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The Pulse

Performance anxiety: get your butterflies 'flying in formation'

by Karen Burge

Most of us have been told to take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm when we start to experience performance anxiety. But new research suggests there might be a better way to get a handle on the jitters.

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You're about to interview for your dream job, step into a meeting to deliver a once-in-lifetime presentation or take to the stage for a daunting performance. Unsurprisingly, you're a bundle of nerves – your heart is racing, you feel queasy, the palms of your hands are sweaty – and you're starting to doubt whether you have what it takes to pull it off. So how should you handle it from here?

Most of us have been told to take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm. But while finding your inner Zen Buddhist might work for some, could there be a better way for you to manage your butterflies?

Understanding performance anxiety

Performance psychologist, university lecturer and former professional ballet dancer, Associate Professor Gene Moyle, has come face to face with performance anxiety in all shapes and forms. Not least, when she recently worked with the Australian Skeleton team in their pre-Olympic Games preparation where nerves were at their peak.

In her view, the best way to take control of performance anxiety is to first understand it.

"We often put ourselves under pressure before a performance because we care about the result, outcome or consequences of how well we will perform and what this means about us," Moyle explains.

"If we don't care, or the level of challenge in the 'event' doesn't outweigh our beliefs about our skills and abilities to execute the task, then we are not likely to experience the same level of anxiety about it."

We all have our own experiences of performance anxiety, but generally speaking common signs include an accelerated heart rate, shallow breathing, queasiness, being easily distracted, loss of concentration, becoming forgetful, needing to go to the toilet more often than usual, negative self-talk, feeling jittery and worrying about all the things that could go wrong.

New thinking

While you may have been told to keep calm and carry on when you're feeling this way, a new Harvard Business School study suggests that the best way to conquer pre-performance nerves might be to pump yourself up rather than calm yourself down.

Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Alison Wood Brooks, carried out a series of experiments to test which approach offered the best control over nerves. Her findings, which were published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, show that getting excited proved to be a useful tool for most of those people who took part in her study.

It all comes down to 'reframing' your anxiety into something positive and exciting, and focussing less on the potential for things to go wrong. This allows your body to continue on without as much impact on memory, confidence and overall performance, the article explains.

Instead of thinking you might trip up the stairs, get tongue-tied or lose out on laughs when it's time to deliver the punch-line, you might want to focus on your strengths, how excited you are to take centre-stage and how well prepared you are for the gig.

Moyle says reframing the situation – turning feelings of anxiety into excitement – can have a significant impact on changing the chemical make-up of the brain.

"Successfully and authentically switching a hindering mindset to a more helpful one has a physiological impact that can assist in changing the way we feel and therefore assists in the redirection of our thoughts and consequent actions.

"It provides us with extra positive energy to invest in what we are about to do, and if we are generally excited about it that tends to be associated with helpful/positive frames of reference."

Will it work?

This strategy has been used to effectively manage performance anxiety in elite settings for some time now, Moyle explains.

She adds that 'a little bit of butterflies is good, so long as they are flying in formation', which is an expression to help visualise how channeling anxiety positively (i.e. being activated, sharp and interpreting the situation in an excited way) is helpful versus trying to stop it or calm it down.

"I do believe that this approach can create an opportunity mindset, if the individual truly believes and can reframe and re-associate the feelings as excitement versus anxiety."

But Moyle makes one thing clear: some strategies will work for some but not others and people do need a chance to experiment for themselves to learn what works best.

Published 13/02/2014

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