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Monday, 17 February
Monday, 17 February 2014

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"Mr Abetz, If mr Murdoch and News.Ltd can afford paying 10 million to Rebecca brooks then why did Mr Abbott promise him 15 million dollars? (Broncos & Manly) Also will you guantee Mr Murdoch will not get his hands on ..." 14/02/2014 9:05:31 PM
"It's interesting all this talk about adults, it's just rhetoric. Why can't we start respecting each other and act in the best interests of humanity. I want a government that is rationale, fair, and protects future generations, that is adult ..." 14/02/2014 8:30:50 PM
"Mr Burke / Abetz, How can the public make Mr Abbott resign for deliberately misleading parliament in his answer to Mr Shorten regarding his first visit to the Yonglu people. Abbott said quite clearly to the Yolngu he would spend ..." 14/02/2014 6:36:20 PM
"I would like to know what happened to the budget crisis?? It seems like the low to average Australian are the only ones that are paying the price!! Why have you wasted so much money playing tit for tat trying ..." 14/02/2014 2:42:07 PM
"when it is obvious that a Government has Lied and deceived the people to get into nothing done about it..and if so,does that mean any person or political party can say anything to gain power and never follow through ..." 14/02/2014 2:23:32 PM
"I'd like the question that was posed last week to be answered: why is Woolworths (and Coles) being allowed to have a monopoly on food, taking out farmers and other companies? When they've completed their task, all the prices will ..." 14/02/2014 2:07:39 PM
"Has an academic Mr Allan where is you empirical evidence to support the notion we have an adult running the country? And I mean empirical evidence not your opinion.. !!!!!!" 14/02/2014 1:02:30 PM
"It surprises me that most of the politicians in the developed world have degrees in law or economics. Barrack Obama, Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard, David Cameron, most of the Australian parliament, and the majority of this panel have law degrees. ..." 14/02/2014 12:12:41 PM
"Senator Abetz and the panel: Do you think the Australian Public Service hiring freeze (October 2013) was/is effective in targeting under-performing areas of the public service or has the freeze resulted in the loss of valuable Australian leaders, who have ..." 14/02/2014 11:22:21 AM
"Mr Abetz / Tony Burke, Considering Tony jones, Leigh Sales and many other journalist from Murdoch / Fairfax receive around 200K or more a year just to present the news and current affairs. Will the government look into these journalists ..." 14/02/2014 11:17:12 AM
"Mr Abetz, I believe the 16mil your party promised to Cadbury was for tourism, but in a statement it was also to be used for a cocoa plantation in the NT. When I go to Cadbury in Hobart will I ..." 14/02/2014 10:46:01 AM
"Abetz your government's policy of having companies publicly fight your IR wars against their unionised workforce (like SPC and Toyota - with their "outrageous awards") for it - that's to leave Abbott free to continue this hypercritical masquerade pretence of ..." 14/02/2014 10:32:52 AM
"Tax minimisation strategies such as the "Double Irish Dutch Sandwich" are hurting many countries - first, third and emerging economies alike. It seems to me that after many years of effort to get collaboration and have effective measures put in ..." 14/02/2014 10:32:06 AM
"Abetz - as a Cadbury's .... sorry "Tasmanian" Senator - shouldn't it be easy (given set precedents) for farmers to get these bail-outs? Use some "Marvellous Creativity" :- Call themselves "tourist ventures" to "qualify" for some exceptional, dispensationary Coal-ition largess ..." 14/02/2014 9:13:27 AM
"No labor deputy leader Tanya will be our next PM I'm hoping" 14/02/2014 12:30:17 AM
"Hon.Burke, you've been among the best performers for the opposition in the new Parliament, perhaps the best. You offer a significant upgrade in tone as leader of opposition business in the house compared with Hon. Albanese, who was leader of ..." 13/02/2014 9:02:46 PM
"Isn't it funny, how it's so all Right to be cynical and sceptical about authority under a Labor government - but under a Coal-ition government it's not? "According to Murdoch"?" 13/02/2014 8:21:45 PM
"Why is Eric Abetz accepting pay increases as a government worker and denying the rest of the country, why doesn't he and the business sector lead by example. Reduce salaries at the top first and reduce rents and living costs ..." 13/02/2014 8:05:47 PM
"Should the Victorian government require a share in SPC, and therefore a share in any future profits that would otherwise go to Coca-Cola Amatil, as a condition of the recent $22 million investment in the company?" 13/02/2014 7:01:21 PM
"Panel, do you think we should have a royal commission into politicians per culinary interests, focusing on property / land purchases? Land purchases by family members, when they were purchased and what legislation, party commitments were being considered at the ..." 13/02/2014 6:49:59 PM
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