• Indigenous

    88, catch-up now on iview.

  • News Online

    PM Tony Abbott delivers his first Closing the Gap statement

  • News Online

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda speaks with ABC News Breakfast

  • 7pm TV News NT

    Call to close bush secondary schools and make Indigenous students board

  • 88, catch-up now on iview.

  • PM Tony Abbott delivers his first Closing the Gap statement

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda speaks with ABC News Breakfast

  • Call to close bush secondary schools and make Indigenous students board


Indigenous News


Who Cares About the Constitution?

Who Cares About the Constitution?

Monday 12 August 2013

This discussion for Constitution Day 2013 is a pretty broad ranging one, canvassing just how relevant our constitution is currently. Professor George Williams, Samah Hadid, Tanya Hosch and Jeffrey Bleich make up the panel of speakers.

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Your Stories

Redfern Now Special Event

Thursday 24 October 2013

Redfern Now Special Event

Redfern Celebrates Redfern Now with a special outdoor event on the Block!

Arts Reviews

Warakurna: All the Stories Got into our Minds and Eyes

Monday 18 March 2013

Warakurna: All the Stories Got into our Minds and Eyes

Warakurna: All the Stories Got into our Minds and Eyes marks the arrival of a new and exciting art movement and it should not to be missed.

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Special Topics



This year's theme proudly celebrates the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Yirrkala Bark Petitions to the Federal Parliament. The petitions protested the Commonwealth's granting of mining rights on land excised from Arnhem Land reserve and sought the recognition by the Australian Parliament of the Yolngu peoples' traditional rights and ownership of their lands.

Language Map

language map

The Indigenous Language Map is a representation describing Aboriginal Ausralia. This map indicates only the general locatoin of larger groupings of people which may include smaller groups such as clans, dialects or individual languages in a group.

Language Map >

Message Boards


“All I can say is Buckskin was an inspirational story about a ...”

by Rufus
14/10/2013 9:12:32 AM

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