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Last Update: Sunday 16 February 2014

Insiders Sunday 16 February

Insiders Sunday 16 February

Barrie Cassidy is joined by Malcolm Farr from, Laura Tingle from the Financial Review, and political author Kerry-Anne Walsh.

Cue blame game as unemployment figures hit ten-year high

Cue blame game as unemployment figures hit ten-year high

Jobs and job security dominated the first week of Federal Parliament, as Toyota announced it was ending manufacturing in Australia and the unemployment figure hit 6 per cent.

The Sunday papers

The Sunday papers

Barrie Cassidy and the panel discuss what has made headlines in the Sunday newspapers.

Scott Morrison joins Insiders

Scott Morrison joins Insiders

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison joins Insiders to discuss reports of friction between Indonesia and Australia over activities undertaken during Operation Sovereign Borders.

Disorder in the House

Disorder in the House

Parliament "descended into chaos" during the first sitting week of the year, according to Labor's Tony Burke.

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

Mike Bowers discusses the week in pictures with cartoonist for the Canberra Times, David Pope.

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