Hands on buzzers

When the Spicks and Specks team sat down to hire a new panel, they never dreamed the best people for the job would look … well, so similar to the last lot who fronted it.

That’s happened, but Producer Anthony Watt warns that looks can be deceiving and assures fans that the episodes they’ve filmed so far are corkers.

“It was our biggest hesitation (but) we picked the people who auditioned best,” he said.

“The new guy is charming like Adam Hills, there’s a gorgeous brown-eyed brunette and a larger gentleman – but that’s not what we were aiming for at all!”

Former Killing Heidi singer Ella Hooper is not so much another Myf Warhurst as a more subtle Alan Brough in that she’s “a bit of a freak with her music knowledge.”

Adam Richard may share Brough’s flamboyant persona but has more in common with Myf because he is so in tune with popular culture.

And host Josh Earl may be charming like Hillsy, but he’s … a bit shorter.

Ella Hooper, Josh Earl and Adam Richard in Spicks and Specks.

It was a brave decision to introduce a new panel to a program so beloved by its audience, but Anthony had no doubt that it would work with the right team.

“When we did auditions, no matter who was in the chairs, the show still felt like Spicks and Specks. The music started and everyone slotted into it.

“People were so familiar and they knew how to behave and the format is so strong it holds its own.”

Josh, Ella and Adam were the stand out favourites at audition. They were then put through their paces in a gruelling lead up to filming, doing several episodes a day for weeks before the first episode was even shot.

“They were very well prepared by then – it was like at baseball, where you have players warming up in the background holding three or four bats while they swing. By the time they get up to bat with just one, it feels incredibly light.”

The program itself has had no more than a nip and tuck – a coat of paint, some fresh graphics and a couple of new games will be rotated amongst the standards.

As well, most of the production team is the same, giving the panel the sense that they are in safe hands.

“That continuity is good, it means the people on stage can trust that the people behind the scenes are doing the same thing and know what they are doing.”

The new Spicks and Specks team

Ella Hooper, Josh Earl and Adam Richard are the new Spicks and Specks team

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