GRW +70 8247 is a white dwarf located about 43 light years from Earth in the constellation Draco. With a magnitude of about 13 it is visible only through a large telescope.
Although photographed in the 19th century as part of the Carte du Ciel project, it was not determined to be a white dwarf until observed in 1934 by G. P. Kuiper. This makes it the fifth or sixth white dwarf discovered. At first, its spectrum was thought to be almost featureless, but later observation showed it to have unusual broad, shallow absorption bands., p. 28; In 1970, when light it emitted was observed to be circularly polarized, it became the first white dwarf known to have a magnetic field. In the 1980s it was realized that the unusual absorption bands could be explained as hydrogen absorption lines shifted by the Zeeman effect.