- published: 02 Mar 2017
- views: 14
The Wakadoshiyori (若年寄), or "Junior Elders", were high government officials in 17th-century Tokugawa Japan. The position was established around 1631, but appointments were irregular until 1662.
The four to six Wakadoshiyori were subordinates to the Rōjū, or "Elders", and were responsible for a variety of duties. There were periods when the number of wakadoshiyori rose to 6 or 7 at one time.
The wakadoshiyori ranked below the rōjū in status, but they ranked above the jisha-bugyō. These officials were tasked with supervising the activities of members of the feudal class below daimyō status — and this would include the hatamoto (the shogun's direct retainers), craftsmen, physicians, public works and vassals of the shogun whose annual income was less than 10,000 koku.
They also oversaw the activities of offices in the great castle cities of the country, including Kyoto and Osaka.
► In einem eiskalten und verschneiten Winter treten wir unter Hayashi Tadataka gegen die Rebellen von Shimotsuke an. Mit dem Erobern dieser Provinz werden wir zum Wakadoshiyori (Juniorrat) ernannt. Unser Streben für den Shogun wird nun also doch mal belohnt. Daneben starten wir unsere Erkundungsfahrt über See rundum um Japan. Wir versuchen so einen geeigneten Punkt zu suchen, an dem sich eine überraschende Invasion in eine feindliche Provinz lohnen könnte... _________________________________________________________ KAMPAGNEN - BZW. SIEGBEDINGUNGEN: Gewählter Clan: Jozai (Altes Shogunat) - Spielschwierigkeit: Schwer - Herausforderung: Leicht - Kurze Kampagne (14 Provinzen erobern und halten; wenigstens 35 Provinzen müssen dem Shogun treu sein) - Kampagnenfrist: Anfang Januar 1864 bis E...
Abe Tadaaki was a high-ranking government official in Japan under Tokugawa Iemitsu and Ietsuna, the third and fourth Tokugawa Shogun.As the daimyo of the Oshi Domain in modern-day Saitama prefecture, with an income of 80,000 koku , Abe was appointed wakadoshiyori in 1633, and rōjū shortly afterwards.Iemitsu died in 1651 and was succeeded by his ten-year-old son Ietsuna.In accordance with the custom of junshi, a number of Iemitsu's closest retainers and advisors committed suicide so as to follow their lord in death; Abe did not engage in this practice, and was left, along with a handful of other high-ranking officials and advisors, to handle the affairs of government. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with l...
2012年9月23日、東京綾瀬にての「USOYMO LIVE」の模様です。 1、過激な淑女 (USOYMO/SOLO) 2、ABSOLUTE EGO DANCE 3、京城音楽 Dr TONO Cp SHACHO Key Vo WAKADOSHIYORI(Yoseey USOYMO) 4、中国女 5、RYDEEN 6、WANTED Dr TONO Cp SHACHO B,Key Vo WAKADOSHIYORI Key Beronica 4人編成、新メンバーを迎えてのライブの音源です。
Jisha-bugyō was a "commissioner" or an "overseer" of the Tokugawa shogunate in Edo period Japan.Appointments to this prominent office were always fudai daimyō, the lowest-ranking of the shogunate offices to be so restricted.Conventional interpretations have construed these Japanese titles as "commissioner" or "overseer." This bakufu title identifies an official with responsibility for supervision of shrines and temples.This was considered a high-ranking office, in status ranked only slightly below that of wakadoshiyori but above all other bugyō. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
20121124モーターランド鈴鹿 2度目のコースドリフト参戦。 拙いけど何とか3連繋がった!!!
初めてコースでドリフトモドキの動きをさせてみました。 下手くそですねぇ (^^; 車両は三菱スタリオンGSR-V '87です。 モーターランド鈴鹿にて。
Server address: kotobaminers.org Website: http://www.kotobaminers.org/ Course details: https://medium.com/language-learning/292842d61123 サーバ初のUHCイベントです。 チーム構成: -- Ngongaaaaaaz -- Ngonga (私) Maarkun Wakadoshiyori -- Muppets -- Seetricks sc2ggrise luken -- Team Hitsuji -- Zerot kai_f c0nspiracy -- www.twitch.tv/yorksensei/c/3731740&utm;_campaign=archive_export&utm;_source=yorksensei&utm;_medium=youtube
USOYMO年内最後のライブ CP:shacho Dr:tono KEY:wakadoshiyori プロデュース SH SKYレーベル