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[ This is a test blog, with posts about the development of b2, and comments ]

[ Bugs/suggestions ? Check the Forums ! ]


WordPress version 1.0.2 is now available for download. This is a bugfix release and fixes all known issues with the 1.0 series.

The upcoming version of WordPress (available in nightly builds) has sub-categories, advanced comment moderation, automatic image thumbnailing, and custom fields. All implemented with the elegance you've come to expect from WordPress. I'll post more about 1.2 when it's finished.
matt @ 19:10:17 173
57 comments, 4 trackbacks, no pingback


I just wanted to let everyone know that the latest and greatest WordPress is now out. WordPress 1.0.1 takes all the amazing features of 1.0 (including real search-engine friendly permalinks, multiple categories, trackback on edit, comment moderation, and more) and fixes all the bugs and makes it faster.

If you're feeling adventurous the nightly builds of version 1.1 has sub-categories and a few other improvements underway.

matt @ 05:03:36 585
36 comments, 1 trackback, no pingback


As they say on my island, Pace E Salute! : D 
(That's happy new year in Corsican.)
michel v @ 01:58:24 457
26 comments, no trackback, no pingback


We wish you a merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry Christmas!

... And [next week we'll wish you] a happy new year! : D 
michel v @ 17:57:57 123
23 comments, 1 trackback, no pingback


Wow, its amazing I can still login to this...

You still have posting rights, heh. Just don't abuse them. ; ) 
- michel

Babymariah @ 00:45:58 406
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As you may know, spammers have started to invade blog comments, and this site has seen its share of it.
While many developers are working on ways to prevent comment spam (I know there's some serious work going on on the WordPress side, and other blog tools seem to get solutions aswell), and until I can apply one of these automated ways on cafelog.com, I will have to silently check the comments and delete the spam, as I have done these past two months.

So here's the policy:
  • If your comment definitely is spam, it is deleted.
  • If it looks or feels like spam, it is deleted.
    I don't care if your URL just happens to be cheap-ass-stuff.com or wowlookatgirlz.nu: if your comment is on topic but your URL leads to a site with a crappy URL and the site aims to sell something dodgy, tough luck. You should have commented without an URL, that's all: cafelog.com is not an advertising billboard.
  • If your comment is on a very old post, I may just delete it on sight. If it was a genuine on topic comment, blame yourself for commenting a post that no one is going to visit anymore, instead of bringing the issue on the support forums.
  • If your comment is a flame/insult, it is deleted.

This is not censorship, it's just keeping the spam out. So if you commented, and you don't see your comment anymore, you know what happened.

Fortunately, if you read and understood this post you are not likely to be affected by this policy. ; ) 
michel v @ 23:44:17 364
30 comments, 1 trackback, 1 pingback


NewsGator Technologies, makers of a great news aggregator for Outlook, released a posting plug-in for b2, allowing NewsGator users to post directly to b2 from Outlook. Titles and categories are supported.
If you are a NewsGator+b2 user, you can download the plugin on their website (it should also work with WordPress, b2evolution, b2++, or any b2-based blogware). : ) 

Note: This is a late post on my part, I'm sorry about it: the email about it had gotten shot as a false-positive by the spam filter -- proof that you should always check for false-positives in your email client!
michel v @ 00:34:21 398
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Things have been so busy that I almost forgot to mention that a new version of WordPress is available. Upgrading to WordPress from b2 is easy and in addition to all of the great things in the latest release there are plenty of other features already. Development is very active and the first beta of our next release should be available within a week or so.

Download WordPress from Sourceforge.
matt @ 17:43:06 071
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Hello everyone. As some of you may be aware, a SQL injection vulnerability was reported and fixed in WordPress. As the same vulnerability effects all recent versions of b2, Michel asked me to put together a release for people who weren't ready to upgrade to WordPress yet and were still using b2. So b2 version is available. The only change from the previous version is in blog.header.php where the vulnerable code was located. Thanks to Seth Woolley for reporting this issue responsibly. Be safe and upgrade as soon as possible.
matt @ 07:32:36 647
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The Blogathon 2003 is over, congrats to all the participants especially those blogging with b2! : D 
Now go get some rest, you well deserved it!
michel v @ 15:12:24 966
46 comments, 2 trackbacks, no pingback


Just wanted to wish Michel a very happy 24th birthday. : )  Thank you so much for b2. The bloggin' world would not be the same without it. ^_^

PHP-Princess.net @ 18:42:13 112
42 comments, 4 trackbacks, 2 pingbacks


Problem: There's a security hole in gm-2-b2.php and blogger-2-b2.php in the 0.6.1 release.

Solution: Delete these files once your blog conversion is done, or edit them.

A fixed release will come shortly, and the CVS will be updated.


  • Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little are leading the new WordPress branch of b2, that is going to become the new official branch once they get a release out. If you want to help with WordPress, don't hesitate to contact either of them!
  • This website will get a minimalist redesign soon. A lot of sections are going away, including the "powered by b2" list. That list hasn't been updated for months on end, and with only 592 weblogs it makes it look like b2 isn't used by as many weblogs as it really is. Judging from the emails I get and the forums' activity, I estimate there are around 2000 b2 weblogs. This is a great accomplishment for me, and for everyone who supported me and the project.
  • The "recently updated b2" lists will disappear from the main page and wait for a maintainer to get back on the front. If you feel that you're up to the task of processing emails to add websites to this list, please email me and I'll give you the keys to the list's admin section if I feel that you are serious enough.

Now for the offtopic banter:
  • I am still jobless. My evil plans to conquer the world, that kept me busy for the past months, have been put to an temporary halt. This is the cause of much troubles in my personal life.
  • I am slowly but steadily redesigning my own website. I'm not opening the doors until I have more than just a weblog to show for it. By the way, the redesign will be based on standards as usual, but will also look different on everyone's computer.
  • With some of the money that I made by taking over the world (a small piece of it, for starters), I bought a digital camera, and proceded to photograph various things. I hope to get better at it than I am at PHP.
  • The current state of RSS is scaring me.
  • Elvis says hi!

Now for some shameless promotion of my beginner photographs:
michelv.deviantart.com (gallery)
michel v @ 02:38:51 443
20 comments, 9 trackbacks, 6 pingbacks


Michel was last seen more than two months ago. A lot of people, like myself, is looking for him.
If anyone has any information about him, please share it.

In any case, please stop testing stuff here.
Ricardo @ 02:03:31 460
52 comments, 1 trackback, 1 pingback


While all browsers support Last-Modified and ETag headers properly, MSIE seems not, it wouldn't let you refresh a page generated by b2 0.6.1. And that sucks, I know.
Here is the fix: clickie!
(This fix will be included in the releases asap.)
michel v @ 20:33:14 231
35 comments, 10 trackbacks, 1 pingback


b2 0.6.1 is out, waiting for you to download it! : ) 
What's new:
  • TrackBack 1.1 (adds compatibility with newer MT versions' TrackBack).
  • RSS 1.0 (b2rdf.php) and 2.0 (b2rss2.php) feeds. For those who upgrade, writing to b2rss.xml is still supported but you're encouraged to just use b2rss.php.
  • b2 now generates Last-Modified and ETag headers based on your last post's date (very useful for aggregators).
  • Improved paged presentation when using next_post() and related tags.
  • Clearer PingBack excerpts
  • Various bugfixes, as usual.
Also, w.bloggar 3 is out too!
michel v @ 01:27:22 435
35 comments, 5 trackbacks, 6 pingbacks


As some of you may have noticed, the calendar may show October 27th twice on some timezones.
This bug is there because of daylight savings, but there's a fix for it! : ) 
(Needless to say, that fix will be in the next version.)
michel v @ 00:12:26 341
13 comments, no trackback, 1 pingback


b2 v0.6 is out !
It halts a serie of pre-releases, fixing pretty much all the remaining bugs.
As usual, downloads are on Sourceforge.

What's new:
  • right-click bookmarklet for Windows IE users: just check your profile for this option
  • various bugfixes: no more pingback glitches, file upload dialog now checks for duplicate files (and renames them accordingly), ...
Now all the work has shifted to 1.0 !
By the way, there's no big difference between 0.6pre5 and 0.6, so you only need to upload the new files (except the empty config and your templates, of course).

Update at 2:40 (gmt+1):
There was a last-minute bug in this release, that I just fixed.
For those who already downloaded 0.6, no need to re-download it, just apply this fix.
michel v @ 00:13:42 342
13 comments, 11 trackbacks, 7 pingbacks


b2 v0.6pre5 is out !
Check out the b2 downloads on Sourceforge for the release.

What's new:
  • TrackBack support (not MT's standalone trackback)
  • Pingback support: Pingback is a new way to put the 'web' in 'weblogs', as it allows your blog to automatically notify other pingback-enabled blogs that you linked to them in an entry
  • some new template tags
  • many bugfixes
...and more than could be listed : ) 
michel v @ 01:14:21 384
45 comments, 13 trackbacks, 16 pingbacks


I'm at a stage where I have to decide whether to support old versions of PHP, with all the tricks and limitations this would involve, or use new features from PHP 4.1.x and newer.

So I need you to answer this important poll about which PHP version you're using.
Thanks in advance !
michel v @ 23:57:09 331
8 comments, no trackback, 9 pingbacks


Tim Conner just released version 1.3 of BlogApp, a Mac OS X blog client, now with support for the b2 API (note: you need a little tweak in b2 for that, that will be fixed in the next b2 release).
I really wish I had a Mac with OS X : P 
michel v @ 16:08:21 005
14 comments, no trackback, no pingback

[powered by b2.]

march 2004
january 2004
december 2003
november 2003
october 2003
july 2003
june 2003
may 2003
march 2003
november 2002
october 2002
september 2002
august 2002
july 2002
june 2002
may 2002
april 2002
march 2002
february 2002
january 2002
december 2001
november 2001
october 2001
september 2001
august 2001
july 2001
june 2001

What is b2 ?
A classy news/weblog tool (aka logware).

How does it work ?
You type something and hit "blog this" and in the next second it's on your page(s). You can write extended entries, or even entries that span multiple pages. You can also use BloggerAPI clients to post to your b2 weblog.
What's original in b2 ? Pages are generated dynamically from the MySQL database, so no clumsy 'rebuilding' is involved. It also means faster search/display capabilities, and the ability to serve your news in different 'templates' without any hassle.

Requirements ?
A server that can run PHP4, and a MySQL database (you can install b2 in an already existing database, and you can put several b2's in one database).

Where can I download it ?
b2 0.6 is the latest public release.
You can also visit the CVS server for the latest code, at your own risks.
See the ReadMe file for requirements and installation instructions.

Contact info ?
E-mail: m@tidakada.com
Forums: over there. :)

Post categories:



They are powered by b2:

e-mail me when you install b2 on your site, include your URL to be linked here.


Recently updated b2 weblogs:

To be included in that list whenever you post to your weblog, please use b2 v0.6 or later, and then e-mail update@tidakada.com with: your site's name, URL, e-mail, and a password. You will then receive an e-mail with an ID string that you'll have to paste in your b2config.php file. And then you'll be linked there :)


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