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Can technology curb loneliness?

by Dyani Lewis

As an increasing number of our personal interactions occur online; is technology making us more or less lonely?

socialisolationbelinda_300x150ABC Open Riverland SA

Technology has made communication easier than ever before, and most of us can (and do) call, email, text, tweet, blog, comment or 'like' at any time of the day or night. Not only that, we can have these interactions with people who are across the room, down the road, on the other side of the country or half a world away.

How we interact with each other is so connected with technology that research shows our sense of wellbeing can be improved simply by owning devices, such as mobile phones, that allow us to connect with others.

But having the technology to connect is far from a surefire guarantee that you can keep loneliness at bay, says Professor John Cacioppo, a psychologist and loneliness researcher at the University of Chicago.

"Technology's a tool," he says. "It depends on how you're using it as to whether it makes you more or less lonely."

For Belinda Hansen, who lives on Kulcurna Station in South Australia 90 kilometres from the nearest town, being able to share her passion for photography via social media helps her feel connected – despite the physical distance and depression that isolate her.

"I think with depression and social isolation it's the access to support networks that's important. In a regional town or a city you have good support networks, you can go out for coffee you can access your mental health workers, you can access all that sort of thing easily."

But accessing services when you live remotely is challenging, she says, and even when you do find support services the stigma associated with mental illness can be difficult.

"Dealing with isolation I used to be a very big reader, in the days of paper books, but now that the digital age has come upon us I find I now spend more time doing the photos. It doesn't cost anything and it's instant gratification."

Belinda's story

Belinda Hansen and her brother Paul are the only people on Kulcurna Station. Her nearest non-family neighbours are many kilometres away. But Belinda doesn't let her geographic and social isolation affect her too much.

Belinda's Story from ABC Open Riverland producer Daniel Schmidt.

Internet dating

According to Cacioppo, Internet dating is another example of how technology can help to create social connections.

In 2013, Cacioppo and colleagues surveyed over 19,000 Americans who married between 2005 and 2012. A third of those they spoke to reported having met their spouse online, and marriages that began online were slightly less likely to end in separation or divorce than offline couplings. Not just that, married couples who had met online reported their marriage was slightly more satisfying.

For Cacioppo, the value in online interactions depends on whether or not we are able to express ourselves without pretending to be different to the person we are offline.

"If we can be authentic and reveal our authentic selves to others," he says, then Internet dating can lead to longer and happier marriages in the long run.

Key points of connection

Experts say we're more vulnerable to social isolation at certain key points in our lives, especially adolescence. A 2008 Australian survey found feelings of social isolation are most common in young adults between the ages of 15 and 30.

This is a period when many people use technology to connect with others, but again whether this makes someone feel more or less isolated is determined by how they use the technology.

The human experience of loneliness

Social isolation and loneliness don't always go hand in hand. Although physical separation from others can lead to feelings of loneliness, people can also feel lonely or socially isolated when there are people around.

Alan Woodward, executive director of the Lifeline Foundation for Suicide Prevention, says 14 per cent of Lifeline's callers identify loneliness as a key concern. However, around a quarter of these callers live with other people.

It's not just that social isolation and loneliness affect our mental health, research has shown your physical health can also be affected.

For more: The human experience of loneliness

Connecting in times of crisis

Philip Deng is a Sudanese refugee who has made a home for himself in the central Queensland town of Rockhampton. But while he has escaped the war, his family remains in Africa.

"I'm happy to stay in Australia. But not so happy, because my wife and son are still back in Africa and it is very hard for someone who has family over there to manage alone here," he says.

Deng says most of his time is spent studying or working, so he can send them money. While he is able to talk with his family via computer, he is still very worried about them.

Philip's story

Trying to keep a positive outlook on life is extremely difficult when you're heading into your immediate future without your loved ones.

The repercussions of social isolation can have detrimental consequences on both your mental and physical health.

South Sudanese refugee battles loneliness from ABC Open Capricornia producer Lisa Clarke.

Staying connected as you age

Although the Internet has changed the way many of us keep in touch, this is not always the case for older people, many of whom have never used a computer, let alone signed up for a Facebook account.

Associate Professor Frank Vetere from the University of Melbourne aims to bridge this generational technology divide by developing applications that help older Australians to stay connected.

Vetere and his colleagues have developed an iPad application that allows users to share and comment on photos with people in their network.

"The big push for us is establishing both a sense of connectedness and presence," says Vetere.

Ken May is an 82-year-old widower and a participant in Vetere's study.

Since his wife Margaret passed away five years ago, May has struggled to adjust to a life of solitude. "You get bored when you're on your own all the time," he says. But he says he enjoys using technology.

After working with older Australians for the past decade, Vetere says the notion that technology is a barrier for older people is often overstated.

"If a grandparent knows that a technology can be used to connect with their grandchild, they will go to enormous lengths to ensure that they work out how to [use] it."

Does Facebook make you more or less lonely?

One study of adolescent Facebook users adolescents found that the motivation a person has for using Facebook can determine whether their use will make them more or less lonely. For those who used Facebook as a means of creating new friendships, loneliness decreased over a five-month period. But when Facebook was used as a way of compensating for a lack of social skills in face-to-face interactions, users were left feeling more lonely.

A Michigan study that looked at life satisfaction over a two-week period found that the more that people used Facebook, the more their life satisfaction declined. But the same wasn't the case when people used Facebook for directly engaging with their friends, through messaging, commenting on their friends' posts and responding to comments on their own post. As Cacioppo says, it depends on how you use it.

One of the reasons put forward as to why Facebook isn't a recipe for blissful social interaction, is that for many of us witnessing our close and not-so-close friends having fun, going on holidays and achieving many of the same goals we might have can actually make us jealous and full of envy.

Published 17/02/2014

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