ABC in good voice

Ever wondered what it might be like to join an office choir? When Patti Tsarouhis got curious she also got creative, filming a touching documentary about her colleagues’ secret singing lives.

Patti Tsarouhis

Patti Tsarouhis

Patti is halfway through a Grad Dip in Media Arts and Production at UTS and Ensemble was her final project for a Documentary subject.

It was well received, earning Patti and her crew a High Distinction.

“Two of my colleagues are choir members and watching them go off to lunchtime choir rehearsals got me thinking about the changing nature of the workplace,” she said.

Thirteen documentary ideas were pitched to Patti’s class and hers was one of four chosen for production.

She wrote, directed, did the title design and the sound recording and worked with three fellow students filming and editing.

“I was very fortunate to get the crew I did – one of our camera people worked on The Hobbit, Wolverine, and Harry Potter and now he’s working on Mad Max.”

Filming took place over two rehearsals for three weeks in October.

In the ABC’s Ultimo headquarters in Sydney, the crew filmed in News Exchange, triple j, Foreign Correspondent, Australian Story, Radio National and even the canteen and Dot Strong Terrace.

“All the departments we approached to film in and around, were all really supportive and accommodating.

“I thought that was a nice reflection on the spirit of the piece which is to draw a parallel between the camaraderie of the choir, to the camaraderie of the workplace.”