The Chadwa are a Muslim community found in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat in India.
The Chadwa are known for their skills and proficiency in dyeing cloths in a specific style known as chadwi. It is one of the famous handicrafts of Rajasthan. The community claim to have originated from Multan in Pakistan. They are said to have settled initially in Nagaur, and then moved to Ajmer. A section of the community also moved to Rajkot and Ahmedabad in Gujarat. The Chadwa are now found mainly in Rajasthan in the districts of Nagaur, Ajmer and Jodhpur. They still Seraiki, although most Chadwa also speak Marwari and Gujarati.
The Chadwa consists of a number of clans, the main ones being the Chaila, Suvarn, Sempal, Bagiti, Dharn, Maavothi (Marothi), Gulattar, Bamhav, Penti and Turara. Each of these clans are endogamous. They are Sunni Muslims, belonging mainly to the Barelvi sub-sect.
The Chadwa still depend on their traditional craft, and in addition are also involved in dyeing. Other Chadwa are also involved in petty trade.
Your are the queen
I'm just a pawn
In the chess game of life
Send me to war
A whisper to the king
Of the favours you gave me
I will take my chance
On a crusade of love
Be my Lady of the Lake
Come love me before it's too late
Be my Lady of the Lake
For the angel with the sword of death won't wait
The colours that I wear
Show me just how much you care
My body is done
My soul will return
To the Lady of the Lake
Dying came too soon
Cry no more tears
There's love after life
A king and his queen everlasting light
Be my Lady of the Lake
Come love me before it's too late
The colours that I wear
Show me just how much you care