Being Māori in the 21st Century
Being Māori in the 21st Century
Being Māori in the 21st Century
A short film depicting our collective thoughts on being Māori in the 21st century. No paid Actors, just members from Ngā Tauira Māori having their say. Written by Te Raukura Solomon, Nathaniel...
Dances of Life (Maori excerpt)
Dances of Life (Maori excerpt)
Dances of Life (Maori excerpt)
This is an excerpt from a 55 min documentary we have shot for PBS. For nearly 50000 years, dances and songs have been an expression of Pacific Islanders' or...
MUST SEE!!! NZ Māori Haka 2010 - Timatanga
MUST SEE!!! NZ Māori Haka 2010 - Timatanga
MUST SEE!!! NZ Māori Haka 2010 - Timatanga
http://www.youtube.com/users/nfused. View my profile to see many other videos like this and more. Amazing video of the NZ Māori Rugby team performing the Hak...
Der HAKA - All Blacks - Māori Ritualtanz
Der HAKA - All Blacks - Māori Ritualtanz
Der HAKA - All Blacks - Māori Ritualtanz
The importance of correctly pronouncing Māori words
The importance of correctly pronouncing Māori words
The importance of correctly pronouncing Māori words
My name is Finnian Galbraith and I am a year 11 student at Kāpiti College. I wrote this speech initially for a speech competition in 2014 because I see this as a big issue and I believe it is very important that we take action. Thanks for watching!
Who Are The Maori People Of New Zealand?
Who Are The Maori People Of New Zealand?
Who Are The Maori People Of New Zealand?
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Perhaps best known as full face tattoo-bearing warrior natives of New Zealand, the Māori are central to the country’s culture and identity.
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How Powerful Is New Zealand?
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Full Māori Waka Taua documentary, Te Hono ki Aotearoa "Museum Volkenkunde Leiden"
Full Māori Waka Taua documentary, Te Hono ki Aotearoa "Museum Volkenkunde Leiden"
Full Māori Waka Taua documentary, Te Hono ki Aotearoa "Museum Volkenkunde Leiden"
Waka Taua documentary.
Learn Maori - Te Reo Taketake: Introduction Māori Language Course for Beginners
Learn Maori - Te Reo Taketake: Introduction Māori Language Course for Beginners
Learn Maori - Te Reo Taketake: Introduction Māori Language Course for Beginners
Learn Maori - to find out more about us please visit our website: http://maori.ac.nz Kia ora koutou! Nau mai, haere mai ki 'Te Reo Taketake - Ko te Pū '. Gre...
Māori stick and poi
Māori stick and poi
Māori stick and poi
These are some songs from the DVD "Heritage of Māori Songs" I saw these and really felt like they need to be promoted. The haka seems to take dominance in pā...
Native American school group make Māori connections
Native American school group make Māori connections
Native American school group make Māori connections
They've flown all the way from Albuquerque, New Mexico, in search of language revitalisation schemes and relationship building between native cultures. The Native American Community Academy have held a long relationship between Māori since the early 2000's - today they've landed with a whole new fleet of students eager to learn and experience off Māori.
Modern Māori Quartet - Aroha Medley (Good Morning Performance)
Modern Māori Quartet - Aroha Medley (Good Morning Performance)
Modern Māori Quartet - Aroha Medley (Good Morning Performance)
The creative love child of Prince Tui Teka & Flight of the Conchords. These 4 talented performers are taking this unique and innovative show to Aotearoa and ...
Māori Dancers Slay Beyoncé Song With Poi Dance
Māori Dancers Slay Beyoncé Song With Poi Dance
Māori Dancers Slay Beyoncé Song With Poi Dance
Māori Dancers Slay Beyoncé Song With Poi Dance
Whisper 100 - Māori Language Lesson. (Wear Headphones) - kiwiwhispers
Whisper 100 - Māori Language Lesson. (Wear Headphones) - kiwiwhispers
Whisper 100 - Māori Language Lesson. (Wear Headphones) - kiwiwhispers
Here's a lesson in some Māori phrases and words. Apologies for any inaccuracies and mispronunciations. Download Mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/?4nx9x2297yjl72...
Māori speaking non-Māori relate where they fit in te ao Māori
Māori speaking non-Māori relate where they fit in te ao Māori
Māori speaking non-Māori relate where they fit in te ao Māori
Ana Berry’s one of the funniest teachers you’ll ever meet. She’s also part of a small group of Pākehā working in kura kaupapa. Reporter Yvonne Tahana went to meet two Hoani Waititi teachers and asked them about their place in te ao Māori (the Pākehā world).
How to make your own authentic handcrafted Māori poi and tī rākau stick
How to make your own authentic handcrafted Māori poi and tī rākau stick
How to make your own authentic handcrafted Māori poi and tī rākau stick
Traditionally, poi and tī rākau sticks were used by early Māori as a way to keep their hands and flexible for flax weaving and also as a training tool to build strength and coordination for using weaponry like the Mere or Patu.
Today poi and tī rākau sticks are a fundamental element in kapa haka performances, the sight and sound of swinging poi and flying tī rākau sticks can be witnessed on stages across Aotearoa.
Your child might have come home asking you to make a poi for them to practise with at home, or perhaps you’d like to make one as a gift. It turns out there are a few tricks to creating ‘performance worthy’ poi and tī rākau sticks
We Wanna Wish Yous A Māori Christmas
We Wanna Wish Yous A Māori Christmas
We Wanna Wish Yous A Māori Christmas
Kia ora everybody!
2014 has been a good year for MMQ – new fans, new branding and new directions. Before we head off to join our whānau for a short break, we've got a cheeky waiata for you to enjoy over the holiday season. Thank you all for your support and aroha all this while, see yous in 2015!
Thanks to the wonderful Jessica Sanderson (http://jessicasanderson.com) for helping us shoot this video in beautiful Porangahau – on an iPhone! Watch it in HD!
Pātea Māori Club ft. Annie Crummer - Ngoi Ngoi Lyrics
Pātea Māori Club ft. Annie Crummer - Ngoi Ngoi Lyrics
Pātea Māori Club ft. Annie Crummer - Ngoi Ngoi Lyrics
Performed by Pātea Māori Club and Annie Crummer from album "Poi E"
Paraone Gloyne: ‘We are the worst threat to Te Reo Māori’
Paraone Gloyne: ‘We are the worst threat to Te Reo Māori’
Paraone Gloyne: ‘We are the worst threat to Te Reo Māori’
A month ago he took up the challenge to speak only Māori in September. So how did Paraone Gloyne go? We catch up with him today where he reveals the lessons learnt from the challenge.
Waka Huia - Aroha Yates-Smith, the Māori academic who's fighting a deadly sickness
Waka Huia - Aroha Yates-Smith, the Māori academic who's fighting a deadly sickness
Waka Huia - Aroha Yates-Smith, the Māori academic who's fighting a deadly sickness
She’s the academic who found the female deities in Māori spirituality.
Aroha Yates-Smith (Te Arawa) reveals why she went in search of the female elements, the cleansing power of water and her fight against a deadly sickness.
Japanese tertiary student embraces Māori language
Japanese tertiary student embraces Māori language
Japanese tertiary student embraces Māori language
For a language to survive, it must be spoken. This has been a regular catch cry of Māori language advocates, but today, it came from a Japanese student learn...
Ngā Tauira Māori & Titahi ki Tua: Te Huinga Tauira ki Waikato 2013
Ngā Tauira Māori & Titahi ki Tua: Te Huinga Tauira ki Waikato 2013
Ngā Tauira Māori & Titahi ki Tua: Te Huinga Tauira ki Waikato 2013
This is Ngā Tauira Māori (University of Auckland) & Titahi ki Tua (AUT) who performed together at Te Huinga Tauira ki Waikato 2013. Thank you Tangaroa Paul f...
Puha / Watercress Māori Boil Up 2015
Puha / Watercress Māori Boil Up 2015
Puha / Watercress Māori Boil Up 2015
Out gathering free food in New Zealand. Puha and watercress Māori boil up with pork bones and veggies.
Modern Māori Quartet - War Medley
Modern Māori Quartet - War Medley
Modern Māori Quartet - War Medley
The Modern Māori Quartet's performance on Good Morning for Te Wiki of Te Reo Māori.