Talks resume over Israeli soldier's release

Updated October 27, 2010 11:56:00

Israel has begun new talks to secure the release of a young soldier captured by Hamas militants more than four years ago.

Gilad Shalit was 19 when Palestinian militants captured him after they tunnelled under the border between Gaza and Israel in 2006.

Previous talks to secure his freedom through mediators in Egypt have failed.

Hamas is demanding the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails in return for the soldier's release, but neither side can agree on who or how many should be freed.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says new negotiations have begun after a year-long hiatus.

Editor's note: (October 27) This story has been changed after the original wording gave the impression that Gilad Shalit had been captured after tunnelling into Gaza. The error occurred during sub-editing.

Topics: world-politics, government-and-politics, israel

First posted October 18, 2010 08:36:00