray - In the Good Old Summer Time 1902 - With lyrics
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: Hadeel Al-Shahayib
Billy Murray - In the Good Old Summer Time 1902 - With lyrics
Billy Murray - In the Good Old Summer Time 1902 - With lyrics
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 476
- author: Hadeel Al-Shahayib
20 de mayo de 1902-Independencia de Cuba-La República de Cuba.
El 20 de mayo de 1902 nace la República de Cuba siendo electo Tomás Estrada Palma como su ...
published: 20 May 2014
20 de mayo de 1902-Independencia de Cuba-La República de Cuba.
20 de mayo de 1902-Independencia de Cuba-La República de Cuba.
El 20 de mayo de 1902 nace la República de Cuba siendo electo Tomás Estrada Palma como su primer presidente. A este primer gobierno correspondería la tarea de formalizar los vínculos de dependencia con Estados Unidos. Aunque fue criticado por ello, logró su reelección; lo que provocó la sublevación del opositor Partido Liberal desencandenando una nueva intervención estadounidense, luego de la cual los estadounidenses crean el Ejército Permanente Cubano, para no tener que volver a ocupar el país en un futuro. El 20 de mayo de 1902, a las doce horas del día, se llevo a cabo en el Palacio de la Plaza de Armas, en La Habana, la ceremonia de transmisión de poderes. Leonard Wood, gobernador militar de la Isla hasta aquel momento en representación de los Estados Unidos, leyó dos documentos: uno firmado por Theodore Roosevelt, presidente de la Unión, y otro suscrito por él, con el carácter expresado. Ambos estaban dirigidos al Presidente y al Congreso de la República de Cuba. El de Roosevelt expresó sus votos por el buen éxito del nuevo gobierno y por el mantenimiento de la amistad entre los Estados Unidos y Cuba. El de Wood, más extenso, entro en consideraciones acerca de la administración que cesaba y declaro terminados la ocupación y el gobierno de la Isla por la Unión. Estrada Palma leyó una corta exposición, dirigida a Wood, por la cual se dio por enterado oficialmente de lo dicho por Roosevelt y Wood y admitió que Isla de Pinos, como acababa de manifestar el Gobernador, quedaba bajo la jurisdicción de Cuba, a reserva d2 lo que sobre su situación jurídica definitiva acordasen los gobiernos de Washington y La Habana. "El cambio de banderas se efectuó en los mismos momentos en que se producía en Palacio la ceremonia en que hablaron Wood y Estrada Palma. Estos actos, en los que no podía faltar una honda emoción, estuvieron acompañados del entusiasmo delirante de las muchedumbres que en distintos lugares de la capital de la Isla participaban de la alegría de un hecho glorioso. Las mujeres y los hombres que presenciaron la mudanza de pabellones aplaudieron y lloraron: sus vítores y lágrimas resumían los anhelos y sacrificios de varias generaciones de patriotas, de los que unos habían perecido en la demanda heroica y otros eran actores y testigos del grande acontecimiento que a todos conmovía. La economía cubana había crecido muy rápidamente durante las dos primeras décadas del siglo. No obstante ese crecimiento era extremadamente unilateral, basado de modo casi exclusivo en el azúcar y en las relaciones mercantiles con Estados Unidos. Por otra parte, los capitales estadounidenses que habían afluido a la isla con ritmo ascendente eran los principales beneficiarios del crecimiento. El movimiento obrero, cuyas raíces se remontaban a las décadas finales del siglo XIX, había seguido también un curso ascendente que más tarde llegaron a constituir una verdadera oleada debido a la inflación generada por la I Guerra Mundial. En el Primer Congreso Obrero Independiente (1920) los obreros de diferentes tendencias políticas toman un acuerdo de importancia la creación de la Federación Obrera de la Habana. Fue un paso de avance organizativo e ideológico, se destaca el líder obrero Alfredo López que desembocará en 1925 con la fundación de la Confederación Nacional de Obreros de Cuba (CNOC) que será la primera organización obrera de carácter nacional que se propuso la lucha económica y la organización del movimiento obrero y el desarrollo de la conciencia de los trabajadores. A la par de los obreros, pero en una escala mucho mayor se desarrolla en movimiento estudiantil e intelectual que se inicia el 20 de diciembre de 1922 con la fundación de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU), uno de sus fundadores, Julio Antonio Mella, quien asume el cargo de secretario y luego el de presidente, será el gran líder de esta etapa histórica. En marzo de 1923 un grupo de intelectuales liderados por Rubén Martínez Villena protestan públicamente por la compra fraudulenta del Convento Santa Clara realizada por políticos del gobierno de Zayas. Este hecho, conocido como la Protesta de los 13, marcó el inicio en Cuba del movimiento de intelectuales que comenzarán a participar en las luchas políticas del país. De este hecho se derivaron los grupos Falange de Acción Cubana y el Grupo Minorista con la parte de Villena y otros. *T.e.i AlquízarGuanímar en facebook- published: 20 May 2014
- views: 40
VID 00021-20100927-1902
Lainey playing baseball....
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: Loudog35Corona
VID 00021-20100927-1902
VID 00021-20100927-1902
Lainey playing baseball.- published: 04 Nov 2010
- views: 6
- author: Loudog35Corona
Annie Oakely 1902
A remarkably clear film of Annie Oakley shooting at a target and glass balls thrown in the...
published: 19 May 2014
Annie Oakely 1902
Annie Oakely 1902
A remarkably clear film of Annie Oakley shooting at a target and glass balls thrown in the air made in 1902- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 2
Bucking Broncho from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show of 1902.
Bucking Broncho from Buffalo Bills Wild West show in 1902. The Riders name is Lee Martin...
published: 19 May 2014
Bucking Broncho from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show of 1902.
Bucking Broncho from Buffalo Bills Wild West Show of 1902.
Bucking Broncho from Buffalo Bills Wild West show in 1902. The Riders name is Lee Martin- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 0
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show Parade in New York 1902
This is historic film of the Buffalo Bill Wild West show parade down 5th Avenue is amazing...
published: 19 May 2014
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show Parade in New York 1902
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show Parade in New York 1902
This is historic film of the Buffalo Bill Wild West show parade down 5th Avenue is amazing. Buffalo Bill can be seen raising his hat to the crowd- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 1
World's Oldest Car Ever 1875 Karl Benz? Motor Car History Rare 1902 Photos Cigarette Cards
World's Oldest Car Ever 1875 Karl Benz? Motor Car History Rare 1902 Photos Cigarette Cards...
published: 07 Apr 2014
World's Oldest Car Ever 1875 Karl Benz? Motor Car History Rare 1902 Photos Cigarette Cards
World's Oldest Car Ever 1875 Karl Benz? Motor Car History Rare 1902 Photos Cigarette Cards
World's Oldest Car Ever 1875 Karl Benz? Motor Car History Rare 1902 Photos Cigarette Cards wahtch this my channel. What is the oldest car in the world? Well, like with many inventions, it depends on how you define it. History is not quite as black and white as the history- published: 07 Apr 2014
- views: 3
He Rambled - Bob Cole & J. Rosamond Johnson c.1902?
This tune is often attributed to W. C. Handy...
published: 09 May 2014
He Rambled - Bob Cole & J. Rosamond Johnson c.1902?
He Rambled - Bob Cole & J. Rosamond Johnson c.1902?
This tune is often attributed to W. C. Handy- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 34
1902 Caille Bros Good Luck 5 Reel Poker Cigar Store Saloon Trade Stimulator
Playing an original 5 reel poker machine trade stimulator made by the CAILLE BROTHERS circ...
published: 01 Nov 2013
1902 Caille Bros Good Luck 5 Reel Poker Cigar Store Saloon Trade Stimulator
1902 Caille Bros Good Luck 5 Reel Poker Cigar Store Saloon Trade Stimulator
Playing an original 5 reel poker machine trade stimulator made by the CAILLE BROTHERS circa the early 1900s. These machines were popular in cigar stores and saloons. What's special about this machine is that the ornate top casting is all original and has most of the original nickel plating! What's even more unique and rare is the fact that the machine has BOTH of the ORIGINAL paper award card signs that Caille issued from the factory! It allows the operator to run the machine requiring pennies or nickels! Overall a really wonderful original specimen - pretty scarce as most of these got trashed or - if they survived - restored (sometimes using replacement parts).... I collect, buy, sell, trade and repair vintage coin operated machines like this. Grip and Strength test machines by Mercury, Atlas, Gottlieb as well as vintage Victorian casino antique gambling slot machines, poker machines, cigar store and saloon items made by Caille, Mills Novelty, Jennings, Watling. Trade stimulators made by ABT, Exhibit Supply. Also penny arcade machines, fortune teller, shocker shock machines vending machines and claw diggers by ABT, Mutoscope, Exhibit Supply (ESCO), Mike Munves. I particularly like early cast iron trade stimulator and slot machine items including ephemera related to this topic. If you have a vintage coin op or early gambling machine for sale or trade please contact me.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 42
Vintage Kitchen Collectibles Presents - Larkin Soap Company Larkin Idea Club Magazine 1902
Presented by http://www.vintagekitchencollectibles.com, this video features the Larkin Ide...
published: 31 Dec 2011
author: Dorrie S
Vintage Kitchen Collectibles Presents - Larkin Soap Company Larkin Idea Club Magazine 1902
Vintage Kitchen Collectibles Presents - Larkin Soap Company Larkin Idea Club Magazine 1902
Presented by http://www.vintagekitchencollectibles.com, this video features the Larkin Idea magazine from 1902. The Larkin Soap Company published this for co...- published: 31 Dec 2011
- views: 212
- author: Dorrie S
Youtube results:
"LA-SERENATA" (Waltz) American Parlor Orch. - Lambert Cylinder Record (1902)
Webcam video from February 1, 2014 7:32 PM
This is one of my rare Lambert Ebony Indestruct...
published: 02 Feb 2014
"LA-SERENATA" (Waltz) American Parlor Orch. - Lambert Cylinder Record (1902)
"LA-SERENATA" (Waltz) American Parlor Orch. - Lambert Cylinder Record (1902)
Webcam video from February 1, 2014 7:32 PM This is one of my rare Lambert Ebony Indestructible Cylinder Records. This is number 967 played on my 1903 Edison Standard Phonograph.- published: 02 Feb 2014
- views: 23
Early Motor Car Trade Cards circa 1902 - Tales of A Package Opener
See some very old motor car trade cards. These card gems were issued in packets of Ogden T...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Early Motor Car Trade Cards circa 1902 - Tales of A Package Opener
Early Motor Car Trade Cards circa 1902 - Tales of A Package Opener
See some very old motor car trade cards. These card gems were issued in packets of Ogden Tabs more than a century ago. Who needs a time machine when we can look through these magical windows to the past?!- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 78