When the South Australian Labor Party took office under Mike Rann in 2002, the state was the last piece in a jigsaw that gave Labor coast to coast state governments for the first time in the party’s history. Three terms and 12 years later, new Premier Jay Weatherill takes Labor back to the polls, but with a very different political map. The Labor Party’s last remaining state Labor governments in Tasmania and South Australia face their fate on 15 March with both governments as underdogs.

  • Election Preview

    Posted January 17, 2014 15:27:32 | Updated February 10, 2014 17:16:05

    Antony Green maps out the election environment facing the major parties leading into the 2014 South Australian Election.

  • Electorates

    Antony Green's A to Z of facts, history and trivia about every electorate in South Australia. Find out about each electorate's political landscape in the 2014 South Australian Election.

  • Candidates

    A list of candidates running in the next South Australian Election.

  • Key Seats

    Find out where the key contests of the election are fought. Antony Green identifies and profiles the electorates that could decide the election.

  • Past Premiers

    See all the South Australian Premiers, dating back to 1856.

  • Past Elections

    Results for South Australian elections, dating back to 1950

  • Pendulum

    See all the electorates each party holds prior to the 2014 South Australian Election, ordered by margin.

  • Retiring MPs

    Antony profiles each retiring MP, revealing their pre-politics backgrounds and making his assessment of their political careers.

  • Antony Green's Election Blog

    Posted January 17, 2014 15:27:32

    The weblog of the ABC's Election analyst Antony Green.