Eskil - amazing balance - compilation teaser
eskil daşlık
Eskil禅 riding a bike backwards at 80 km/h (top speed) Trollstigen
Eskil - Leben
The world's most dangerous balancing acts by Eskil禅
Blind Eskil Vogt
Most spectacular handstand ever performed on Earth by Eskil禅, Licensing:
Eskil & Trinidad - officiell trailer
Vinslövs HK - HK Eskil
Jordbruksministern säger för mycket
Eskil Pedersen feghetens ansikte
Eskil Ronningsbakken's Death-Defying Balancing Act
This is a comedy about people who work in the theater, live for the theater, think of nothing but the theater. The director seems crazy, the art director has idiotic ideas, and the acting coach is eccentric: they even look like brothers, related by their common obsession for the theater, linked as one with the actors. The new project is Mozart's Don Giovanni, in which the director insists to give it a brand new interpretation and an avant-garde treatment. Now, he has to deal with the violent objection from the actors, the musicians, the singing coach, the stage manager, and even the cafe bar attendants and the cleaners. The situation is further complicated as the director is such a womanizer like Don Juan... and his lovers and kids keep bugging him throughout the rehearsal...
Keywords: acting, backstage, conductor, creative-differences, director, mozart, nudity, opening-night, opera, opera-singer
hemsk, rolig, vacker
Eskil - amazing balance - compilation teaser
eskil daşlık
Eskil禅 riding a bike backwards at 80 km/h (top speed) Trollstigen
Eskil - Leben
The world's most dangerous balancing acts by Eskil禅
Blind Eskil Vogt
Most spectacular handstand ever performed on Earth by Eskil禅, Licensing:
Eskil & Trinidad - officiell trailer
Vinslövs HK - HK Eskil
Jordbruksministern säger för mycket
Eskil Pedersen feghetens ansikte
Eskil Ronningsbakken's Death-Defying Balancing Act
Eskil Steenberg's LOVE Gameplay Demo
Abyss X Eskil - Le changement se fait attendre (Prod: Lardysuny)
۩ KOZANOĞLU♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ eskil aksaray
Eskil & Trinidad - OFFICIAL TRAILER
Eskil Bränner Sprit
AIK trubaduren - Eskil slit och släng
Final 1: HP Skövde/Country - HK Eskil (P 97/98)
Eskil Kreiner-Møller, MD, Denmark
Eskil Fagerström om guideboken "Mitt Rom" (2013)
Linus resa till Berlin
Amazing space footage of hurricane churning around Saturn
Discover Central Anatolia-Cappadocia, Turkey
Our OWN World - A Travel Show that Makes a World of Difference
North Korean spies exiled in South Korea talk about loyalty to the North
Christmas Medley 2012
Trip: Bangkok - Hua Hin 2014
Guide in Jamestown
Tsjekkiske Eventyr
Stockholm Quality Outlet Film, Directors Cut
Baby white tiger cubs on show at Tokyo zoo
Trip to Norway!
Sir Richard Branson dresses as an air hostess after losing bet with AirAsia chief
Wildfires in Southern California: Firefighters tackle blaze in Riverside County near Banning
"En route vers la Cappadoce" Purplevelvet's photos around Aksaray, Turkey
Taiwan OCAC: The 2013 Taiwan International Balloon Fiesta Taitung
Norway - Scooter safari and northern lights in Alta
Motorbike Jumping Cars a Stunt Rider Riding Backwards on Motorcycle Jumps Ramp to Ramp over Cars
'Debris from 9/11 airplane' found in New York
Trollstigen. Norway
Eskil is a town and district of Aksaray Province in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey, situated on the southern shore of Lake Tuz. According to 2000 census, population of the district is 28,952 of which 22,125 live in the town of Eskil. The district covers an area of 1,369 km2 (529 sq mi), and the average elevation in the center is 932 m (3,058 ft).
Coordinates: 38°24′06″N 33°24′47″E / 38.40167°N 33.41306°E / 38.40167; 33.41306
Valo myrkyttää uneni
Viha polttaa suonissani
Saasta pyhäksi julistettu
Valheet tahraavat valkoisen lumen
Läpi routaisen pellon, yli kyisen maan
Tuuli pohjoisesta kantaa ikivanhaa tarinaa
Kansasta jumalattomasta, ikiyöstä siinneestä
Kansasta lannistumattomasta, pohjoisen valkoinen kuolema
Verestä ja raudasta
Rakennettu maa
Tuskasta ja uhrauksesta
Syntynyt kansakunta
Tekopyhät kirjasi
Korventakoot lihaasi roviolla
Kristinusko liekeissä
Secret is our symbol
Silent our scream
And in my vision blessed by the elder gods
I am one with the spirits of earth
I am one with the spirits of air
And my soul is black,
black as my mind
But with thousand shades
I was born to reign!
Unknown is our origin
Our destination unseen
And in my vision blest by the elder gods
I am one with the spirits of fire
I am one with the spirits of water
I evoke thee spirits of earth
I evoke thee spirits of air
I evoke thee spirits of fire
I evoke thee spirits of water
Manifest thy power unto me!
An my heart is black
black as my mind
But with thousand shades
Your prayers echo into emptiness
Your feet can´t carry you into safety
The walls of your church won´t hold
Your crosses won´t keep you safe
It takes every lamb
You know that He will arrive
Drunk from euphoric hate
Touched by Satan
Tireless oppressor
Dead dog from Hell
Rips apart, lacerates
Eats you and your sins
Takes you to languish
Overrun by panic
Makes your carcase soul scream
Blood And Ashes
Brotherhood of the black death
Heralds of the great king pest
Carriers of the cold fire
Harbringers of his message
Like Satan's hammer
We strike with force of hatred
Rusty nails and hooks
Like Satan's hammer
With curses and plagues
I bless this world
This is my gift to humankind:
Blood and ashes
Servants of the black fire
Apostoles of Satan
From the chaos born
Risen in honour
With nightmares and oaths
I bless this world
This is my gift to you:
Total death!
In blood and honour
Hymn to the black god
Rises from the deepest pits of the soul
From the heart of darkness itself
Lucifer! Son of the morning star
The unstoppable force of Satan
To the extreme
Black Metal is war
Black Metal is war
The swords have been sharpened
And the guns are loaded
The blood of the dying priests
Stains black the holy church land
The screams of the raped nuns
Echo to heavens high as they die
We strike gods house to flames
We crush the followers of the impotent god
We burn your holy book of lies
And crucify your whoresheppard
We paint black your places of worship
With your own filthy worm blood
We turn your crosses upside down
The abomination of abominations
The goat with a thousand young
Black flame rises
beyond body, beyond life
The unholy pit where the black realm begins
And the watcher guards the gate
The pit of shoggoths
Place of utter blasphemy
Down the six thousand steps
To the abyss unknown
Nameless rites in nameless places
The black flame burns darker
The shape rose up from the altar
And there were 500 that howled
Desecration and sodomy
Perversion and blasphemy
Chanting grows louder
And the trance deepens still
Behold the arrival
Of the ancient ones
Naked bodies, wrapped in lust
Beyond pleasure, beyond pain
Behold the arrival
I Do The Devil´s Work
Self-betrayal bound between covers
For the blind to lead the stupid
Into and empty paradise
Where he hunger can never be satisfied
Spit your words into the filth
To the fiery lake of hell
Into its freezing flames
Let your mercy fall upon
The seed of disease deep inside the soul
Immoral moralists
Philosophy of life written in books
Lies turned into truth
Bread to stone
Wine to blood
Words to filth
Spirit to sword
I have conquered death
Stepped beyond the tides of time
The fire of my will burns strong
Black blood runs cold in my veins
I do the devil´s work
Black Metal is my weapon
I do the devil´s work
My mind is my sword
Thousands of eyes watch
Thousands of ears listen
He has spies everywhere
Seitsemän turmiota, sielujemme yön pimeyteen
Tyhjyydestä jumalan siinnyt kaikkeus
Tulen hahmossa suden, tulen hahmossa leijonan
Tulen hahmossa paratiisin käärmeen
Repien ja raastaen palasiksi valheiden verhon
Kaiken peittävän mustan hiljaisuuden kaavun
Seitsemän tietä
Seitsemän jokea
Sielujemme yöhön
Seitsemän tietä, kaiken olevan kadotukseen
Jäjellä vain aaveiden kansoittama, autio maa
Tulen hahmossa ihmisen, tulen hamossa vihollisen
Tulen hamossa rakastajasi
Seitsemän jokea, jotka virtaavat paratiisista
Myrkyttäen sydämmet tekopyhyydellään
Kuten tämä verikään ei enää palaa luoksesi,
et sinäkään enää pääse lähemmäksi jumalaa
Kuule sana taivaallinen, tyhjyyden evankeliumi
Minä olen ensimmäinen ja viimeinen.
Kunnioitettu ja halveksittu.
Minä olen huora ja pyhä.
Vaimo ja neitsyt.
Minä olen hiljaisuus jota ei voi käsittää
Hatred, silently in the shades of night
Eerily glides into your heart
Quietly drifts from Chaos
Across the blue depths of night
Hate from blood - Blood from the earth
From the earth, strength - From strength, hatred
Do you know hatred
He´s great and omnipotent
Secretly forces your hand into a fist
Do you know hatred
Like a flame he burns inside you
He gives your everything you need
Keys into death's kingdom
And pushes you in from the gate
While you are still hesitating
He gives a thousand promises
All of which are empty
Like a snake he whispers
Into the ear of the weak follower
He is strength to those who rule
Fear to the slaves
Hate from blood, blood from the earth
Riders Of The Apocalypse
We are calamity
Plague and epidemic
We are intolerance
Drought and famine
We are destruction and havoc
Flood and fire
We are hate and violence
The darkness of your heart
Riders of the apocalypse
Heralds of the coming doomsday
Riders of the apocalypse
War, famine, calamity and death!
We are the desperation that freezes your heart
We are the poison in your circulation
We are the shadow in the corner of your eye
Farewell To The World
In this dim bleakness I see
The wounds of existence
It's core, so close, so vulnerable
Dream of its demise
Dream of the end of life
Worms feeding on worms
Farewell to flesh
Farewell to bones
Farewell to muscles and cords
Farewell to flesh
Farewell to bones
Farewell to the world!
On these strange nights
The sky is black, the sky is lustrous
Darkness falls, and light disappears
Candles have burnt from both ends
There has been a time for words
There has been a time for actions
Now is the time to wither
And pass the torch of madness to others
Everything around me is moving
Even tough everything stays still
The curse of life has been inflicted upon me
And it seems to be strengthening
Towards its end
I am a stranger to this world
And this world is a stranger to me
My enemy might have conquered me
Fields of serpents, rivers of venom
Screams of dying celestial flesh
Hail the whore, embodiment of falsehood
Behind your icons, only emptiness
Behind your masks, only hypocrisy
Hail the whore, Hail the desolation of god
Spreading the black art of blasphemy
In it's purest and filthiest form
The wolves have returned
To slaughter the shepherd and his herd
To drive angels to madness
By the shadows in their souls
Sending them to eternal sleep of oblivion
From spirit to flesh
From flesh to ash
From ash to oblivion
Spreading the Satanic plague
Fuck the virgin on the desecrated altar of god
Proceeding to ultimate sin
I hail only death
I, as Lazarus, decomposing nephilim
Risen from my tomb in blasphemy
No stone nor coin in my mouth
No graveyard dirt can prevent
My revenge from beyond the grave
Exhumed chewing cadavers
Severe their heads
Stakes driven into the earth
The pestilential venom spreads
Black Terror of the Undead
For Satan your soul and for me your flesh
Unholy desecration ritual
Necromantic rites
De Masticatione Mortuorum
Into the desert´s fruitless soil
Sets the dying sun
Buried into the burning sand
Resting in fire for a thousand years
Light does not lead into deliverance
Mountains won´t move with hope
The spirit of the Antichrist will lead us
On this path of secret wisdom of desire
Antitheus, Satanas
Kali Yuga, Satya!
Esoteric spiritual journey
Where all paths merge in - into one
Curving towards left
To the Serpent, to salvation
Antitheus, Satanas
Kali Yuga, Satya!
This is the power which destroys
This is the power which subdues
This is the power which conquers
At the midnight hour
The shadows rise
From their tombs
On a distant, ancient
Cursed graveyard
The dead awake from their eternal slumber
To punish the living
Destruction awaits
Total death
All living disappears
The army of the undead
Marches towards chaos
War drums bound
Proclaiming Armageddon
When the dead live
The living die
Dismembered corpses cover the earth
Humans crucified to telephone poles
Here at the edge of the world
Born under the darkest light
Beyond the grace of god
Baptized in blood and ice
Born to break stones for the lord
Oppressed between the giants
Those who left their hands unstained
Unworthy of the true light of darkness
When you are nothing but dust and bones
May we breath silently again
"And I saw the pilars come rumbling down
In the desecrated temple of your false god"
You call it sick devotion
I call it salvation
The Windraped soil lies in deathlike silence
Above the choir of spirits screams
Behold the swarm of black birds
They shall peck your bones clean
My flesh is poisoned from within
Cursed by my own blood since birth
But once more I shall arise in sin
Destroy the thrones of light, let the darkness in
"your holy scriptures, nothing but a pile of ashes
Moldering in embers of our unholy black fire"
You call it sick devotion
This is WAR!
Two Thousand years of oppression
Centuries of christian lies
Hate growing inside of me
Burning me up inside
Twisting and blackening my mind
It's time to avenge!
Souls of black unite!
To Black Metal War!
Time has arrived to gather
The True hordes of darkness
Under the banner of pentagram
Unite, all anti-christian spirits
Grind your swords, load your guns
Slaughter the priests, rape the crying nuns!
Sons of Satan gather!
The Black Metal War!!!
Burn the temples of their Christ
Murder the followers of the impotent god
Tear up their holy book of lies
Crucify the whore!
Paint black their churches
With their own blood
Invert the crosses, desecrate the altars
Crush all that is holy!
Time has arrived!
Black Metal War!
Fuck you all!
Black Metal War!
Rusty nails tear open
The very flesh of life
Torturous screams
Pain beyond the grasp of mind
Jesus Christ! I despise your sickening light
Rusty nails tear open
The very flesh of life
Black legions of Satan are marching
Death's vermin are spreading the plague
Archaic fires are burning black with hate
Behold! Death, destruction and decay
Clad in black armour
Sword stained with blood
Black wings of armageddon
Spread over mankind
Piles of burning bodies
Azaghal Terror Cult
Death worship, the ultimatum
Fist of iron in the face of god
I mock everything you love
Your morals mean nothing to me
Proudly I wear
My scars of self-mutilation
Blood spilt for the master
Each cut in my flesh is a
Scar in the face of god
In the face of gods creation
Satanic - Misanthropic - Nihilistic
Azaghal Terror Cult
Black metal is the weapon of Satan
For controlling the feeble and weak
I am his herald, wielder of his sword
Black flames of hate scorching my soul
The ultimate pleasure is found in pain
The fire inside will never fade
My satanic terror will forever reign!
Satanic - Misanthropic - Nihilistic
Azaghal Terror Cult
Piss on the cross
Desecrate the altar
Blasphemy in the name of Satan
Agios o Satanas
Agios o Baphomet
Veni, omnipotens aeternae Diabolus!
With pride in my heart
I praise the ones who stroke the nails
I praise the ones who drove the spear
In the body of jesus christ
I deny your god
I deny your saviour
I vomit my sulphurous
Black hatred upon you
Agios o Satanas
Agios o Baphomet
May the rapture come
May the darkness fall
May the chaos arrive
Agios o Satanas!
May the temple of jehova crumble
May the minds of the lambs rot
I spit on your face
We, born of the Chaos
We curse your name
Suffer and die
Mere 30 silver coins
The price of your pity life
You are worthless to us
Suffer you shit, suffer and die!
With reed cane into the face
Crown of thorns into your head
With a crimson cloak on your shoulders
Desecrated and beaten up
We laugh at you
"Son of god, king of jews"
Where are your followers
When you walk on the path of shame
Towards Golgatha, towards death
Where are your followers
Oh great messiah?
At Golgatha your corpse rots
Higher than the others
King of jews,
Forget your name
You won´t need it where you are going
Forget your face
Your material body will cease to exist
Forget your home
You will never return there
A word whispered for the night winds to carry
A single drop in the stream of eternity
A black shadow in the corner of your eye
Uninvited guest in the house of life
Forget your self
The black void fills all your senses
No life
Nothing to remember of miss
No death
Only the great emptiness above the seas
Hear the choir of the angels
Laughter of the devil
This is your hell
This is your salvation
From the vast emptiness spawn
The eternal, chaos born
The origin, Satan, god of all
The destroyer, the rise and the fall
The original
The eternal
The undying
The nemesis
Without father
Without descent
Without beginning
Without end
I am the vanguished kings of Sodom and Gomorrah
I am Longinus, wielding the spear
I am the elder ones hiding beyond the stars
I am god of the godless, I bear the stigmata scars
But don’t call me the adversary
For I cannot be defeated
Immortal I stand
No taste that the living can taste
No pain that the living can feel
The vermin on my flesh
Crawl away like my skin
Like mud and dirt from the ground
My tongue flickers in your mouth
Profane worms they crawl inside you
Profoundly disturbing, violently wrong
Kiss the corpse - Of bile and cold
Kiss the corpse - Banished from life
Kiss the corpse - Of bile and cold
Kiss the corpse - Detached from emotions
Sin is what I´ve been
And blasphemy is what I´ve become
A feeling like no-other
The Light of Lucifer
The light of Lucifer
The all seeing eye
The brightest star
The darkest sun
The first dawning of creation
The last shades of the end
The light of Lucifer
Chaos, all, eternity
The light of Lucifer
The all seeing eye
The hottest flame
and the coldest ice
The past and the future
The light of Lucifer
The all seeing eye
Child of light
Moment of judgement
Blink of an eye in eternity
The final prayer
Just a whisper in the wind
Arrives on black cunning wings
Hides the moon
Darks the sun
Population of worms, bow down!
The gates of hell open
Population of worms, tremble!
King Satan will arrive
Beasts from the abyss, dogs of Hell
Legions of Satan
Immortal armies
Total darkness
Crushes faith
And from the abyss rose the propheted beast
Seven heads and ten horns
And all who live on earth shall bow to him
His number is sixhundredsixtysix
Thousand angels of death with plague eaten faces
Carry thousand fatal diseases in their bosoms
Thousand hanged priests with their desecrated churches
Proclaim tidings of happiness, Antichrist shall arrive!
You can give me your redemption
I´ll give you a taste of my blade
You can give me your salvation
And I´ll vomit it back to your face
Bow to the beast!
I won´t subdue under your will
Bow to the beast!
Like Lambs To The Slaughter
Weakminded lambs
Kill yourselves
Weakminded lambs
End your suffering
I have stared the beast in to the eyes
I have seen inside his soul and mind
I have seen your age coming to its end
I have seen your power fade, your people die
Torture and blaspheme
Semen in the font
Rape and kill
No mercy is shown tonight
I have seen your mind
I have seen your soul
Worms, cowards
Slaves, followers
Weakminded lambs
Kill yourselves
Weakminded lambs
Into the icy water
Into the stream of thoughts
I lay my carcase soul
Worn out, torn
Reminiscence of life
Left behind at the shore
A hollow shell
Empty, soulless
Cold dark water
Swallow me whole
Cold Dark Water
Consume life out of me
Cleanse my soul
I stand at the shore
As my spirit float quietly
Over dark waters
Silent like a phantom
Travelling ever downwards
Along the river of death
The wolves howl their lunar incantations
And the winds whisper bleak nocturnal hymns
Of bloodlust, of yearning
A greater torment
Of sacrifce, of dedication
Between the essence and the descent
Moonlit path of arcane knowledge
A journey to no end
Under the penitential gates
Death’s twilight kingdom awaits
While the true church remains below
Wrapt in the old miasmal mist
Where the souls of the devout
Burn invisible and dim
Alapuolisten asioiden valtaan
Unien pimeyteen
Annan sieluni
Luovutan tahtoni
Äärettömyyden rajalla
Todellisuuksien laidalla
Seisoo portti unohdettuna
Maailmojen välissä
Satanic Devotion!
No sé decir lo que me gusta de ti,
Algo me mata pero me hace vivir
Tal vez es amor
Es tu mirada o es tu forma de estar
O la tristeza que da si te vas
Tal vez es amor, quizá
No sé por qué todo me sabe a ti
Una palabra, un verso, una canción
Es un misterio de mi corazón
Que no me quiere ni contar a mí
Vivo, contigo
Es el sueño que yo tengo siempre
Vivo, contigo
No encuentro otra forma mejor de vivir
Yo no sé si es amor por ti
Me temo, me temo que sí
Es tu mirada o es tu forma de estar
O la tristeza que da si te vas
Tal vez es amor, quizá
No sé por qué todo me sabe a ti
Una palabra, un verso, una canción
Es un misterio de mi corazón
Que no me quiere ni contar a mí
Vivo, contigo
Es el sueño que yo tengo siempre
Vivo, contigo
No encuentro otra forma mejor de vivir
Yo no sé se si es amor por ti
Me temo, me temo que sí
Con la noche de testigo,
y una estrella sin nombrar,
me quedé pensando en tí una vez más
y así desubrí un sentimiento
aprendí a respetar la soledad.
Yo ni cuenta me di,pero me enamoré,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Y en tu voz trajo el mar
para hacerme soñar por primera vez.
Porque apenas te ví
con el alma te hablé
me lo dijo el silencio.
Oh no existen palabras
cuando habla el corazón.
Ahora duermes en mi abrazo,
no te quiero despertar.
Yo me quemo a fuego lento
en este amor por tí.
Y valoro este momento
porque aprendo a respetar la soledad.
Yo ni cuenta me di,pero me enamoré,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Y en tu voz trajo el mar
para hacerme soñar por primera vez.
Porque apenas te vi
con el alma te hablé,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Oh no existen palabras
cuando habla el corazon.
Pude escuchar el mas puro sonido
en mi pecho.
Un solo latido que llaman amor.
Yo ni cuenta me di,pero me enamore,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Y en tu voz trajo el mar
para hacerme soñar por primera vez.
Porque apenas te ví
con el alma te hablé,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Oh no existen palabras
cuando habla el corazon.
Yo ni cuenta me di , pero me enamoré,
me lo dijo el silencio.
Y en tu voz trajo el mar
para hacerme soñar por primera vez.
Porque apenas te vi
con el alma te hablé,
me lo dijo el silencio.
No existen palabras
cuando habla el corazón.
Me lo dijo el silencio
me lo dijo el silencio
me lo dijo el silencio.
Siempre seras la niña que me llene el alma,
como un mar inquieto,como un mar en calma,
siempre tan lejana como el horizonte.
Gritando en el silencio tu nombre en mis labios.
solo queda el eco de mi desengaño,
sigo aqui en mi sueño de seguirte amando.
Sera,sera como tu quieras pero asi sera,
si aun tengo que espararte siete vidas mas,
me quedare colgado de este sentimiento.
Por amarte asi,
es esta mi fortuna es este mi castigo,
sera que tanto amor acaso esta prohido,
y sigo aqui muriendo por estar contigo.
Por amarte asi
a un paso de tu boca y sin poder besarla,
tan cerca de tu piel y sin podrer tocarla,
ardiendo de deseos con cada mirada.
Por amarte asi,por amarte asi,
por amarte.
Asi voy caminandoi en esta cuerda floja,
por ir tras de tu huella convertida en sombra,
de eso del amor que me negastes un dia.
Contando los segundo que pasan por verte,
haciendote culpable de mi propia suerte,
soñando hasta despierto por hacerte mia.
Sera,sera como tu quieras pero asi sera,
si aun tengo que esperarte siete vidas mas,
me quedare colgado de este sentimiento.
Por amarte asi,
es esta mi fortuna es este mi castigo,
sera que tanto amor acaso esta prohido,
y sigo aqui muriendo por estar contigo.
Por amarte asi
a un paso de tu boca y sin poder besarla,
tan cerca de tu piel y sin podrer tocarla,
ardiendo de deseos con cada mirada.
Por amarte asi,por amarte asi,
por amarte.
Amar es una cosa especial
No es un viene y va
Amar solo te pasa una vez
Pero de verdad
Amar es cuando solo piensas
En donde estara
Amar es como un milagro
Dificil de explicar
Amar es cuando la proteges
De la lluvia y el viento
Amar es cuando tu la abrazas
Y te olvidas del tiempo
Amar es cuando tu la ves
Y te pones nervioso
Amar es cuando te das cuenta
De tus sentimientos
Por amarte robaria una estrella
Y te la regalaria
Por amarte cruzaria los mares
Solo por abrazarte
Por amarte juntaria la lluvia
Con el fuego
Por amarte daria mi vida
Solo por besarte
Amar es cuando escribes su nombre
Por todo el cielo
Amar es cuando solo sueñas
Con llevartela lejos
Amar es cuando tu la ves
Y se queda en tus ojos
Amar es cuando tu te das cuenta
De que ella lo es todo
Por amarte robaria una estrella
Y te la regalaria
Por amarte cruzaria los mares
Solo por abrazarte
Por amarte juntaria la lluvia
Con el fuego
Por amarte daria mi vida
Solo por besarte
Por amarte robaria una estrella
Y te la regalaria
Por amarte cruzaria los mares
Solo por abrazarte
Por amarte juntaria la lluvia
Con el fuego
Por amarte daria mi vida
Solo por besarte
amo lo que veo y lo que ocultas
amo lo que muestras o insinuas
amo lo que eres o imagino
te amo en lo ajeno y lo que es mío
amo lo que entregas, lo que escondes
amo tus preguntas, tus respuestas
yo amo tus dudas y certezas
te amo en lo simple y lo compleja
y amo lo que dices, lo que callas
amo tus recuerdos, tus olvidos
amo tus olores, tus fragancias
te amo en el beso y la distancia
y amo lo que amas, yo te amo
te amo por amor sin doble filo
te amo y si pudiera no amarte
sé que te amaría aún lo mismo
y amo lo que amas, yo te amo
te amo por amor al dar lo mío
te amo con orgullo de quererte
porque para amarte yo he nacido
amo lo que seas y lo que puedas
amo lo que afirmas, lo que niegas
amo lo que dices, lo que piensas
te amo en lo que mides y lo que pesas
y amo lo que atrapas, lo que dejas
amo tu alegría y tus tristezas
te amo en la carne y en el alma
te amo en tus crisis y en tus calmas
amo lo que pides y regalas
amo tus caricias, tus ofensas
amo tus instante y lo eterno
te amo en tu cielo y en tu infierno
y amo lo que amas, yo te amo
te amo por amor sin doble filo
te amo y si pudiera no amarte
sé que te amaría aún lo mismo
y amo lo que amas, yo te amo
te amo por amor al dar lo mío
te amo con orgullo de quererte
porque para amarte yo he nacido