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Friday 14 Feb 2014

Thursday 13 Feb 2014

Wednesday 12 Feb 2014

Tuesday 11 Feb 2014

Monday 10 Feb 2014


Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce joins RN Breakfast to discuss his policy proposal to assist farmers suffering from the Queensland drought.


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A leading labour market economist is calling for a new federal government stimulus package, after the jobless rate in January climbed to a 10-year-high of 6 percent.


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As governments come together for a major conference on the illegal wildlife trade, the price of ivory has skyrocketed to more than $1,400 a kilo. Matt O'Neil reports on efforts to stop the trade, which has already wiped out elephant populations in many parts of Africa.


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Prime Minister Tony Abbott has addressed Parliament to present the annual closing the gap report on Indigenous health, employment and education. Though progress has been made in some areas, the head of Reconciliation Australia says much works remains to be done, as Matt O'Neil reports.


Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane joins RN Breakfast to discuss Commonwealth assistance to Victoria in the wake of Toyota's decision to leave Australia by 2017.


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As debate rages over Western Australia's controversial shark culling program, new research has found that the number of shark attacks has increased dramatically in the last four decades.


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Toyota announced yesterday that it will cease manufacturing in Australia in 2017. The Abbott government now faces calls to set aside funds to retrain up to 3,000 laid off workers, writes Matt O'Neil.


Minister for Employment Eric Abetz joins RN Breakfast to discuss Toyota's decision to close its Australian operations, and yesterday's announced Royal Commission in Union Corruption.


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As evidence of further union corruption emerges, the secretary of the country's peak union body says the Abbott government's planned royal commission is revenge for the failure of WorkChoices, writes Matt O'Neil.


Labor transport spokesman Anthony Albanese joins RN Breakfast to discuss whether Australia should increase its shareholding of Qantas.


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G20 finance ministers and central bank chiefs are meeting in Sydney next week, in the lead-up to November's big summit in Brisbane.


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Half of Australia's sexually active fertile women are on the contraceptive pill, yet numerous studies have shown other forms of contraception such as implants and intrauterine devices to be far more effective.


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An 11th century bronze sculpture currently on display in the National Gallery of Australia is believed to have been stolen. So how did the gallery come to purchase the statue from a man described by US authorities as 'one of the most prolific commodities smugglers in the world', asks Alex McClintock.


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Bill Shorten says that Toyota's departure will result in an 'economic tsunami' of unemployment in Victoria, but economists and experts are still divided over the long term implications of the automaker's pull-out.


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The British Military is on standby as torrential rain and strong winds batter the south west of England, in the worst rainfall Britain has seen in more than 200 years.


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The Australian Council of Social Service says ending the 'age of entitlement' must extend to all government entitlements, including tax breaks and concessions across the board.


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