Gillard shuts door on 'big Australia'

Updated August 12, 2010 12:00:00

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is breaking free from one of her predecessor's main policy stances by announcing she is not interested in a "big Australia".

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd was in favour of population growth, with his government predicting it to hit around 36 million by 2050, largely through immigration.

But Ms Gillard has indicated she will be putting the brakes on immigration in order to develop a more sustainable nation.

"Australia should not hurtle down the track towards a big population," she told Fairfax.

"I don't support the idea of a big Australia with arbitrary targets of, say, a 40 million-strong Australia or a 36 million-strong Australia. We need to stop, take a breath and develop policies for a sustainable Australia.

"I support a population that our environment, our water, our soil, our roads and freeways, our busses, our trains and our services can sustain."

But Ms Gillard says that does not mean putting a stop to immigration all together.

"I don't want business to be held back because they couldn't find the right workers," she said.

"That's why skilled migration is so important. But also I don't want areas of Australia with 25 per cent youth unemployment because there are no jobs," she said.

Mr Rudd installed Tony Burke as the Minister for Population, but in one of her first moves as Prime Minister, Ms Gillard has changed his job description to Minister for Sustainable Population.

Mr Burke will continue to develop a national population strategy which is due to be released next year.

Ms Gillard says the change sends a clear message about the new direction the Government is taking.

Families Minister Jenny Macklin told Channel Ten that Australia's population growth has to reflect the country's economic needs.

"When we have areas in Australia with 25 per cent youth unemployment we should be getting in there doing everything possible to get those young people skilled up and into the jobs that are available," she said.

"Making sure that where we have serious congestion in our cities that we do something about it."

But Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has told ABC1's Insiders that Ms Gillard cannot be believed.

"When the Coalition said a few months ago that the population had to be sustainable we were pilloried up hill and down dale by Julia Gillard," he said.

"I think what we're also going to see from Julia Gillard is an attempt on all the controversial issues where the Opposition is making the running, to adopt a kind of 'me too' strategy."

Australian businessman Dick Smith has been a vocal advocate for a more sustainable approach to population growth and has applauded Ms Gillard's announcement.

But he acknowledges it will not be welcomed by everyone.

"The business community, my wealthy mates are completely addicted to growth because of greed," he said.

"So they're going to fight her every inch of the way. They just want growth, growth, growth, even though it's obvious that it's not sustainable.

"I think she's a brave lady, I reckon she will stand up to them."

But Aaron Gadiel, chief executive officer of Urban Taskforce Australia, a peak body representing the property development industry*, says a large population increases the tax base to fund improvements to infrastructure and welfare services.

"We shouldn't be trying to fight it, what we should be trying to do is ensuring that we've got the investment and infrastructure that makes that process easier to manage," he said.

"I think people should be focussing on how much state, federal and local governments have been investing in urban infrastructure to help absorb population growth."

A survey earlier in the year by the Lowy Institute found that almost three-quarters of Australians want to see the country's population grow, but not by too much.

The Lowy Institute surveyed more than 1,000 people and found that while there was support for increased immigration, Australians were not quite prepared to embrace the Government's predicted 36 million.

The poll showed 72 per cent of people supported a rise in Australia's population, but 69 per cent wanted it to remain below 30 million people.

New poll results

Meanwhile, a new Galaxy poll published today shows voters believe Ms Gillard will give Labor a better chance of winning the Federal Election than Mr Rudd, although they do not support the way she came to power.

Voters who were polled still believe Mr Rudd should be given a job on the frontbench.

The poll puts Labor in an election-winning position, jumping ahead of the Coalition by two percentage points on a two-party preferred basis, leading 52 per cent to 48 per cent.

A Herald/Nielson poll released yesterday showed Labor's primary vote climbing to 47 per cent, while support for the Coalition fell 1 point to 42 per cent.

However Mr Abbott earlier dismissed the figures and said he was not worried.

"Right now the new Prime Minister is enjoying a predictable bounce in the polls that was to be expected the Government has tried to fix the headlines," he said.

"But they can't fix the problems and the headlines won't stay fixed unless they fix the problem."

The latest poll has indicated that most of all voters just want the Government to get on with the job of running the country and are urging Ms Gillard to fix the mining tax debacle, stop wasting money and sort out the health system.

Voters insist Ms Gillard must move quickly to settle the mining tax issue, with 30 per cent of poll respondents saying it should be her first priority and 24 per cent saying she should fast-track health and hospital reforms.

Her third priority should be to get the Budget back into the black, they say.

Only 11 per cent of the 800 voters polled believe Ms Gillard should revive the emissions trading scheme to tackle climate change and 13 per cent feel she should get tougher on asylum seekers.

Labor's primary support has locked in at four points higher than after the Budget, on 41 per cent, but the Coalition has dropped only one point to 42 per cent and that loss has been at the expense of the minor partner, the National Party.

- *Editor's note: (July 8) the article has been amended to include further context about the Urban Taskforce Australia.


Topics: population-and-demographics, community-and-society, government-and-politics, federal-government, australia

First posted June 27, 2010 05:21:00