大阪証券取引所 Osaka Securities Exchange OSE 地上24階・地下2階 三菱地所設計、日建設計 協力 唐山健志郎経済研究所
株式会社大阪証券取引所(おおさかしょうけんとりひきじょ、英語: Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd....
published: 07 Nov 2013
大阪証券取引所 Osaka Securities Exchange OSE 地上24階・地下2階 三菱地所設計、日建設計 協力 唐山健志郎経済研究所
大阪証券取引所 Osaka Securities Exchange OSE 地上24階・地下2階 三菱地所設計、日建設計 協力 唐山健志郎経済研究所
http://www.ose.or.jp/ 株式会社大阪証券取引所(おおさかしょうけんとりひきじょ、英語: Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd.)は、株式会社日本取引所グループの子会社で金融商品取引所である。東京証券取引所、名古屋証券取引所と共に、日本の「三市場」の一つ。略称は大証(だいしょう)。所在地の大阪府大阪市中央区北浜一丁目にちなんで北浜とも呼ばれている。 市場第一部・市場第二部・新興企業向けのジャスダック・日経225先物市場などがある。 諸藩の蔵屋敷があった江戸時代の大坂の米穀取引所を起源に、五代友厚らが発起人となって設立された大阪株式取引所が前身である。なお、堂島米会所で行われた帳簿上の差金の授受によって決済を行う「帳合米取引」が、世界で最初の公設の商品先物取引と言われる。この伝統から、大阪株式取引所の草創期から帳合米取引をベースにした定期取引(および後の清算取引、現行法でいう先物取引(futures)の方法にあたる)が行われていた(終戦後、証券業界では証券取引法に基づく証券取引所開設の際に証券業界で清算取引の再開を求めていたが、GHQにより清算取引の禁止を求められた経緯もあり個別株式の先物取引の復活は今日に至るまで実現されていない)。又、大証は指数先物・オプション市場において重要な地位にあると言える。具体的には、日経225先物等、大証の株価指数先物の日本における取引シェアは約60%を占め、同オプション取引においてはほぼ100%を占めている。株券オプションにおいても、約85%のシェアを誇っている。又、1743年(寛保3年)には、金相場会所が当地に移転し、1763年(宝暦13年)には、幕府公認となった。さらに、正金銀の取引だけでなく堂島米市場を参考にした帳合取引も盛んであった。また、デリバティブ取引の売買高ランキング(2008年)では大証は世界15位であり、26位の東京金融取引所や33位の東京証券取引所などを抜いて日本では最も上位にあった[1]。しかし、世界的な金融危機の影響で、株式関連のデリバティブ取引が低迷したことを受け、2009年12月30日に公表された「平成21年売買状況(概算)」によると、2009年の取引金額は前年比37.5%減となり、金利・為替を主力とする国内の他取引所と比較して大きな影響を受けた。 協力 唐山健志郎経済研究所- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 8
Telmus - Japan - Osaka Securities Exchange
published: 30 Jun 2009
author: Telmo Rueda
Telmus - Japan - Osaka Securities Exchange
Telmus - Japan - Osaka Securities Exchange
http://www.getjealous.com/telmus.- published: 30 Jun 2009
- views: 58
- author: Telmo Rueda
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange Subcribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNKZJFyq8Uw0iFAL9ja...
published: 19 Oct 2013
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange
東京証券取引所 Tokyo Stock Exchange Subcribe http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNKZJFyq8Uw0iFAL9jaSOA?sub_confirmation=1 follow us TWITTER @newsdailyplanet The Tokyo Stock Exchange (東京証券取引所 Tōkyō Shōken Torihikijo?), which is called Tōshō (東証?) or TSE for short, is a stock exchange located in Tokyo, Japan. It is the third largest stock exchange in the world by aggregate market capitalization of its listed companies. It had 2,292 listed companies with a combined market capitalization of US$3.3 trillion as of December 2011.[1] In July 2012 a planned merger with the Osaka Securities Exchange was approved by the Japan Fair Trade Commission.[2] The resulting entity, the Japan Exchange Group (JPX) (日本取引所グループ Nihon Torihikijo Gurūpu), was launched on January 1, 2013- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 1
Lily Corporation | ... including a TSE President consolidation ratio .... Osaka Simbun
+886 9 2817 8387 Tel: + 886-3-425-9790 Tel:+65 68624505 MCLOGI Naohiro Baba 9th Wave WTF L...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: Shanghai Fengpu Industrial Park
Lily Corporation | ... including a TSE President consolidation ratio .... Osaka Simbun
Lily Corporation | ... including a TSE President consolidation ratio .... Osaka Simbun
+886 9 2817 8387 Tel: + 886-3-425-9790 Tel:+65 68624505 MCLOGI Naohiro Baba 9th Wave WTF LTD In Taiwan business for 18 years, Lily Corporation is Jewelry Sin...- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 49
- author: Shanghai Fengpu Industrial Park
Economic Growth, Financial Markets in Japan, and Emerging Markets - George Soros (2002)
Japan's securities markets increased their volume of dealings rapidly during the late 1980...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Economic Growth, Financial Markets in Japan, and Emerging Markets - George Soros (2002)
Economic Growth, Financial Markets in Japan, and Emerging Markets - George Soros (2002)
Japan's securities markets increased their volume of dealings rapidly during the late 1980s, led by Japan's rapidly expanding securities firms. There were three categories of securities companies in Japan, the first consisting of the "Big Four" securities houses (among the six largest such firms in the world): Nomura, Daiwa, Nikko, and Yamaichi. The Big Four played a key role in international financial transactions and were members of the New York Stock Exchange. Nomura was the world's largest single securities firm; its net capital, in excess of US$10 billion in 1986, exceeded that of Merrill Lynch, Salomon Brothers, and Shearson Lehman combined. In 1986, Nomura became the first Japanese member of the London Stock Exchange. Nomura and Daiwa were primary dealers in the United States Treasury bond market. The second tier of securities firms contained ten medium-sized firms. The third tier consisted of all the smaller securities firms registered in Japan. Many of these smaller firms were affiliates of the Big Four, while some were affiliated with banks. In 1986 eighty-three of the smaller firms were members of the Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange. Japan's securities firms derived most of their income from brokerage fees, equity and bond trading, underwriting, and dealing. Other services included the administration of trusts. In the late 1980s, a number of foreign securities firms, including Salomon Brothers and Merrill Lynch, became players in Japan's financial world. Japanese insurance companies became important leaders in international finance in the late 1980s. More than 90% of the population owned life insurance and the amount held per person was at least 50% greater than in the United States. Many Japanese used insurance companies as savings vehicles. Insurance companies' assets grew at a rate of more than 20% per year in the late 1980s, reaching nearly US$694 billion in 1988. The life insurance companies moved heavily into foreign investments as deregulation allowed them to do so and as their resources increased through the spread of fully funded pension funds. These assets permitted the companies to become major players in international money markets. Nippon Life Insurance Company, the world's largest insurance firm, was reportedly the biggest single holder of United States Treasury securities in 1989. The Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange became the largest in the world in 1988, in terms of the combined market value of outstanding shares and capitalization, while the Osaka Stock Exchange ranked third after those of Tokyo and New York. Although there are eight stock exchanges in Japan, the Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange represented 83% of the nation's total equity in 1988. Of the 1,848 publicly traded domestic companies in Japan at the end of 1986, about 80% were listed on the Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange. Two developments in the late 1980s helped in the rapid expansion of the Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange. The first was a change in the financing of company operations. Traditionally large firms obtained funding through bank loans rather than capital markets, but in the late 1980s they began to rely more on direct financing. The second development came in 1986 when the Tokyo exchange permitted non-Japanese brokerage firms to become members for the first time. By 1988 the exchange had sixteen foreign members. The Tokyo Securities and Stock Exchange had 124 member companies in 1990. In 1990, five types of securities were traded on the Tokyo exchange: stocks, bonds, investment trusts, rights, and warrants alone. Japan's stock market dealings exploded in the 1980s, with increased trading volume and rapidly rising stock prices. The trading recorded by the Nikkei 225 stock average, compiled by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economic Daily), grew from 6,850 in October 1982 to nearly 39,000 in early 1990. During one six-month period in 1986, total trade volume on the Tokyo exchange increased by 250% with wild swings in the Nikkei. After the plunge of the New York Stock Exchange in October 1987, the Tokyo average dropped by 15%, but there was a sharp recovery by early 1988. This was the height of the Japanese asset price bubble, which collapsed in the year 1990, and was followed by the lost decade. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_financial_system- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 8
KVH Tokyo Data Center 1 - TDC1
KVH Tokyo Data Center 1 (TDC1) is the ideal managed hosting environment for high frequency...
published: 19 Jul 2013
author: KVH Co., Ltd.
KVH Tokyo Data Center 1 - TDC1
KVH Tokyo Data Center 1 - TDC1
KVH Tokyo Data Center 1 (TDC1) is the ideal managed hosting environment for high frequency trading participants wishing to collocate close to the Japanese ex...- published: 19 Jul 2013
- views: 57
- author: KVH Co., Ltd.
Koll Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Make `Perfect Sense'
Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Jesper Koll, head of equity research at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Toky...
published: 07 Nov 2011
author: Bloomberg
Koll Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Make `Perfect Sense'
Koll Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Make `Perfect Sense'
Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) -- Jesper Koll, head of equity research at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Tokyo, talks about the potential merger of Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osa...- published: 07 Nov 2011
- views: 149
- author: Bloomberg
Video Testimonial from RTS Realtime Systems
RTS chose KVH for its ultra low-latency networks, robust data centers, and thorough knowle...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: KVH Co., Ltd.
Video Testimonial from RTS Realtime Systems
Video Testimonial from RTS Realtime Systems
RTS chose KVH for its ultra low-latency networks, robust data centers, and thorough knowledge of the Japanese market. KVH matched RTS' needs for high-perform...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 129
- author: KVH Co., Ltd.
published: 30 Dec 2010
author: SankeiNews
大阪証券取引所で30日、大納会式典が開かれた。第1部の取引は、1万8205円32銭で終了し、昨年の大納会終値よりも0.6%上昇した。大証の米田道生社長は、「大阪証券取引所にとって最大の取り組みは、ジャスダックの経営統合と市場統合」と一年を振り返った。 Celebrating the last trading da...- published: 30 Dec 2010
- views: 3693
- author: SankeiNews
TAKEDA Yaroslavl | NGK Insulators: Save the Nycomed whales. Collect the whole set ! CIS
MVIDEO Ukraine (Kiev) ::: Tel: +7 495 642-89-26 +358 5 747 3300 NGK Insulators, Ltd. is a ...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: GiggishVEVO
TAKEDA Yaroslavl | NGK Insulators: Save the Nycomed whales. Collect the whole set ! CIS
TAKEDA Yaroslavl | NGK Insulators: Save the Nycomed whales. Collect the whole set ! CIS
MVIDEO Ukraine (Kiev) ::: Tel: +7 495 642-89-26 +358 5 747 3300 NGK Insulators, Ltd. is a Japanese ceramics company. It primarily produces Helsinki insulator...- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 153
- author: GiggishVEVO
Shanghai Linghua Logistics Co., Ltd. : KOMATSU Osaka investors relations Stock exchange
+ 886-3-425-9790 Taiwan : Taoyuan Hi-Tech Industrial Park http://misawa-homes-nobuo-takena...
published: 25 Jul 2013
author: Korchma Taras Bulba
Shanghai Linghua Logistics Co., Ltd. : KOMATSU Osaka investors relations Stock exchange
Shanghai Linghua Logistics Co., Ltd. : KOMATSU Osaka investors relations Stock exchange
+ 886-3-425-9790 Taiwan : Taoyuan Hi-Tech Industrial Park http://misawa-homes-nobuo-takenaka-jp.tumblr.com/ 'NO Dogs and NO Japanese Are Allowed' http://ajw....- published: 25 Jul 2013
- author: Korchma Taras Bulba
TradeTech Japan 2011 - Event overview in English
With the launch of Arrowhead, the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has reinvigorated its trading...
published: 14 Mar 2011
author: WBRAsia
TradeTech Japan 2011 - Event overview in English
TradeTech Japan 2011 - Event overview in English
With the launch of Arrowhead, the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has reinvigorated its trading infrastructure and firmly established itself as one of the world's...- published: 14 Mar 2011
- views: 175
- author: WBRAsia
Hokkaidō, Japan: Hokkaido Electric Power Company - Avagard Hygiene Range | 3M Yangmei
A.V.&V.A.; Daniloff PR: 謝謝 - 陳盈吉 Tel. +886 928 178 387 Head Office : +886-4-23553368 edu.se...
published: 11 Apr 2012
Hokkaidō, Japan: Hokkaido Electric Power Company - Avagard Hygiene Range | 3M Yangmei
Hokkaidō, Japan: Hokkaido Electric Power Company - Avagard Hygiene Range | 3M Yangmei
A.V.&V.A.; Daniloff PR: 謝謝 - 陳盈吉 Tel. +886 928 178 387 Head Office : +886-4-23553368 edu.service@msa.hinet.net EverDependUp Co., Ltd. / Chen En Ji http://jetr...- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 70
- author: CEPA: China Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
Youtube results:
Anvarzadeh Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Be `Positive Move'
Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Amir Anvarzadeh, Singapore-based manager for Asian equity sales at ...
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: Bloomberg
Anvarzadeh Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Be `Positive Move'
Anvarzadeh Says TSE-OSE Merger Would Be `Positive Move'
Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Amir Anvarzadeh, Singapore-based manager for Asian equity sales at broker BGC Partners Inc., talks about the potential merger of Japan...- published: 22 Nov 2011
- views: 68
- author: Bloomberg
TOSHIBA External Hard Disk Review
TOSHIBA External Hard Disk Review. Toshiba Corporation (株式会社東芝 Kabushiki-gaisha Tōshiba?) ...
published: 26 Dec 2013
TOSHIBA External Hard Disk Review
TOSHIBA External Hard Disk Review
TOSHIBA External Hard Disk Review. Toshiba Corporation (株式会社東芝 Kabushiki-gaisha Tōshiba?) is a Japanese multinational engineering and electronics conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Its products and services include information technology and communications equipment and systems, electronic components and materials, power systems, industrial and social infrastructure systems, household appliances, medical equipment, office equipment, lighting and logistics. Toshiba was founded in 1939 as Tokyo Shibaura Electric K.K. through the merger of Shibaura Seisaku-sho (founded in 1875) and Tokyo Denki (founded in 1890). The company name was officially changed to Toshiba Corporation in 1978. Toshiba has made numerous corporate acquisitions during its history, including of Semp in 1977, of Westinghouse Electric Company in 2006, of Landis+Gyr in 2011, and of IBM's point-of-sale business in 2012. Toshiba is organised into four main business groupings: the Digital Products Group, the Electronic Devices Group, the Home Appliances Group and the Social Infrastructure Group. In 2010, Toshiba was the world's fifth-largest personal computer vendor measured by revenues (after Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Acer and Lenovo).[3] In the same year, it was also the world's fourth-largest manufacturer of semiconductors by revenues (after Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics and Texas Instruments). Toshiba is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where it is a constituent of the Nikkei 225 and TOPIX indices, the Osaka Securities Exchange, the Nagoya Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. Watch & Learn.. Like, Share & Subscribe for MORE......... Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba- published: 26 Dec 2013
- views: 0
東証と大証、統合し初取引 上場3423社で世界3位
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: KyodoNews
東証と大証、統合し初取引 上場3423社で世界3位
東証と大証、統合し初取引 上場3423社で世界3位
東京証券取引所は16日、大阪証券取引所の株式市場を統合し、初めての取引を始めた。市場間競争での勝ち残りを目指す狙い。統合後に3423社となる上場企業の数と時価総額の合計は、いずれも世界3位。来年3月のデリバティブ(金融派生商品)一本化も予定している。 記事詳細 http://www.47news.jp/CN/20...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 112
- author: KyodoNews
Best MultiCharts Indicator 23rd Aug 2012 Daily Report S&P; 500 Emini Futures
Best MultiCharts Indicator 23rd Aug 2012 Daily Report S&P; 500 Emini Futures.Free Real Aler...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: WinningMoreTrades
Best MultiCharts Indicator 23rd Aug 2012 Daily Report S&P; 500 Emini Futures
Best MultiCharts Indicator 23rd Aug 2012 Daily Report S&P; 500 Emini Futures
Best MultiCharts Indicator 23rd Aug 2012 Daily Report S&P; 500 Emini Futures.Free Real Alerts and Binary Option Signals.Please make sure to sign up for free s...- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 133
- author: WinningMoreTrades