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  • BBC HARDtalk - Enrico Letta - Prime Minister of Italy (9/9/13)...24:35
  • Venezuela: Thousands protest against government...1:17
  • February 16 2014 Breaking News Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal;...1:46
  • How Boko Haram Kill Sleeping Soldiers...0:41
  • UN 'wants North Korean regime crimes punished'...2:15
  • 3 Reported Ukraine protests 3 (Reported Dead)...1:31
  • Morsi to stand trial for incitement to murder...1:03
  • Syria Peace Talks Falter as U.N. Homs Mission Ends...1:46
  • John Kerry urges action on climate change...1:13
  • On the frontline with British troops in Afghanistan...9:59
  • Syria peace talks: Talks end with accusations, next round uncertain...1:36
  • U.N. aid convoy attacked in Syria's besieged Homs...1:03
  • Honourable Ann Bressington Exposes UN Agenda 21 Club of Rome Population Control World Government...21:20
add video playlist HARDtalk is in Italy to speak to the Italian prime minister, Enrico Letta. He is trying to hold together a fragile coalition of left and right, including the party of Silvio Berluscioni, while pushing through a programme of economic reforms designed to stimulate an economy still reeling from the Euro crisis. With the situation in Syria straining international relations at the G20 Summit, can Mr Letta keep his government together? Credits Interviewed Guest - Enrico Letta Presenter - Stephen Sackur
HARDtalk is in Italy to speak to the Italian prime minister, Enrico Letta. He is trying to hold together a fragile coalition of left and right, including the party of Silvio Berluscioni, while pushing through a programme of economic reforms designed to stimulate an economy still reeling from the Euro crisis. With the situation in Syria straining international relations at the G20 Summit, can Mr Letta keep his government together? 

Interviewed Guest - Enrico Letta
Presenter - Stephen Sackur
BBC HARDtalk - En­ri­co Letta - Prime Min­is­ter of Italy (9/9/13)
Thousands of people took to the streets of Caracas Wednesday to protest against the government.

The march started at Plaza Venezuela before heading to the headquarters of the Attorney General\'s Office. Protesters carried a petition demanding the release of seven imprisoned student protesters.

A heavy police presence was seen on the city\'s streets.

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Venezuela: Thou­sands protest against gov­ern­ment
February 16 2014 Breaking News Russia, Iran, China vs USA West - United Nations regional war in Syria - Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal (Iran not allowed in peace talks also supports Assad Regime Iranian revolutionary Guard fighting in Syria and Iran and Russia supplying military weapons to the Assad Regime) United Nations halt relief mission in HOMS - Peace negotiations at the Geneva II talks broke down again over the incompatible agendas of the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition (USA West want ASSAD to step down and support opposition supplying Military weapons), and the United Nations ended its relief mission in Homs.-  Foreign Bureau, WSJ\'s global news update - Last days news update

February 10 2014 Breaking News  Iran leader Alerts Air Force sends warships to USA border 

February 10 2013 Breaking News Iran warships to USA borders commander stated sending a message

February 10 2014 Breaking News Terrorists from 83 Countries Armed and Funded by Saudi Arabia

February 10 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls troops out ISLAM jihadists move in training Americans

February 2014 Breaking News Syria Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad

February 2014 Iran Nuclear Islamic Republic last days final hour news prophecy update

February 2014 Breaking News Pakistan\'s nuclear threat should be our top concern last days news

February 2014 Breaking News Islamic Republic seeks world domination Last Days news

February 2014 Breaking News USA plan troops in Afghanistan till end of Obama Presidency

February 2014 is a nuclear Iran a threat to israel and the world? Last days final hour news

January 2014 Mortar shell hits Russian embassy - monitoring group - Last Days Final Hour News

January 2014 USA weapons sent to Syria getting in wrong hands last days end times news update

January 2014 China And Russia War exercises Japanese waters - last days end times news update

January 2014 NWO Russia biggest war games 160,000 troops 130 planes 70 ships thousands tanks

February 2014 Did Israel Use Radioactive Uranium in Syrian Missile Bombing? Last Days News

February 2014 Massive US led military drills Persian Gulf - Last Days News prophecy Update

February 2014 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update

February 2014 USA sends 800 more troops to SKorea warned North Korea against provocation

February 2014 Breaking News Asia Pacific Nuclear Threat Last Days Final Hour News
Febru­ary 16 2014 Break­ing News Rus­sia Sup­ports Assad Regime re­jects Syria Peace talks pro­pos­al;
This soldier is sleeping on duty when he is supposed to protect NYSC members in at the Nasarawa camp Northern Nigeria
How Boko Haram Kill Sleep­ing Sol­diers
A year-long UN inquiry into North Korean rights abuses is due to be published, and is expected to urge punishment for systematic violations.

A panel of experts mandated by the UN\'s Human Rights Council said North Koreans had suffered \
UN 'wants North Ko­re­an regime crimes pun­ished'
Ukraine --Cnk---
3 Re­port­ed Ukraine protests 3 (Re­port­ed Dead)
Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros.

The nation\'s former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during his trial in Cairo.

Egypt\'s ousted president Mohamed Morsi is to be tried for what has been called \'incitement to murder\'.

Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros...

The former ruler has been charged with inciting violence in the December 2012 protests in which seven people were killed.

Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros.

NewsLife- One Global Village: Egypt\'s Morsi to stand trial for inciting murder (Reported By: Cathy Untalan-Vital) - [September 2, 2013] For more news, visit:.

Three international journalists will face trial after interviewing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Isa Soares reports. Three international journalists will .

Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi will reportedly stand trial for \'incitement to murder\'. Ousted president Morsi to stand trial watched by Mrtodayvideos7.

Supporters of Egypt\'s deposed president Mohamed Morsi vowed more rallies and called for marches on Friday as police arrested another senior Islamist in an on.

Egypt\'s ousted President Mohammed Morsi is to stand trial on charges including conspiring with foreign organizations to commit terrorist acts. Prosecutors sa.

Egypt\'s deposed president Mohamed Morsi and ex-aides will stand trial for espionage that helped a terrorist campaign involving the Palestinian militant g.

Egypt\'s deposed president Mursi on trial on terrorism charges. The nation\'s former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during.

Egypt\'s ousted president Mohamed Morsi is to be tried for what has been called \'incitement to murder,\' by Egyptian state media. According to a report by the .

Egypt\'s deposed president Mursi on trial on terrorism charges. The nation\'s former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during.

 - The White House has announced it will suspend some of its $1.5 billion in annual military aid to Egypt until the country ushers.

The trial of ousted President Mohamed Morsi on charges of inciting the murder of protesters is due to start on November 4. Morsi will stand trial with 14 oth.

 - As Egypt sets a date for ousted President Mohamed Morsi to stand trial for inciting the murder of protesters, and the Muslim Br.

Egyptian prosecutors Sunday ordered deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi to stand trial on murder-related charges, stepping up the military-backed government\'s purge of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The White House has announced it will suspend some of its $1.5 billion in annual military aid to Egypt until the country ushers in a democratic government. R.

Egypt\'s Morsi due to stand trial on spying charges, Mohamed Morsi (Politician), Egypt (Country), Deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.

The Deposed President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi is due in court shortly to face espionage charges.Morsi, along with 35 other people are also facing other simila.

Students protesting in support of ousted President Mohamed Morsi were targeted with tear gas by Egyptian forces outside the campus of Al-Azhar University in .

Egypt\'s ousted president Mohammed Morsi is due to stand trial in Cairo. He is facing new charges of espionage and conspiring to commit acts of terror.
Morsi to stand trial for in­cite­ment to mur­der
Peace negotiations at the Geneva II talks broke down again over the incompatible agendas of the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition, and the U.N. ended its relief mission in Homs. Via The Foreign Bureau, WSJ\'s global news update.
Syria Peace Talks Fal­ter as U.N. Homs Mis­sion Ends
US Secretary of State John Kerry has been in Indonesia talking about climate change.

He spoke to students at the American Cultural Centre in Jakarta, telling them:
John Kerry urges ac­tion on cli­mate change
On the frontline with British troops in Afghanistan

Subscribe to the Guardian HERE:

As Afghanistan prepares for an election, award-winning photographer Sean Smith, stationed with British troops during Operation Panther\'s Claw, finds many soldiers becoming frustrated at the inexperience and lack of discipline of the Afghan National Army
On the front­line with British troops in Afghanistan
UN and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi ended the second round of talks held in Geneva between the Syrian government and opposition, without finding a way of breaking the impasse or setting a date for a third round.
Duplex with John Zarocostas, our correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland. 
Read more on the subject:
02/15/2014 News.
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Syria peace talks: Talks end with ac­cu­sa­tions, next round un­cer­tain

An aid convoy came under fire in Homs, threatening a U.N.-led humanitarian operation to bring relief to civilians trapped by fighting. Mana Rabiee reports.

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Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
U.N. aid con­voy at­tacked in Syria's be­sieged Homs
The Honourable Ann Bressington exposes the hidden agenda of the Club of Rome, UN Agenda 21, population control and world government. She gives a frank assessment of what has happened up until now and suggests some solutions for averting our enslavement.

This video was recorded as an introduction for Lord Monckton\'s trip to South Australia February 2013. His presentation is called \
Hon­ourable Ann Bress­ing­ton Ex­pos­es UN Agen­da 21 Club of Rome Pop­u­la­tion Con­trol World Gov­ern­ment
UN and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi ended the second round of talks held in Geneva between the Syrian government and opposition, without finding a way of breaking the impasse or setting a date for a third round.
Duplex with John Zarocostas, our correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland. 
Read more on the subject:
02/15/2014 News.
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Syria peace talks: Talks end with ac­cu­sa­tions, next round un­cer­tain
Subscribe to News Community 2014 for the latest News Updates and discussions !
Turkey s par­lia­ment passed a bill that gives gov­ern­ment more con­trol over the ju­di­cia­ry

updated 13 Sep 2013; published 13 Sep 2013
BBC HARDtalk - En­ri­co Letta - Prime Min­is­ter of Italy (9/9/13)
Khaleej Times 17 Feb 2014, The 39-year-old mayor of Florence said his first priority would be to tackle relentless unemployment levels and pitiful economic growth. Italy’s Matteo Renzi was nominated to be the European Union’s youngest prime minister on Monday and immediately outlined an ambitious reform plan, promising “energy, enthusiasm and...
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updated 12 Feb 2014; published 12 Feb 2014
Venezuela: Thou­sands protest against gov­ern­ment
The Independent 17 Feb 2014, The Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has ordered the expulsion of three US Embassy officials after Washington came to the defence of an opposition hard-liner accused by the leader of responsibility for bloodshed during anti-government protests. Maduro didn't identify the consular officials but charged that intelligence officials who tailed them...
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updated 15 Feb 2014; published 15 Feb 2014
Febru­ary 16 2014 Break­ing News Rus­sia Sup­ports Assad Regime re­jects Syria Peace talks pro­pos­al;
BBC News 17 Feb 2014, The leader of the Lebanese Shia militant Hezbollah movement, Hassan Nasrallah, says his members will continue to fight alongside government forces in Syria's civil war. In a televised address on Sunday, he called on "political forces in the Arab world" to "stop the war on Syria". He said if this happened, then "of...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
How Boko Haram Kill Sleep­ing Sol­diers
The Times of India 17 Feb 2014, KANO, Nigeria: Suspected Boko Haram Islamists have killed more than 100 people in an attack on a village in Nigeria, a local senator said. The attackers stormed the village in Nigeria's restive northeastern Borno...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
UN 'wants North Ko­re­an regime crimes pun­ished'
Al Jazeera 17 Feb 2014, The UN is set to release a detailed report on human rights violations in North Korea that will include the testimonies gathered by Amnesty International, the UK-based rights organisation. The testimonies include powerful and disturbing accounts that tell of torture, rape and murder inside the country's labour camps where political prisoners are...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
3 Re­port­ed Ukraine protests 3 (Re­port­ed Dead)
Reuters 16 Feb 2014, KIEV (Reuters) - Scores of Ukrainian anti-government protesters ended a two-month-old occupation of city hall in the capital Kiev on Sunday to meet a government amnesty offer. Demonstrators had swept into the main municipal building in early December as a popular revolt mushroomed against President Viktor Yanukovich's decision to ditch a trade pact...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
Morsi to stand trial for in­cite­ment to mur­der
New Straits/Business Times 16 Feb 2014, CAIRO : Deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was Sunday facing charges of espionage and carrying out “terror attacks” in Egypt, as a third trial against him was due to get under way. The latest court case is part of a relentless government crackdown targeting Morsi and his Islamist supporters since he was ousted by the military on...
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updated 14 Feb 2014; published 14 Feb 2014
Syria Peace Talks Fal­ter as U.N. Homs Mis­sion Ends
The People's Voice 16 Feb 2014, Syrians genuinely want peace. Washington wants regime change. SNC stooges represent US interests. In January, talks convened in Geneva. Round one failed. So did round two. On February 14, UN/Arab League Syrian envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said: "Failure is always staring us in the face. As far as the United Nations is concerned, we will certainly not...
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updated 16 Feb 2014; published 16 Feb 2014
John Kerry urges ac­tion on cli­mate change
BBC News 16 Feb 2014, US Secretary of State John Kerry is to deliver a speech urging the global community to act against climate change, during a visit to Indonesia. He will make the point that there is scientific proof of climate change threatening not only the environment, but also the world economy. Mr Kerry is due to give his address on Sunday in the capital,...
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updated 20 Aug 2012; published 20 Aug 2012
On the front­line with British troops in Afghanistan
Stars and Stripes 15 Feb 2014, WASHINGTON — The number of U.S. soldiers forced out of the Army because of crimes or misconduct has soared in the past several years as the military emerges from a decade of war that put a greater focus on battle competence than on character. Data obtained by The Associated Press shows that the number of officers who left the Army due to misconduct...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
Syria peace talks: Talks end with ac­cu­sa­tions, next round un­cer­tain
Toronto Sun 15 Feb 2014, Tweet GENEVA - International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi apologized to the Syrian people on Saturday for the lack of progress at peace talks in Geneva after their second round ended with little more than an agreement to meet again. The Algerian-born diplomat said the agreement to evacuate people from the besieged city of Homs had raised hopes that had...
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updated 08 Feb 2014; published 08 Feb 2014
U.N. aid con­voy at­tacked in Syria's be­sieged Homs
BBC News 15 Feb 2014, 14 February 2014 Last updated at 05:34 GMT UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos has urged the Security Council to act immediately to ensure more humanitarian access in war-torn Syria. Calling for a resolution, she said it was "unacceptable" that both Damascus and rebels continued to "flagrantly" violate humanitarian law. The council has been...
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updated 17 Feb 2013; published 17 Feb 2013
Hon­ourable Ann Bress­ing­ton Ex­pos­es UN Agen­da 21 Club of Rome Pop­u­la­tion Con­trol World Gov­ern­ment
Peace FM Online 15 Feb 2014, The United Nations’ International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Beyond 2014 Report says growing inequalities will undo significant gains in health and longevity made over the past 20 years. The Report highlights the fact that development gains from the past 20 years could be sustained, unless governments tackled the inequalities...
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updated 17 Feb 2014; published 17 Feb 2014
Syria peace talks: Talks end with ac­cu­sa­tions, next round un­cer­tain
The Guardian 15 Feb 2014, Latest round of face-to-face talks end after just 30 minutes as Damascus refuses further round of discussions The UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi. Photograph: Salvatore Di Nolfi/EPA The UN special envoy for Syria failed to break the deadlock in Geneva between the Assad regime and the opposition amid fears that the peace talks...
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Matteo Renzi to become Italy’s youngest PM
Full Article Khaleej Times
17 Feb 2014

The 39-year-old mayor of Florence said his first priority would be to tackle relentless unemployment levels and pitiful economic growth. Italy’s Matteo Renzi was nominated to be the European Union’s youngest prime minister on Monday and immediately outlined an ambitious reform plan, promising “energy, enthusiasm and... Union Politics Renzi
Italian Democratic Party's leader Matteo Renzi talks to journalists at the Quirinale presidential palace after talks with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, in Rome, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

Venezuela president Nicolas Maduro expels three US officials amid protest tensions
Full Article The Independent
17 Feb 2014

The Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has ordered the expulsion of three US Embassy officials after Washington came to the defence of an opposition hard-liner accused by the leader of responsibility for bloodshed during anti-government protests. Maduro didn't identify the consular officials but charged that intelligence officials who tailed them... Rights Foreign Policy Protest
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a rally on Bolivar Avenue in downtown Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014.
photo: AP / Alejandro Cegarra

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah vows to keep fighters in Syria
Full Article BBC News
17 Feb 2014

The leader of the Lebanese Shia militant Hezbollah movement, Hassan Nasrallah, says his members will continue to fight alongside government forces in Syria's civil war. In a televised address on Sunday, he called on "political forces in the Arab world" to "stop the war on Syria". He said if this happened, then "of... Conflict Peace War
File - Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, speaks to the crowd in a rare public appearance during Ashura, that marks the death of Shiite Islam's Imam Hussein, in the suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013.
photo: AP / Bilal Hussein

Over 100 killed in Islamist attack in Nigeria: Senator
Full Article The Times of India
17 Feb 2014

KANO, Nigeria: Suspected Boko Haram Islamists have killed more than 100 people in an attack on a village in Nigeria, a local senator said. The attackers stormed the village in Nigeria's restive northeastern Borno... Haram Islamists Terrorism In Nigeria
Over 100 killed in Islamist attack in Nigeria
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba

Report tells of rights violations in N Korea
Full Article Al Jazeera
17 Feb 2014

The UN is set to release a detailed report on human rights violations in North Korea that will include the testimonies gathered by Amnesty International, the UK-based rights organisation. The testimonies include powerful and disturbing accounts that tell of torture, rape and murder inside the country's labour camps where political prisoners are... In North Korea Rights - North Korea Jong-un
South Korean protesters burn a defaced portrait of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il during a rally denouncing North Korea's bombardment on South Korean border island, in front of the Defense Ministry in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday, Nov. 25, 2010. South Korea's president vowed Thursday to boost troops on the island targeted by a North Korean artillery barrage, while the North stridently warned of additional attacks if the South carries out any "reckless military provocations.
photo: AP / Ahn Young-joon

Ukraine protesters end Kiev city hall occupation to meet amnesty offer
Full Article Reuters
16 Feb 2014

KIEV (Reuters) - Scores of Ukrainian anti-government protesters ended a two-month-old occupation of city hall in the capital Kiev on Sunday to meet a government amnesty offer. Demonstrators had swept into the main municipal building in early December as a popular revolt mushroomed against President Viktor Yanukovich's decision to ditch a trade pact... Offer - Ukraine Trade Pact Protests
A man dressed as a cartoon bear passes by protesters ahead of a rally in Kiev's Independence Square, the epicenter of the country's current unrest, Ukraine, Friday, Feb. 14, 2014.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

Morsi faces spying charges as third trial to begin
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
16 Feb 2014

CAIRO : Deposed Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was Sunday facing charges of espionage and carrying out “terror attacks” in Egypt, as a third trial against him was due to get under way. The latest court case is part of a relentless government crackdown targeting Morsi and his Islamist supporters since he was ousted by the military on... Against Morsi Morsi Trial Brotherhood
Morsi faces spying charges as third trial to begin
photo: AP / Maya Alleruzzo

Syrian Peace Process Pretense
Full Article The People's Voice
16 Feb 2014

Syrians genuinely want peace. Washington wants regime change. SNC stooges represent US interests. In January, talks convened in Geneva. Round one failed. So did round two. On February 14, UN/Arab League Syrian envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said: "Failure is always staring us in the face. As far as the United Nations is concerned, we will certainly not... Security
Syrian Peace Process Pretense
photo: UN / JC McIlwaine

John Kerry to urge climate action in Indonesia address
Full Article BBC News
16 Feb 2014

US Secretary of State John Kerry is to deliver a speech urging the global community to act against climate change, during a visit to Indonesia. He will make the point that there is scientific proof of climate change threatening not only the environment, but also the world economy. Mr Kerry is due to give his address on Sunday in the capital,... Emission Change Gases
Cars give off exhaust fumes in Montpelier, Vt., Monday, Jan. 26, 2009. Efforts by Vermont and 13 other states to cut carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are expected to get a big boost from President Obama. Officials in Washington say Obama is ready to announce his support for emission reductions that would require better fuel efficiency.(AP Photo/Toby Talbot)
photo: AP / Toby Talbot

Misconduct in Army ranks forcing more soldiers out, data shows
Full Article Stars and Stripes
15 Feb 2014

WASHINGTON — The number of U.S. soldiers forced out of the Army because of crimes or misconduct has soared in the past several years as the military emerges from a decade of war that put a greater focus on battle competence than on character. Data obtained by The Associated Press shows that the number of officers who left the Army due to misconduct... Troops
Misconduct in Army ranks forcing more soldiers out, data shows
photo: US Army / David Devich

Syria peace talks lag, Lakhdar Brahimi apologizes to Syrian people
Full Article Toronto Sun
15 Feb 2014

Tweet GENEVA - International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi apologized to the Syrian people on Saturday for the lack of progress at peace talks in Geneva after their second round ended with little more than an agreement to meet again. The Algerian-born diplomat said the agreement to evacuate people from the besieged city of Homs had raised hopes that had... Talks - Syria Violence Civil War
U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi, left, gestures during a press briefing at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Switzerland, Tuesday, Feb 11, 2014. A second round of peace talks between the Syrian government and the opposition bogged down quickly Tuesday in recriminations about who was responsible for escalating violence that has killed hundreds in the past few days and disrupted food aid for trapped civilians.
photo: AP / Anja Niedringhaus

UN chief Valerie Amos: 'Syrians are looking to us to do something'
Full Article BBC News
15 Feb 2014

14 February 2014 Last updated at 05:34 GMT UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos has urged the Security Council to act immediately to ensure more humanitarian access in war-torn Syria. Calling for a resolution, she said it was "unacceptable" that both Damascus and rebels continued to "flagrantly" violate humanitarian law. The council has been... Security
UN chief Valerie Amos: 'Syrians are looking to us to do something'
photo: UN / JC McIlwaine

Growing Inequalities Will Undo Significant Health Gains - UN Report
Full Article Peace FM Online
15 Feb 2014

The United Nations’ International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Beyond 2014 Report says growing inequalities will undo significant gains in health and longevity made over the past 20 years. The Report highlights the fact that development gains from the past 20 years could be sustained, unless governments tackled the inequalities... Development
Growing Inequalities Will Undo Significant Health Gains - UN Report
photo: UN / Mark Garten

Syria peace talks break up as UN envoy fails to break deadlock
Full Article The Guardian
15 Feb 2014

Latest round of face-to-face talks end after just 30 minutes as Damascus refuses further round of discussions The UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi. Photograph: Salvatore Di Nolfi/EPA The UN special envoy for Syria failed to break the deadlock in Geneva between the Assad regime and the opposition amid fears that the peace talks... Talks - Syria Civil War In Syria
This citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Media Center AMC which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows a Syrian man carrying a child's body in the aftermath of a strike by Syrian government, in the neighborhood of Jabal Bedro, in Aleppo, Syria, Tuesday Feb. 19, 2013. The Britain-based activist group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Aleppo Media Center reported several dead in the attack late Monday night, saying the strike appeared to be from a ground-to-ground missile.
photo: AP / Aleppo Media Center AMC

Eberling leaves disappointment behind, pitches in as alternate
Full Article The News & Observer
16 Feb 2014

Wearing a dark warm-up suit with USA emblazoned on the back, Katie Eberling helps carry the 400-pound bobsled to the starting line and places it down on freshly sanded blades. She gives a reassuring nod to teammate Elana Meyers, her offseason roommate and the talented pilot with whom she has won two world championship medals. She also smiles at... Olympic Games
Eberling leaves disappointment behind, pitches in as alternate
photo: US Army / Tim Hipps

Smithtown's John Daly at the Olympics
Full Article Newsday
15 Feb 2014

Smithtown native John Daly finished 15th in the men's skeleton competition in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics advertisement | advertise on newsday | View all Be the first to rate: 0 Click to rate Comments Please log in to comment. Civility matters; to read our commenting guidelines.... Olympics Games
Smithtown's John Daly at the Olympics
photo: US Army / Tim Hipps

Adnan Januzaj invited to play for Kosovo
Full Article Goal
15 Feb 2014

The 19-year-old, who is wanted by England, Serbia, Turkey, Croatia and Belgium, has been given the option to play in a friendly against Haiti on March 5 Manchester United teenager Adnan Januzaj could make his international debut after being invited to play for Kosovo next month. Januzaj, born in Belgium to Kosovar-Albanian parents, has quickly... Januzaj
Manchester United's Adnan Januzaj controls the ball during his team's testimonial soccer match for Rio Ferdinand against Sevilla at Old Trafford Stadium, Manchester, England, Friday Aug. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

'Vidal is the Messi of midfielders'
Full Article Goal
15 Feb 2014

The 53-year-old Argentine believes there are few who can match the "lethal" Bianconeri ace - but acknowledges that a Ballon d'Or win is unlikely £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw RAY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw RAY £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw RAY £5 £10 £20... Vidal Fc
Juventus' Fabio Quagliarella,center, celebrates with his teammates Martin Caceres, of Uruguay, left, and Arturo Vidal, of Chile, after he scored during a Serie A soccer match between Juventus and Napoli at the Juventus Stadium in Turin, Italy, Sunday, April 1, 2012.
photo: AP / Massimo Pinca

Syria talks face deadlock
Full Article Independent online (SA)
15 Feb 2014

Geneva - Syria's faltering peace process ground to total deadlock Friday amid growing concern of complete collapse despite international pressure, as the death toll on the ground continued to soar. On the penultimate day of the current round of UN-brokered peace talks, Syria's warring sides appeared further apart than ever, agreeing on only one... Peace Talks
Syria talks face deadlock
photo: UN / JC McIlwaine

Wenger is 'failure specialist' - Mourinho
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
14 Feb 2014

LONDON : Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho labelled Arsenal counterpart Arsene Wenger as a “specialist in failure” as the war of words in the race for the English Premier League title intensified Friday. Mourinho, whose side lead London rivals Arsenal by a point at the... Premier League Wenger Mourinho
Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho from Portugal reacts before a Champions League Group D soccer match against Manchester City at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, in Madrid, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012.
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa De Olza

Neymar back for Barca
Full Article Independent online (SA)
14 Feb 2014

MadridNeymar has recovered from a sprained ankle, Barcelona's medical team said on Friday, and the Brazilian could feature in La Liga at the weekend as well as Tuesday's Champions League clash against Manchester City. Injured last month in a... Barcelona Injury
Brazil's Neymar controls the ball during a training session ahead of the 2011 Copa America soccer tournament near Campana, Argentina, Wednesday, June 29, 2011
photo: AP / Felipe Dana

Viletta stuns favourites to win gold in super-combi
Full Article The Hindu
14 Feb 2014

Sandro Viletta of Switzerland stunned the favourites and won the Olympic super-combined title Friday in a spring-like race. Viletta finished in a two-run combined time of 2 minutes, 45.20 seconds. Ivica Kostelic of Croatia took the silver medal in this event for the third...
Sandro Viletta, of Switzerland, speeds down the course, during an alpine ski, Men's World Cup super-combi race, in Val d'Isere, France, Friday, Dec. 12, 2008. Viletta finished in sixth place.
photo: AP / Marco Trovati

Britney 'monitored 24/7'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
16 Feb 2014

Britney Spears reportedly still isn't allowed to have credit cards or use the internet. The 32-year-old singer has been the subject of a conservatorship order since 2008, which was the climax of her year-long meltdown that saw her shave her head and lose custody of her two sons with her ex-husband Kevin Federline. Although she now has her...
Britney Spears attends "The X Factor" season two premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Tupac Shakur biopic to be helmed by John Singleton
photo: Creative Commons / marycsalome

Swift wants 'brutally honest' friends
Full Article Newstrack India
13 Feb 2014

Tweet Los Angeles, Feb 13 (IANS) Singer Taylor Swift wants to remain grounded and thinks that her "genuine friends" can help her achieve...
Taylor Swift
photo: Creative Commons / alexahalasan

Mariah Carey: I'm a hands-on mum
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
13 Feb 2014

Mariah Carey has said she is a hands-on mum - but she has to fire her nannies a lot. The diva has two-year-old twins Moroccan and Monroe with her husband Nick Cannon. Mariah, 43, told Power 105.6 radio in New York: "Unfortunately I have to have nannies but I'm very hands-on. I fire nannies like this (snapping her fingers)." She told The Breakfast...
Singer Mariah Carey arrives at the TeenNick HALO Awards at the Hollywood Palladium on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Joe Kohen/Invision

Nicole Scherzinger decides to quit X factor
Full Article Newstrack India
13 Feb 2014

Tweet London, February 13 (ANI): Nicole Scherzinger has quit the X Factor as she plans to focus on recording her new album. The 35-year-old American singer-songwriter...
Nicole Scherzinger performs during the iHeartRadio music festival on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Flo Rida Loses Alarming Court Case
Full Article TMZ
12 Feb 2014

Flo Rida has reasons to be insecure -- he just lost a big lawsuit to a security company that set up an elaborate security system in his Miami mansion and got stiffed. Flo hired ADT to protect him from evildoers ... the system was tricked out with 27 cameras at a cost of $58,000. Flo paid a little more than $19K as a deposit and then flaked out on... Rida
Flo Rida perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Justin Bieber's Wax Statue Ruined by Fans Fondling It
Full Article ABC News
12 Feb 2014

When you can't have the real thing, is a wax statue is the next-best option? Seems like the case for Justin Bieber fans. Madame Tussaud's New York location removed the wax figure of the troubled 19-year-old pop star after... Bieber Tussauds - New York
Justin Bieber performs during the second night of KIIS FM's Jingle Ball at Nokia Theatre LA Live on Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Kanye West -- SOOOO ANGRY... At High School Basketball Game
Full Article TMZ
12 Feb 2014

Kanye West ... why you mad, bro?? You'd think the rapper would've been in a better mood last night ... since he sat courtside at a high school basketball game in Brentwood to support a friend's nephew -- but nope, he looked MISERABLE. Sources on scene tell us ... one of the kids playing in the game is the nephew of Kanye's designer friend Tracey... School Basketball Game West
Kim Kardashian, right, and Kanye West, left, are shown before an NBA basketball game between the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks in this Dec, 6, 2012 file photo taken in Miami.
photo: AP / Alan Diaz

Jake Gyllenhaal, Alyssa Miller together, again?
Full Article Newstrack India
17 Feb 2014

Tweet Los Angeles, Feb 17 (IANS) Actor Jake Gyllenhaal has reportedly rekindled his romance with model-girlfriend Alyssa Miller. Miller took...
Jake Gyllenhaal at WonderCon 2010
photo: Creative Commons / BrokenSphere

Kidd finds love again after split
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
17 Feb 2014

Model Jodie Kidd has told how she has found love again after splitting from the father of her son. The 35-year-old has now formed a bond with Army officer-turned-model and author David Blakeley after they met over lunch. And in an interview with Hello! magazine, she told how her relationship with Argentinian polo player Andrea Vianini, 49, had...
 British model Jodie Kidd poses for the cameras on the second day of the Royal Ascot horse racing meet at Ascot, England, Wednesday, June 20, 2007. Ascot is one of the highlights of the English social season, where fashion, especially hats, and horse raci
photo: APphoto

Brad 'wants Angie to be strong'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
16 Feb 2014

Angelina Jolie has reportedly put food at the "bottom of her priority list". Angelina has wrapped on her latest project Unbroken. She directed the movie which tells the true story of an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces in World War II. At the warp party in Queensland, Australia, fans were shocked to see Angelina's seemingly...
Angelina Jolie looks to the media as she leaves a G8 Foreign Ministers meeting on sexual violence against women in conflict zones, in London, Thursday, April, 11, 2013. The ministers are meeting in London as Britain currently holds the G8 Presidency, with the heads of government G8 meeting set for June in Northern Ireland.
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Felicity Jones spooked by movies
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
16 Feb 2014

Felicity Jones can't handle a horror movie by herself. The British actress has starred alongside Ed Westwick in hit rom-com Chalet Girl and her latest ventures include romantic drama Breathe In and True Story, which also stars James Franco and Jonah Hill. She loves watching movies as well as appearing in then, but can't handle anything to scary. "I...
Felicity Jones
photo: Creative Commons / GabboT

Bebo becomes face of Magnum ice-cream in India
Full Article Newstrack India
16 Feb 2014

Tweet Washington, Feb. 16 (ANI): Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has been chosen as the brand ambassador of one of the world's most luxurious ice cream brands Magnum...
Indian actress Kareena Kapoor
photo: Creative Commons / IndiaFM

'Black Coal, Thin Ice' wins Golden Bear at Berlin Film Festival
Full Article Celebrity Café
16 Feb 2014

Diao Yinan's Black Coal, Thin Ice won the Golden Bear for best film at the 2014 Berlin International Film Festival. Black Coal, Thin Ice is a Chinese detective thriller, reports...
Director Diao Yinan holds aloft the Golden Bear for Best Film for the movie Black Coal, Thin Ice, during the award ceremony at the International Film Festival Berlinale in Berlin, Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014.
photo: AP / Axel Schmidt

Sacha Baron Cohen's Grimsby will open in 2015
Full Article Total Film
14 Feb 2014

Sacha Baron Cohen's forthcoming comedy, Grimsby, has received an official release date, with the film set to open in the US on 31 July 2015. Deadline reports that the Louis...
British actor Sacha Baron Cohen, dressed as a bull, as the character Bruno arrives for the Spanish Premiere of the film 'Bruno', outside the bullring of Las Ventas in Madrid, Wednesday, June 18, 2009.
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

Joe Russo talks Captain America's new outfit
Full Article Total Film
14 Feb 2014

Eagle-eyed viewers of the recent Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailers will have noticed that Steve Rogers is sporting a new suit, a conscious choice by co-directors the Russo brothers, designed to reflect Cap's new situation… "It...
Captain America 2011 Movie Poster
photo: WN / Arturo Ubaub

Japan's economic growth slows
Full Article Independent online (SA)
17 Feb 2014

Tokyo - Japan's economy grew at a much slower pace than expected at the end of last year, posing a challenge to policymakers as massive government stimulus efforts showed few signs of sparking momentum in consumption and exports. The data showing disappointing private consumption, business investment and shipments came as the Bank of Japan met to... Economy
Haruhiko Kuroda
photo: Creative Commons / World Economic Forum

Tokyo stocks end 0.4 pct higher in morning session
Full Article CNTV
17 Feb 2014

TOKYO, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Tokyo stocks ended 0.40 percent higher in the morning session of Monday, erasing early losses prompted by Japan's weaker-than-expected growth data. The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average was up 56.75 points, or 0.40 percent, from Friday to 14,369.78. The broader Topix index of all First Section issues on the Tokyo Stock... Stock Average Stocks
Passers-by are reflected on the electronic board of a securities firm flashing world stock prices in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, July 13, 2009
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

Bharti to buy Loop Mobile in $113 million deal
Full Article The Himalayan
17 Feb 2014

Added At: 2014-02-17 9:54 AM Last Updated At: 2014-02-17 9:54 AM The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s) The headlines has been added to your... Airtel Operator
Bharti Airtel - India’s number one telecom company
photo: WN / Geeta

Competition fierce for sales of unarmed drones
Full Article Canberra Times
16 Feb 2014

While the glamour of supersonic jets, attack helicopters and surface-to-air missiles longer than a stretch limousine wowed the estimated 80,000 people who attended the final days of the Singapore Airshow this past weekend, it was a small, silent and unarmed weapon that took centre stage as key players in the Southeast Asia weapons market hawked...
Singapore Airshow 2014
photo: WN / Periasamy

Super Bowl was not so super for hotels
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
16 Feb 2014

This year’s Super Bowl was less than super for hotels in New York and New Jersey. Hotel occupancy rates for Super Bowl weekend were 61% in Bergen County, N.J., 79% in New York's Times Square area and 75% in New York’s uptown and midtown areas, according to the hotel consulting and analytics firm STR Analytics. By contrast, hotels...
Colorful New York City at Night.
photo: WN / Periasamy

Olympics divide Sochi's indigenous tribes
Full Article Fresno Bee
16 Feb 2014

BOLSHOI KICHMAI, Russia — While Vladimir Putin and rich Olympic sponsors watch the Winter Games in gleaming arenas, boys in nearby Bolshoi Kichmai herd their goats by tying them to rickety bicycles, riding against the wind through a rocky valley where invading Russian armies slaughtered their ancestors 150 years ago. These Circassian boys,...
Olympics divide Sochi's indigenous tribes
photo: UN/UN

'Difficult' for an independent Scotland to join EU: Barroso
Full Article The Times of India
16 Feb 2014

LONDON: European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso warned on Sunday that it would be "difficult, if not impossible" for an independent Scotland to join the European Union. Barroso's blunt statement ramps up the pressure ahead of Scotland's key referendum on independence from the United Kingdom, following Britain's warning that it will not be...
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso speke  in Abu Dhabi  on April 25, 2013 during addresses the Global Vaccine Summit in Abu Dhabi   at United Arab Emirates PHOTO Karim Sahib
photo: EC / European Commission

Brutal New York winter has left retailers in the cold
Full Article New York Post Online
16 Feb 2014

New York City’s brutal winter storms have left many local retailers out in the cold on sales. Spring clothes are hitting the shelves. But nobody wants to shop for skin-baring styles when it feels like the city has plunged into one polar vortex after another. The extreme weather is hitting retailers where it hurts. Last week, Census Bureau data... Weather
Brutal New York winter has left retailers in the cold
photo: US DoD / Meghan Skrepenski

BBC HARDtalk - Enrico Letta - Prime Minister of Italy (9/9/13)
BBC HARDtalk - Enrico Letta - Prime Minister of Italy (9/9/13)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:35
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2013
HARDtalk is in Italy to speak to the Italian prime minister, Enrico Letta. He is trying to hold together a fragile coalition of left and right, including the party of Silvio Berluscioni, while pushing through a programme of economic reforms designed to stimulate an economy still reeling from the Euro crisis. With the situation in Syria straining international relations at the G20 Summit, can Mr Letta keep his government together? Credits Interviewed Guest - Enrico Letta Presenter - Stephen Sackur
  • published: 13 Sep 2013
  • views: 199

Venezuela: Thousands protest against government
Venezuela: Thousands protest against government
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:17
  • Updated: 12 Feb 2014
Thousands of people took to the streets of Caracas Wednesday to protest against the government. The march started at Plaza Venezuela before heading to the headquarters of the Attorney General's Office. Protesters carried a petition demanding the release of seven imprisoned student protesters. A heavy police presence was seen on the city's streets. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: Video on Demand:
  • published: 12 Feb 2014
  • views: 1259

February 16 2014 Breaking News Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal;
February 16 2014 Breaking News Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal;
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Updated: 15 Feb 2014
February 16 2014 Breaking News Russia, Iran, China vs USA West - United Nations regional war in Syria - Russia Supports Assad Regime rejects Syria Peace talks proposal (Iran not allowed in peace talks also supports Assad Regime Iranian revolutionary Guard fighting in Syria and Iran and Russia supplying military weapons to the Assad Regime) United Nations halt relief mission in HOMS - Peace negotiations at the Geneva II talks broke down again over the incompatible agendas of the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition (USA West want ASSAD to step down and support opposition supplying Military weapons), and the United Nations ended its relief mission in Homs.- Foreign Bureau, WSJ's global news update - Last days news update February 10 2014 Breaking News Iran leader Alerts Air Force sends warships to USA border February 10 2013 Breaking News Iran warships to USA borders commander stated sending a message February 10 2014 Breaking News Terrorists from 83 Countries Armed and Funded by Saudi Arabia February 10 2014 Breaking News Obama pulls troops out ISLAM jihadists move in training Americans;_id=sq5vy5atDOA February 2014 Breaking News Syria Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad February 2014 Iran Nuclear Islamic Republic last days final hour news prophecy update February 2014 Breaking News Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern last days news February 2014 Breaking News Islamic Republic seeks world domination Last Days news February 2014 Breaking News USA plan troops in Afghanistan till end of Obama Presidency February 2014 is a nuclear Iran a threat to israel and the world? Last days final hour news January 2014 Mortar shell hits Russian embassy - monitoring group - Last Days Final Hour News January 2014 USA weapons sent to Syria getting in wrong hands last days end times news update January 2014 China And Russia War exercises Japanese waters - last days end times news update January 2014 NWO Russia biggest war games 160,000 troops 130 planes 70 ships thousands tanks February 2014 Did Israel Use Radioactive Uranium in Syrian Missile Bombing? Last Days News February 2014 Massive US led military drills Persian Gulf - Last Days News prophecy Update February 2014 Breaking News World War 3 not if but when Last days end times news prophecy update February 2014 USA sends 800 more troops to SKorea warned North Korea against provocation February 2014 Breaking News Asia Pacific Nuclear Threat Last Days Final Hour News
  • published: 15 Feb 2014
  • views: 4350;

How Boko Haram Kill Sleeping Soldiers
How Boko Haram Kill Sleeping Soldiers
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
This soldier is sleeping on duty when he is supposed to protect NYSC members in at the Nasarawa camp Northern Nigeria
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 3

UN 'wants North Korean regime crimes punished'
UN 'wants North Korean regime crimes punished'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:15
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
A year-long UN inquiry into North Korean rights abuses is due to be published, and is expected to urge punishment for systematic violations. A panel of experts mandated by the UN's Human Rights Council said North Koreans had suffered "unspeakable atrocities". The panel heard evidence of torture, enslavement, sexual violence, severe political repression and other crimes. It is expected to recommend an inquiry by an international court or tribunal.
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 0'wants_North_Korean_regime_crimes_punished'

3 Reported Ukraine protests 3 (Reported Dead)
3 Reported Ukraine protests 3 (Reported Dead)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
Ukraine --Cnk---
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 1

Morsi to stand trial for incitement to murder
Morsi to stand trial for incitement to murder
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros. The nation's former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during his trial in Cairo. Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi is to be tried for what has been called 'incitement to murder'. Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros... The former ruler has been charged with inciting violence in the December 2012 protests in which seven people were killed. Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is to stand trial for incitement to murder, state media reported without giving a date for the procedings. The pros. NewsLife- One Global Village: Egypt's Morsi to stand trial for inciting murder (Reported By: Cathy Untalan-Vital) - [September 2, 2013] For more news, visit:. Three international journalists will face trial after interviewing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Isa Soares reports. Three international journalists will . Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi will reportedly stand trial for 'incitement to murder'. Ousted president Morsi to stand trial watched by Mrtodayvideos7. Supporters of Egypt's deposed president Mohamed Morsi vowed more rallies and called for marches on Friday as police arrested another senior Islamist in an on. Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi is to stand trial on charges including conspiring with foreign organizations to commit terrorist acts. Prosecutors sa. Egypt's deposed president Mohamed Morsi and ex-aides will stand trial for espionage that helped a terrorist campaign involving the Palestinian militant g. Egypt's deposed president Mursi on trial on terrorism charges. The nation's former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during. Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi is to be tried for what has been called 'incitement to murder,' by Egyptian state media. According to a report by the . Egypt's deposed president Mursi on trial on terrorism charges. The nation's former democratically-elected president was kept in a soundproof glass box during. - The White House has announced it will suspend some of its $1.5 billion in annual military aid to Egypt until the country ushers. The trial of ousted President Mohamed Morsi on charges of inciting the murder of protesters is due to start on November 4. Morsi will stand trial with 14 oth. - As Egypt sets a date for ousted President Mohamed Morsi to stand trial for inciting the murder of protesters, and the Muslim Br. Egyptian prosecutors Sunday ordered deposed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi to stand trial on murder-related charges, stepping up the military-backed government's purge of the Muslim Brotherhood. The White House has announced it will suspend some of its $1.5 billion in annual military aid to Egypt until the country ushers in a democratic government. R. Egypt's Morsi due to stand trial on spying charges, Mohamed Morsi (Politician), Egypt (Country), Deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. The Deposed President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi is due in court shortly to face espionage charges.Morsi, along with 35 other people are also facing other simila. Students protesting in support of ousted President Mohamed Morsi were targeted with tear gas by Egyptian forces outside the campus of Al-Azhar University in . Egypt's ousted president Mohammed Morsi is due to stand trial in Cairo. He is facing new charges of espionage and conspiring to commit acts of terror.
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 0

Syria Peace Talks Falter as U.N. Homs Mission Ends
Syria Peace Talks Falter as U.N. Homs Mission Ends
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2014
Peace negotiations at the Geneva II talks broke down again over the incompatible agendas of the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition, and the U.N. ended its relief mission in Homs. Via The Foreign Bureau, WSJ's global news update.
  • published: 14 Feb 2014
  • views: 1113

John Kerry urges action on climate change
John Kerry urges action on climate change
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 16 Feb 2014
US Secretary of State John Kerry has been in Indonesia talking about climate change. He spoke to students at the American Cultural Centre in Jakarta, telling them: "When I think about the array of global climate, of the global threats; think about this: terrorism, epidemics, poverty, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. All challenges that know no borders. The reality is that climate change ranks right up there with every single one of them." On Friday, Kerry came to an agreem... READ MORE : euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! euronews is available in 14 languages: In English: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: VKontakte:
  • published: 16 Feb 2014
  • views: 652

On the frontline with British troops in Afghanistan
On the frontline with British troops in Afghanistan
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:59
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2012
On the frontline with British troops in Afghanistan Subscribe to the Guardian HERE: As Afghanistan prepares for an election, award-winning photographer Sean Smith, stationed with British troops during Operation Panther's Claw, finds many soldiers becoming frustrated at the inexperience and lack of discipline of the Afghan National Army
  • published: 20 Aug 2012
  • views: 76605

Syria peace talks: Talks end with accusations, next round uncertain
Syria peace talks: Talks end with accusations, next round uncertain
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
UN and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi ended the second round of talks held in Geneva between the Syrian government and opposition, without finding a way of breaking the impasse or setting a date for a third round. Duplex with John Zarocostas, our correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland. Read more on the subject: 02/15/2014 News. LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 1,_next_round_uncertain

U.N. aid convoy attacked in Syria's besieged Homs
U.N. aid convoy attacked in Syria's besieged Homs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 08 Feb 2014
Subscribe: An aid convoy came under fire in Homs, threatening a U.N.-led humanitarian operation to bring relief to civilians trapped by fighting. Mana Rabiee reports. More Breaking News: Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 08 Feb 2014
  • views: 4465's_besieged_Homs

Honourable Ann Bressington Exposes UN Agenda 21 Club of Rome Population Control World Government
Honourable Ann Bressington Exposes UN Agenda 21 Club of Rome Population Control World Government
  • Order:
  • Duration: 21:20
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2013
The Honourable Ann Bressington exposes the hidden agenda of the Club of Rome, UN Agenda 21, population control and world government. She gives a frank assessment of what has happened up until now and suggests some solutions for averting our enslavement. This video was recorded as an introduction for Lord Monckton's trip to South Australia February 2013. His presentation is called "Carbon tax, climate scam, Agenda 21: can democracy survive all three? Lord Monckton does due diligence". You can find a summary of the content of this video at: Please visit me on the web: Stand tall, Cameron Mottus
  • published: 17 Feb 2013
  • views: 13445

Syria peace talks: Talks end with accusations, next round uncertain
Syria peace talks: Talks end with accusations, next round uncertain
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
UN and Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi ended the second round of talks held in Geneva between the Syrian government and opposition, without finding a way of breaking the impasse or setting a date for a third round. Duplex with John Zarocostas, our correspondent in Geneva, Switzerland. Read more on the subject: 02/15/2014 News. LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 1,_next_round_uncertain

Turkey s parliament passed a bill that gives government more control over the judiciary
Turkey s parliament passed a bill that gives government more control over the judiciary
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014
Subscribe to News Community 2014 for the latest News Updates and discussions !
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 0

Matteo Renzi to become Italy’s youngest PM
Full Article Khaleej Times
17 Feb 2014

The 39-year-old mayor of Florence said his first priority would be to tackle relentless unemployment levels and pitiful economic growth. Italy’s Matteo Renzi was nominated to be the European Union’s youngest prime minister on Monday and immediately outlined an ambitious reform plan, promising “energy, enthusiasm and... Union Politics Renzi
Italian Democratic Party's leader Matteo Renzi talks to journalists at the Quirinale presidential palace after talks with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, in Rome, Monday, Feb. 17, 2014.
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino

updated 15 Feb 2014; published 15 Feb 2014
Flo­rence mayor Mat­teo Renzi tipped to be Italy's youngest PM
updated 16 Feb 2014; published 16 Feb 2014
Could this be Italy's youngest PM?
updated 16 Feb 2014; published 16 Feb 2014
Flo­rence mayor Mat­teo Renzi tipped to be Italy's youngest PM
updated 14 Feb 2014; published 14 Feb 2014
Italy steps from hav­ing youngest-ev­er prime min­is­ter
updated 15 Feb 2014; published 15 Feb 2014
Mat­teo Renzi poised to be asked to form Italy's next gov­ern­ment.
updated 15 Feb 2014; published 15 Feb 2014
Flo­rence mayor Mat­teo Renzi tipped to be Italy's youngest PM 15 Febru­ary 2014

Asia Times
By Pepe Escobar Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but different. One day, it's the myriad implications of Washington's "pivoting" to Asia - as in the...
The Christian Science Monitor
The last time the world watched Christians...
National Public Radio
3:50 PM Italy's Prime Minister Enrico Letta will step down after his own party launched a no-confidence vote against him, paving the way for the young and popular mayor of Florence...

Barroso casts doubt on independent Scotland becoming an EU member
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said states breaking away from existing European Union countries would struggle to gain EU membership, further complicating Scottish nationalists' already uncertain plans for independence. Barroso...
photo: European Community / EC
Mediator apologises to Syrians for lack of peace progress
International mediator Lakhdar Brahimi apologised to the Syrian people for the lack of progress at peace talks in Geneva after their second round ended on Saturday with little more than an agreement to meet again. As it became clear that the talks...
photo: UN / Jean-Marc Ferré
More U.S. soldiers forced out over misconduct
Army misconduct (AP) WASHINGTON — The number of U.S. soldiers forced out of the Army because of crimes or misconduct has soared in the past several years as the military emerges from a decade of war that put a greater focus on battle competence...
photo: US Army / David Devich
Military ethics lapses are linked to lower standards, push for more troops
WASHINGTON • The number of U.S. soldiers forced out of the Army because of crimes or misconduct has soared in the past several years as the military emerges from a decade of war that put a greater focus on battle competence than on character. Data...
photo: US DoD / Public Domain
Travel agents report strong early bookings this season
PUNE: After a slow travel season last year, bookings for summer vacations have started much earlier this time, with many travellers making a beeline for long-haul destinations such as South Africa, Canada, Australia and Europe and even South America....
photo: WN / Marzena J.
U.S. military intervention, done right, could boost African stability
For decades, one golden rule has guided America's military involvement in Africa: Stay out. Generally speaking, the reason was a sense that the strategic stakes did not justify the risk. When we deviated from this rule, we often learned lessons the...
photo: UN / Marco Dormino
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,right, and U.N. envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, center, shake hands as they meet in Moscow, Russia, on Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012.
Geneva, February 15: The Geneva-II international conference on Syria concluded Saturday without achieving tangible results, Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN-Arab League joint envoy to Syria, said. Brahimi said a proposed agenda for the next round of talks was...
photo: AP / Ivan Sekretarev