What's in a number? The employment figures explained

Updated February 13, 2014 17:28:27

Every month, the nation's attention is drawn to official employment numbers, but what do they mean?

The first thing to know is that, contrary to a very common misconception, the monthly Bureau of Statistics employment numbers have nothing to do with the number of people on the dole or other Centrelink benefits.

The Bureau does not get its numbers from government agencies, but rather does its own survey of the general population.

This survey is one of the nation's biggest, and covers 26,000 households per month - around 60,000 people - and that sample gets gradually rotated so that it is not always the same households being interviewed.

The ABS says this sample is 0.32 per cent of the civilian population aged over 15.

The Bureau then uses its population estimates to effectively multiply out the data so as that it gets estimates for the number of unemployed, the number of people in work or looking for it, the number of people who got jobs or lost jobs in a given month, and so on.

That means the Bureau's figures are estimates, not actual numbers, and like any estimate there is scope for error.

While the ABS labour force survey uses a comparatively huge sample (something between 20-50 times the size of the various national political polls and therefore more reliable), like any sample that is a fraction of the total population and there is scope for significant statistical errors.

For example, in January 2013 the ABS said there was a two-in-three chance the actual unemployment rate was between 5.8 and 6.2 per cent.

That seems like a pretty wide range, so many would ask why economists bother looking at the figure at all.

The trend is your friend

Indeed, the volatility of the month-to-month figures is the main reason why most economists prefer to look at the trend, which smooths out the monthly ups and downs and looks at the direction the data is heading and the pace at which it is heading there.

That is what the ABS unemployment data is most useful for - getting a sense of whether the labour market is getting better or worse, not estimating exactly how many people are out of work.

One well-known example of why the ABS figures are not very good at pinning a precise number on how many people are out of work in practice is the one hour work test - work just one hour in the survey period and you are considered employed.

Obviously, one hour of work is not enough to live off, so this benchmark means the unemployment figure understates the proportion of people who are struggling to make ends meet because they do not have enough work.

The Bureau's solution is to every three months publish estimates of the underemployment rate - those who would like to work more hours than they are currently - and the underutilisation rate which adds unemployment to underemployment.

The underemployment rate in November 2013 was 7.6 per cent, and the underutilisation rate was 13.4 per cent - around two and a third times higher than the unemployment rate in that month of 5.8 per cent.

Even this figure does not give a complete picture, as some workers may only want a few hours more work, while others desperately need many hours more than they currently have.

Participation puzzle

Then there is the participation rate - that measures how many civilians aged 15 or over are in work or looking for it.

When this rate falls, it can be a sign that there are people giving up on looking for work because it is too hard to find.

However, there are also demographic factors that can account for large shifts in participation.

For example, the participation rate generally rose steadily over the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s as more women kept entering the workforce and while the baby boomer generation was all of working age.

In recent years, the participation rate has fallen from a peak of 65.8 per cent reached in November 2010, and was at 64.5 in January 2013.

Some of the fall probably does represent people giving up looking for work, some probably also reflects policies that have encouraged more young people to finish high school and go on to further education.

However, there is also no doubt that a large part of this fall is due to baby boomers retiring, because retired people still count in the population figure that the participation rate is calculated on (everyone aged 15 and over who is not in the military full-time).

The Reserve Bank has said previously that around 1 percentage point is likely to have been taken off the participation rate since the mid-2000s due to ageing, while Treasury has previously estimated that 80 per cent of the fall may be due to demographics, although many market economists point out that some recent falls in participation have centred on males of prime working age.

Historical context

So the main thing to take out of each month's unemployment data is which way they are heading and how big the moves are.

The way the figures are calculated has not changed dramatically over recent decades, so you can look at the different figures (unemployment, underemployment, participation, etc) and compare them with say the early '90s recession - and the 11.1 per cent jobless rate in late 1992 certainly puts 6 per cent unemployment in some historical context although, at 7.1 per cent, underemployment was actually lower than it is now.

What has economists concerned at the moment is that unemployment keeps grinding higher and there are few signs that it will stop doing so, especially as mining construction projects get finished over the next couple of years with no new jobs waiting in the pipeline.

However, while unemployment keeps moving up, the rate of increase has not be high, and 6 per cent is certainly still quite a way of recessionary levels of joblessness.

Topics: business-economics-and-finance, economic-trends, unemployment, australia

First posted February 13, 2014 16:39:17