
灼眼のシャナⅡ OP 「JOINT」 full
灼眼のシャナⅡOP 「JOINT」 second opening 再び見る世界は 塵と残像 淡い影 凛とした背中には その全てを背負う覚悟がある どうしたいの? どうして? 孤独な...
published: 03 Nov 2007
author: Angrnost
灼眼のシャナⅡ OP 「JOINT」 full
灼眼のシャナⅡ OP 「JOINT」 full
灼眼のシャナⅡOP 「JOINT」 second opening 再び見る世界は 塵と残像 淡い影 凛とした背中には その全てを背負う覚悟がある どうしたいの? どうして? 孤独な旅 そう決めたはずだったのに この手を離さないで 君から伝わる思いから 心に眠る願いが目覚める 強い視線の彼方 迷いない二人の姿が見...- published: 03 Nov 2007
- views: 5710600
- author: Angrnost

"FOLDING" the PERFECT Cone Joint- A Beginner's Guide
DISCLAIMER: Any first timer can use the fold technique with success and have a beautiful,...
published: 16 May 2012
author: White Hippo
"FOLDING" the PERFECT Cone Joint- A Beginner's Guide
"FOLDING" the PERFECT Cone Joint- A Beginner's Guide
DISCLAIMER: Any first timer can use the fold technique with success and have a beautiful, perfectly burning DOOBIE. Eventually with practice the roll will c...- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 254713
- author: White Hippo

The World's Biggest Joint
Chives and I roll and smoke The World's Biggest Joint.. Just try to top this one....
published: 18 Jul 2013
author: urbanremo
The World's Biggest Joint
The World's Biggest Joint
Chives and I roll and smoke The World's Biggest Joint.. Just try to top this one.- published: 18 Jul 2013
- views: 38358
- author: urbanremo

Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Rocket
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com Movie: Get into space with The Rocket....
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: DailySmoker
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Rocket
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Rocket
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com Movie: Get into space with The Rocket.- published: 12 Aug 2011
- views: 719086
- author: DailySmoker

Wiz Khalifa How To Roll A Perfect joint (w) filter
published: 26 Jan 2011
Wiz Khalifa How To Roll A Perfect joint (w) filter
Wiz Khalifa How To Roll A Perfect joint (w) filter
- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 787175

A True One Pound Joint Rolled 2xRAW Rolls - rolling over 500 grams of Cannabis
A True One Pound Joint - with 6m of RAW Roll Paper successful rolling of about 500 grams o...
published: 20 May 2013
author: MastahRolla
A True One Pound Joint Rolled 2xRAW Rolls - rolling over 500 grams of Cannabis
A True One Pound Joint Rolled 2xRAW Rolls - rolling over 500 grams of Cannabis
A True One Pound Joint - with 6m of RAW Roll Paper successful rolling of about 500 grams of Cannabis using MUSIC BY ORIGINALBUNGLIST http://www.youtube.com/u...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 24211
- author: MastahRolla

Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Classic
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com - Movie: How to roll the Classic joint.....
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: DailySmoker
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Classic
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Classic
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com - Movie: How to roll the Classic joint... This is a remake. About the tobacco... Lots of people around the ...- published: 19 Feb 2011
- views: 472591
- author: DailySmoker

Supercharged Joint in Jamaica 2013
We enjoy a Supercharged Joint at Pure Garden Resort in Negril,Jamaica....
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: urbanremo
Supercharged Joint in Jamaica 2013
Supercharged Joint in Jamaica 2013
We enjoy a Supercharged Joint at Pure Garden Resort in Negril,Jamaica.- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 118599
- author: urbanremo

ベストアルバム「GOOD TIMES」 【iTunes Store 配信中】 https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/good-times/id3821...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: warnermusicjapan
ベストアルバム「GOOD TIMES」 【iTunes Store 配信中】 https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/good-times/id382156587 http://wmg.jp/ripslyme/- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 633570
- author: warnermusicjapan

Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Wheel of Flavor
Get our Rolling Papers at http://www.zamnesia.com ! The Wheel of Flavor; the ultimate mach...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: DailySmoker
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Wheel of Flavor
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Wheel of Flavor
Get our Rolling Papers at http://www.zamnesia.com ! The Wheel of Flavor; the ultimate machine for mixing many flavors of your favorite medicine.- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 139070
- author: DailySmoker

Miley Cyrus Smokes Joint Onstage At MTV EMAs 2013
Miley Cyrus smokes an alleged marijuana joint onstage at the MTV EMA European Music Awards...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Miley Cyrus Smokes Joint Onstage At MTV EMAs 2013
Miley Cyrus Smokes Joint Onstage At MTV EMAs 2013
Miley Cyrus smokes an alleged marijuana joint onstage at the MTV EMA European Music Awards 2013. Also, she twerks and performs, "Wrecking Ball" live. Subscribe! http://bit.ly/10cQZ5j Starring Bonnie Fuller Starring Katrina Mitzeliotis http://hollywoodlife.com :: CONTACT US! :: Like Us On Facebook! http://on.fb.me/XJJ5yq Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/hollywoodlife Follow us on Google+! http://bit.ly/14r05R5 Follow us on Tumblr! http://hollywoodlife.tumblr.com/- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 301
Vimeo results:

The Royal Marsden
Produced, Designed & Directed by Art&Graft;
Rachael Reeve
Isabella Douglas
published: 27 Sep 2013
author: Art&Graft;
The Royal Marsden
Produced, Designed & Directed by Art&Graft;
Rachael Reeve
Isabella Douglas
Writer: Damon Collins
Agency: Joint
Find out more here : http://artandgraft.com/portfolio/the-royal-marsden

TSB - The Story
A 2.5min film for TSB - commissioned by JOINT LONDON - about the Reverend Henry Duncan and...
published: 10 Sep 2013
author: STUDIO AKA
TSB - The Story
A 2.5min film for TSB - commissioned by JOINT LONDON - about the Reverend Henry Duncan and the history behind the building of the TSB bank. Combining the hand crafted artistry of 2D character animation within a stunningly integrated use of 3D CGI sets, The journey through time is reflected in the film's opening shot; an unbroken take which lasts a whopping 95 seconds...
Client: TSB
Production Company: STUDIO AKA
Sound Design: FACTORY

PHOTOGRAPHED BY KIMI JUDS | vimeo.com/noteve...
published: 14 Jan 2013
author: KIMI JUDS
PHOTOGRAPHED BY KIMI JUDS | vimeo.com/noteventrying
RUNAWAY - KANYE WEST | http://kanyewest.com
https://www.facebook.com/therealnoteventrying | http://instagram.com/noteventrying | http://therealnoteventrying.tumblr.com
Youtube results:

JOINT(高音質) 歌詞付き
歌詞 再び見る世界は 塵と残像 淡い影 凛とした背中には その全てを背負う覚悟がある どうしたいの? どうして? 孤独な旅 そう決めたはずだったのに この手を離さないで 君から伝わ...
published: 19 May 2010
author: hisayosi128
JOINT(高音質) 歌詞付き
JOINT(高音質) 歌詞付き
歌詞 再び見る世界は 塵と残像 淡い影 凛とした背中には その全てを背負う覚悟がある どうしたいの? どうして? 孤独な旅 そう決めたはずだったのに この手を離さないで 君から伝わる思いから 心に眠る願いが目覚める 強い視線の彼方 迷いない二人の姿が見える だから進むの 更なる時へ 砕けてく風景に 生きる事の奇跡...- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 368215
- author: hisayosi128

Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Windmill
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com - Movie: Aka the Helicopter. 4 joints wi...
published: 14 Feb 2008
author: DailySmoker
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Windmill
Daily Smoker - roll a joint - Windmill
Please visit our sponsor: http://www.zamnesia.com - Movie: Aka the Helicopter. 4 joints with a cooling chamber.- published: 14 Feb 2008
- views: 2423827
- author: DailySmoker

Maximilian - Pipa-Joint-Bong cu Mitza (Agresiv) si Junky
Extras de pe albumul „Maxim, Am Spus!!!" (2013), disponibil și în iTunes: http://goo.gl/jh...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Maximilian - Pipa-Joint-Bong cu Mitza (Agresiv) si Junky
Maximilian - Pipa-Joint-Bong cu Mitza (Agresiv) si Junky
Extras de pe albumul „Maxim, Am Spus!!!" (2013), disponibil și în iTunes: http://goo.gl/jh2XFE Booking: Cristi Ochiu: +40 746 224 499; e-mail: cristi@musicexpert.ro Press: Mihnea Ciobotaru: +40 722 705 061; e-mail: pr@okapisound.com Management: Mircea Ștefan: +40 723 077 687; e-mail: mircea@okapisound.com Muzică: Keri Text: Maximilian / Mitză (Agresiv) / Junky Aranjament: Mitză (Agresiv) Mix: Grasu XXL & Mitză (Agresiv) @ Okapi Sound Studio Master: Bunicu' Magic Foto: Matei Pleșa Artwork: Alin Surdu Versuri Refren: Ard la pipă, la joint, la bong Nu mă las până nu ard tot Bre, te-ntrebi dacă-i bună varza? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte casa? Maximilian: OK, ăsta-i momentul să-mi parfumez apartamentul Dă-i foc, trage, pasează Ia loc, cine urmează? Tu? Ia de la Băsescu Ia că-i bun de tot, alungă stresul Hai, dă-l mai departe Dacă știi în care parte Sau de unde vine De ce nu vrea să se termine? Au, iar ne-ntâlnim Mă tem că nu, nu-l dovedim Refren: Ard la pipă, la joint, la bong Nu mă las până nu ard tot Bre, te-ntrebi dacă-i bună varza? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte casa? Hai să-i dăm din nou ca să fie bine să nu fie rău (x4) Maximilian: Ș-auzi tu ce zic ăștia, băi Cică suntem niște drogalăi Cică facem numai probleme Dar noi suntem mai mult pe lene Bre, tu poți să vii cu toată gașca Orice-ar fi, rămâi tot nașpa Zice nevasta că-s un drogat? Dar stai puțin, nu-s însurat Refren x2 (Maximilian): Ard la pipă, la joint, la bong Nu mă las până nu ard tot Bre, te-ntrebi dacă-i bună varza? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte casa? Mitză: Maxi, que te pasa? Eu-s pierdut în spațiu mai rău ca NASA Adu halba de-un litru Mă ocup eu de restu cât faci tu un filtru Ia bagă stick-ul, am adus beat-uri Ce cântă acum? Zice bine tâmpitu' Cam așa trece vremea la noi când oprim timpul O frig singur la pipă, la jointuri, echipă, pentru noi e un fel de sport N-agreez nicio tipă ce face risipă, frate, nu suport deloc Așa că vezi ce aberezi Adu bong-ul, că ce crezi? Iar am pus foaia invers Refren: Ard la pipă, la joint, la bong Nu mă las până nu ard tot Bre, te-ntrebi dacă-i bună varza? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte casa? Junky: Ard la joint, la joint, la joint Până nu mai sunt on point Până pierd din echilibru Îi dau mereu de zici că bag timbru Dar știi tu, e tripu' Fumez tot tâmpitu' Nu-l opresc, doar îl pasez Fumat cade mort și beat-ul Că e nasol, nu mai am foi Mă jur, n-aveți nici voi? Tre' unu' dintre noi să plece, să se-ntoarcă apoi Că dreapta nu mai dă pasa Cine dracu' mișcă masa Bre, mă-ntrebi dacă-i bună casa? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte varza? Refren: Ard la pipă, la joint, la bong Nu mă las până nu ard tot Bre, te-ntrebi dacă-i bună varza? Tu nu vezi cum se-nvârte casa?- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 19648

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Live At The Joint)
Music video by Imagine Dragons performing Radioactive. (C) 2013 KIDinaKORNER/Interscope Re...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: ImagineDragonsVEVO
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Live At The Joint)
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Live At The Joint)
Music video by Imagine Dragons performing Radioactive. (C) 2013 KIDinaKORNER/Interscope Records. Buy now: http://smarturl.it/NightVisionsDLX.- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 1856472
- author: ImagineDragonsVEVO