
Lussy Sky vs Thesis - BBoy Championships World Finals 2013 - Solo BBoy Top 16
published: 02 Oct 2013
Lussy Sky vs Thesis - BBoy Championships World Finals 2013 - Solo BBoy Top 16
Lussy Sky vs Thesis - BBoy Championships World Finals 2013 - Solo BBoy Top 16
- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 6004

Writing the Thesis
This video lecture gives an overview of the different elements one should be aware of when...
published: 25 Mar 2010
author: masseyuniversity
Writing the Thesis
Writing the Thesis
This video lecture gives an overview of the different elements one should be aware of when writing a thesis or dissertation.- published: 25 Mar 2010
- views: 55870
- author: masseyuniversity

Thesis Statement: How to Write Strong Thesis Sentence for Your Essay
Thesis: A simple formula for thesis statements in your essays--a sentence that contains yo...
published: 27 Nov 2010
author: peakdavid
Thesis Statement: How to Write Strong Thesis Sentence for Your Essay
Thesis Statement: How to Write Strong Thesis Sentence for Your Essay
Thesis: A simple formula for thesis statements in your essays--a sentence that contains your topic + your position on the topic.- published: 27 Nov 2010
- views: 90276
- author: peakdavid

THESIS vs SA-EWL || Exhibition Battle BEAST TO THE EAST 2013
Exhibition Battle ➡Thesis (Knuckleheads Cali/Massive Monkees vs. ➡Sa-ewl (Squishy Docious/...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: StatusSilver
THESIS vs SA-EWL || Exhibition Battle BEAST TO THE EAST 2013
THESIS vs SA-EWL || Exhibition Battle BEAST TO THE EAST 2013
Exhibition Battle ➡Thesis (Knuckleheads Cali/Massive Monkees vs. ➡Sa-ewl (Squishy Docious/Team Bboyworld) Bay Area California. All The Way Live x Joey Kaotyk...- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 23065
- author: StatusSilver

Thesis @ Style Elements Aniversary 2013
Bboy Thesis Knuckleheads Cali/Massive Monkees Thesis representing Knuckleheads Cali at the...
published: 26 Jun 2013
author: A1KH0J3
Thesis @ Style Elements Aniversary 2013
Thesis @ Style Elements Aniversary 2013
Bboy Thesis Knuckleheads Cali/Massive Monkees Thesis representing Knuckleheads Cali at the 2013 Style Elements Aniversary Footage from: Fresh and Fly Product...- published: 26 Jun 2013
- views: 13540
- author: A1KH0J3

How to write a thesis for beginners
The basics of writing a thesis statement or introduction sentence. This was created to hel...
published: 22 Apr 2013
author: Andrew .Kappel
How to write a thesis for beginners
How to write a thesis for beginners
The basics of writing a thesis statement or introduction sentence. This was created to help teach middle school students.- published: 22 Apr 2013
- views: 301
- author: Andrew .Kappel

Thesis vs Gravity - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs Gravity at Colder Than!!! Bboy Jam in Anchorage, Alaska, Saturday July 20th, 201...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Thesis vs Gravity - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs Gravity - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs Gravity at Colder Than!!! Bboy Jam in Anchorage, Alaska, Saturday July 20th, 2013- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 15963

Write a PhD thesis in record time and keep your sanity while you do it (Part 1/3)
James Hayton | http://www.3monththesis.com How to write a thesis in record time and keep y...
published: 17 Nov 2010
author: threemonththesis
Write a PhD thesis in record time and keep your sanity while you do it (Part 1/3)
Write a PhD thesis in record time and keep your sanity while you do it (Part 1/3)
James Hayton | http://www.3monththesis.com How to write a thesis in record time and keep your sanity while you do it... Most people find thesis writing a nig...- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 92903
- author: threemonththesis

Thesis VS Toshiki - Round 2 - Red Bull BC One Tokyo 2010
Thesis and Toshiki face-off in the second round of the 2010 Red Bull BC One in Tokyo, Japa...
published: 27 Nov 2010
author: redbull
Thesis VS Toshiki - Round 2 - Red Bull BC One Tokyo 2010
Thesis VS Toshiki - Round 2 - Red Bull BC One Tokyo 2010
Thesis and Toshiki face-off in the second round of the 2010 Red Bull BC One in Tokyo, Japan. http://redbullbcone.com.- published: 27 Nov 2010
- views: 591869
- author: redbull

How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement
How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement....
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: french1972
How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement
How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement
How to Write an A+ Thesis Statement.- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 224576
- author: french1972

Thesis vs El Nino - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs El Nino at Colder Than!!! Bboy Jam in Anchorage, Alaska, Saturday July 20th, 201...
published: 21 Aug 2013
Thesis vs El Nino - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs El Nino - Colder Than!!! 1vs1
Thesis vs El Nino at Colder Than!!! Bboy Jam in Anchorage, Alaska, Saturday July 20th, 2013- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 11859

Thesis at Reign Supreme 2013 | STRIFE.
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published: 19 Dec 2013
Thesis at Reign Supreme 2013 | STRIFE.
Thesis at Reign Supreme 2013 | STRIFE.
Subscribe to us! www.youtube.com/strifetv Like/Follow us! www.facebook.com/strifetv Instagram: @Strifetv Twitter: @Strifetv Website www.strifemedia.com Merchandise www.gummymall.com/strife-tv bboy Thesis at Reign Supreme 2013 in Seatttle, Washington. Knuckleheads-Cali, Massive Monkees, Fresh Descendants, TheM Team- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 17762

Thesis, El Nino, Vicious vs Feugo Assassins | The Lucky Seven Final
The Lucky Seven Final. 31/08/2013
WINNER: Thesis, El Nino, Vicious...
published: 01 Sep 2013
Thesis, El Nino, Vicious vs Feugo Assassins | The Lucky Seven Final
Thesis, El Nino, Vicious vs Feugo Assassins | The Lucky Seven Final
The Lucky Seven Final. 31/08/2013 WINNER: Thesis, El Nino, Vicious- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 2532
Vimeo results:

Superflow - Bachelor Thesis
Length: 23:54 / Resolution: 1280x720 / FPS: 24
Superflow, an audio-visual journey into th...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: Ian Clemmer
Superflow - Bachelor Thesis
Length: 23:54 / Resolution: 1280x720 / FPS: 24
Superflow, an audio-visual journey into the world of digital harmony, is a 100-page Bachelor Thesis with 12 accompanying computer animations completed in July 2010 by Ian Clemmer .
The thesis introduces the discovery of the Superflow algorithm and describes the modified mathematical formula Polarflow. Quantumflow emerges while programming and developing these two concepts into a node-based particle system plugin. Inspired by John and James White to find harmony in visual art, Ian further analyzes the relationship of musical theory applied to the visual arts.
Superflow is a simple algorithm he discovered in 2009, simply by setting up a parent-child hierachy and moving the pivot points of all objects to one source. Further rotating the objects changes their positions in a unique way, each child rotating twice as fast around as its parent. The initial shape and the rotation angle of all objects then allows an infinite variety of shapes, structures and movements to emerge.
With the help of Martin Stebbing and Oleg Bayborodin, Superflow was then developed into a 3ds Max particle system. Ian’s initial idea was to combine the vast possibilities of Superflow with the shape generating potential of the Superformula (a mathematical formula discovered by Johan Gielis and Bert Berinckx, based on the theorem of pythagoras). Quantumflow was born.
While developing the node based operators (with the 3ds Max Box#3 Extension), Ian modified and further developed the Superformula, essentially creating a new mathematical formula that he calls Polarflow. By using initial shapes generated from the Polarflow formula and combining them with multiple layers of the Superflow algorithm, Quantumflow explores the synergetic result of this newly created visual universe.
What music is to sound is viusic to light. Harmony is not just audible, it is visible.
Viusic is the music of visual art.
Special Thanks to Martin Stebbing, without his help and support, Quantumflow would still only be a dream, to Johan Gielis, for helping me better understand the Superformula, polar and cartesian coordinate systems, and last but not least, to the programming Master Oleg Bayborodin, for helping my ideas of combining Superflow with the Superformula become particle reality. Quantumflow releases the potential I saw in this simple algorithm. Superflow has become much more than I ever dreamed of.
More information here: http://www.superflow.co
Software Tutorial #001 - Superflow: http://vimeo.com/15486040
Z-Depth, Viusic Piece #12, is the beginning journey into stereoscopic vision, and requires red-cyan glasses to view correctly.
Quantumflow 3DS Max Particle System:
Developed by Ian Clemmer www.ianclemmer.com
Programmed by Oleg Bayborodin (www.orbaz.com) and Ian Clemmer
Help & Support by Martin Stebbing www.stebbing3d.com
Superflow and other Plugins & Scripts for the visual artist available at http://www.v-motion.co/

The Monk & The Monkey
A determined young boy, Ragu, is sent by his master on his final quest to become a monk. A...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: Brendan Carroll
The Monk & The Monkey
A determined young boy, Ragu, is sent by his master on his final quest to become a monk. A seemingly simple task becomes an unexpected challenge for Ragu as he discovers the real value of his quest.
© 2010 Brendan Carroll & Francesco Giroldini. Music by Erez Koskas.
Ringling College of Art + Design.

This is my animation Thesis Film done during my time at the Academy of Art University 2010...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: Ting
This is my animation Thesis Film done during my time at the Academy of Art University 2010. :)
Bridge is a story about four animal characters trying to cross a bridge, but ending up as obstacles to one another in the process. The moral behind this story revolves around how there are often disagreements or competing paths in life, and the possible results of pride, obstinance, and compromise.
Music by Greg Gauba.
Note: I noticed some websites have been featuring my work around, I am grateful for it. I also appreciate all feedbacks, critiques and comments! But some websites have mistaken that I worked for Pixar, which is a misunderstanding and it is not true. I just wish to correct that. : )

Treasure - Ringling Thesis 2011
My senior thesis film.
© Chelsea Bartlett
Ringling College of Art +Design...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: Chelsea Bartlett
Treasure - Ringling Thesis 2011
My senior thesis film.
© Chelsea Bartlett
Ringling College of Art +Design
Youtube results:

Best of Bboy Thesis
Support PalloProduction's & SUBSCRIBE :) Comment below and tell what you think about this ...
published: 26 Jun 2011
author: PalloProduction
Best of Bboy Thesis
Best of Bboy Thesis
Support PalloProduction's & SUBSCRIBE :) Comment below and tell what you think about this film. If you like it favorite. 2008 Invitation The Notorious IBE - ...- published: 26 Jun 2011
- views: 58694
- author: PalloProduction

Autosital - Essai Lancia Thesis 2.4 JTD 20v Comfortronic Emblema
Retouchée l'an dernier, la Thesis reçoit également un nouveau moteur diesel, le 2.4 JTD 20...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: Autosital.com
Autosital - Essai Lancia Thesis 2.4 JTD 20v Comfortronic Emblema
Autosital - Essai Lancia Thesis 2.4 JTD 20v Comfortronic Emblema
Retouchée l'an dernier, la Thesis reçoit également un nouveau moteur diesel, le 2.4 JTD 20v et une boîte de vitesses automatique de nouvelle génération. Orig...- published: 29 Jun 2011
- views: 32071
- author: Autosital.com

BBOY THESIS in Seattle | Silverback Bboy Events | YAK FILMS
Music "Welcome to the Next Level" by Robot Orchestra https://soundcloud.com/robotorchestra...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: YAKfilms
BBOY THESIS in Seattle | Silverback Bboy Events | YAK FILMS
BBOY THESIS in Seattle | Silverback Bboy Events | YAK FILMS
Music "Welcome to the Next Level" by Robot Orchestra https://soundcloud.com/robotorchestra https://www.facebook.com/pages/Robot-Orchestra/407478799294538 © Y...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 70562
- author: YAKfilms

Studio C - Thesis Defense
Defending your thesis may be different than you think. Watch Studio C Mondays at 10pm ET/8...
published: 14 May 2013
author: BYUTelevision
Studio C - Thesis Defense
Studio C - Thesis Defense
Defending your thesis may be different than you think. Watch Studio C Mondays at 10pm ET/8pm MT on BYUtv. Watch full episodes of Studio C online here: http:/...- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 68499
- author: BYUTelevision