Informative, jargon-free stories about law reform, legal education, test cases, miscarriages of justice and legal culture. The Law Report makes the law accessible.

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Tuesday 25 Feb 2014

Tuesday 18 Feb 2014

Tuesday 11 Feb 2014

Tuesday 4 Feb 2014

  • The West Australian Supreme court will commence hearing a test case that has farmers around Australia and even across the world on the edge of their tractor seats.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

  • Lawyers for Queensland outlaw motor cycle clubs will file a High Court challenge to the state's controversial raft of anti-gang laws which were introduced last year.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Tuesday 28 Jan 2014

  • Should the state step in and regulate the use of overly skinny models and rampant photo shopping? Israel says yes, should Australia do the same?


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript
