
Medicinal Plant used for Gloriosa Toxicity - Pankaj Oudhia's Ethnobotanical Surveys-1881
Pankaj Oudhia's Ethnobotanical Surveys in India during rainy season 2012. Medicinal Plants...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: Pankaj Oudhia
Medicinal Plant used for Gloriosa Toxicity - Pankaj Oudhia's Ethnobotanical Surveys-1881
Medicinal Plant used for Gloriosa Toxicity - Pankaj Oudhia's Ethnobotanical Surveys-1881
Pankaj Oudhia's Ethnobotanical Surveys in India during rainy season 2012. Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Healing Flora of Andhra Pradesh, Assam,...- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 42
- author: Pankaj Oudhia

Medicinal Rice P5 based Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia's Me...
published: 31 Jan 2013
author: Pankaj Oudhia
Medicinal Rice P5 based Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Medicinal Rice P5 based Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database Medicinal Plants of India with reference to ...- published: 31 Jan 2013
- views: 5
- author: Pankaj Oudhia

Medicinal Rice P5N Formulations for Gloriosa Excess: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary/Nonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pa...
published: 13 Jul 2013
author: Pankaj Oudhia
Medicinal Rice P5N Formulations for Gloriosa Excess: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Medicinal Rice P5N Formulations for Gloriosa Excess: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary/Nonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database Medicinal Rice of India with...- published: 13 Jul 2013
- author: Pankaj Oudhia

Medicinal Rice B4 Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary/Nonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pa...
published: 25 Jul 2013
Medicinal Rice B4 Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Medicinal Rice B4 Formulations for Gloriosa Toxicity: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary/Nonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database Medicinal Rice of India with reference to Healing Flora of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. - This video is a part of Compilation of Pankaj Oudhia's Research Works at Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur, India (1990-2001), For details please visit http://www.pankajoudhia.com Related Research Documents Primary Liver Tumors and Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia. Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations and Medicinal Plant Lore of the tribals of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia. Vegetable drugs of Vagbahata and Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia. Algal Flora of Assam and Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia. Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations and Drug Treatment of Tuberculosis. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia. Loss of sight following snake-bite and its treatment through Indigenous Medicinal Rice Formulations. Research Document by Pankaj Oudhia.- published: 25 Jul 2013
- views: 1

Gloriosa superba flower time lapse
Gloriosa superba flower time lapse Filmed by Neil Bromhall for http://www.rightplants4me.c...
published: 29 Jul 2011
author: Neil Bromhall
Gloriosa superba flower time lapse
Gloriosa superba flower time lapse
Gloriosa superba flower time lapse Filmed by Neil Bromhall for http://www.rightplants4me.co.uk my free to browse website plant finder, plant identification, ...- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 4869
- author: Neil Bromhall

Gloriosa Hardy waterlily ponds and water garden plants, water lily
many pond plants at http://www.PondMegastore.com :Gloriosa is a longtime favorite red wate...
published: 05 Dec 2010
author: pondmegastore
Gloriosa Hardy waterlily ponds and water garden plants, water lily
Gloriosa Hardy waterlily ponds and water garden plants, water lily
many pond plants at http://www.PondMegastore.com :Gloriosa is a longtime favorite red waterlily, many blooms when planted in a wide yet shallow container. Fa...- published: 05 Dec 2010
- views: 714
- author: pondmegastore

Medicinal Rice P5A Formulations for Gloriosa Overdose: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Ou...
published: 10 May 2013
author: Pankaj Oudhia
Medicinal Rice P5A Formulations for Gloriosa Overdose: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Medicinal Rice P5A Formulations for Gloriosa Overdose: Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database
Septenary/Octonary Ingredients of Important Traditional Herbal Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database Medicinal Rice of India with refere...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 2
- author: Pankaj Oudhia

Glory lily - Gloriosa superba [Seeds] India
Economic part - Seed
Major constituents - Colchicine (0.5-0.7%) and Colchicoside
Uses - cu...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Glory lily - Gloriosa superba [Seeds] India
Glory lily - Gloriosa superba [Seeds] India
Economic part - Seed Major constituents - Colchicine (0.5-0.7%) and Colchicoside Uses - cures gout, anti inflammatory, anticancer Varieties No released varieties are found. Singaleri selection possesses 0.25 % Colchicine. Soil and climate Well drained red loamy soils are suited for cultivation. The ideal pH should be 6.0 -- 7.0. This can be cultivated up to 600 m from mean sea level with an annual rainfall of 70 cm Seed and seed rate Gloriosa is propagated through tubers. 2000 kg tubers are required for planting one hectare. Tubers are treated with 0.1 % Carbendazim for half an hour for controlling tuber rot. Sprouted tuber for planting Season Planting is distributed from June -- July Planting Field is ploughed 2 -3 times and incorporate 10 tonnes of FYM during last ploughing. Trenches of 30 cm depth are formed and tubers are planted at 30 -- 45 cm spacing. The vines are trained over support plants (Commiphora beryii, Dedonea viscose). Permanent structures with G.I. wires can also be formed for growing the vines. Irrigation Irrigation is given immediately after planting. Subsequently irrigation is given at 5 days intervals of time. Manuring NPK at 120:50:75 kg/ha is applied in two split doses. Half of N and the entire P and K are applied as basal dressing. Remaining quantity of N is applied at one and two month after planting. After cultivation Commiphora must be trimmed annually. Care must be taken to avoid the damages to growing portions. Artificial pollination can be done between 8 -- 11 am for getting higher yield. Plant protection Leaf eating caterpillar Spray 0.2 % Dichlorovas to control the caterpillar infestation. Spraying insecticides Tuber rot Proper drainage can be given during rainy season and drench 2g of COC/1 lit of water. Harvest Pods are harvested at 160 -- 180 days after sprouting of tubers. Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Mob: +91 841 888 5555 Skype: nature.herbs- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 6

Gloriosa superba (or) Menthonni
The plant, scientifically known as gloriosa superba is significant in the field of traditi...
published: 21 Nov 2013
Gloriosa superba (or) Menthonni
Gloriosa superba (or) Menthonni
The plant, scientifically known as gloriosa superba is significant in the field of traditional medicine. The tuber of the plant is used to heal the bruises ,chronic ulcers,sprains,colic,cancer,and impotence. Some believe that it bears some magical properties. The plant contains mainly two alchaloids Clochisine and gloriosine. Clochisine is responsible for for the toxicity.- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Gloriosa superba Climbing Flame Lily: Rare unusual seeds for garden, greenhouse & conservatory
We have a selection of rare and unusual seeds for the garden, green house and conservatory...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: tropicalrareseeds
Gloriosa superba Climbing Flame Lily: Rare unusual seeds for garden, greenhouse & conservatory
Gloriosa superba Climbing Flame Lily: Rare unusual seeds for garden, greenhouse & conservatory
We have a selection of rare and unusual seeds for the garden, green house and conservatory at http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Tropical-Rare-Seeds Climbing African F...- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 506
- author: tropicalrareseeds

Glorisia Superba
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superb...
published: 13 Dec 2013
Glorisia Superba
Glorisia Superba
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw Botanical name: Gloriosa superba Family: Liliaceae (Lily family) Synonyms: Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa speciosa, Gloriosa simplex Glory Lily is a most unusual and splendid flower, which is a sight to behold. In bud, the pale green petals face downward. As the blossom matures, the petals elongate and wrinkle and gradually arch backward while sequencing through a spectrum of color from green to yellow to scarlet. The stamens are extremely prominent and spread outward in graceful curves that follow the petals in their backward progression. The flower is 3-5 in in length. Glory Lily is a twining vine that is able to climb up with tendrils formed at the tips of the leaves. Leaves are bright green and lance shape, 2-3 in. long. The leaf tip elongates into a slender tendril that coils around nearby supports to get a grip. The alkaloid-rich plant has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures. It has been used in the treatment of gout, infertility, open wounds, snakebite, ulcers, arthritis, cholera, colic, kidney problems, typhus, itching, leprosy, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, nocturnal emission, smallpox, sexually ransmitted diseases, and many types of internal parasites.It is an anthelmintic. It has been used as a laxative and an alexiteric. The sap is used to treat acne and head lice. In a pregnant woman, it may cause abortion. In parts of India, extracts of the rhizome are applied topically during childbirth to reduce labor pain. Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Skype: nature.herbs +91 841 888 5555- published: 13 Dec 2013
- views: 7

Glorisia Superba Cultivation Part 1
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superb...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Glorisia Superba Cultivation Part 1
Glorisia Superba Cultivation Part 1
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw Botanical name: Gloriosa superba Family: Liliaceae (Lily family) Synonyms: Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa speciosa, Gloriosa simplex Glory Lily is a most unusual and splendid flower, which is a sight to behold. In bud, the pale green petals face downward. As the blossom matures, the petals elongate and wrinkle and gradually arch backward while sequencing through a spectrum of color from green to yellow to scarlet. The stamens are extremely prominent and spread outward in graceful curves that follow the petals in their backward progression. The flower is 3-5 in in length. Glory Lily is a twining vine that is able to climb up with tendrils formed at the tips of the leaves. Leaves are bright green and lance shape, 2-3 in. long. The leaf tip elongates into a slender tendril that coils around nearby supports to get a grip. The alkaloid-rich plant has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures. It has been used in the treatment of gout, infertility, open wounds, snakebite, ulcers, arthritis, cholera, colic, kidney problems, typhus, itching, leprosy, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, nocturnal emission, smallpox, sexually ransmitted diseases, and many types of internal parasites.It is an anthelmintic. It has been used as a laxative and an alexiteric. The sap is used to treat acne and head lice. In a pregnant woman, it may cause abortion. In parts of India, extracts of the rhizome are applied topically during childbirth to reduce labor pain. Glorisia Superba Seeds, Tubers, Plants, Roots Available. Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Mob: +91 841 888 5555 Skype: nature.herbs- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 2

Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superb...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw Botanical name: Gloriosa superba Family: Liliaceae (Lily family) Synonyms: Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa speciosa, Gloriosa simplex Glory Lily is a most unusual and splendid flower, which is a sight to behold. In bud, the pale green petals face downward. As the blossom matures, the petals elongate and wrinkle and gradually arch backward while sequencing through a spectrum of color from green to yellow to scarlet. The stamens are extremely prominent and spread outward in graceful curves that follow the petals in their backward progression. The flower is 3-5 in in length. Glory Lily is a twining vine that is able to climb up with tendrils formed at the tips of the leaves. Leaves are bright green and lance shape, 2-3 in. long. The leaf tip elongates into a slender tendril that coils around nearby supports to get a grip. The alkaloid-rich plant has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures. It has been used in the treatment of gout, infertility, open wounds, snakebite, ulcers, arthritis, cholera, colic, kidney problems, typhus, itching, leprosy, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, nocturnal emission, smallpox, sexually ransmitted diseases, and many types of internal parasites.It is an anthelmintic. It has been used as a laxative and an alexiteric. The sap is used to treat acne and head lice. In a pregnant woman, it may cause abortion. In parts of India, extracts of the rhizome are applied topically during childbirth to reduce labor pain. Glorisia Superba Seeds, Tubers, Plants, Roots Available. Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Mob: +91 841 888 5555 Skype: nature.herbs- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 3
Youtube results:

Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superb...
published: 20 Dec 2013
Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Glorisia Superba Cultivation
Common name: Glory Lily, Gloriosa lily, Tiger claw, claw Botanical name: Gloriosa superba Family: Liliaceae (Lily family) Synonyms: Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa speciosa, Gloriosa simplex Glory Lily is a most unusual and splendid flower, which is a sight to behold. In bud, the pale green petals face downward. As the blossom matures, the petals elongate and wrinkle and gradually arch backward while sequencing through a spectrum of color from green to yellow to scarlet. The stamens are extremely prominent and spread outward in graceful curves that follow the petals in their backward progression. The flower is 3-5 in in length. Glory Lily is a twining vine that is able to climb up with tendrils formed at the tips of the leaves. Leaves are bright green and lance shape, 2-3 in. long. The leaf tip elongates into a slender tendril that coils around nearby supports to get a grip. The alkaloid-rich plant has long been used as a traditional medicine in many cultures. It has been used in the treatment of gout, infertility, open wounds, snakebite, ulcers, arthritis, cholera, colic, kidney problems, typhus, itching, leprosy, bruises, sprains, hemorrhoids, cancer, impotence, nocturnal emission, smallpox, sexually ransmitted diseases, and many types of internal parasites.It is an anthelmintic. It has been used as a laxative and an alexiteric. The sap is used to treat acne and head lice. In a pregnant woman, it may cause abortion. In parts of India, extracts of the rhizome are applied topically during childbirth to reduce labor pain. Glorisia Superba Seeds, Tubers, Plants, Roots Available. Web: http://www.natureherbs.org Blog: http://natureherbsorg.blogspot.in/ Email : natureherbs@ymail.com, sales@natureherbs.org Mob: +91 841 888 5555 Skype: nature.herbs- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 2

Rare flower & floras botany Of Melghat video by Shirishkumar Patil
Gloriosa is a genus of ten species in the plant family Colchicaceae, and include the forme...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: Shirishkumar Patil
Rare flower & floras botany Of Melghat video by Shirishkumar Patil
Rare flower & floras botany Of Melghat video by Shirishkumar Patil
Gloriosa is a genus of ten species in the plant family Colchicaceae, and include the formerly recognised genus Littonia. They are native in tropical and sout...- published: 12 Oct 2012
- views: 42
- author: Shirishkumar Patil

Superb Gloriosa superba in our campus
One of the last flowering plant, it was delayed this year....
published: 19 Sep 2011
author: Nandkumar Kamat
Superb Gloriosa superba in our campus
Superb Gloriosa superba in our campus
One of the last flowering plant, it was delayed this year.- published: 19 Sep 2011
- views: 163
- author: Nandkumar Kamat

Gladiolus and Gloriosa
The rain of the rainy season last stage has done damage.For the moment, the Miyawaki-river...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: myokensan1
Gladiolus and Gloriosa
Gladiolus and Gloriosa
The rain of the rainy season last stage has done damage.For the moment, the Miyawaki-river is controlled by "Seki-ban". Purple gladiolus bloomed. The Glorios...- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 41
- author: myokensan1