
Proff with Data on UGPulse.com Kenyan Music
more at http://www.ugpulse.com Proff with Data on UGPulse.com Kenyan Music....
published: 12 Dec 2009
author: ugpulse
Proff with Data on UGPulse.com Kenyan Music
Proff with Data on UGPulse.com Kenyan Music
more at http://www.ugpulse.com Proff with Data on UGPulse.com Kenyan Music.- published: 12 Dec 2009
- views: 387695
- author: ugpulse

The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Humans have a powerful capacity to process visual information, skills that date far back i...
published: 09 May 2013
author: PBSoffbook
The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
Humans have a powerful capacity to process visual information, skills that date far back in our evolutionary lineage. And since the advent of science, we hav...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 90532
- author: PBSoffbook

What is Big Data? Big Data Explained (Hadoop & MapReduce)
http://www.patrickschwerdtfeger.com/sbi/ What exactly is Big Data? This video defines and ...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Patrick Schwerdtfeger
What is Big Data? Big Data Explained (Hadoop & MapReduce)
What is Big Data? Big Data Explained (Hadoop & MapReduce)
http://www.patrickschwerdtfeger.com/sbi/ What exactly is Big Data? This video defines and explains Big Data as well as Hadoop and MapReduce in simple language.- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 4706
- author: Patrick Schwerdtfeger

Explaining Big Data
Big Data is the next big thing in computing. This video explains Big Data characteristics,...
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: explainingcomputers
Explaining Big Data
Explaining Big Data
Big Data is the next big thing in computing. This video explains Big Data characteristics, technologies and opportunities. For more information, see http://w...- published: 16 Jun 2012
- views: 66912
- author: explainingcomputers

Facebook Data Center
This video shows YOU how Facebook manages Millions and Billions of data! http://www.egykni...
published: 31 May 2013
author: egyknightforums
Facebook Data Center
Facebook Data Center
This video shows YOU how Facebook manages Millions and Billions of data! http://www.egyknight.com.- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 21922
- author: egyknightforums

Big Data - "Dangerous"
Big Data is a paranoid electronic pop music duo from the Internet. "Dangerous" is the firs...
published: 19 Aug 2013
Big Data - "Dangerous"
Big Data - "Dangerous"
Big Data is a paranoid electronic pop music duo from the Internet. "Dangerous" is the first single from their upcoming release, 1.0. Big Data is Daniel Armbruster [vocals] + Alan Wilkis [producer] -- Spotify: http://spoti.fi/14bXkm8 iTunes: http://bit.ly/BD-iTunes -- Twitter: http://twitter.com/bigdatabigdata Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bigdatabigdata Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bigdatabigdata Website: www.bigdata.fm- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 1686

Horizon - Age of Big Data.BBC.2013.Data Mining - Bons Legendas.캡션.Bildunterschriften
Horizon is BBC flagship documentary series. 2013 season. About DATA MINING (processing for...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: Ancient12Tree
Horizon - Age of Big Data.BBC.2013.Data Mining - Bons Legendas.캡션.Bildunterschriften
Horizon - Age of Big Data.BBC.2013.Data Mining - Bons Legendas.캡션.Bildunterschriften
Horizon is BBC flagship documentary series. 2013 season. About DATA MINING (processing for trends and patterns) on mega scale . 正确的字幕自动翻译到您自己的语言 Auto-traduci...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 47898
- author: Ancient12Tree

What Big Data Says About You
In this episode, legendary photographer Rick Smolan turns his lens toward big data—the ide...
published: 12 Apr 2013
author: THNKR
What Big Data Says About You
What Big Data Says About You
In this episode, legendary photographer Rick Smolan turns his lens toward big data—the idea that insightful, cohesive narratives exist within all the data an...- published: 12 Apr 2013
- views: 19154
- author: THNKR

Big Data and Hadoop 1 | Hadoop Tutorials 1 |Big Data Tutorial 1 |Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners -1
http://www.edureka.in/hadoop, Email Us: hadoopsales@edureka.in Big Data Hadoop course:Star...
published: 09 May 2013
author: edurekaIN
Big Data and Hadoop 1 | Hadoop Tutorials 1 |Big Data Tutorial 1 |Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners -1
Big Data and Hadoop 1 | Hadoop Tutorials 1 |Big Data Tutorial 1 |Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners -1
http://www.edureka.in/hadoop, Email Us: hadoopsales@edureka.in Big Data Hadoop course:Start Date:24th Aug 2013,Class Time:7am to 10am IST, Start Date:25th Au...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 45047
- author: edurekaIN

Speaking of the Future: Data Analytics
Information is all around us. Data analytics - the ability to capture, manage and analyze ...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Speaking of the Future: Data Analytics
Speaking of the Future: Data Analytics
Information is all around us. Data analytics - the ability to capture, manage and analyze complex sets of information - is the key to turning the flood of information into actionable intelligence. By analyzing the world around us -- we can improve decision making and business practices for industries all over the world. www.lockheedmartin.com/innovations- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 8429

"Get Data" - UCSD Neuro Program SfN Social Promo
Need a break from data? Come to the UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program Social at SfN! F...
published: 05 Nov 2013
"Get Data" - UCSD Neuro Program SfN Social Promo
"Get Data" - UCSD Neuro Program SfN Social Promo
Need a break from data? Come to the UCSD Neurosciences Graduate Program Social at SfN! For details, see this link: http://tinyurl.com/UCSDSfN Monday, November 11, 2013 Stingaree - 454 6th Ave - Gaslamp Quarter - San Diego 7-9pm: Priority admission for UCSD Neuro Grad Program Faculty, Students, and Alumni. 9-11pm: Open party for SfN attendees! ---- All footage is original and is the creative content of 123comicbro. The music is a parody of the song "Get Lucky" and falls under fair use. This film is the production of 123comicbro. To see more, subscribe! If you are a current subscriber and are wondering what this is all about, my apologies for a somewhat random video for the channel. I was asked to direct this project and wanted to share it!- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 8132

Big Data for Smarter Customer Experiences
Big Data is a phenomenon that is being talked about more and more. At OgilvyOne, we believ...
published: 10 May 2013
author: Ogilvyvids
Big Data for Smarter Customer Experiences
Big Data for Smarter Customer Experiences
Big Data is a phenomenon that is being talked about more and more. At OgilvyOne, we believe we can collect and frame the data that exists around us to create...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 20149
- author: Ogilvyvids

Excel Data Analysis: Sort, Filter, PivotTable, Formulas (25 Examples): HCC Professional Day 2012
Download workbook: http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn the basics of D...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: ExcelIsFun
Excel Data Analysis: Sort, Filter, PivotTable, Formulas (25 Examples): HCC Professional Day 2012
Excel Data Analysis: Sort, Filter, PivotTable, Formulas (25 Examples): HCC Professional Day 2012
Download workbook: http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/ExcelIsFun.htm Learn the basics of Data Analysis at Highline Community College Professional Development...- published: 19 Oct 2012
- views: 65971
- author: ExcelIsFun
Vimeo results:

Chairlift - "Evident Utensil" Music Video
published: 08 Feb 2009
author: Data Mosher
Chairlift - "Evident Utensil" Music Video

Richard Colvaen - 'Polimetria'
Video by Ely Dagher > http://vimeo.com/beaverandbeaver / http://beaverandbeaver.com & Shel...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: Vlek Data
Richard Colvaen - 'Polimetria'
Video by Ely Dagher > http://vimeo.com/beaverandbeaver / http://beaverandbeaver.com & Shelbatra Jashari >
Track taken off Vlek05 - AMAI#3/4 split 7" feat. DZA, Herrmutt Lobby & Richard Colvaen.
Stream the 7" here: http://bit.ly/vlek05-A
Out November 14 on Vlek Records, Belgium.
This video was premiered on XLR8R: http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2011/10/video-premiere-richard-colvaen-p

Beatsurfing - The Organic MIDI Controller Builder - Official Teaser
It allows you t...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: Vlek Data
Beatsurfing - The Organic MIDI Controller Builder - Official Teaser
It allows you to draw a 3-dimensional controller and use it in two different and complementary ways. You can tap it like you would with your regular MPC or any other beatmaking device, but the best and most innovative use you can make of it is definitely by surfing your fingers along routes, colliding with objects, triggering samples or effects. It’s all about movement, and bringing back this intuitive way to make music.
It can control any MIDI-enabled device (Software, Hardware, or even selected iPad apps through Virtual MIDI), features a very intuitive in-app editing system and integrates seemlessly in any existing Studio or Live setup.
Objects Behaviours can be set to link objects together and multiply the available commands on the surface of the iPad.
It’s been developed by Herrmutt Lobby & Yaniv De Ridder.
It’s based on concepts Herrmutt Lobby developed for Hardware MIDI controllers (like the Beatfader and the MIDI scratch devices).
Released by VLEK as VLEKAPP08
Draw your own controller
Work with the Controller you need, not the one you were given. Simply draw it on the screen with lines, polygons, circles and faders. Size, color, orientation and 3-Dimensional location are all yours to choose.
>> LEARN MORE: http://beatsurfing.net/draw
Use the full potential of the iPad touchscreen: You can tap on the screen, but you better add the Surfing to your production and performance skills to integrate more of that human feel in your music.
>> LEARN MORE: http://beatsurfing.net/surf
Link any MIDI device
Dj, VJ, Production softwares, Hardware devices, and even selected iPad apps: you can route BEATSURFING to anything that allows for MIDI.
>> LEARN MORE: http://beatsurfing.net/link
Objects Behaviours
Each object of your controller can be set to control the others. It creates a system of objects that allow you to add much more to a controller than what meets the eye.
>> LEARN MORE: http://beatsurfing.net/behaviours
Intuitive In-App editing
Forget about separated editing software, lenghty changes and whatnot. You can swap between the EDIT and PLAY modes at the tap of a finger. All your objects even remain playable when they’re be re-arranged!
>>LEARN MORE: http://beatsurfing.net/inapp-editing

Raw Data
Raw Data by Jake Fried 2013.
Hand-drawn animation with ink, gouache, white-out and coffee....
published: 06 May 2013
author: Jake Fried
Raw Data
Raw Data by Jake Fried 2013.
Hand-drawn animation with ink, gouache, white-out and coffee.
More at http://www.inkwood.net
Youtube results:

Free OSHA Training Tutorial - Understanding GHS Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)
Explains the new GHS format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS's) adopted by OSHA when they revis...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Free OSHA Training Tutorial - Understanding GHS Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)
Free OSHA Training Tutorial - Understanding GHS Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)
Explains the new GHS format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS's) adopted by OSHA when they revised their hazard communication standard in 2012. Employers must provide training on this particular topic to their workers by no later than December 1, 2013. Free for employers to use for worker training, compliments of OSHA Training Services Inc.- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 125

Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking
David Beazley What's more fun than learning Python? Learning Python by hacking on public d...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: NextDayVideo
Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking
Learn Python Through Public Data Hacking
David Beazley What's more fun than learning Python? Learning Python by hacking on public data! In this tutorial, you'll learn Python basics by reading files,...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 37150
- author: NextDayVideo

Smartphone security - How Nokia Lumia protects your data
Be wise and protect your precious data on your Nokia Lumia smartphone with trusted apps fr...
published: 27 Jan 2014
Smartphone security - How Nokia Lumia protects your data
Smartphone security - How Nokia Lumia protects your data
Be wise and protect your precious data on your Nokia Lumia smartphone with trusted apps from Windows Phone store: http://www.nokia.com/global/business/nokia-for-business/nokia-lumia/ Checklist for protecting your privacy and data on Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8. 1) WINDOWS PHONE STORE Download all apps from the one trusted location 2) INTERNET EXPLORER Alerts of malicious websites 3) PASSCODE Set a passcode to prevent unauthorized access and use 4) BACK-UP Backup all your precious data to SkyDrive 5) LOCK AND WIPE Lock and wipe remotely your lost or stolen phone 6) FIND MY PHONE Track the location of your Nokia Lumia Easy! Keep calm and carry Nokia Lumia.- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 4282

Theater of Absurd: Happy Data Protection Day...oh, and we spy on you!
The latest leak from Edward Snowden suggests it was Britain's cyber-spy base GCHQ that sho...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Theater of Absurd: Happy Data Protection Day...oh, and we spy on you!
Theater of Absurd: Happy Data Protection Day...oh, and we spy on you!
The latest leak from Edward Snowden suggests it was Britain's cyber-spy base GCHQ that showed America's NSA how to monitor Facebook and Twitter without consent. That's as Europe marks Data Protection Day - which is supposed to show EU citizens how to keep their online data away from prying eyes. RT's Polly Boiko looks at how effective that's likely to be. READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/ozbm1d RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 301