
Topper (1937)
The funloving Kerbys, stockholders in the bank of which henpecked, stuffy Cosmo Topper is ...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: PublicDomainCorner
Topper (1937)
Topper (1937)
The funloving Kerbys, stockholders in the bank of which henpecked, stuffy Cosmo Topper is president, drive recklessly once too often and become ghosts. In li...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 43335
- author: PublicDomainCorner

04.28.2013 台灣啟示錄 - 1937南京大屠殺 1/4
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: ilangraced
04.28.2013 台灣啟示錄 - 1937南京大屠殺 1/4

Murder Is News (1937)
A 1937 Canadian / American mystery film directed by Leon Barsha. A radio broadcaster is th...
published: 31 Mar 2012
author: MrFilmschatten
Murder Is News (1937)
Murder Is News (1937)
A 1937 Canadian / American mystery film directed by Leon Barsha. A radio broadcaster is threatened with death after he reports on a string of society murders...- published: 31 Mar 2012
- views: 6649
- author: MrFilmschatten

Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
more at http://cars.quickfound.net/ "How Chevrolet uses sponsored theatrical motion pictur...
published: 22 Dec 2012
author: Jeff Quitney
Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
Helping You Sell 1937 Chevrolet Film for Chevy Dealers & Salesmen
more at http://cars.quickfound.net/ "How Chevrolet uses sponsored theatrical motion pictures to promote its products." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet...- published: 22 Dec 2012
- views: 1885
- author: Jeff Quitney

Сталин Вышинский Бухарин Ежов 1937 Stalin Vyshinsky Ezov
Сталин Вышинский Бухарин Ежов часть 2 вторая Десталинизация. Весь Вышинский. Речи Вышинско...
published: 05 Apr 2011
author: Alexander Bogdanov
Сталин Вышинский Бухарин Ежов 1937 Stalin Vyshinsky Ezov
Сталин Вышинский Бухарин Ежов 1937 Stalin Vyshinsky Ezov
Сталин Вышинский Бухарин Ежов часть 2 вторая Десталинизация. Весь Вышинский. Речи Вышинского в 1928 - 1930 - 1932 -1934 - 1937 - 1939 годах. Редкая документа...- published: 05 Apr 2011
- views: 28131
- author: Alexander Bogdanov

Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]. Footage of the Nazi airship catching fire, c...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: britishpathe
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]
Hindenburg Disaster Real Footage (1937) [HD]. Footage of the Nazi airship catching fire, crashing and burning to the ground. This original footage from the B...- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 1385431
- author: britishpathe

Newsreel: World Football Crown - 1937
As the Bears would return to the World Football Crown in 1937, the burgeoning Redskins wit...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: weirdovideos
Newsreel: World Football Crown - 1937
Newsreel: World Football Crown - 1937
As the Bears would return to the World Football Crown in 1937, the burgeoning Redskins withstood the challenge with a newly signed rookie from Texas Christia...- published: 28 Jan 2009
- views: 15561
- author: weirdovideos

Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
A charming romantic comedy from the 1930s, Lady Behave! is a bubbly mess of love, relation...
published: 11 Apr 2013
author: erick smerick
Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
Lady Behave! (1937) - Comedy
A charming romantic comedy from the 1930s, Lady Behave! is a bubbly mess of love, relationships, and high society gossip. Debonair millionaire Neil Hamilton ...- published: 11 Apr 2013
- views: 683
- author: erick smerick

Street Angel (Yuan Muzhi, 1937) (En subs)
The film deals with two sisters, Xiao Hong (Zhou Xuan) and Xiao Yun (Zhao Huishen) who hav...
published: 09 Sep 2013
Street Angel (Yuan Muzhi, 1937) (En subs)
Street Angel (Yuan Muzhi, 1937) (En subs)
The film deals with two sisters, Xiao Hong (Zhou Xuan) and Xiao Yun (Zhao Huishen) who have fled from the war in Northeast China to Shanghai, where they are living under the brutal thumb of their adoptive parents. Xiao Yun has already been forced into prostitution while her sister serves as a teahouse singer. Soon the sisters realize that the adoptive parents have decided to sell Xiao Hong to a wealthy patron, whereupon they seek the aid of their neighbors, a street musician, Xiao Chen (Zhao Dan), and his misfit friends. As one of the early sound films in China, Street Angel is often praised for its innovative use of music, as well as its unique mix of melodrama and comedy. One sequence in particular, where Xiao Chen and his friends attempt to act as barbers, reveals a moment of slapstick or physical comedy in the otherwise dreary third act. There are also several musical interludes, sung by Zhou Xuan (Xiao Hong). Praised for its portrayal of the downtrodden in Shanghai at the time of its release, today, Street Angel is often considered one of the classics of the "leftist" filmmaking period that reached its peak in the 1930s. It was selected as one of the Best 100 Chinese Motion Pictures by the 24th Hong Kong Film Awards, ranked 11th.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 46

Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 - Doku/Dokumentation [HD]
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 - Doku/Dokumentation [HD]
Das Bild Nazideutschlands wir...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 - Doku/Dokumentation [HD]
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 - Doku/Dokumentation [HD]
Innenansichten - Deutschland 1937 - Doku/Dokumentation [HD] Das Bild Nazideutschlands wird bis heute von Propagandaaufnahmen geprägt. Erst in den letzten Jahren haben eine Fülle von Amateurfilmen das von Joseph Goebbels erschaffene Selbstbild der Diktatur relativiert. In diesem Kontext sind die Aufnahmen des amerikanischen Journalisten Julien Bryan aus dem Jahr 1937 von unschätzbarem Wert, denn sie sind gedreht mit dem Anspruch, hinter die Kulissen zu blicken. Michael Kloft hat die einzigartigen Filmdokumente ausgewertet und zu einem ungewöhnlichen Dokumentarfilm über das Dritte Reich verarbeitet. 1937 ist Hitlers Diktatur nach innen gefestigt, alle Regimegegner sind emigriert oder mundtot gemacht. Die Wirtschaft erholt sich von der großen Krise, die Volksgemeinschaft fühlt sich zunehmend wohl. Das nimmt auch das demokratische Ausland in Europa und Übersee zur Kenntnis. Aber kritische Geister sind sicher, dass sich hinter dem schönen Schein eine Realität von mörderischem Rassenwahn und kriegslüsterner Revanchepolitik verbirgt. Im Sommer 1937 erhält der amerikanische Dokumentarfilmer Julien Bryan eine Sondergenehmigung, das Dritte Reich zu bereisen und dort Filmaufnahmen zu machen. Er will den Amerikanern die Wahrheit über Deutschland zeigen. Bryan fährt im September und Oktober 1937 mit seiner Kamera durch weite Teile des Landes. Natürlich darf er nur genehmigte Schauplätze filmen, trotzdem gelingt es ihm immer wieder, auch den Machthabern unbequeme Szenen zu drehen. Mit ungewöhnlichen Motiven und Perspektiven schafft Julien Bryan eine unvoreingenommene Darstellung im Sinne des Dokumentarfilms der 30er Jahre als Gegenstück zum Propagandafilm Riefenstahlscher Prägung. Nur wenige Minuten des von Julien Bryan außer Landes geschmuggelten Materials wurden 1938 in einer Wochenschau der amerikanischen Gesellschaft "March of Time" verarbeitet - als Anklage gegen das Hitler-Regime. Aber fast alle der in Schwarz-Weiß gedrehten originalen 35-mm-Rollen sind erhalten geblieben und wurden für diese Produktion in High Definition abgetastet. Julien Bryan hat seine Aufnahmen 1938 während einer Vortragsreise an der Columbia Universität in New York City gezeigt. Seine Ausführungen wurden damals mitgeschrieben, Zitate aus dem Text liest der Schauspieler Matthias Brandt. Cutterin Monika Finneisen hat die Szenen aus Nazideutschland zu einem bedrückenden Panorama montiert.- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 214

1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
Chrysler presents the 1937 Plymouth motor cars. All the latest engineering advances in the...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: Ella73TV2
1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
1937 Plymouth Cars - Chrysler Corporation Advertising Commercial
Chrysler presents the 1937 Plymouth motor cars. All the latest engineering advances in the car, such as hydraulic brakes are shown.- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 6773
- author: Ella73TV2

Japanese Imperial Army Victory March Nanking 1937 日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進
We have the triumphant Victory March of the victorious Imperial Army through the devastate...
published: 01 May 2010
author: TheScottishPlayer
Japanese Imperial Army Victory March Nanking 1937 日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進
Japanese Imperial Army Victory March Nanking 1937 日本軍の勝利は1937年南京行進
We have the triumphant Victory March of the victorious Imperial Army through the devastated streets of Nanking looked upon by the few living relatives of tho...- published: 01 May 2010
- views: 551563
- author: TheScottishPlayer

WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives
Subscribe: http://youtube.com/subscript...
published: 15 Oct 2013
WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
WW2 - Japanese Invasion of China | The Second Sino-Japanese War: 1937-45 | SHOCKING WWII Documentary
My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives Subscribe: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TheBestFilmArchives My 2nd channel: http://youtube.com/EpicHistoryChannel Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestFilmArch This documentary tells us how the Chinese got involved in World War II and what they had to do to defend themselves. It shows us the Japanese invasion of Manchuria as well as the momentous events of the total war in the East. Why We Fight: The Battle of China (1944) Frank Capra, invasion, Second Sino Japanese War, 1937, First, military conflict, fought, between, Republic of China, Empire of Japan, China fought Japan, help, Pearl Harbor, 1941, conflict, Pacific War, largest Asian war, 20th century, Japanese imperialist policy, aim, dominate, secure, vast raw material reserves, economic resources, food, labour, incident, Japanese invasion of Manchuria, Japan's Kwantung Army, Mukden, Marco Polo Bridge, beginning, total war, victories, Shanghai, heavy fighting, captured, Chinese capital of Nanking. failing to stop, Chinese central government, relocated, stalemate, Chinese victories, defeat, Chinese communist forces, sabotage operations, guerrilla warfare tactics, declared war on Japan, aid China, airlift, materiel, Himalayas, Burma, Burma Road, Japan launched a massive invasion, conquered, surrendered, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Soviet invasion of Japanese-held Manchuria, Chinese Civil War, Korea, North Korrea, South Korea, territories, Mainland China, Manchuria, Formosa, Taiwan, French Indochina, strength, Casualties, losses, War of Resistance Against Japan, Eight Years' War of Resistance, War of, Japan--China War, Beijing, government of Japan, The China Incident, declaration of war, intervention, United Kingdom, UK, England, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, US Neutrality Acts, embargo, holy war, Greater East Asia War, Qing Dynasty, independence, Japanese control, imperialism, modernization, Revolution, warlords, Kuomintang, National Revolutionary Army, Chiang Kai Shek, Communist Party of China, civil war, Chinese Communists, resistance, Invasion of Manchuria, interventions in China, Imperial Japanese Army, Japanese expansionism, Siberia, puppet state, Manchukuo, emperor, Puyi, puppet ruler, League of Nations, anti-Japanese, volunteer armies, the Great Wall, demilitarized, internal conflicts, Nationalist, government, Yangtze River, Mongolia, Chinese government, Military Government, resist, Japanese aggression, Chinese and Japanese troops, skirmishing, Japanese forces, Tokyo, Battle of Shanghai, Nanking, Historians, civilians, mass murdered, tortured, methods, women raped, slaughtered, without mercy, Nanking Massacre, Rape of Nanking, deny, northern China, Chinese resistance, strategy, captured, Wuhan, borders, civilian targets, dead, injured, homeless, counter-offensive, industry, modern warfare, atrocities committed by the Japanese army, Vietnam, Western Allies, total war, retreat, Chinese people, conquer, tactic, Three Alls Policy, kill all, loot all, burn all, Japanese war crimes, vast, leader, Red Army, Long March, Zhang Xueliang, United Front, National Revolutionary Army, peasants, cooperation, Anti-Comintern Pact, Nazi Germany, Germans, Japanese expansion, France, Australia, Australian, iron, coal, oil, petrol, petroleum, supplies, French Indochina, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Indian, The Philippines, Filipino, Malaysia, Malaysian, Singapore, Indonesia, Indonesian, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Asian theatre of World War II, island hopping, Winston Churchill, Chinese theater, chemical and bacteriological weapons, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, Khabarovsk War Crime Trials, Manchu, Mongol, Uyghur, American B-29 bomber, Enola Gay, first atomic bomb, Yalta Conference, end of the war, Europe, European, capitulated, General Douglas MacArthur, Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Peace treaty, Chinese Civil War, People's Republic of China, History of China, History of Japan, History of the Republic of China, Military history of China, Military history of Japan, Tanaka Memorial, Bloody Saturday, wwii, ww2, world war, Adolf Hitler, nazi, nazism, fascist, jew, Axis, Allies, Yamamoto, samurai, katana, kamikaze, yakuza, Far East, enemy, soldiers, prison, torture, camp, vs, propaganda, nuclear, war, game, America, American, USA, US, U.S., United States, army, us army, navy, air force, marine, battle, front, campaign, combat, scenes, victory, threat, Pacific, pacific ocean, south pacific, pacific islands, Asia, Japan, Jap, japs, Japanese, Nippon, color, hd, documentary, history, weapon, power, film, movie, video, footage, full length, watch, news, about, operation, airborne, bloody, kill, killing, offensive, Soviet Union, USSR, Russia, Moscow, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, mao tse, mao tung, mao tsetung, mao ze, mao tse tong, Mao Zedong, food, Silk Road, Rice, Buddhism, Shintoism, Tibet,- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 86
Vimeo results:

My grandfather Alwin Petzke married Grace Goetz in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 1937. He received...
published: 15 Jul 2011
author: Clarktastic
My grandfather Alwin Petzke married Grace Goetz in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 1937. He received a movie camera as a wedding gift, and took it pretty much everywhere he went. (Music: Regina Spektor)

Benny Gold x Knockaround: "1937" Fort Knocks
Knockaround teamed up with legendary design studio and brand, Benny Gold, to create a set ...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: Ace Moyer
Benny Gold x Knockaround: "1937" Fort Knocks
Knockaround teamed up with legendary design studio and brand, Benny Gold, to create a set of limited edition sunglasses that commemorates the 75th birthday of San Francisco's most iconic landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge. Called "1937" Fort Knocks, each pair features a frosted "International Orange" finish and polarized "Bay Water Blue" lenses. 400 pairs were made. All 400 pairs sold out within a few hours of their release.

Dangerzone Season 3 Episode 9- "Since 1937"
"its the storm of the Century" - Ron Burgundy
Nick Visconti, Sean Black, Josh Parker, and...
published: 29 Mar 2011
author: Nick Visconti
Dangerzone Season 3 Episode 9- "Since 1937"
"its the storm of the Century" - Ron Burgundy
Nick Visconti, Sean Black, Josh Parker, and Gabe Lambert get deep in black and white powder because we havent seen this much snow since color was invented- 1937"

GUILLENA 1937 - Trailer
Para ver el documental completo por 2$: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/gillena1937
HD. 60′
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: > Intermedia Producciones
GUILLENA 1937 - Trailer
Para ver el documental completo por 2$: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/gillena1937
HD. 60′
Dirección y Guión: Mariano Agudo
Jefe de Sonido: Daniel de Zayas
Producción Ejecutiva: Miguel Paredes
Microfonista: Carlos Pérez
Montaje y Diseño: Andrés Zoilo
Ilustraciones: María Rodríguez
Documentación: Agustín Toranzo
Página Web: José Manuel Villar
Sinopsis: En septiembre de 1937, diecisiete mujeres de Guillena fueron sacadas de sus casas por orden de las autoridades sublevadas y llevadas a la celda del Ayuntamiento. Un mes más tarde, tras ser vejadas y humilladas públicamente por las calles de su pueblo, serán fusiladas e inhumadas en el cementerio de Gerena, una localidad vecina. Tendrán que pasar 75 años para que sus familiares logren comenzar la exhumación de la fosa común donde se agolpan sus restos. Este documental reflexiona sobre la utilización de la violencia sobre la mujer como arma de Guerra y la necesidad de los familiares de los desaparecidos de encontrar y dar sepultura a sus seres queridos.
Youtube results:

134136 / 1937 Ford Coupe
For more information on this vehicle visit http://tinyurl.com/bmao4x8 Commissioned by the ...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: RK Motors Charlotte
134136 / 1937 Ford Coupe
134136 / 1937 Ford Coupe
For more information on this vehicle visit http://tinyurl.com/bmao4x8 Commissioned by the National Street Rod Association and executed by Evolution Auto out ...- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 8423
- author: RK Motors Charlotte

THE RAT (1937)
British. Directed by Jack Raymond. Starring Ruth Chatterton, Anton Walbrook and René Ray. ...
published: 08 Jun 2013
author: deneuvefan1939
THE RAT (1937)
THE RAT (1937)
British. Directed by Jack Raymond. Starring Ruth Chatterton, Anton Walbrook and René Ray. *WARNING* MISSING THE LAST 3-MINUTES, BUT THE STORY HAS RESOLVED IT...- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 305
- author: deneuvefan1939

Hindenburg Disaster Footage - May 6, 1937
The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airsh...
published: 12 Jul 2013
author: CBGPnews
Hindenburg Disaster Footage - May 6, 1937
Hindenburg Disaster Footage - May 6, 1937
The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attem...- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 63
- author: CBGPnews