Genetics 101 Part 2: What are SNPs?
Learn about the variations in human DNA called SNPs, and how they can be used to understan...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: 23andMe
Genetics 101 Part 2: What are SNPs?
Genetics 101 Part 2: What are SNPs?
Learn about the variations in human DNA called SNPs, and how they can be used to understand relationships between people.- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 102623
- author: 23andMe
Nicola Sturgeon before SNP party conference (17Oct13)
SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon before the SNP's 2013 party conference talking on a rang...
published: 17 Oct 2013
Nicola Sturgeon before SNP party conference (17Oct13)
Nicola Sturgeon before SNP party conference (17Oct13)
SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon before the SNP's 2013 party conference talking on a range of issues, but mostly how independence would work, including thinking Scotland would use the UK Pound, even though Scotland would not be part of the UK. recorded from BBC Breakfast, 17 October 2013.- published: 17 Oct 2013
- views: 179
SNP - Slovenské národné povstanie
Slovenské národné povstanie napísalo jednu z najslávnejších stránok dejín slovenského náro...
published: 28 Jul 2009
author: fakov84
SNP - Slovenské národné povstanie
SNP - Slovenské národné povstanie
Slovenské národné povstanie napísalo jednu z najslávnejších stránok dejín slovenského národa. Vďaka SNP sa slovenský národ zaradil medzi víťazné národy nad f...- published: 28 Jul 2009
- views: 35876
- author: fakov84
Caroline Flint in a strop over SNP wiping out Labour (05May11)
Labour's Caroline Flint gets in a stroppy mood as she is questioned on Labour and their wi...
published: 07 May 2011
author: liarpoliticians
Caroline Flint in a strop over SNP wiping out Labour (05May11)
Caroline Flint in a strop over SNP wiping out Labour (05May11)
Labour's Caroline Flint gets in a stroppy mood as she is questioned on Labour and their wipe-out in Scotland by the SNP. Recorded from -insert here-- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 18588
- author: liarpoliticians
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when ...
published: 17 May 2013
author: liarpoliticians
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when he visits Scotland. Recorded from BBC 6pm News, 17 May 2013.- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 2621
- author: liarpoliticians
Scottish Independence and the SNP
On the SNP and their plans for Scottish Independence. Previous Related Videos; Scottish In...
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: ScottishSocialist1
Scottish Independence and the SNP
Scottish Independence and the SNP
On the SNP and their plans for Scottish Independence. Previous Related Videos; Scottish Independence - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SucKcpYxW08 Referendum ...- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 1505
- author: ScottishSocialist1
QT: George Galloway attacks SNP's hatred of other opinions (13Jun13)
Gorgeous George Galloway attacks the way the SNP have a hatred of views that are not the s...
published: 15 Jun 2013
author: liarpoliticians2
QT: George Galloway attacks SNP's hatred of other opinions (13Jun13)
QT: George Galloway attacks SNP's hatred of other opinions (13Jun13)
Gorgeous George Galloway attacks the way the SNP have a hatred of views that are not the same as theirs, in particular backing up Nigel Farage's recent visit...- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 10265
- author: liarpoliticians2
Ch4News: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when ...
published: 17 May 2013
author: liarpoliticians
Ch4News: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
Ch4News: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when he visits Scotland. Recorded from Channel 4 News, 17 May 2013.- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 2857
- author: liarpoliticians
Prve boje SNP Nezbudska Lucka
Rekonštrukcia prvých bojov SNP v Nezbudskej Lúčke
Žilina, 7. september 2013
published: 09 Sep 2013
Prve boje SNP Nezbudska Lucka
Prve boje SNP Nezbudska Lucka
Rekonštrukcia prvých bojov SNP v Nezbudskej Lúčke Žilina, 7. september 2013 Rekonštrukciu prvých bojov Slovenského národného povstania (SNP) z obdobia II. svetovej vojny pripravujú obce Nezbudská Lúčka a Strečno v spolupráci s Klubom vojenskej histórie Dubná skala a ďalšími historickými bojovými skupinami z celého Slovenska. Nad podujatím, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v sobotu 7. septembra 2013 od 10:00 hod. v Nezbudskej Lúčke, prevzal záštitu predseda Žilinského samosprávneho kraja (ŽSK) Juraj Blanár. „Z hľadiska histórie je veľmi dôležité pripomínať si všetky hrdinské činy späté s obdobím druhej svetovej vojny. Diváci budú mať možnosť vidieť boje, ktoré prebiehali počas Slovenského národného povstania a naplno si tak vychutnať autenticitu týchto časov," uviedol predseda ŽSK Juraj Blanár. V bohatom programe sa divákom predviedlo 120 účinkujúcich v uniformách z II. svetovej vojny a množstvo historickej bojovej techniky. V hlavnom vystúpení napadli nemecké vojská postavenia povstalcov, kde bola použitá historická vojenská technika a diváci mali možnosť vidieť i autentické vojenské lietadlá. Boje sa odohrávali na mieste, z ktorého začali ofenzívu proti povstalcom nemecké vojská a to za pomoci troch bojových lietadiel, ktoré ostreľovali pozície povstalcov. Vôbec po prvý raz predstavili i rekonštrukciu povstaleckých bojov hrdinských francúzskych dobrovoľníkov Georgesa Bazarera de Lannuriena. Svoje bojové majstrovstvo predviedli aj vojaci súčasnej armády Slovenskej republiky zo Žiliny a Martina.- published: 09 Sep 2013
- views: 218
David Cameron tells Angus Robertson of the SNP WILL YOU FUCK OFF
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: Michael Powell
David Cameron tells Angus Robertson of the SNP WILL YOU FUCK OFF
David Cameron tells Angus Robertson of the SNP WILL YOU FUCK OFF
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 78389
- author: Michael Powell
BBC News - Scottish independence: SNP's white paper unveiled
The Scottish government has launched its independence blueprint, calling it a "mission sta...
published: 26 Nov 2013
BBC News - Scottish independence: SNP's white paper unveiled
BBC News - Scottish independence: SNP's white paper unveiled
The Scottish government has launched its independence blueprint, calling it a "mission statement" for the country's future. The paper - titled Scotland's Future: Your guide to an independent Scotland - sets out a series of policy pledges which the SNP says it will pursue if elected as the government of an independent Scotland. Alistair Darling, head of the Better Together campaign, described the document as a "missed opportunity". Laura Bicker reports.- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 1
Cestou hrdinov SNP 2012 Feldgrau
Pár záberov a fotiek z druhého ročníku pochodu v horách. Tešíme sa na Vašu návstevu www.fe...
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: cloosigns
Cestou hrdinov SNP 2012 Feldgrau
Cestou hrdinov SNP 2012 Feldgrau
Pár záberov a fotiek z druhého ročníku pochodu v horách. Tešíme sa na Vašu návstevu www.feldgrau.sk We are looking forward to your visit on www.feldgrau.sk.- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 463
- author: cloosigns
The SnP Show feat. Shortland Street (edufiji kidz)
The SnP show with the help of "Shortland Street" wanted to send a dedication to help suppo...
published: 29 Aug 2013
The SnP Show feat. Shortland Street (edufiji kidz)
The SnP Show feat. Shortland Street (edufiji kidz)
The SnP show with the help of "Shortland Street" wanted to send a dedication to help support "Edufiji Kidz" charity. To find out more follow them at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Edufiji-Kidz-Charitable-Trust/146287192232005 listen in check out your frequency nation wide (nz)/OR international on FLAVA website: http://www.flava.co.nz Also subscribe to our channel Please click 'Like' & follow us on: FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/TheSnPShow TWITTER https://twitter.com/SnP_show HIT the thumbs up and please leave your comments. And check out the latest RUSSELL ATHLETIC gear from our sponsor at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Russel...- published: 29 Aug 2013
- views: 4868
Vimeo results:
Video 9 SNP - BreakDown
El día Lunes pasado me hice el tiempo de tomar mi Cicla y salir a trializar un rato, así q...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: Walter Saavedra
Video 9 SNP - BreakDown
El día Lunes pasado me hice el tiempo de tomar mi Cicla y salir a trializar un rato, así que en compañía de mi Mujer, tomamos a Wallyto y fuimos a la zona oriente a recordar viejos tiempos....
De las 16 a las 18 Hrs hicimos unas tomas pocas que logré juntar para editar este vid.... Y la conclusión... Amo este DepArte!!!!!
Video 10 SNP - Satellite
Hace varios meses que no editaba un video, así que junté varios clips que tenía guardados ...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: Walter Saavedra
Video 10 SNP - Satellite
Hace varios meses que no editaba un video, así que junté varios clips que tenía guardados e hice este vid.
Lamentablemente una lesión en mi rodilla izquierda me tiene sin poder practicar algunos movimientos como el sidehop o encogidas como me gustaría que fuera, pero por lo menos aun hacemos algo por este hermoso DepArte.
Ojalá guste.
Nos vemos.
Nota: Gracias Daniel Calderón y Matías Alegría por todas esas buenas energías que recibí. Unos Connotados.
Benito Ros - Connotado X 7
Exhibición de Benito Ros en Feria VYVA 2010, Santiago de Chile.
Día de Grabación: Domingo...
published: 24 Nov 2010
author: Walter Saavedra
Benito Ros - Connotado X 7
Exhibición de Benito Ros en Feria VYVA 2010, Santiago de Chile.
Día de Grabación: Domingo 14 de Noviembre de 2010.
Youtube results:
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13) izle, BBCNews: Protesters...
published: 30 Nov 2013
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13)
BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13) izle, BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13) video, BBCNews: Protesters and SNP attack Nigel Farage / UKIP (17May13) hd On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when he visits Scotland. Recorded from Channel 4 News, 17 May 2013. On a visit to Scotland, protesters and the SNP attack UKIP party leader Nigel Farage when he visits Scotland. Recorded from BBC 6pm News, 17 May 2013. Magyarország 2013. évi központi költségvetéséről szóló 2012. évi CCIV. törvény módosításáról szóló törvényjavaslat (T/11209.) The corrupt European Union want tax havens to open their books to who has accounts with thise countries like the Swiss claiming they are short of tax money. ... An openly hostile BBC reporter continues the red fascist attack on Nigel Farage in an interview after the episode at the pub The Canons' Gait in Edinburgh ... Growing British distrust of the EU has got members of the leading Conservatives to start the push for a referendum on whether to quit. A bill's in the pipeli... The anti-UKIP protest by RIC. Farage addressed media and UKippers in a calm pub then bizarrely exited to confront protesters inflaming matters. Was it all co... BBC South East presenter tells Mark Reckless MP you're sounding like Nigel Farage during Sunday Politics show debate on European Union 19th May 2013. For real opposition to the SNP vote UKIP. Follow on twitter: @OttoInglis. I absolutely refuse to believe it's representative of Scottish opinion The EU is now out of control , resembling more like the USSR every day. The ruling elite Barroso , Von Rompuy and the others have all been rumbled. Now in da... This is the 'looped' video that was shown on a monitor during the Coventry branch meeting on 16th May 2013. Just a small snippet of branch member activity / ... Another very busy week. We are really pleased with all the horses. Odious debt, is the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation or it's people. Such debts are thus, c...- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 16
Cirhoza 88 - SNP
Text: Môj dedo bol starý partizán dolámal si obe nohy sám keď rabovali v Banskej Bystrici ...
published: 25 May 2012
author: brumhilda85
Cirhoza 88 - SNP
Cirhoza 88 - SNP
Text: Môj dedo bol starý partizán dolámal si obe nohy sám keď rabovali v Banskej Bystrici ožratý spadol niekde v pivnici Starká bola tiež vždy na pomoci, nos...- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 5572
- author: brumhilda85
What has the Scottish Government Ever Done for Us? SNP Political Broadcast 2011
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: TheSnp
What has the Scottish Government Ever Done for Us? SNP Political Broadcast 2011
What has the Scottish Government Ever Done for Us? SNP Political Broadcast 2011
- views: 17384
- author: TheSnp
Single nucleotide polymorphism SNP
For more information, log on to-
Download the study mater...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Single nucleotide polymorphism SNP
Single nucleotide polymorphism SNP
For more information, log on to- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/ Download the study materials here- http://shomusbiology.weebly.com/bio-materials.html A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP, pronounced snip; plural snips) is a DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide — A, T, C or G — in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a biological species or paired chromosomes in a human. For example, two sequenced DNA fragments from different individuals, AAGCCTA to AAGCTTA, contain a difference in a single nucleotide. In this case we say that there are two alleles. Almost all common SNPs have only two alleles. The genomic distribution of SNPs is not homogenous; SNPs usually occur in non-coding regions more frequently than in coding regions or, in general, where natural selection is acting and fixating the allele of the SNP that constitutes the most favorable genetic adaptation.[1] Other factors, like genetic recombination and mutation rate, can also determine SNP density.[2] SNP density can be predicted by the presence of microsatellites: AT microsatellites in particular are potent predictors of SNP density, with long (AT)(n) repeat tracts tending to be found in regions of significantly reduced SNP density and low GC content.[3] Within a population, SNPs can be assigned a minor allele frequency — the lowest allele frequency at a locus that is observed in a particular population. This is simply the lesser of the two allele frequencies for single-nucleotide polymorphisms. There are variations between human populations, so a SNP allele that is common in one geographical or ethnic group may be much rarer in another. These genetic variations between individuals (particularly in non-coding parts of the genome) are exploited in DNA fingerprinting, which is used in forensic science . Also, these genetic variations underlie differences in our susceptibility to disease. The severity of illness and the way our body responds to treatments are also manifestations of genetic variations. For example, a single base mutation in the APOE (apolipoprotein E) gene is associated with a higher risk for Alzheimer disease.[4]- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 39