New Internationalist

A communications co-operative

With over 30 years of publishing under its belt, and more than 55,000 subscribers worldwide, the New Internationalist is renowned for its radical, campaigning stance on a range of world issues, from the cynical marketing of babymilk in the Majority World to human rights in Burma.


Publications from the New Internationalist are produced by an independent trust working as a not-for-profit cooperative. Originally the group was sponsored by Oxfam, Christian Aid and the Cadbury and Rowntree Trusts, but since the early 1980s sponsorship has no longer been needed. This financial independence is something we cherish. It not only allows us to decide what goes into the magazine but it gives us the freedom to say what we think about a subject – from Nuclear Energy to Banks; from Trade Justice to Terrorism.


Because the New Internationalist operates as a not-for-profit, income from sales of publications and gifts goes into the production of our titles and to spread our aims and ideals, not into a rich media tycoon’s pocket!


You don’t have to take our word for the quality. Since 1989 the New Internationalist has won the global Independent Press Award for Best International Coverage on eight occasions. You might as well read the best!

The New Internationalist Magazine

For our subscribers we produce a monthly print magazine, the New Internationalist. It sets out to explain and inform, giving readers the essentials of a subject in a concise, easy-to-read full-colour format with excellent photos and graphics. In each issue New Internationalist editors select a subject of vital interest. It could be Human Rights, Hunger, Fair Trade or Globalization. The magazine takes the subject apart, examines the issues and then reconstructs it to give you a coherent picture. You come away with a clear grasp of an important topic.

People like you make all the difference

We also believe that people like you make all the difference, so we offer suggestions for action you can take in the fight for global justice.


The New Internationalist also produces a range of books and CD-ROMs that bring you the clearest, most accessible reference sources about our complex world.

Great global gifts

We also publish regular catalogues in print and online, offering a range of ethical gifts that are a joy for those who give and those who receive.

Do you share our goals?

NI's mission statement

The New Internationalist workers’ co-operative (NI) exists to report on the issues of world poverty and inequality; to focus attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless worldwide; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all; and to bring to life the people, the ideas and the action in the fight for global justice. The New Internationalist communications co-operative is based in Oxford with editorial and sales offices in Toronto, Canada; Adelaide, Australia; Christchurch, Aotearoa /New Zealand; and Tokyo, Japan.

  • NI opposes all forms of oppression. It campaigns for social and environmental justice worldwide, acting as a vehicle for unheard voices.
  • NI adheres to the core co-operative values of self-help, responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
  • NI exists to inform, educate and communicate its message and ideals in an accessible style through the New Internationalist magazine, books, internet and other media.
  • NI provides a forum for fresh ideas and radical perspectives. We regularly form alliances with likeminded groups and individuals.
  • NI is a financially independent company. It does not distribute profits to its members. If profits are earned they are retained and used to further the aims as set out in this statement.
  • NI maintains a democratic, co-operative and non-hierarchical structure and operates an equal opportunity policy. Equality of worth, equality of opportunity and equality of voice are central tenets of co-operative membership and we aim to maintain a safe, healthy and non-discriminatory work environment.
  • NI is independent of any political or religious grouping.
  • NI operates ethically with all employees, outside contacts and in the environment.
  • NI is committed to high quality in all areas of work.


The New Internationalist has been awarded for its excellence in publishing many times since its inception in 1973. NI has also received many accolades from enthusiastic readers, ranging from John Pilger to Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Major awards have included:

The Utne Reader magazine Independent Press Awards
The Independent Press Awards are selected by the editors of Utne Reader magazine to “honour independent efforts that provide bold, innovative, thought-provoking alternatives to mass media fare.” New Internationalist won the inaugural 1989 award for International Coverage.

Since then, the magazine has won the Independent Press Award for ‘Best International Coverage’ seven times. In the year 2000 the New Internationalist also won the highly valued readers’ poll.

In 1998 the New Internationalist was selected as the winner of the ‘General Excellence Award’ for magazines with a circulation over 50,000.

"New Internationalist is an ongoing education and a monthly reminder of our common humanity. A wonderful readable guide to the social and political forces that shape our world...With its hard-hitting coverage of world affairs, evocative first-person essays, sweeping exposes of such topics as land mines and the geopolitics of blue jeans, the New Internationalist offers a consistently unique and important perspective on global culture." – The editors of Utne Reader, in presenting the 1998 award.

The United Nations Association
This prize is given for an outstanding contribution to world peace and development.

United Nations Development Programme
Also given for NI’s outstanding contribution to world development.

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